Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 454: Emotional problem (on)

Near the year, the right side of the house is actually quite lively. Not only Wang Shanyue, but also a small group of teachers and disciples with Qin Yuyuan came to visit. As the eldest son of Qin Yuyuan, Qin Shaohe arrived in Beijing a few days earlier. Qin Shaoqian will take several days to arrive. In addition, many relatives, such as the Qin family, the son-in-law and the son-in-law, made it possible to restore the atmosphere of Qin Shiyuan when he was still in the book.

The juniors gathered here, and many of the guests and friends in the government were often invited. In fact, it belongs to the deliberate invitation of Qin Yuyuan. A group of people sit down and talk about it, or talk about some political affairs. For the juniors who are interested in politics at home, it is a good education to casually hear some. It is also considered that this old man who is in the right side has some support for his family.

Due to the large number of people in the government, Ning Yi’s past times have been relatively reduced, but occasionally he will be invited by the other party. This will not be pushed. And often in the middle of a group of high-ranking people, he passed the "master". As the youngest guest in the right-wing house, he and Qin Qinyuan, Qi Zu-nian, Jue Ming and others are all equals, this is the strength of the post-Ming Liangshan's record, and in terms of Ning Yi's heritage, He can't make too much push, but his knowledge of Confucian theory may not be enough, but for him, there is always another set of theories that can make up, and it can always be thought-provoking, which is the result of the modern philosophy system.

Of course, Qin Yuyuan has a wide range of contacts, and occasionally he will encounter some doubters. There was a meeting a few days ago. One of the people who had studied under Qin Yuyuan, the 40-year-old Zhizhou, just happened to see Ning Yi as a merchant, young and young, and talked about the shackles and harms of businessmen. An example of his own state. Ning Yi didn't pay attention to it at first. He was young after all, and it was a kind of party. It was not good to be a part of it. But after the other party’s words were fierce, when he talked about him, he began to analyze the system of the entire Shinong industry and commerce. Something.

How to form the whole system, how to operate, how to develop from the business people. Speaking of the status quo and appeals, specifically how, why is this, etc., and then analyze the ideas of the businessmen under the state. What is good and what is not good. After all the rebuttals of Zhizhou were refuted, the people in the whole room were basically paralyzed. On the evening of the same day, Qin Yuyuan said that Zhizhou came over to find Ning Yi, and after apology, he sought advice on how to deal with his merchants. ,solution……

For Ning Yi, it is actually a simple sales promotion.

Since you are going out to do things. There will be doubts like this, even if they are in a camp, they may not be able to get together. For these things, Ning Yi has been psychologically prepared. Qin Yuyuan also understands that it will not cause too much conflict among the people under his command.

Since Ning Yi is young, most of the time he consciously avoids it, of course, it is the right way. And among the relatives of the Qin family. Some people are also jealous of him, and some people ask about his situation. Consider whether you can marry a daughter to him, in a variety of situations, and so on. Ning Yi sometimes feels quite troublesome.

After this time, some of the acquaintances were gathered in the government. Qi Zuinian, Jue Ming, Ji Kun and others are regarded as the elders of Wang Shanyue. Qin Yuyuan has not yet returned, but there are also Qin Shaohe, Wen Renfu and others waiting for him. Ning Yi is, everyone is talking with Wang Shanyue. Asked about the various details in Shandong, see Ning Yi coming, laughing and saying that the protagonist is coming. Ning Yi also greeted Wang Shanyue. After asking, he knew that he arrived home last night and entered the city this morning to meet with him. Su Wenzhao is not good to follow the right to the right, should be home.

At the moment, it was near noon. Soon after, Qin Yuyuan came back from the outside. He was accompanied by the current minister of the family, Tang Yi Tang Qin, who was old with Wang Qisong. I heard that Wang Shanyue returned to Beijing and came over to see.

In fact, Ning Yi has had two sides with Tang Yan at this time. Since the poetry of the Dragon Boat Festival came out, this well-known foreigner has asked Qin Yuyuan why he did not recommend these talents to the country. Although his official position is inferior to Qin Yuyuan, the two are quite personal. I have come over twice and I have seen Ning Yi and I have been concerned about this.

On the other hand, Tang Yiben is a native of Hangzhou and has a relationship with Qian Xiwen. Fang Lazhi’s suffering was a mess in Hangzhou. After listening to Qin Yuyuan’s talk about Ning Yi’s rescue for Hangzhou and his visit to Qian Qiwen before his death, he was quite fond of Ning Yi. It was only two contacts. It was quite unpleasant for Ning Yi’s thoughts that he did not enter the officialdom. He was persuaded to persuade him a few words. Today’s perception of Ning Yi is not too good.

Greetings and chats at the time of meeting are actually similar situations. Ning Yi is already familiar with the government and does not appear to be a student. At noon, a feast was held in Xiangfu. Ning Yi and Wang Shanyue and other juniors had a table. They talked and laughed. As the boss of this group, Qin Shaohe came over and said something to Ning Yi.

"...In the last two days, I have discussed some things with my family's mother. When I talked about the Ning brothers, I always felt that the Ning brothers didn't come out as officials. It was a pity, so the dumb brothers wanted to come and see, but I don't know if the Ning brothers are in the heart. what idea……"

On this matter, Qin Shaohe is not the first person to talk to Ning Yi. It was only after confirming that Ning Yi really planned to run a business, and he did not make a career consideration, he only smiled and talked about other things.

