Zhui Xu

: North and South are good in the world

At the end of June, Wu Jinghan, the first battle of Shandong Liangshan, mixed with the huge drama of the Northern Expedition of the Wu Dynasty in the south, did not cause too much vibration at this time. Although the tactile sensible person can feel some things from it, but compared with the boiling situation of the whole big situation, even if someone can seriously treat the situation here, the information obtained is always negligible, and the heart is Ning Li Heng San The day of the broken Liangshan, which is extremely popular in later generations, is still pressing in the ancient martial arts of Tong Guan Fu Yan Yun. Like a small tributary between the historical tides, it is neglected and disappears into the forest.

During the period when Tong Guan, Liu Yanqing, Guo Yaoshi, Xin Xingzong, Fang La... these people were active, even in the north, the face of the Aogu hits rose, and the Liao Guo Xiaogan held up the curtain of the last glory of a great empire. There is a name of Ning Liheng, but it is only a small testimony in the statement of "heroes come out" at this time - at least in the short time after the Wu Dynasty, with the continued promotion of Yan Yun's great efforts, one The feeling that the big era has arrived is filled with everyone's heart. The saying that "heroes come out" has also been filled with chats in the streets and lanes, giving people a very intense and embarrassing mood.

Not many people know that after a few years, this has become the glory and residual of an empire, becoming a silhouette of a broader era. In this era, the strongest and most decisive torrent, but it originated here. When the historians of later generations traced back from the back, they tried to set aside all the fog, and opened up all the confusing scenes of the times. They pushed the Yanyun in the north and Fangla in the south to try to focus on them. In Shandong, I saw the small stream that broke into the woods. From where did it start to become a vast river...

At the end of June, among the military camps of Wuruiying, a total of more than 1,000 people were left to the captives of Liangshan. More than a thousand people in the battle of Liangshan won the heads of more than three companions. No matter what the route, they were all left behind after the identity was filed.

Being used as a prisoner in a military camp, the initial days were not good. Most of these people who want to exchange their heads for wealth are aware that they have been put together, and the soldiers of the Wurui camp will not give them a good look. In the month-long detention, they are basically dead every day. I spent the threat of hunger, and the outside world’s news was only transmitted bit by bit, including the Fuxi of Songjiang, the cleaning of the entire water park, and the companions who fell outside each other killed each other...

The collapse of the overall situation has ruined many of their rebellious wills. The Wurui camp was a bit unbearable when facing the Liangshan Mountain. But at this time, it was absolutely useless to take prisoners, and it was useless to protest. For them, both the local officials and the generals of the Wurui camp hold an attitude that cannot be released. After a month of hunger and snoring, most of the more than a thousand people were dispersed into the army of the Wu Dynasty, like dripping into the river, and they survived in more than a decade. Not many people.

Among them, a total of 507 people signed a ten-year contract at the time and joined a merchant named Zhuji. After a few months, more than 100 people were sent to the army. In the first batch of screenings, it was accepted by Zhuji, a total of 382 people.

These people have not yet joined the big event at this time, or they will be remembered in the next generation. Of course, for future generations, these 382 people only belong to a symbolic number, not necessarily what they support, just because they mean the beginning.

And this beginning, in fact, does not seem to be bright and stalwart.

In late July, when Ning Yi first came to Wurui Camp, he decided to stay and belong to more than a thousand people. He confessed to these people the views of the surrounding officials about their stay, either to fill the army, to gain freedom after gaining merit, or to join the bamboo record, to sell for ten years, and all the things, livelihoods, etc. of these people will be borne by themselves.

At that time, Ning Yi’s face was not healthy, and the words were plain and indifferent. On this side, more than a thousand people who have been hungry for more than a month did not dare to make too many protests. The whole process of selection was completed within two days, and then Ning Yi gave the prizes for each person a full amount. Issuance, especially for those who go to join the army, while smashing their money and money, going to the military camp, they can go up and down, so they can live better, then some people benefit from it, and a small number of people These silver are both victimized.

Regarding these things about Liangshan, the most direct followers, apart from the right-handed government of Qin Yuyuan, actually have the power of the Taifu government to participate. At first, I may have only paid attention to it. When I learned about the means that Ning Yi showed up when she broke the mountain, she used the other people to dismiss it as a "heart and soul" mess. Gao Song sent an order to Zhou Wei who just passed by. . For him, this is a smooth move after understanding Ning Yi and his own friction. After the failure, the unwillingness to face the right side of the right side of the government is over, and they put this thing in memory. in.

