Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 447: The knife of the literati

The night wind blew, and the stars above the sky were dark. In the quiet county seat of the county, with a few bangs, the door was closed, only in the gap, a little bit of light oozing. The strength of Zhou Wei’s foot was large, but the direction was accurate. Lin Chong’s back just hit the two door panels, only the door bolt was broken. Fulu found a wooden stick instead and bolted the door.

When I turned back, the old man who had been angry before was sitting on the stone bench in the courtyard, holding a tea cup waiting for the tea cooked on the stove next to it, and the bright light of the fire extinguished the old man's face. In the past, Fu Lu picked up the fire: "Actually... Lin Shidi really has a hard time..."

The old man who was angry before, shook his head at this time, but it did not mean negation, but it seemed to have some meaning. He held the little teacup and closed his eyes to think about it. The courtyard was quiet for a long while, and Zhou Wei was only open.

"In that year, among the several disciples I received, Lin Chong was the most talented, and the dance was the best. The teachers and brothers learned and won the most." The old man raised his head slightly, and his speech speed was not fast. Recalling, "He has a good relationship with everyone, and there are also contacts with you. But among those disciples, I don't like him. I don't know about Lin Chong, but you asked me... Do you remember?"

Fulu thought for a moment and nodded: "Remember, at that time, the master just admitted the matter, but did not say the reason. I always thought that Lin Shidi was doing something wrong in private so that Master knew you. He had alienated him for a while. It is also often observed in the dark. Later, I found that Lin’s character is not bad. I only thought that it was the owner who misunderstood what.”

"You are the brothers of all of them. With me for the longest time, I can naturally see my likes and dislikes. But you guessed it wrong. It was just at the time, I can't say it, can you see it now?"

"Is Lin Shidi's temper... too weak?"

"Be able to fall all the way to kill so many people, the **** can not be said to be weak." Zhou Hao shook his head and opened his eyes. "In his heart, there is a knife."

I can hear this. Fulu hesitated: "I remember that. You have been saying that martial arts people want to hide their knives..."

"Yeah, the martial arts people want to hide the knife." Zhou Yan sighed, at this time the tea has rolled. He took the kettle off and started to tea. Late night in the courtyard. The atmosphere of boiling tea is boiling. "At the beginning, I taught the Royal Boxing Gymnasium, among the disciples. It is the generation of savage and savage. If it is the use of force to fight and kill, what are I teaching? So Shi Wengong martial arts Gao, I really don't like him. Well, Shi Wengong, his name is history, there is a text, there is a Christ, I thought he was a modest and modest person. And Lin Chong’s name is actually a rush, but it is actually Come back."

The teapot was put down: "It was also because I didn't want to let the martial arts people chaos. I told the disciples that they should hide their knives, and even told them that they couldn't bear to endure when they couldn't bear it. Because they always felt that they couldn't bear it when they could bear it. Ke Linchong grew up in a rich place since childhood, but his understanding is high, but he also let him know the rules very well. So he has a high degree of martial arts, I only said that he is a good shelf. I said Tibetan knife, but if there is no knife in my heart, what is the martial arts person? Lin Chong is too rules, so I don't like it, but at the time, I am not very good at saying this."

The words of the old man stopped in the wind. Fu Lu thought for a while and sighed: "In fact, Lin Shidi was very loyal at the time, so everyone liked him..."

Zhou Hao shook his head: "The loyalty is heroic, it is not a knife, it is just a person's disposition. Master Tan once told me that in the good world, the literati has a ruler in his heart, using it to measure the human heart and determine the rules. In the heart of the martial arts, there must be a knife. This knife is too good, but it does not work. But when those rules are old, they are not suitable. The world is gone. The martial arts must cut it with a knife. So there are new rules. come out."

He looked down at the tea in the cup: "Things are like this, because the people of martial arts, the heart is the most sensitive, and the anger is splashed with ten steps. The knife in the heart is the blood of the conscience, and it is wrong to be right or wrong. The literati have determined the rules, but they will only tinker with them and do a lot of reasons for doing something wrong. But the conscience is the most direct, the wrong is definitely a problem, it is necessary to break his rules! So heroic is not a knife The knife is right or wrong, it is a great wisdom, it is a killing rule!"

"The world is forced to helpless, are they going up the mountain? Because everyone is doing this, so it is not a knife! It is not a knife to follow the flow. It is a knife to do things that others can’t do or do! The heart remembers morality, but it is said every day. It is not a knife that is forced to be helpless. The righteousness is thousands of people and it is a knife! Lin Chong has no knife in his heart. He is forced to do so. He still only dares to live in the rules, because he knows that he is forced to go up the mountain.匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 匪 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上What is the use of his martial arts? It’s a waste!"

The old man drank the tea and put down the cup. There was a clear anger in the half-white look. Flowe nodded silently, but he also sighed. Although the old man said that he least liked Lin Chong, in fact, after learning about Lin Chong, what he did for Lin Shidi has gone far beyond other brothers and sisters, including the opening of the Ning Liheng. This disciple has a way of life, and Fu Lu can also see that the old man actually does not like the Ning Liheng very much. The old man loves the strict and distinct character. This opening is that there is a human condition.

As soon as he learned of the death of Shi Wengong, the old man only snorted and sighed. In retrospect, although Lin Shidi's heart was weak, his youngsters grew smoothly, and they were as beautiful as they were in the ban. If there was no later event, it would be a happy life. At this time, the old man was angry with him, and he did not feel the anger of the evil in the world.

