Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 449: Gift 1 is willing to remember the coming year

The door closed and the wind went outside the gallery. The lights in the room were lit up, the basin was placed on the stool next to the chuáng, and the red cheek was sitting on the side of the chuáng, and the hands were Ning Yi.

Wang Shanyue and others have been alarmed by the sound, came over and asked a sentence, see the red mention, then went back.

Compared with the great pain caused by the break of the six-way operation, the pain on the head has been greatly alleviated under the pressure of the red finger. But with the feeling of soothing, the huge exhaustion and relaxation also made him need a lot of perseverance to stay awake, and there was a burst of sway in front of him.

One hand was still caught on the edge of the red clothes, but not long after, there was no strength in his hand, his arm fell, and he rested on the red tutu. For a woman, such a position is no different from the sleekness of the genius. It’s just that the red one doesn’t dare to break away. It’s just saying, “I’m not leaving, waiting for you to wake up... you rest first...”

Ning Yi shook his head weakly: "I don't believe you..."

He took a breath and tried hard and intermittently.

"... Actually, from that night, under the stone, I held you for the second time... You didn't push me away, I knew, I have been thinking for a few days... I think about Luliangshan. ......"

He lay there, closed his eyes, breathed back and forth several times, and then opened it: "I used to admire your life, some things, think too romantic... I am too pragmatic to do things, I always think about Luliang Things, thinking... I’m going to summarize things, after I’ve made a decision, I want to tell you tonight... a little late...”

Red eyes with tears, shaking his head: "You don't want Lu Liang... I don't want you..."

"If you want Lu Liang, you can't do it." Ning Yi smiled and looked deep. He didn't play. "I am not... what a hairy boy, and there is Lu Liang behind you, it drags me down. You have a part of Luliang Mountain. You can't let them go, this is a good thing, because this... I admire you and like you. If I want you, I have to be mentally prepared... well, I may have this ability too..."

In the light of the beans, the red figure leaned over and sucked his nose. She came over this road and didn't call it bitter. She only thought that those things she had to do for sure. She could eat dried cakes with bitter leaves, but she didn't feel that Ning Yi had such delicious things. It’s not right, Lu Liangshan is so bitter... No one can say that she wants to share Lu Liang for her. She even thought that the Qingmu Village on her back would affect the perception of her husband’s family. Will be involved in others. At this time, the hands were still pressed on Ning Yi’s head. When the tears fell, they could not reach out and wipe them off on Ning Yi’s clothes.

Ning Yi was weak and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes for a moment, he sorted out his thoughts.

"It's a pity... I still think about it for a long time. If you leave today, I will be very sad, because I can't go through it for a while... And, are you afraid to marry?"

Red reminds the emotions and shakes his head: "I am too old... I am your master... I don't want Luliangshan to drag you down..."

She is emotional and speaks a little bit intermittently. Ning Yi shook his head.

"I don't care about those, you want to be my master! I will do what I am doing, what Zhou Wei told you, **** old things..."

"No, the predecessors did not say too much, he just mentioned it."

"I don't care about those! There is always a solution. You just have to listen to me! I am tired of Su Wenzhao's little things. I said all day... I won't pick up girls. I have already hugged you, my mouth is also kissed. The clothes are also off, you are my woman, as long as I listen to me, as far as Lu Liangshan... As for Luliangshan..."

He snorted, sighed and stayed awake: "You know me... Why do you want to come out to do things... Why do you want to help Qin Yuyuan..."

"You, you said when you were in Hangzhou, the Liao people will go south, they will be charred, so you..."

"Oh, that is the thing to face...but it is not the reason." Ning Yi shook his head slightly. "The reason is... When I fled, someone was hungry, almost hungry to death, there was...very small Girl...and Qian Xiwen, the death of several children with his family... Oh, I am not a stone heart. Many times, I feel very pitiful, I will feel that I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it, I will want to do it. Some things that we can do... In fact, all the time, you love the people around you, love the country or something, there is no reason, there must be something worthwhile, if you say that all the wicked people on Liangshan, if they are all those What about the disgusting things that don’t go to the wall, how about the Liao people going south? They are dead, and my eyes won’t blink...”

