Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 453: Warm winter, small home (below)

It did not abolish too many rules and did not remove too much etiquette. For this courtyard located on the Yanhe Lane near Daejeon Street, the change in atmosphere began from the end of the autumn, after the male owner returned.

For the old servants who followed the north and the original Su family, perhaps they never thought that the family would become so relaxed after going north. Jiangning Sujia is a big family. Although it is not a family with a lot of intrinsic, the method of managing the family has its own reasons. Su Taner led her family to the north. After she settled here, the same atmosphere was maintained. Especially in the absence of the male owner, she must be a majesty when she wants to be a woman in her early twenties. After Ning Yi came back, everything changed subtly.

It is not a deliberate change, but the atmosphere is a thing that exists in the most ordinary words and deeds. Ning Yi has always been kind and at home, sometimes even a little chaotic. After the fall, this winter, Su Taner also smiled and followed the pace of the husband, and adapted to such changes. Sometimes, such casualness would even damage the majesty of her mistress, and sometimes She will feel that when she is tossed back to the girl, she can laugh with impunity. But in fact, when she was a girl, she did not feel that she was so naive.

From the first time she knew that she wanted to do business, she has maintained her "mature" mentality. In this world, what kind of manners do women have to be, what kind of majesty is the master, and what kind of manners to behave as a wife is always very clear to her, she can indeed do well. .

After getting married with Ning Yi, especially after getting mutual understanding and communication, there are many happy days. Of course, since the beginning of Hangzhou, there have been many things to do. Later, I faced the rebellion, separation, and destruction of the family. She never thought about it. Now she is a mother, and she will become even more childish. Sometimes I was teased by this husband, and I wouldn’t be tempted to chase him. I was recently made into a man, and he dragged him to a poetry meeting to join in the fun. When she guessed the riddle, she also let her know that this husband is not a panacea.

Whether she is happy or not, she can't tell. In the face of outsiders, in the business of doing business, new workshops, she still strives to maintain the majesty of the hostess. In the eyes of the next person in the family, she may still be the more terrible hostess than the male owner, but There is always some image, sometimes it will be forced to stay, and she has to adapt slowly and experience some feelings she has never experienced before.

"Wow... don't bite me, Xiao Yan, Niang is washing his face, and you will wash it with your mother's mouth."

In the hot bedroom, Su Tan is washing her face. Ning Yan put her hand on her mother's side. After she hugged her, she found that the child had to paint her face with her saliva. She smiled and scared him away with a towel. . Ning Yi gave the room a gust of wind, then closed the window and smiled and took the child.

"This is to kiss you, where is the slobber. Our little sister gives you a kiss, actually does not accept, come, give you a great 爹爹 呃 呃 呃 不 不 不 不 不 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有..."

After the morning wash, Xiao Yan and Juan Er took the water basin out and went to urge the breakfast in the kitchen. Taner took the child and sat down at the bed to feed the children breakfast. Although these days, there was a nursing mother at home, but most of the time, Taner still nurtured the child himself. Ning Yi sat down at the bed to discuss with her the second child. The condition of the deciduous teeth.

"When I wait two more, he really wants to bite me..."

Just washed the face, the face of Su Taner at this time is plain, the hair is slightly messy, because I don't want to be bitten, the tone is slightly awkward, but it is slightly blushing. When Xiao Xiao’s first deciduous tooth was long, she secretly talked about it with Ning Yi. The little baby would not pity her mother’s pain. When she talked about this, the two were lying in the beggar, and Ning Yi tried to test with her. For a moment, let her taste the feeling of being bitten down. For Su Tan, even if Ning Yi did anything to her, she would take it for granted, but I still feel a bit ashamed.

They will only say something like this when they are alone. Soon after dressing up, Taner will be the dignified and calm mother of the Ning family and the savvy businesswoman. In fact, at this time, it is already a mother, and there are many conscious people. The woman who has picked up many things on her shoulders is really just the age of the girl who has just entered college. At this time, she has taken the right thing to take care of half a family or even a family. On the contrary, she is occasionally exclaimed by Ning Yi as a girllike joy, perhaps she is her. Think of the extra harvest...

This kind of feeling sometimes makes Ning Yi feel warm.