The night was deep, and the old man sat in the courtyard for a while, and suddenly there were birds flying. Fu Lu reached out and caught the bird, nodded to Zhou Hao, and then extinguished the light. The master and the servant left the yard and went all the way to the grove outside the county town. Soon after, there were four more figures coming. The first was a middle-aged woman. The three people behind him, the first to look after, the two behind. When the four came over, Zhou Wei and Fu Lu stood on the side of the small pond in the woods. The middle-aged woman came and called: "Master." Zhou Hao nodded, and the sickle was coming to see him.

"Lu Qian has seen Master Zhou Da. It has been so late. Call me and so on..."

"Gossip is off the hook." Zhou Wei’s figure turned his back to the side and waved his hand. "The matter of Gao Taizhen’s account has been done."

"Ah. Ning and Lu are really already..."

"The old man still has another thing. To ask Lu Hao to tell the Taihu adults. Come over, I will talk to you."


Zhou Wei is the first person in the world, and his temperament is proud. Since I met, my attitude towards these people is not good. Lu Qian was interrupted by his words several times, and he did not think it was strange. He arched his hand and passed it. He stopped behind Zhou Yi’s body. Zhou Hao carried his hands and looked at the silence in the night for a moment. He finally said: "In the city of Liangliang, the son of Gaochun is too old for the flowers, and the woman who looks at it is yours?"

Lu Qian has a slight glimpse.

"Lin Chong is a good friend with you, but he spends too much time to look at his wife, and it is also your design, right?"

Lu Qian saw Zhou Wei turned around, his eyes looked at him like a tiger, arched his hands, and his feet had subconsciously wanted to withdraw one step: "Below..."

"Shameless people!"

Zhou Hao waved his hand and photographed it. At that moment, Lu Qian wanted to move, and the arm wanted to lift up to block the first gear, but everything failed to become a reality. In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Hao raised his palm to Lu Qian’s The head was lightly patted, and Lu Qian’s body was shocked.

"...I can leave you."

When the voice fell, Lu Qian’s body smashed down and then fell down. Not far away, Lu Qian’s two followers watched the battle: "You, you... you killed..."

"Wen Ying, Fu Lu, kill them, deal with it." Zhou Yi finished the sleeves, turned his hands and turned away, Fu Lu's figure did not move, the middle-aged woman named Wen Ying, a hand, two darts Inserted on the heads of the two people, Zhou Wei stopped and turned his head. The figure has fallen: "Oh, this Lu Qian is dead, try not to let people know, don't preach."

Fulu arched the hand: "Yes." After explaining this, Zhou Hao drifted away. The woman named Wen Ying was biased: "The person who killed the Taifu government naturally cannot let people know, why should the owner specifically order it." Her name is Zuo Wenying, and it was originally Zhou Fu. The servant, and later the two have become married. Fu Ludao: "Fang Cailin's younger brother has come and let Master go. Master has already seen this Lu Haohou, naturally he can't let him go back to harm other people, just let Lin Shidi know that the enemy has not reported, Xu can have some power."

Zuo Wenying shook his head: "You said that Lin's younger brother is good, but I can't get rid of him. The family is broken, and I only know that I am going up the mountain! This kind of sex, you can say that it is a man!"

Fu Lu sighed: "The same is true of Master." In the woods, the body was packed in sacks, mixed with stones and sunk at the bottom of the lake. While he was doing it, he told Lin Chong about the process of seeing Zhou Wei. I can’t help but feel awkward.

"Hey, Lin Shidi has been practicing martial arts since childhood, and he has done a good job in martial arts. In fact, he is a person who has no desire to read. He is only a foreigner and has a bad luck. Although he is a good man, he sees Lin’s temperament and temper. It’s just that this temper, the average person may not be able to withstand it. He will be disheartened when he leaves this place. It’s hard to say if he can live. If he can tell Master’s later words clearly, he may still Can live some..."

"He was forced to realize this level and couldn't realize himself. If he only said something and could help him where he went, even if he had some insights, he would not be his own! I see, your temperament is some mother-in-law." Wenying grinned and shook his head. "If you look at me, you have to think about it. The most important thing, you never thought of it."

"Well?" Fulu frowned and looked at his wife.

"Because he is a disciple of Zhou Wei!" Zuo Wenying will always kick the sack into the lake, raise his chin, look stunned, and smash the iron. "He is the first disciple of the world! You can blame yourself all day, ask others Going to persuade! He is the master's disciple and has mastered the master's martial arts! In these cases, he can retreat and weaken, so what is the pity of his death! Who has not encountered difficulties, you and I have not? My family was not dead at the time! He is a disciple of Zhou Wei, and he should know that he can do anything in this matter. If he can hide it, he should not go to work! He is a disciple of Zhou Wei, big and bad, Why can't you ask for more! I think about big and big things all day long, don't forget morality, and think about it as a last resort, doing evil things all over the place! Just talk about it and think about it, then die if you die! Hey! ”

Fu Lu looked at his wife who was talking arrogantly, and gradually laughed and nodded: "Sure enough... you know Master's personality best, I really want to be embarrassed. No wonder everyone said that you are a girl, not my eyebrows, my temper. It’s a bit soft, like Master’s, there’s no knife in my heart, it’s not good...”

He did this review to his wife, and he praised himself. Although he was a husband and wife for many years, his face was slightly reddish, but he couldn’t see it clearly in the dark. www.wuxiaspot.com~ You have a knife in your heart. I know that this matter will do. "After a moment, add another sentence," Master also knows. ”

This night, quietly passed. The next morning, more people came over. Ning Yi handled how to sweep the plans of Zhuxi and Anping, and went to see the red. At noon on this day, Zhou Wei’s master and servant left Yiyuan County. Just before leaving, it was like saying something to the red, which made the red sullen and unhappy...

Beginning in November, ask for a monthly pass! ! ! ^_^ (To be continued..)

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