Only the five hundred people left behind became the most realistic problem in front of Ning Yi. Whether it is Wang Shanyue, Zhu Xi or Lu Hongti, etc., they initially raised objections. If these people are earned in bamboo, can they be assured that they will be safe and it is a huge problem. In this year, there are money to ask masters on the rivers and lakes, recruit slaves, and buy the poor people who can't afford to eat. These people have at least no hatred in their hearts. In terms of loyalty, they are much more reliable than the more than 500 people in Liangshan.

Later historians pursued this time, and occasionally raised similar questions, but the process of how these people were later trained by Ning Yi and even brainwashing seemed to be deliberately annihilated by Ning Yi and did not leave too much information. The participants at the time did not talk too much about it. If someone really wants to delve into this, they might find something fragmented.

After dealing with the selling problems of these people, Ning Yi and others set up a closed camp near Dulonggang. Ning Yi spent about a month here, and all of them were on the right track and ordered Su Wenxi to take charge of the whole thing. In the memory of the residents of Dulonggang, the exercise in the camp is basically a simple station, sitting, walking, and in the evening, often a group of people sit and talk, sometimes the voice inside will be very large.

In addition, several disturbances occurred and were suppressed.

After about three months of this kind of thing, the camp was turned into a semi-closed one. The remaining four hundred people here will come out to do something for Dulonggang. In the winter, cut the dry wood outside the Dulonggang, or Some people’s doorsteps, some people will put down their own silver.

At this time, the resentment of the residents of Dulonggang to Liangshan Yuxi is still there. Every time such an action, I have to wish people and others to pull up people to let the family do not make excessive moves. But not many people understand why these people will become like this in a few months.

This matter has become an unsolved mystery for a long time after that. Three months later, the second batch of people entered the semi-closed camp. It was more than 300 young people bought from all over the winter. After that, the young people were probably single-on-one. After the training for half a year, it became part of the bamboo record. After the third batch of young people came out, the 382 people belonging to Liangshan were finally scattered to the bamboo records... These are all words.

At the beginning of August, on the hillside down the sunset, Red was sitting there, watching the camp that was gradually built under the mountain. Ning Yi came from the rear, looked at the sunset, sat down beside her.

Far away, more than 500 people in the mountains are practicing a neat formation. Under the harsh demands of Ning Yi and the threat of death, the formation is really neat.

"I still have some worries. You will keep these people around." Red said, "This kind of practice can be banned by ordinary people, but in their hearts, after all, it is against you. You let those monks Come over, tell them what to do every night, they may not understand."

"They will understand." Ning Yi smiled.

Red shook his head: "I am still worried about your safety. I am not smart, you... tell me seriously, let them try to talk about what they did wrong these few days, can it really be useful?"

Ning Yi was silent for a moment: "I am afraid...not only useful. You don't think too much, this is not a good thing, I only use this one time..."

"God is mysterious."

Red looked at him and hugged his knees. In the past few days, in front of the people, the red attire has always maintained the temperament as Master Ning Yi. She wore a tulle with a tulle, wearing a skirt that Ning Yi gave her a "woman" and "master" temperament. When I was on Ning Yi’s side, not many people dared to ignore her. Especially at the moment when her record of killing Liangshan people has been made public, the name "Heshan Iron Sword" Lu Hongti has spread in Qilu, and together with "Heart Devil" will become a star-killing monster. Head up.

Zhu Chaofeng of Dulonggang and others have to bow to her with respect and respect, sit on the first floor in the living room, and eat at the table. The original nature of the red is indifferent, it does not matter such things, Ning Yi is keen on this, and often raises her seniority, making the red mention also have to make the appearance of a high person. Zhu Xi had asked her several times for her hand. Within a few strokes, she was shot by an empty hand. Only Yu Tingyu was able to make some moves with her, but she could not beat it. The people of Dulonggang now have great respect for this female master.

Only when there is no one, the two can be casual. At this point, there is no dissatisfaction in the tone. For the mystery of Ning Yi, she just feels very powerful, but she is proud of it.

Ning Yi smiled and took her shoulder: "I will have a measure. It is you, if you go back to Luliang Mountain, you must be careful, don't always be desperate, waiting for me to come to you."