"...The Ning brothers will consider this matter again. In fact, my father is very eager to come to the Taiwanese side. For the sake of the scenes, there may not be protection in the future... But since the Ning brothers have no interest for the time being, the brothers and brothers have negotiated with their parents and they are I feel that I can ask the Ning brothers for some other things..."


"You also know that Xiangfu is so big, and all kinds of expenses are expensive. After the father's resignation, some of the original business in Fuzhong has been put down, and this time it is necessary to run some business, in fact, all of them are in the face of Xiangfu. In exchange for money, the business is mostly handled by Kun Shu, but Kun Shu is not very good at doing business. After I discussed it with my mother, I feel that it may be possible for Li Heng to take over and take care of it..."

Listening to Qin Shaohe talking about this, Ning Yi laughed: "Qin Xiong knows that since I returned to Beijing in the last three months, my men have spent money like water, not only did not earn a silver, but the money is already close. It’s 100,000, and it’s all from my lady’s side.”

Qin Shaohe took Ning Yi's shoulder. Shaking his head and laughing: "Hey, Ning brothers don't want to be modest. Just relying on the performance of Ning brothers on Liangshan. If you want to do business, I can follow them. In fact, when I talked with my father, my father didn't feel that Ning brothers earned. If you earn money, he feels that you should not let the Ning brothers do these small things and distract you. Although you refuse to go out, there are still some government affairs in the government that you want to push to your head. That is a small matter, you can't push political affairs."

Qin Yuyuan, the right side, is currently equivalent to the post of prime minister. Recently, the name of Xiangfu Guest is hanging. It is true that there are often some government affairs to be dealt with. Most of them are related to officialdom and shopping malls. Some of them can be handled by them. Some of them still have to ask about the details of the officialdom and other suggestions. This little life is not busy, and there is a suggestion for him to give advice, but most of the estimates are based on his advice.

Speaking of this, Ning Yi also nodded. Then the face is serious: "In fact, the business depends on the background, give me the right thing, I will be more convenient than I am alone. It is only related to money. Usually it is from insiders. Management, so many people in the government, all aspects are involved, if you give me the words. Not afraid of trouble, a group of relatives are not happy?"

"That is a small matter." Qin Shaohe is now the official of any state. If Fei Ning is close to his family, he would not talk to him at all. At this time, he waved his hand and knew that Ning Yi was actually agreeing. He smiled and toasted. "So, please come to the Ning brothers. As for the rules at home, After the end of the year, my mother will tell everyone clearly. These things are hard to believe.

After saying this, he whispered softly: "In fact, the brothers of Ning are well-known among my cousins ​​and sisters..."

Ning Yi waved: "Hold, the brothers are stunned." There he couldn't help but laugh.

A table of people was idle for a while. At the end of the dinner, Ning Yi found Wang Shanyue and asked him about the festival with Zhujiazhuang. Wang Shanyue’s beautiful face was quite hesitant.

"Actually... they are all misunderstandings. I am actually nothing to do with the girl."


"I was inexplicable at the beginning." Wang Shanyue frowned and tangled. "You also know that after the end of Liangshan, the Secret Investigation Department is not much there. Since it is familiar with everyone in Dulonggang, When I was free, I was entangled there. Sanniang... 扈三娘 She and her wishing brothers all said that they wanted to be married, but because of the sorrow and her brother’s injury, they delayed for a while. Before arriving, one day, I wished the brothers to come and look for it. I chatted and said that he and the girl would be married, and I would like to congratulate him. He looked at my eyes and was not right..."

Ning Yi saw his eyes suddenly strange, Wang Shanyue sneaked a little, then compared him to a middle finger, this is Ning Yi's gesture in Shandong to teach him, just by the appearance of the beautiful Wang Shanyue, always appear Some are "cold".

Wang Shanyue grinned: "I later learned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He may be testing me. After talking to me, the next day, I heard that he ran to discuss marriage with the girl. After the result came back, I said that I want to be right with me. I am his opponent, but I don’t know what it is. Of course, the righteousness is strictly rejected. The result is still with him. The girl ran with a knife..."

Wang Shanyue said this, it is a bitter cry. At that time, he didn't understand anything at all, but Yan Sanniang ran over and said to Zhu Xi: "I don't care about him, I wish you to fight and find me!" With a few words, he is dumb to eat berberine. I can’t say it. Yan Sanniang took a pair of knives and Zhu Biao for a while, because the two men's skills are not much different, and can not live and die, and ultimately I wish to run away, and said that good men do not fight with women.

As a result, this afternoon, when Yu Sanniang left, Zhu Xi went to find Wang Shanyu Xingshi to ask for sin. In fact, everyone's relationship in the past is very good. The men and women are jealous, and the gangsters are not good at participating. Wang Shanyue resists a few tricks and is labeled as a panda eye. I wish you will leave with satisfaction.

Ning Yi listened to his abdomen and then asked: "What about you and the girl, what is going on? It seems that she likes you, don't you like her?"

"I... I don't know..."

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