Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 448: The heart is hard to leave.

On July 18 and July 19, the army of the imperial court and the people of Dulonggang rushed to Jeju. At the same time, the news of Song Jiang and other Liangshan people who were in the last place was also spread by the government. ..

From Zhuxi to Anping, the green foresters who participated in the squatting were doing the birds and beasts. They felt that they had sinned the Ning people and cleaned up the grass. However, when one or two thousand people started to sweep away from Zhuxi, there are still many people. Was affected and cleaned up. The specific ones of these people who care about Ning Yi do not care, things have basically been done, and he has no need to personally participate. As for the post-mortem murder and anger, he is not keen on this, Wurui camp or Dulonggang, there is a set of methods for dealing with such things, either the official, or the rivers and lakes. After processing, it will maintain the next deterrent.

Of course, there are some follow-up issues that have been coming over in the next dice. For example, the governor of Wuruiying, the officials who visited or invited the officials, after the end of the situation in Liangshan, no one dared to despise the existence of Ning Yi here. Ning Yi sent it one by one and spent a lot of time.

By July 19th, Wang Shanyue, Zhu Xi and others also came over, met Ning Yi, and also met Lu Hongti. For Ning Yi’s master is such a young woman, everyone is amazed. However, young is also relative to the "Master" status, Lu Hongti is three or four years older than Ning Yi. In the eyes of Ning Yi, the red is the beautiful age of youth. For Wang Shanyue and others, her generation is bigger than Ning Yi, and it is not very difficult to accept.

Between Ning Yi and Red, the next two days to get along with the atmosphere, in fact, there is a slight gap, this gap is when Wang Shanyue and others came, but in fact, in the heart of the red may be even earlier. For Ning Yi, it can be vaguely aware of the mental defense that the red-lifting consciousness has established, but in fact, in the first few days, he has to do a lot of things, even if it is only some entertainment, it actually takes up plenty of time.

For the red, he brewed something in his heart. And in these two days, he invited people to call the best cooks in several nearby counties, so that every meal they eat together is the most delicate and best thing in the vicinity. For Ning Yi, there is no need for vulgar reasons to do such a thing. If you can do this, you will not do it. He does not mind the worst, nor does he avoid the best. The conversation between the two people in each squat is also about the time of eating and after the night falls.

The red-lifted injury is not serious, at least after Zhou Yi left, she has already recovered on the surface. The two lived in the small courtyard left by Zhou Wei. Every night, they would still give Ning Yi a push to push the palace. Ning Yi originally thought that her injury had not healed and refused, but Lu Hongti was quite Persevere, it is up to her to go.

When the two are together, it is often said that Ning Yi said that the red is listening, she has something to worry about, and when she receives the call, it is not much. Waiting until Wang Shanyue and other people come over, Red mentions more about Master's image in front of Ning Yi. Because there are often people around, even if you have a relatively intimate mood, you can't show it yourself. Although the surname of the red mention is easy, at this time, it is the elder of Ning Yi. Wang Shanyue and others are not very close to her.

At noon on July 21st, Ning Yi handled the meeting with Jeju, and received the red to mention the best restaurant in the town of Yiyuan County. The dishes were not much, but naturally it was the best. During the meal, the team in the county town went through the drums downstairs, and the red watched for a while, Ning Yi looked in his eyes. After returning to the courtyard, he said something, but then someone came to visit, and Ning Yi temporarily dismissed the idea and went out to treat the guests.

In the afternoon sun, when Wang Shanyue walked through the courtyard corridor, he saw the tall woman standing quietly in the light of the courtyard, leaning her head slightly, seemingly a bit lonely. But then Red turned his head and smiled at him and said hello.

After a while, Wang Shanyue and Ning Yi went out on horseback, but he raised it with some care: "Looks like...Last predecessors, some things..."

"Well, I know." Ning Yi nodded.

