Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 446: Same night, different mentoring

"The higher the age of my family, the deeper it is. It is just that the body can't keep up with it. He is forced to peak. At most, it is only three or five fists. It's just that the three or five punches are under the universal sky. A few people can pick up..."

The words of the middle-aged man fell in the ear. In the field of vision, the red-lifted body rolled a few times on the ground, and the blood mixed with the dust, and the color was dark red. Ice @火! Chinese Ning Yi walked over there, his eyes gloomy, and pressed his palm to press the slightest painful forehead. He ran to the red side and walked halfway down. He reached out and tried to help her, but he did not dare to mess with his hands. Zhou Wei said over there: "You better not touch her."

Ning Yi looked at Zhou Wei, and there was no mood in his eyes. Not far away, Zhou Yan’s hands were deflated, carrying his back behind him: “Oh? Do you want to kill me?”

Ning Yi did not speak, red eyes swayed, reaching out to grab Ning Yi's arm, she struggled to think of getting up, "wow" is a blood spit. Ning Yi quickly grabbed her back. No matter how powerful the red martial arts, after all, the woman in her twenties is also extremely thin in the injured. Ning Yi almost hugged her as carefully as possible. The red mention is just grabbing his sleeves and doing well. For a long while, I only said: "Master Zhou does not want to kill, I, I am fine..."

"My three punches are caught by you. If you don't want to kill, it's hard to talk about." Zhou Wei looked at this side and paused, and said, "You play in the battle." I realized it, but faced with my old man, I thought about keeping my hand. This is very good. You can have such cultivation in these ages, obviously there are some adventures, which is not easy."

He said this, Ning Yi did not understand a bit. Red raised his head and looked at Ning Yi. Zhou Wei noticed her action, "Oh?", a little surprised.

At this time, the middle-aged man had already gone, and the red struggle struggling to sit up. A little bit of teasing, she was still quite serious when she was flying to the ground, and the situation is getting better and better. Zhou Wei waited a moment and said: "I don't know why you are evil Gaotai. The old man used to teach in the Imperial Boxing Hall and has a subordinate relationship with the Taifu House. It is a bit of incense. He should have accepted them. When necessary, I will do something necessary for the above. This time I am going to take the initiative, I am using this relationship, but I promised that it is Taifu, not necessarily which is too embarrassing. Let's just do this. You have to be careful with yourself. I am pushing the stack in the county town ahead. If your injury is a problem, we can go with it."

Ning Yi did not speak at the side of the red. It’s just that Zhou’s words were finished, and the red one spit out a breath and slowly stood up. Under the support of Ning Yi, he said: "The three punches of the predecessors are very inspiring to the red. If you succeed in the future, you must thank the teachings of the predecessors."

"I am hitting you, you are not injured, you can have a breakthrough. It is also your skill. You don't need to care about me." Zhou Wei took the hand and left, and remembered one thing, turned to look at Ning Yi, "Yes, Ning Gongzi actually It’s working under the right hand, isn’t it?”

"Almost." Ning Yi's tone is cold.

Zhou Hao nodded: "The right phase is a person with the ability, you are favored by him, and no wonder you can make this thing..." The voice is not high, and there is no sigh in the words.

When he became famous in the world, it happened to be the heyday of Qin Yuyuan. The Royal Boxing Museum is under the Royal and Military Departments. In the same year, Qin Yuyuan, the official position of the Ministry of Military Affairs, is, in a sense, one of his top bosses. Zhou Yi’s life was determined. When he was studying in the Royal Boxing Gymnasium, he also tried to lead several times in the Yuquan Box. However, Qin Yuyuan was a serious practitioner. He did not catch a cold on the martial arts. Ning Yi wanted to study martial arts in Hangzhou. The old man is also this attitude.

A person who is eager to learn martial arts may not even train his martial arts if he is a martial artist. It is as if Li Bai’s poetry is more heroic, and he himself is not necessarily what he can do. At the beginning of the day, Qin Yuyuan had a day-to-day plan, a head of a martial arts hall. Pay attention to it and vent it if you don’t pay attention. Zhou Yi’s life was not ambition in the official ambition, and there may not be a reason for Qin Yuyuan. However, when he talked about Qin Yuyuan, he also had to praise “he is a person with the ability”. Ning Yi can appreciate the appreciation of Qin Yuyuan. On his side, it seems that the mood is somewhat complicated. For these reasons, Ning Yi will be able to think clearly in the near future.