Red nodded nodded: "Liao is defeated, Luliang should be able to be peaceful for a while, if Wu Zhao really regained Yanyun 16th State, there will be no grassland in the future."

"If you can do this, it would be a good thing, just... don't take it lightly..."


As one of the best martial arts masters in the world, she leaned on the shoulders of lovers and looked at the sunset, and there was some embarrassment in the eyebrows.

The matter of Tong Guanfu Yanjing has already spread throughout the Wu Dynasty. In the orange sunset, the evening wind blew the grass on the hillside, flying into the air, blowing the clothes and hair of the two men, with the woman's jealousy and the man's prudence, drifting into the distance. Although the developments in the future may not be as good as they wish, but at the moment the two people sit on the scene and the warmth of the heart, but they can always think of it...

Even if she will return to the harsh mountain again, and fight with all the malicious, the heart will not be confused again. Because there is a man outside the mountain, he is coming in with a thorn. With this in mind, the heart and the sword will be quiet, and will support her to become the sword of iron and blood that truly guards the entire Luliang.

Soon after, in a small room in Miaojiang Lanxie, the girl named Liu Watermelon sat there, looking at the little sunlight coming in from the window, and the tears fell off her cheeks. Because on this day, she received the news, just a few days ago, the officers and men broke Qingxi, outside the Wutong Cave, the Shenggong Fangla led the remnant of the remnant failed, and after three days of Lien Chan exhausted, the Queen Shao Xianying also self-deprecating. Fang Qifo, Fang Baihua and others rate very few others to escape.

Liu Tiannan came to the tea and came in from the door: "Girl, don't be sad again... this thing..."

Liu watermelon looked up at the face, and the sun shone on the tears that rolled down: "I want it."

"Hey..." Liu Tiannan put down the tea, and finally he retired.

After all, the slashing battalion was with the Fangla. After the First World War in Hangzhou, only eight hundred people could be beaten, and they had to protect one or two thousand families. At the beginning, Ning Yi had made a plan to transfer and establish a foothold. Watermelon also arbitrarily chose to separate from the Fangla that had already gone, and it was so far that she could only guarantee the survival of the tyrants.

After that, Chen Fan led some people to leave, and returned to Qingxi to save people. When the war situation was critical, there were some **** men who wanted to help these companions who had fought together. The watermelons refused to give up these things. However, in fact, her relationship with Fang La and others is far deeper than that of other people and Fang La.

In a certain sense, since the death of Liu Dazhao, the people of Shenggong Fangla, Shao Xianying and Fang Baihua are almost her closest family members.

She once persuaded Fang La to flee to other parties, but Fang La refused. At this time, in order to survive in the heart of the death of the battalion camp, these feelings of her relatives died, Liu Tiannan and some of the people in the tyrants camp who are closer to her can feel the same.

After Liu Tiannan left, the watermelon was sitting there for a long while. Finally, taking a few sheets of paper from the sleeves, the quality of the paper was not good at this time. Perhaps it was seen many times, several large and small. The pieces of paper are worn out. It was the news of "The Devil's Town Liangshan" that came from outside. Not long after, she inquired about it, and got all these pieces of paper, but they couldn't match the incident. The whole picture comes.

"Ning Liheng..." She sucked her nose and then wiped her tears hard, not letting him look flat!

She didn't talk anymore, but looking at the light coming in from the window, and the feeling of wanting to cry came up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are...where...

—— After Fang La’s first award, the troubles of Yongle’s anger were finally coming to an end.

Wu Dynasty Jinghan ten years, both north and south are fixed, at the end of August, Ning Yi returned to the Liangliang, it is a Qingqiu that dances and dances. Soon after, a chain of commercial systems called Zhuji extended the tentacles on the land of the Wu Dynasty, expanding like a monster...

The prelude to a big era has already been opened.

Ps: The fourth episode ends here. The fourth episode is from the perspective of the future. It is an episode for the later traces. Many of the volts are laid down here. The thread of the scorpion, the line of Guo Pharmacist, and the line of Lin Chong, Zhou Pei's thread and so on, and Ning Yi's reason why he has to do things, can finally be shaped here. In the concept of inheriting the past and the future, the work has been done.

The summary is unnecessary, and the name of the fifth episode is still a "feast". Some colds, this chapter began to code from the afternoon, until now it has been revised and revised. Seeking a monthly ticket ^_^ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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