Some things have been hovering in Ning Yi’s mind. He is ready to handle the matter and talk to him in the evening. However, in the afternoon, suddenly someone came over and reported that Lu girl had packed up the bag and left the city. It only gave Ning Yi a message that she had returned. The Dulonggang management who passed the message thought that this matter might be very important. . Ning Yi frowned, pushed away the entertainment with the officials, and chased after going all the way.

It was not long before the time passed. The manager may have noticed that the identity of the red person is important. He also told people to follow him in the back. It was not far from the city. The red man entered the forest and the man lost. Ning Yi went all the way to the highest hill nearby, and went to the top of the mountain, where the sun shone. He can't see people, but how much can know that the other side should be nearby.

Followed by Wang Shanyue at the rear, Ning Yi shouted on the hill: "Lu Hongti - you give me back -"

With the internal force of breaking the six roads, the sound spread far and wide between the mountains and forests, and the echo was heard.

"I know what you are thinking - I have something to tell you! But no matter if you can't come back, you can listen to me - wait for me to go to Luliangshan to find you-"

The voice of "When I went to Luliangshan to find you" echoed in the forest, and Ning Yi then shouted twice. After standing for a while, Lema returned, Wang Shanyue saw his expression, and some words wanted to ask, but could not get out. Is this true to the mentoring?

Thinking about this, they returned along the road. After getting on the road, Ning Yi immediately told others to take the map around. He chose the route that the average person would return to Luliang, and immediately ordered the nearby officers and soldiers to investigate closely. Then he went in the direction. Wang Shanyue said: "You didn't say to Luliangshan-"

Ning Yi’s eyes are grim: “What a joke, if there is anything that’s hard to say, I’m going to Luliangshan. I’m just saying that she is paralyzing her. Let’s go to the road ahead and wait for her!”

Several people rushed all the way, after more than ten miles, found a dark carriage in the nearby station, and then quietly waited near the intersection. Ning Yi grasped the fist and pressed it on his knees, waiting for the red figure to pass from the roadside. However, time flies at a moment, and this day waits until dusk, the sun sets, the color of blush is ignited, and she is not seen. Then she waits until the sky is dark, and Ning Yi’s brow is wrinkled and deeper. I suspected that the soldiers at the intersection were too serious, and even told people to swear that they were lazy. The night is getting deeper, and the sound of the wind and the sound of animals sound in the mountains. Ning Yi put down the curtain and finally laughed at himself, letting the carriage return all the way.

There was only one small station on the road back. Ning Yi and Wang Shanyue went to the station to ask if there was such a person as Lu Hongti to come to the house, but the answer was no. It is estimated that she lived in the mountain forest this evening. Ning Yi and others asked for a room in the station, and they stayed here for the time being.

The road passed from the outside, and the front and rear of the station were also mountainous. Ning Yi sat in the darkness for a long time and looked at the large black forest. Perhaps... Wen Hao, they are right, they are sure, not very picky.

Before and after the child, the wolf was heard in the mountains, and the sound mixed with the mountain wind, and the darkness near and near was isolated. Under the sky, only the little station that was wrapped in darkness lit a little light. Ning Yi went back to the room in the station and pushed the door to the bed. He remembered that he didn’t have a light, he was about to turn around, and he felt a moving feeling behind him. He turned back, the red eyes were in the dark, and one hand Go around and gently press it behind his head.

Ning Yi’s body is stiff and paralyzed, her limbs are weak, she can’t talk, and even the feeling of tiredness is coming up, but it’s really red, she is holding Ning Yi, letting him lie down on the bed, his fingers still holding him. The hindbrain is in a state before he will be in a coma, and he can hear her clearly.

"I, I have been watching you..."

Red lifted his body, his voice slightly with some whimper, but with the feeling of repression, the water drops and fell on Ning Yi's face, warm and moist.