"...In fact, a few workshops outside the city are about to be completed soon. If you can get the first business of Lu's family, I am afraid that there is something to do in this year. But now it has started to snow, before New workers recruited, I plan to visit a family. You said, we are going to send some cotton cloth, or send some charcoal..."

Gently patted the child on the chest, after a little gossip, she entered the thinking of the woman. Ning Yi did not approve of her running in the snow, just saying that it would be a matter of letting go, and Su Taner thought that her family had just arrived at the shackles, and that the management did not have a reputation among the workers. . The two talked for a while, and a relatively noisy voice came from outside, which meant that the young people in the family came back after practicing martial arts in the morning, and the time for breakfast was coming soon.

After coming from Jiangning, this family has not only followed some of the accounts, butlers, nursing homes, cooks, chores, and Wending Wenfang, but also the servants of the new recruits. Fifty people have been very busy. In order to avoid the situation when a family of young people with a knife is not likely to be in the family, Ning Yi asks these brothers in the family to do some exercise as much as possible. Please ask Lu Junyi to try and teach them in the past few months. Some things, and most of the time, they urged them to exercise, in fact, Yan Qing.

After returning from Shandong, part of Liangcheng’s generals, who are determined to be available, such as Qin Ming and Guan Sheng, were helped by Qin Yuyuan to be included in some military ranks with good relations with the right-hand government. Yan Qing is very capable. Ning Yi suggested that he be allowed to join the Secret Investigation Department, but such things are not important for Yan Qing. He has to wait for the outsiders to wash the white and then consider other things.

Although Ning Yi promised to cleanse Lu Junyi, some of the follow-up things were actually more troublesome. Liang Zhongshu, who was involved in the framed Lu Junyi, was the son-in-law of Cai Jing. In order to wash the white, Qin Yuyuan and Cai Jing have had several negotiations. The two sides have taken a step back. It is very simple to give Lu Junyi a whitewashed identity. It is very troublesome to take the next home. On the other hand, Lu Junyi is suitable for the military array, Yan Qing is suitable for intelligence. Qin Yuyuan seems to have a good impression on Lu Junyi during this time. He wants to arrange him when he has a more suitable position, and he will be put on hold for a while.

Ning Yi was somewhat guilty about this. When he had nothing to do, he visited Lu Junyi and Yan Qing several times. In fact, according to the ideas of Lu and Yan, I have a far-sighted mind for Ning Yi’s estimation, because this guy is too sinful if he uses it. However, after a few trips, I may feel that I might as well make friends. Soon after, Ning Yi asked Lu Junyi to teach Wen Dingfang and other martial arts, and the other party agreed.

In this way, in the recent days, every morning, the day did not light up, a group of young people in the Su family got a door to exercise, mainly to strengthen their body.

Soon after, the household dining room of the Su family was full of fun. This partial hall was not small, and it was also heated by a honeycomb coal stove. When Ning Yi and Tan Er came over, the relatives, the governors and other people in the partial hall had already arrived. Wen Dingwen and others had already washed their faces and changed their clothes. Su Yanping took only the eggs on his face, probably in the previous fight. Who was hit in the middle, but this time it is still a side of the haha, laughing and joking. When Ning Yi and his wife came in, everyone converge and greeted them.

"Second sister."

"Two brothers, good morning."

"Two brother-in-law, Ning Yu..."

For others, it may not be clear what the family is. It will feel that the hostess is far more majestic than the male owner, and sometimes even feels bad. However, in the eyes of these people, Wen Dingfang’s real heart is the Ning Yi. At the time of Jiang Ning, the power of one person forced the retreat of Liangshan, and in the next three months, the Liangshanpo was swayed. Since then, no matter how good he is, some people may think that he is close, but no one will think that he is good and deceivable, and as long as he is, at least the small family will keep the momentum of the people moving forward.

"Don't be ignorant, Su Wending, you are a jerk. Yesterday, you ran to tease him, cried people and killed me for a long time."

In Ning Yi’s smile, Xing Er pushed the wooden baby stroller and opened the curtain. Wen Ding and others laughed and rushed to tease the children. Su Taner snorted and laughed. This kind of teasing was generally not good. The child started to laugh at the beginning, and soon he would cry uncomfortably. Because of previous experience, Xing Er has already turned away from the stroller and started to run away, and several management affairs in the room, a slightly older Su family account, is still watching the development of the whole situation with a smile.