The other party did not seem to have a killer at the end, but Ning Yi’s mood was not good. However, in the current situation, Liangshan people have not appeared yet, and the red mention has also been injured. He will not pay any arrogance. Since the other party has invited him, Ning Yi will take the red and quickly follow him to the city.

The people of Liangshan did not appear in the end.

Zhou Wei’s master and servant took care of the red wounds and went unhappy. Soon after, this time they met each other, the atmosphere and the mood may not be able to get together into the Yiyuan County, Ning Yi and the red to the stack, and also had a meal at night. It can be seen that Zhou Hao’s feelings about Ning Yi are not necessarily good. However, it is quite satisfactory for the younger generation of the martial arts to have such a skill. In the speech, he pointed out a lot of experience on the martial arts. When the meal was about to finish, Zhou Wei said something to Ning Yi.

"Ning Gongzi, I have something, I want to ask you."

His tone is dull, and Ning Yi is not enthusiastic: "You said, I listen."

Zhou Wei simply said what he asked, Ning Yi nodded and nodded, and soon left with the red to return to the house. He has no good feelings for the world's first master. Although he can reasonably understand the bad habits of such masters, and may also be good for the red mention, but the injury to the red is not necessarily there. What a good mood. It’s just that this sense of disgust is not enough to kill him. This kind of master is too powerful. When Zhou Wei’s cultivation is done, the autumn wind is not moving, and he hates that he does not intend to kill him. Don't deal with it as well.

Just for the red mention, he also has some opinions in his heart. The red was sent back to the room, and according to the prescription she gave, she took some medicine and sent it to her. Then she gave her the hot water to wash her face, prepared a towel, etc. Ning Yi was ready to say. The red mention seemed quite satisfactory to the disciple's behavior of "respecting the teacher and paying attention to the teacher." Ning Yi was not swaying, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, and her hands were flat on her lap. Looking at Ning Yi busy to settle her, with a smile on his face, red face, little wife. But then I was read.

And the first sentence people are said. Often it is "not that I said you."

"I don't mean you." Ning Yi said with a frown. "I can't help it in the afternoon. People are the best in the world, and they are all over the iron. I have said it many times. This old man said that he wants to hit you." In order to face you must be hitting you, you actually still keep your hands. The old man said that you want to keep your hands, don’t you admit it, you are only in your twenties, and you are not invincible in the world, thinking in front of Zhou Wei Keep your hands and say that after you go out, everyone will say that you are alive. You should be Fangla or Sikongan!"

From the afternoon, Ning Yi was thinking about this matter in his heart, and he used his skill to raise his spirit. It is true that all the emotions can be placed in the heart of others. To yourself. It’s straightforward. Only after this was finished, the red reminder was watching him over there, and the smile became deeper. It’s just that the tone seems wronged.

"You... I really want to fight with the predecessors of the week when I don't keep my hands?"

"You can't keep your hands... Don't call it a predecessor, you don't like him."

"But... you also heard it. I am practicing on the battlefield. It is life and death to fight with all my strength. It is nothing to do with the lower martial arts. For the predecessors of this week, if I don't keep my hands, He can't keep his hand. Today, if you want to win or lose, you can't stop... so, I must be dead today..."

At the end of the red mention, the tone was soft, Ning Yi frowned, and the expression was stiff for a while before waving: "This way... then forget it, this guy's martial arts is really too high, he can make it like three punches... It’s an old monster..."

Red shook his head and said: "No, if he really wants to kill, I can still get up and protect you from it..."

Having said that, his face was slightly red, and Ning Yi groaned: "That... you... deceive..."

The blushing woman continued to shake her head hard: "No, I have to fight up immediately, and I will be in a difficult situation. If I let it go, I will adjust my interest. It will be fine. Um... It is always better. ......"

After calmly speaking these words, the red face was restored to normal, and I looked at Ning Yi.

"However, the thing that the predecessors of the week asked for you... Are you ready to promise him?"

Ning Yi’s face was serious, and for a moment, he shook his head indifferently: “Let’s say...”

Since Ning Yi and others stayed in the inn, soon after, there were people from the government and people who were found in Dulonggang scattered around the county to find him. After Ning Yi settled in the red, he made arrangements with him. Since he had nothing to do, there was a red lover and Zhou Wei in the inn, and the servant named "Fu Lu" around Zhou Wei, then It is the large-scale cleaning of the Zhuxi and Anping counties by officers and soldiers and Dulonggang. On Ningyi's side, there is not much follow-up trouble.

