Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 451: Destiny rushing

Wu Dynasty, Jinghan ten years east, Shandong East Road, Yuying County.

The winter is deep, and the heavy snow that has been hoisted is under the cover of a small county town. Just in the current fish camp, not many people are interested in such a snow scene.

Except for the wealthy people in some big cities, or the children who are heartless, such a snowy day is always the most difficult for ordinary people. Especially after the Qinling Huaihe River line, every winter, people accumulate good wages, often wrapped in shackles for January and February, and live the days of not willing to get out of bed, not surprising. First, because the weather is too cold, there is nothing in the winter, and the second is because every household may not have winter clothes. In many places, rural farmers may not even have basic warm clothing. When winter arrives, they can only The family was wrapped in a quilt, and it was bitter, and every time I got out of bed, it was a torment.

However, some poor families whose families are in distress have cut firewood everywhere in the late fall and early winter, and they have no firewood for their winter. It’s not anecdotal to sell the charcoal’s heart and worry about the cold weather. In this way, when the winter comes, no people in the vicinity of the big city freeze to death in a large area, it is considered to be a peaceful year. As for the frail old man, it is not a strange thing to live through the cold weather.

Of course, the fish camp is not a big county, but after all, there is a dock on the bank of the Yellow River. Some rich families live in this snowy day. Those who will go out will still have it. Among the county towns, several of the best restaurants and samovars have been declining due to the cold weather, but the business of the brothel. Although it has an impact, the impact is not great. Many wealthy and wealthy households are willing to enjoy the warmth of home in these places, and some merchants who are stranded in the snow camp are doing nothing. I can only come to these places to take part in the pastime and make short-term business a long-term.

The best broth in the fish camp, Chunxiang Pavilion, is brightly lit every day. The door of the brothel was hung with thick cotton curtains. The inner car burned the best carbon strips, and the songs of the female songs were twisted and the snacks were delicious. The women in the green building were very intimate. If they want to take a bath, there will be hot water at four o'clock. Despite the high cost, the wealthy households in the county or the business travelers who are stranded in the fish camp are also willing to come here.

Of course, there will be occasional excitement to watch.

At this time, in the Chunxiang Pavilion, a lively scene is happening. A woman in a cotton jacket took several big men. Drag a drunken young man out of a woman's room in the building. The drunk young man refused to leave. The two sides are almost in the middle of the building.

It is not uncommon to see such a "catching trait" in the brothel. But to be honest. It’s really going to make trouble, indicating that the woman itself has some background and is in the dialogue between the two. Others can also hear that the two parties are not husband and wife. The people in the hall are watching the play with great interest, and there are many discussions.

The drunk young man dragged the handrail down the stairs. Struggling fiercely: "I am not your husband! I am not your husband! You are just my sister! Why do you care about me! Why do you shut me down! Let me go, I will go back to drink!"

The man sprinkled, the shouting of each chapter, the woman walking in front of the cotton jacket, bloated can not see too much body shape, but only look at the face is good, at this time was stunned. Facing the rear, he only said: "Tow him out!" The two accompanying big men dragged the man all the way to struggle downstairs.

The man grabbed every thing he could grab, or simply lie down on the ground, struggling and shouting: "I don't go! Why are you doing this! I am your brother! Brother is the father! Now I am the biggest at home! You are this Lose money, you are not a family member sooner or later, why are you managing me! I want to marry you! I want to marry you - brothers, this is my sister, I want to marry her! Who will give it today? I pay the money, I will marry her! Don't drag me-"

This discourse made the people in the building burst into laughter. Someone picked up the words and laughed at the same time, but it seems that the woman's background is not simple. Someone in the building whispered to the ear and said that the woman was from a foreign country to do business. It has some relationship with the Chen and Tiger, who are both black and white in the fish camp. It has been staying for several days. Shandong is a mixture of black and white, but also because of the background of the Chen Tiger, this woman is likely to arrest people in this spring incense.