Soon after, various breakfasts were sent, and the noise during this time was also a time when individuals decided what to do today. At this time in this Ning family, Su Wending and several shopkeepers basically helped Su Taner to run the cloth, and recently many things have been prepared. Su Wenfang, Su Yanping, and the rest of the family were placed in the courtyard outside the city by Ning Yi, responsible for all sorts of messy things, such as some juggling ideas, the manufacture of honeycomb coal in the iron and steel department, for this time. Meal management, reward records, etc. for many workers in the compound.

The large courtyard that Ning Yi had sorted out was still in a mess, and the whole system was not fully formed. Although the salary and rewards are excellent, in fact, the workers recruited are still not fully aware of what they need to do. One piece of smelting iron is to invite some blacksmiths to build things according to the instructions. In the workshop of papermaking, Su Yanping is responsible for urging workers to test various papermaking materials and processes. Many ideas are still proposed in accordance with Ning Yi, and everyone implements them step by step.

On the one hand, in fact, in the past few days, several kinds of refractory bricks that are not easily broken have been burned. Since the materials were previously hunted by Ning Yi, they have achieved results within a few months. The most important thing is to use it as a liner for coal stoves.

At this time, if you want to make a movable honeycomb coal stove, it is very difficult to wrap it with iron sheet. The cost of making iron sheet is too high. If you use bamboo or wooden shell, the outer wire is wrapped around a few times, you have to consider the effect of heat insulation. So, for this simple thing to be put into sale, it took about two months, and the wire still accounts for a part of the cost.

Beyond these things, the juggling team in the eyes of outsiders, experimenting with all kinds of weird magic ideas. According to Ning Yi's expectation, it should be a brainstorming group to make systematic ideas and plans for various things, but it is difficult to concentrate a group of smart people to do such things. In the previous management of Jiang Ning, Ning Yi has begun to pay attention to craftsmen such as juggling. At this time, he has concentrated some barely available craftsmen to help them make magic and juggling ideas.

It can be said that things in the entire courtyard are not on the right track, because at present, there are not too many subjective initiatives among the workers inside. Ning Yi can only slowly make a reward and punishment mechanism in the chaos at this time, such as the honeycomb coal. When the basic process is completed, some people will be removed to build the workshop, and several will be able to innovate. Cooked artisans stay.

When the party to the paper can come up with a practical effect, Ning Yi will also remove some of the people, leaving the innovating craftsmen, and the rest will be so step by step. Such a system, rewards, and guidance must not be done in a day or two, but the good thing is that Ning Yi is not a very troublesome thing.

However, in the entire compound, the most subjective initiative at the moment may be one aspect of gunpowder, because it is Liangshan’s “Into Yunlong” Gongsun Sheng. He was arrested at the time of the fall of Liangshan and chose to surrender. After investigating him, Ning Yi found that Liang Shantou, who said that he could call the wind and rain, actually did the best of Danshu. Although he was quite martial, he was actually fascinated by all kinds of weird studies.

After asking many people, such as Lu Junyi, Yan Qing, Qin Ming, etc., Ning Yi probably talked with Mr. Gong Sun for a few days of physical chemistry, and showed him black powder and other things, and finally decided to support his Dan. Research, draw a technical home. Although everyone's current cognitive system is very different, at least Ning Yi's many ideas, the other side has the ability to conduct research. Like sulfuric acid and nitric acid, he had been playing with it for a long time. For those who made alchemy, they had enough ability to prepare it. It was a good one in the whole chemical research.

"But... the second brother-in-law, you really shouldn’t give him the gunpowder formula. I got the Mr. Gongsun’s bombing in the yard all day. Sooner or later, I have to kill myself... Two brothers, you know their priests. There is a trick to throw out the gunpowder. Yesterday, Mr. Gongsun threw a torch and burned his sleeve. We hurry to get something to play next to it. Fortunately, he is fine..."

Eating a steamed bun, Su Wenfang talked about this, everyone is also talking about it, Ning Yi is drinking soy milk and laughing.

"Cough, nothing, optimistic about him, do some experiment, no matter what he is... But today I went to see the refractory brick, as long as the process is no problem, I am ready to sell it... Yanping, you are ready How do I tell you today, we only do the first one or two years at the most, fast forward and fast, this kind of thing is not high in technical content. Once it is done, others will imitate it in a short time, and then it will be cheap. Go out, this is just for you to test, but don't take it lightly..."