When he approached these people, Zhou Wei also looked around, and then he could only sigh with the young man's ability. The catastrophe of Qilu Green Forest seemed inevitable. Just because of his mood and thoughts at this time, he is too lazy to take the lead in these green forests. In a sense, on the side of Zhou Wei, there is also a feeling that "poor people must have hatefulness", some things It’s really a matter of self-sufficiency and resentment.

In this inn in Yiyuan County, Ning Yi and Hong lived in two rooms. Due to the relationship with the boss, Zhou Wei lived in an independent small courtyard behind the inn. I don't know because it is a habit or something. When the night is getting darker, Zhou Wei didn't sleep. He slowly practiced a set of punches in the courtyard, then sat down with tea and ordered an oil lamp to write a military chanting until late at night. After the time of the child, he took a wooden stick in the courtyard and practiced a simple stick method. Soon, the night watcher knocked on the copper gong. Outside the back door of the courtyard, a figure hesitated on the dark road. It had been lingering for a long time. When he finally got a little courage, the courtyard door opened, and the light dripped out from the inside. It appeared at the door, as a servant of Zhou Wei. Middle-aged man Fu Lu, with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to the man outside.

"Lin Chong, don't think too much, come in."

"Master brother..." At this time, standing on the street outside the door, it was Lin Chong, tears in his eyes. "I saw Master coming today... Master, his old man..."

"Oh, don't want to sound. Master, he knows."

Lin Chong nodded and walked inside, entering the courtyard door, and he saw the old man who was standing in the corner of the courtyard and waving his stick in a small amount. When he was hot in his eyes, he squatted and his head went down.


It is like a thousand words stuck in the throat. Lin Chong’s voice whimpered, but he couldn’t speak, only licked three heads, and the old man swayed in the corner. Without speaking, he has been lying on the ground.

Time passes by, the courtyard, the night. Only Zhou Hao occasionally screamed and screamed. Under the eaves here, Fu Lu caged his sleeves and stood there watching quietly. After nearly half a quarter of an hour, the sticks in Zhou Wei’s hands stopped and the old voice sounded.

"What are you doing..."

"...What are you doing?"

The atmosphere that was almost suffocating in the courtyard was only a little relieved. Lin Chongzhen was there, his body was slightly trembling. He practiced martial arts at an early age. Not necessarily his closest master. But definitely the most important master. All this is also because the Royal Boxing Gym is not a private martial art. Even if Zhou Wei closed his door to collect disciples, the number of people is not too small, the feelings between men and women. It may not be as close as a general private martial art.

For Zhou Wei, Lin Chong is revered in his heart. But for this reason. When Zhou Yu left the Imperial Boxing Hall a few years ago, the mentor and the teacher actually had no connection. Therefore, when they had an accident, they could not find and did not think about finding the Master to help. Later, Lin Chong, who knew Zhou Wei’s correct personality, knew that there would be no turning back. He had never thought before that he could meet the master who had been idle since the departure, but since he saw it today, he had to come.

In fact, in his mind, let alone look forward to the understanding of these few relatives and friends?

"Disciples and disciples are helpless, and they know that Master must punish, but..."

"Responsibility?" Lin Chong's words have not been finished, the old man over there has already laughed, "Calling... Why should I punish you? Lin Chong, I am old, and you have already turned against. What is the opposite? If you are a man and a teacher, you will find it difficult to get tied to you. Why do I have to punish you and punish you... can I still use it?"

Lin Chong’s forehead squats down: “Only Master’s teachings, Lin Chong has never dared to forget, just... it’s really a grievance...”

"I know!" The old man raised his voice and nodded. "I know what you have experienced, I have heard it! Your wife is seen in the stilts, and you are so bad, too small. People are stalked, planted and framed! You have no way to go, and grass is awkward. These... I have heard of it! But I just want to ask you one thing."

Zhou Wei stood in front of the courtyard and put the stick on the ground. Lin Chong slightly raised his head: "Master..."

"I only ask you! Why do you want to fall into the grass!"

The words echoed in the courtyard, and Lin Chong had some hesitation and confusion in his eyes: "The disciple... there is no way to go..."

"Why is there a way to go for it?"

"Is there a way to go and no grass? Is it related??"