"This brother, the sister wants to marry, we can't control it..."

"But the sister's affair with her brother is really bad, haha..."

The average woman is affected by this type of laughter, and it is inevitable that she is ashamed. The woman in front of her eyes seems to have seen a big scene. At this time, biting her teeth is also a red-eyed, all the way down to the old man’s hand and put a silver ticket. Confession. The shouts of the rear man are getting more and more fierce.

"I don't want to go... I heard no! Lou Shuzhen! You are crazy - I am the smartest! Let me go back to drink! I am not with you! You go your Yang Guandao, I am crossing my wooden bridge! You are crazy! You thought you killed... It’s amazing! You haven’t understood...”

"You say a little louder!" The man’s mouth seemed to be something like "killing people." The woman suddenly turned back and drank. Everyone heard this kind of thing, although it was a slight glimpse, but it was not surprising. Let’s not say that the man did not make it clear. Even if it is clear, it can be related to Chen’s tiger in the case of black and white mixed in Shandong. What is it that is good. Just after listening to this sentence, no one will make another laugh. This place is a business traveler. There are martial arts heroes, green forests, and green gatherings. After a few days, they will be forgotten.

After walking out of the Chunxiang Pavilion, the wind and snow came to the surface, and the woman wiped the tears on her face and walked in front. The man behind, struggling all the way, said that she was not a family member. When the two carriages on the side of the road stopped, the woman suddenly turned back.

"Yeah! I am not a family member! But you are! You look at what your family looks like now! Lou Shuheng! You are the last man in the building. What are you like now?"

Right now, it is the brothers and sisters who have left the city after the break of Hangzhou City.

"I?" The sister's reprimand was severe, and the swaying Lou Shuheng tried to stand firm. He waved him and helped him. Laughing insanely, "I am a smart person! I am like this, because I am a smart person! To... I have to be good, to be happy! You... you are crazy! Lou Shuzhen. Look at you. doing what……"

In the snow, Lou Shuzhen looked at him and said in a word: "I am letting the building stand up! I am... preparing for revenge for my brother and my brother..."

"Hahaha, revenge." Lou Shuheng swayed and laughed. Then shake your head, "You want revenge, I don't want it! You crazy! You haven't seen it clearly yet, you can't report it, even if you didn't see it clearly in Hangzhou, you should see it clearly here! Ah! A Liangshan is dead! You have to take revenge, why? You think that you have killed your own husband, it is very powerful, you... you just killed your own, and you don’t care about him at all. See clearly. Why don't you kill me..."

The sound of the building's constant language is getting lower. Lou Shuzhen stood there staring at him, his eyes filled with blood, and gnashed his teeth and said: "If you are my brother. I have already killed you..."

"Haha, yeah. I am sorry for you. I can't help you with him. When I was in flight, I was fascinated. I am going to starve. I was fascinated. I shouldn't take you to change." grain……"

"you shut up!"

"Oh." Lou Shuheng smiled nervously. "You don't like it, I don't say it. But... I can see clearly, Lou Shuzhen, you can't report this hatred, I don't want to take revenge with you, because you have a heart ......"

"To shut up!"

"You are in your heart..."

"To shut up--"

One of the slaps of the slap, ringing on the face of Lou Shuheng, the Lou Shu squatted two steps to the side, sat on the ground at the wheel of the carriage, he laughed and took it out of his sleeve. A jug came, opened to drink, Lou Shu rushed over, kicked his foot in his heart, and then kicked another foot in his hand.

"Don't drink, brother-"

She rushed up and slammed against Lou Shuheng, and she wore herself in the winter. She was not too strong in the winter. She had to fight against Loushu for a while and just kicked his jug. , messing up his coat. At the moment of Lou Shuheng, the dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, and they screamed for a while, and they were laughing at the wine. Lou Shuzhen stood there and looked at him for a moment, and finally told the people next to him: "Take him back to the inn."