"And... I can't stand it..."

Ning Yi closed his eyes and opened it for a while: "You... your business, I can't stand it anymore, I like you very much, I think you are very good, but in those days in the woods, I think A lot of things, when I saw you eating those things... I can't stand it. I don't pity you, don't think... I pity you... I am just very touched, for you, the world should not be like this... ..."

Red is crying. Ning Yi was silent for a while and felt that his thoughts were about to reach the limit.

"I used to ask you, what do you want, teach me martial arts, you said that for the world to open peace, that time is a joke, but now it is different... I want you, you are not happy to be my But I want to make you happy as much as possible, so I want to ask you... ask you again..."

Ning Yi lifted his arm and turned to look at her, laughing a little weakly.

"I want to ask you... what do you want, what can make you happy, whether it is a big wish..."

His tone was weak, and there was a silhouette of a woman whispering on the window, and the faint voice seemed to be ringing in the wind.

"You said it, I will get it, tie the bow... before delivery to you..."

"...I may have to sleep... don't go... well..."

Time gradually passed away in the night wind, and Ning Yi sometimes woke up and slept, and the mental injury led to mental weakness and a little dependence on mímí. Wake up, when you think of it, you must confirm whether the red is still there, but in this mood, perhaps even he himself has some mí paste. Red reminded him to relieve the blood, and persuaded him to set his mind, don't think too much, but Ning Yi just shook his head and refused to pull her clothes. After several times, the red lifted away the shoes and socks, so I went to the chuáng shop. On the side, staring at him to sleep, to prove: I can't go away.

However, Ning Yi may not know what he is doing at this time. He woke up at this time, perhaps it is already a vague deep consciousness. He remembered not letting the red go, but he has the hegemony of his previous life and wakes up two. After that, I went to solve the red clothes. The reason is - to take her off, the clothes are thrown away, and they can't go away.

Although he was flustered by him, he was shy about this matter. When Ning Yi woke up, she started to talk to her. Mímí talked in a vague way. She could only hold Ning Yi as carefully as possible, her face pressed against her face and her body posted. With the body, the promise is no longer gone. However, after listening to Ning Yi’s intentions, she was only hot on her cheeks, and she could only rub herself on Ning Yi’s face and suppress it...

After a long time, Ning Yi really slept in the past, and then the day after dawn, until the noon of this day, Ning Yi just woke up, the red is still next to him, massage him to soothe the blood on his head. In a comfortable touch, Ning Yi once again slept in the past, until this afternoon, it will be late until he wakes up.

His face is pale, his body has no strength, his head is not concentrated, but after all, he has been able to walk. This night, I stayed in the station for another night. The red guard stayed in the room of Ning Yi. When it was dawn, I quietly left and went back to the room I booked for myself yesterday. She has promised not to leave, but only for the masters and apprentices. After all, some of them are not blatantly chaotic. Another day, the group went back to Yiyuan County, and the red reminder had already resumed the sè as a "master", took out the guru's temperament, and put on a cold face. People guarded the rules, just after the people, with Ning Yi's Talking and laughing, but close to too much.

The temporary solution between the two people is that they are already happy too much at the same time. Ning Yi still needs to wait for the injury to recover slowly. He can't over-injure his brain. The entertainment that can be pushed is pushed away, but even if Ning Yi is not there, the red person is sitting on the railing in the yard, or Going around and strolling around, I feel that everything is full of life.

When she was down the mountain, she came to the mood of "I will not see him again after this time." I also thought about what happened with Ning Yi. However, since I recognized the identity of this master and was persuaded by Zhou Wei, I felt sad that something happened. At this time, the knot is untied, and I don’t think much about the mood to have some relationship. Ning Yi’s method of the night was rude, but it was still very speaking on weekdays. When there were no ones, the martial arts high-ranking master-level female master would be pushed by Ning Yi on the wall. Yes, if someone comes over at this time, the red reminder has to sort out the clothes and make a very serious cold look.