"You are too embarrassed, I am leaving, I, I don't want you to talk, because you are too smart, if you talk, I will definitely not go..." She sucked her nose. "You expect everything." Arrived, but what you didn't expect is that after you chase it, I will follow you behind, I can't bear to go, I want to see you more, you only have this idea..."

"I, I saw you rushing over like this, waiting for you at Luca, trying to catch me. Seeing you very angry, seeing you are very annoyed...you are not in that worst environment, Even if it is in Hangzhou, or if we are being chased in the mountains, you have not been like that. I can’t say happiness in my heart. Ning Liheng... But I am your master..."

"I know it shouldn't be like this, I, I am too old, and I am your master... I don't know why, I have you in my heart, I am not worthy of you..." She tried to suppress her emotions," I originally thought, just came down to meet you, but when I met Liangshan people, I want to help you, can only be said to be your master. You are a good person, I know that you see my heart, I I also know that you have been embarrassed these days... but I have already decided, I am leaving.

She said: "This is the best result. The predecessors of the week are right. Since we are already a mentor, we shouldn’t be a couple... Oh, a couple... I was thinking about it. I don’t want to hear from you. I don't want to be good or bad. I made a decision. You can't stop me. I just want to... come over... I will finish this with you. Don't move, you will fall asleep soon, get up tomorrow morning, I am not here, don't look for me, I really made a decision, I..."

Her voice choked, her fingers were about to force, let Ning Yi sleep, but in the dark light, Ning Yi squinted, the blood vessels on his forehead had already bulged. The blood and blood handling, broken six internal forces strive to keep his awake, squeeze the blood vessels meridized by the red. Red shook his head and shook his head: "What are you doing... you don't do this..."

She can naturally let Ning Yi sleep, but as a result, Ning Yi is bound to be seriously injured. In fact, at this time, running blood on his head has caused tremendous pressure on him. Ning Yi’s eyes are fierce, lips After shaking a few times, I said hard: "You... listen..."

After the red release of his brain, he slammed, and blood poured out from Ning Yi’s mouth. She panicked at all, and the blood on her hands also came up. The hot fingers tried to relieve the blood on Ning Yi’s head. Ning Yi took a few breaths and stared at her. One hand tried to lift her strength and lifted it up. Grab it on her clothes, no matter where it was caught. The red finger was still pressing on his forehead and shook his head. "You don't do this... you don't move..."

Ning Yi gritted his teeth and violently pushed the whole body of the red to the bed. The two almost rolled to the side of the bed. Red worried about his condition, he was accommodating his strength. At this time, Ning Yi’s half body was almost pressed against her. Red hands pressed on both sides of his forehead and wanted to talk, but then widened his eyes because Ning Yi has violently put her arm into her clothes, sticking to the skin and reaching up to her chest. She couldn’t speak, because Ning Yi’s body leaned down and pressed her lips to her mouth. On ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the first time that Red Tie feels such a taste, the breath of blood, meets in each other's mouth, soft, warm and bloody, and Ning Yi's hand has been directly caught In her chest room.

"I..." Ning Yi left her lips slightly away from her lips and tried to keep her consciousness. "I, I can accept you to make your decision... and do things that I don't like to me! But...you I have to listen to what I have to say. I want to stay with you..."

He said, the arm pulled down: "Even if this is... I don't hesitate!" Ning Yi squatted on her, breathing fast, the blood is still dripping from the mouth, there is not much effort, but with With a wave of his arm, he pulled the red skirt and waistband down toward the bottom. Because of the red lying there, the force of the next one pulled the red skirt and the trousers apart, revealing the hips. With the legs, Ning Yi’s hand stopped between her legs.

Ning Yi is on her body, trying to maintain her consciousness is not fainting, the red mention has been scared by his arrogance in this moment, her martial arts do not know how many times higher than Ning Yi, at this time even rebellious No, after a long while, according to Ning Yi’s forehead, he suppressed and cried out...

Seeking a monthly ticket, ah! (To be continued.)

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