Lou Shuheng was brought to a carriage. When the carriage was going to drive, Lou Shuyi said with a look up: "Brother, let's go back and talk."

Lou Shuheng’s head was pulled in the carriage window, and he whispered: “I have to go to Chunxiangge...”

The carriage left, Lou Shuzhen stood for a while, then reached out and pressed his forehead. When he turned around, he saw the jug that was being shot in the snow, and he walked over and picked it up. The wine inside has been sprinkled a lot, but after all, she stood up, lifted the jug and sighed a few mouthfuls, and her face showed a faint blush. With the rest of the entourage around me said: "Go... let's do a good job of the Tiger King... After you get it, just fine..."

The pedestrian walked to the remaining carriage, a small village not far from Yuying County when the carriage was started. In the dimly lit firewood room, a pair of eyes looked up and looked at the snow falling from the window. The eyes belonged to a man with a wide skeleton. He was stunned at this time and looked very thin. He was lying in a messy woodpile, half of it. The face was bruised and had been ruined by half of the looks, so no one could see it again... the sinner who had been stabbed on the cheek.

Not far from the stove, a farmer woman who was not too thick was holding a two-year-old child while adding firewood to the stove to add some temperature.

She is talking in awkward words: "...I brought you back, it is to see that you are tall, even if you are not a green forest strongman, you can help me with some good health. Which one knows how hard it is to cure you? You become a fool, hehe... lose money, you will drive you away next spring next year... What do you always look at the window, I know, you are cold, wait for me to help you Something blocked..."

She is a widow in this village. She is a little beautiful. When her husband is at home, her family is considered to be honest, but since her husband's death, everything has turned sharply.

A few months ago, she saved a man who was washed by the water and looked like a knife and a gun. She thought carefully in her heart. Instead of letting the things left by her husband's family be separated from the rest of her family, it would be better to be a strong man, and then he would bother to heal the other person. Who knows that after the cure, this person is silent all day long. In a word, I was beaten and I didn’t know how to resist. It made her feel that this sale was not worthwhile, but the weather was getting colder. She was not good enough to drive a fool out of it. She had to settle him in this wood house. To the extent, it also makes him self-defeating.

However, such a thing actually brought a lot of trouble to her. The things of the husband's family are the husband's family. In the past, some relatives want to take up the time, and they have to cover up. At this time, she has taken in a man. The gossip is more and more upright, and she often makes her quarrel with each other.

At the time of the quarrel, the man was in the firewood room, listening quietly. The widow came back after quarreling, and she had to complain about him for a while: "If it wasn’t too cold, I would have driven you out..."

When the spring of the year came, there was a silent farmer who had half-faced face in the village. Because of his tall body and many scars on his body, the villagers gradually knew that he was very bullied~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But no one really did too much, many people think that he may be some of the heads - perhaps the mountain king on a certain mountain. This kind of thing is indifferent here, but no one has the mind of the newspaper.

When he farmed the fields, the widow with the children would send things over and sometimes look at the fields. There are a lot of rhetoric in the village. She is not afraid of ugliness, her character is pungent, and occasionally she will quarrel with people. When the things left by her husband’s family were gradually divided, the two fell asleep on the bed. It was the second autumn...

The trajectory of fate is like a myriad of chaotic strings. Sometimes there will be intersections. After separation, I don’t know when, or even if there is any possibility of reciprocating. Jing Han began in early December, and Su Wenzhao and Wang Shanyue left Shandong and went back to Liangliang. The experience of managing the camp for a few months caused Su Wenzhao to suffer an unspeakable baptism. At this time, the temperament of the whole person has changed. As for Wang Shanyue, he recently had some friction with Zhujiazhuang, and even made a wish to make him a solid fight.

The reason is that he became a third party in the marriage of Yan Sanniang and Zhu Xi...

After smashing him, I wish him a message to Ning Yi: "After the end of the year, I went to Beijing."

At this time in the capital, close to the year, a bustling...

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