"You can still remember my words!?"

These three questions echoed in the yard, ringing in Lin Chong’s ear, and Lin Chong’s eyes were confused: “Disciples... I don’t know what the Master said...”

Zhou Xiao smiled: "I have forgotten it, it doesn't matter, give me a stand up! Pull your gun! I teach you martial arts, do you remember?"

"The disciple did not dare to forget..." Lin Chong staggered and stood up, taking out the steel gun behind him. Just listen to Zhou Weidao: "Show me the posture!" Lin Chong put on a cross-gun posture, Zhou Wei said: "The gun front!" Lin Chong pointed the tip of the gun at the front, Zhou Wei strode Come over: "Good! Come kill me!"

Lin Chong’s body was shocked, and the long gun in his hand almost fell. There was a wooden stick in the hand, and there was no defensive move: “Come on! Come and kill me! What are you hesitating!”


"Less Luo! You are hesitant! You are the anti-reverse! You have turned this national son! You should shoot at anyone! Think about your wife! Think about the grievances you have suffered! You can only go to the grass without a road." Why are you living! Just because you are robbing others! Eat the flesh of others and drink the blood of others! If you are such a person, you should let go of all taboos! If you have fallen grass, you should kill all those who are in front of you. My temperament is pedantic, and you are bound to not let you fall into the chaos. What can you kill when you kill a master! Come! Kill me, follow the thorn here! Here-"

Zhou Hao shouted loudly and came over step by step. Although he had a stick with his hand, he did not have any defensive posture. He grabbed Lin Chong’s gunpoint, pointed his throat, and then pointed his heart. Lin Chong hesitated to retreat, almost unable to hold the gun. In fact, if Zhou Wei said that he wants to test his martial arts, he may still dare to shoot, but Zhou Wei said "kill me." For the sorcerer, he did not dare to shoot anyway.

Zhou Wei let go of the gunpoint and sneered: "The arrogant! Your master was the best in the world a few years ago. I let you shoot and you will kill me? You didn't even dare to shoot a gun? You really Afraid to kill me!?"

Lin Chong released the steel gun and slammed into the ground.

In the past, between the masters and the apprentices, they were not allowed to pay attention. In the Imperial Boxing Gym, although Zhou Yi’s teaching martial arts was strict, but the mentoring and the apprentices were not too close, he only knew the seriousness and correctness of Zhou Wei. Coming tonight, he had thought about all kinds of treatments he had received. Whether he was accused of punishing him, he understood him or even killed him, it was in line with his understanding of this Master. However, after I came here, everything that happened was out of the expectation of Lin Chong. It’s like killing everything when you fall into the grass. You thought you could kill me. The sentence is a theory of heart. At this time, he can only kneel down and have a decisive look in his eyes.

"The disciple knows that he is guilty of sin, it is difficult to clean up, and it is difficult to get Master's forgiveness. But although Lin Chong went up the mountain and fell into the grass, he was morally righteous or forgotten in his heart. Today, no matter how he dares to shoot at Master, it is Master who wants to kill... ”

There was a decision in my heart, and this passage became decisive. He was there, his eyes were clear and firm, but he stood not far in front of him, and his tall Zhou Yu had already laughed, as if he had heard something. Ironic ghosts.

"Ha ha ha ha... hahahaha - moral in the heart, no time or forget, hahahaha... I am going to your mother-"

In this world, the first person stepped forward, and at the moment when Lin Chong’s mistake was raised, a heavy kick kicked on Lin Chong’s chest. The strength of this foot was that Lin Chong flew out of the whole person toward the rear. Like a cannonball, he slammed the wooden door of the courtyard. The body shape rolled out on the dark streets outside the courtyard, and I did not know how far it was kicked.

The voice of Zhou Wei came out from the yard, and there was a kind of disappointment in the discourse that found the dead wood difficult to carve.

"I am going to be in the future... there is no such disciple, coward."

The wind whimpered through the long street, the night was dark like ink, in that darkness, only the sound of blood dripping...

Soon after ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ someone stood up and staggered and stood there, staggering...

In the room of the rear inn, someone secretly listened to the movement here, but at this time he shook his head with some exclamation.

"Hey, I really have a good master..."

At the gate of the courtyard, Froe stood there quietly for a long time, until he watched the figure in the dark like the funeral dog's coughing blood, and then silently closed the courtyard door.

Just arrived home, a bit late...

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