Sometimes Ning Yi will take the red belt to the clothing store and give the master some dresses that are more suitable for her master and martial arts masters. Ning Yi’s ideas are often weird, and the red ones can’t say anything. He is at the mercy.

In fact, both of them know that perhaps this period of time will be a long separation.

Every night, the red mention will still give Ning Yi a xué to adjust the body, so after a few days, Ning Yi's body is getting better. Then they gathered all the people to go to Wurui Camp and receive the Liangshan descendants who had killed more than three people in Liangshan. At the same time, the green forest in Jeju is in a huge chaos.

For the few Liangshan Yusong who had escaped, this time they faced the real wall and everyone pushed. Wuruiying and Dulonggang were rushing to kill the crowd, and with the cooperation of the government, many people were chased after they had no way to go. When they had no way to go, they grabbed a Liangshan people and surrendered. The chance of surviving naturally increased.

At noon that day, on the banks of the Yellow River, people rushed out of the woods.

Being chased in front is a man with a bruised body. He is holding a wooden stick and is resisting the chase of the seven or eight people behind him. Someone chasing someone is shouting: "Kill him! He is strong -"

"He has been to the Su family! He can be rewarded with his head-"

"Lin Chong, you are going to die, why not do something good, and your head and grandfather, Grandpa will definitely bury you..."

It was Lin Chong who was chased in front. After meeting with Zhou Wei, he slammed out of the ceremonies and did not meet with the previous appointments of Shi Jin and others. He just lost his way, even he didn't understand where to go, and then... was discovered by some people.

Liangshan is extinct, Songjiang is dead, and Jeju in Zhangzhou is in a big fight to clear up. The Greenwood people associated with Liangshan are in danger. He has escaped two pursuits. However, this time he wants to kill him, but some Liangshan escaped from the officers and men who were escaping from the battle. After the two sides met, they secretly seized Lin Chong in the middle of the night and took the reward. By the way, they washed away their sins. Lin Chong had a few knives and fled all the way. So chasing and fleeing, to the shore of the Yellow River, after rushing out of the woods, the front is convenient to be a cliff.

Lin Chong gritted his teeth and turned his head back. He waved the wooden stick in his hand and waved the first person who rushed up. Then the second, third, fourth... one name went round.

Ashore from the shore not far from the cliff, there is a stick figure that rushes out of the woods: "Lin brothers - you dare -"

Lin Chong turned his head and appeared in the forest at that time. It was Shi Jin.

After losing with Lin Chong, Shi Jin also been looking for him. He finally found the trail. At this time, he had to rush to the other side. At this time, Lin Chong’s distraction gave him a knife.

He clung to the man's body, not letting him swing a second knife. There was something dancing in front of him, hitting him on the head. He took a few steps back and his feet were... cliffs.

Like a wind blowing past ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is calm, and although one foot is slightly out, it is still possible to take it back. Lin Chong thought about taking it back, but I don't know why, the step hesitated for a moment.

The wind whistled, and he hugged the man who had smashed him a knife, looking up, the sky, the white clouds, the mountain wall, the enemy... everything is shrinking.

Awkwardly, Lin Chong’s figure fell into the rushing Yellow River and disappeared. Shi Jin smashed, and finally clenched his hands, and rushed toward the front of the cliff, the original companion, roaring, back dàng between the forest and the river.

"I... killed you -"

A cool autumn day, the clouds are light, the sky is high...

Today, a few friends responded that there is a bit more single chapter, which affects genuine reading. This is really a shame. Because there are more chapters, it will definitely affect, so in the second chapter, I thought about not sending any more. But today, this is really because it is too important. One thing can be a success or failure, but the heart cannot be cold. I can only issue it, but in the future it will only be mentioned in the summary and the like.

PS is not worth the money. (To be continued...)

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