Everyone talked and laughed, and Taner quietly ate something, laughing at Ning Yi and chatting with his own cousin. In the business of cloth, her style is more tough, but she is not good at how to cultivate her side. Only in front of his husband, these young people who were originally in the Su family and do a little lazy do can show such vitality.

For a while, Su Yanping said: "I heard that Wen Hao has to come back in recent days, and that Wang Shanyue."

He used to go north with Su Wenzhao, and Su Wenzhao stayed in Shandong to do things. Now he can finally follow Ning Yi’s management of one thing, so he thought of this brother. Ning Yi smiled and said: "It is estimated that there is a delay because of heavy snow, but these two days should also come. After the New Year, Zhujiazhuang's congratulations will come over. At that time, he will train you martial arts. People are very powerful, don't want Take it lightly."

Su Wending smiled and said: "We are also very powerful now!" The people smiled and echoed. Ning Yi smiled and shook his head:. "A bunch of rascals, waiting for beating you."

After returning to the Liangliang, Ning Yi and the Wang family actually had a lot of connections. The Wang family used to be famous for making ink. However, after coming to the capital, due to the death of Wang Qisong and other Wang Jianan, the ink-making technique has been lost a lot. Most of them are some chores like selling ancient books. Ning Yi contacted the other side for a while. Su Tan also had several visits in the past. I hope that they can run some business such as printing and publishing books. Ning Yi can make plans and help management on both sides.

After all, this is the literati's world, not the merchant's world. The Wang family's book is not the same as the Ning family's book. In the future, I will calculate some messy things. The reputation of the Wang family is in front of it, and there is another official who dares to control it. It is only these things that can only be formally confirmed after Wang Shanyue returns.

The family used the breakfast and had a good meal. They went back to the house. Taner put on the clothes and put on the fox. She held the child and sat in Ning Yi’s arms and said something for a while. The little face between the fox and the fluff occasionally has a girllike smile. Soon after, the carriage was ready outside. When the apricot came over, Su Yanping also came over to find Ning Yi. While holding the child here and sending her small hand to send her out, Su Taner smiled and waved back, but when she stepped out of the courtyard door, the sun shone, and on the white side of the face, she had already returned from the girl to the past. The one that belongs to Su Taner...


Yuliang suburb.

Half a morning, Zuo Houwen looked at the woman in and out of the opposite courtyard in the carriage. There was a new workshop on the other side. Recently, things have been shipped. Move in. Although it was snowing today, it was still the case. A batch of looms were transported and the workers moved into the door. A woman dressed in a fox looks like the main house, looking back and forth and commanding. The woman is dressed with a woman, but her face is plain and beautiful. She looks very young from the face, but she is not too small in her temperament. She has a smile. Although she does not have much, she has her own momentum and is often clean. A few words of negligence can make people obey orders.

Young and mature clean soft temperament as mixed together in the snow, as if proudly open daffodils in general.

He was forty years old, in the name of the cloth to only a small business, he just have to come and see, unexpectedly would see such a strange woman, could not help but let the carriage stopped. He also had seen some of the business people of the woman or her husband's death to hold up a home, but with the front of the woman is somewhat different. In the heavy snow, she seems too young and too calm, too, and the calmness of the general merchants is not the same.

"Who is that?" Put down the book of the hand, he asked the manager of the workshop.

"Newly, the cloth line seems to be called Su Shi, but the main family heard that surname Ning, the woman claimed to be Mrs. Ning."

"Su's? Ningjia? So strange? Her husband's family is dead? Let a woman come out and show up?"

"It seems that there is no ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a few times, it is a scholar..."

"This way." Zuo Houwen frowned, probably understand, the book is accompanied by the merchant's daughter, this is not uncommon, but the scholars who are willing to do this kind of thing, but also limited bones, "I will ask people next time." Name... Liu Guanshi, go back, go back and see if there is any... this post from Ningjia."

At the same time, in a large courtyard outside the city, Ning Yi and Su Yanping squatted on the ground to see the refractory brick slabs burned. Soon after, some people handed in posts, and the road was inviting to be invited. Wang Shanyue and Su Wenzhao are back.

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