Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 455: Emotional problem (middle)

"Then what happened to you and the girl? It seems that she likes you, don't you like her?"

"I... I don't know..." He walked under the eaves of Xiangfu, and there was snow falling from the treetops in the courtyard. Wang Shanyue’s expression is serious.

"Actually... during the period of Dulonggang, there was indeed some exchange. At that time, only one woman in Yanjiazhuang supported the overall situation. Now that the legs are gone, the old woman is not as good as before. She asked me many things. I naturally refuse to refuse. And everyone friends, I have a relationship on the official field, can help the natural help. Who knows that things have become like this, in fact, when leaving, Sanniang has found me, ask me... ...I am willing to marry her as a wife. I am really embarrassed, my friend and wife can not deceive this truth, I understand, after Zhu Jiazhuang, I wish you a life and death brother, he wants to beat me, I have nothing to say, and ......"

He grinned and looked firm: "And, in my family, I can think about getting married. These things, Liheng, you know."

Ning Yi looked at him for a while, then smiled and shook his head and patted him on the shoulder: "Oh, actually, if you really care, if you care, you won’t beat you. He said before, he actually I don't like the girl like San Niang."

"But anyway, when I read the book of the sages, I should never do this kind of thing..."

"It seems that a group of people are following Qin Xiang, the king brothers are the most extreme in your work, and the most decent in your heart..." Ning Yi smiled. "Well, then I will ask you a sentence... Have you ever played a mother?"


"In terms of utilitarian point of view, if your martial arts is as high as that of Sanniang, do you still have to bite when you are fighting?" Ning Yi said seriously. "If you really licked Sanniang, her martial arts is so powerful, maybe it can Teach your family to practice martial arts. You don't need to protect her at all."

Wang Shanyue’s eyes shook.

Ning Yi continued: "Reversely, we are now doing business with Dulonggang. In addition to the only two of us in Dulonggang, the situation of the family is now, and it is definitely the future of Sanniang, and I wish you a good relationship with Sanniang. , and if you are married to Sanniang, most of them are yours, and they are some. The Wang family is famous. Relatively speaking, the Wang family is now a woman, not too rich, and the money is not yet in the family. If you can marry Sanniang, it is just a complementary advantage, there is nothing wrong with it. Besides you look better than her."

He said, continue to move forward: "In fact, you may not like to listen to these utilitarian words. Friends and wife can not be bullied, but the problem now is, I wish you don't like 扈三娘, 扈三娘 likes you, you don't hate her, this world man There are many choices. Sanniang marrys Zhu Xi, and he will set it for a lifetime. Do you think she will have a good time? You have pushed a woman’s heart for his own morality... Of course, unless you are really annoying She, in fact, thinks about it, she is not beautiful, the rough girl in the country. It is not the feeling of the book, it is difficult to satisfy your Wang family..."

Wang Shanyue looked down. Frowning: "Actually... no, I actually... don't think that the girl has anything rough, and her martial arts... but even if you say this, I still feel that something is wrong..."

"Of course not right." Ning Yi pointed to him. "I wish you no, he still has no girl. Do you know what kind of girl Zhu Xi likes? It is the sister of your family, knowing the book, not to A woman who is too proud, can be a husband and wife after the marriage... Maybe it may not be possible, but he will come over after the year, if you are a brother, you may wish to introduce him. If you don’t enter, don’t say, Zhujiazhuang has money. Your family is famous. I wish you a good-natured personality, but you can’t talk about anything high. You can think about these things..."

Wang Shanyue and Ning Yi also had some exchanges and friendships. In the past, he was greatly confused by him. At this time, when Ning Yi finished, he looked at him and concealed his heart. The two walked through a courtyard door and were entering the back garden of Xiangfu. Some young people came over and made a face-to-face with Ning Yi. Then they handed over: "Ah, Ning Gongzi... Is this girl?"

Ning Yi couldn't help but laugh, saying: "This is... Wang girl, surnamed Wang, huh, huh, famous mountain month."

The young man of the Qin family originally looked at the appearance of Wang Shanyue, and asked him to answer it. When Ning Yi answered this question, he noticed that the other party was dressed, and his expression suddenly became complicated. Wang Shanyue bowed slightly, and some helplessly handed. He is in the area of ​​Shandong, killing people against the enemy, means violent, but in fact the heart is mild, for the average person to say that he is beautiful, like a woman, in fact, does not mind too much.

At this time, the snow gradually stopped, and the snow in the garden was quite thick. A group of children ran around and snowballed each other. It seemed very lively, and occasionally they could see the son-in-law in the Qin Dynasty. Ning Yi chatted with Wang Shanyue for a while, sometimes he heard a bunch of children whispering over there: "There is a sister who plays a man's dress over there, and I see it."

Ning Yi asked Wang Shanyue about Su Wenzhao's situation and knew that the previous management of the camp had caused tremendous pressure on Su Wenzhao. But fortunately, in the last month, the young people who have bought all over the place have already gone in, so that the original Liangshan people’s one-on-one teaching martial arts or skills, this way of inheritance, eased the mental state of the people in the camp, Su Wenzhao So I was relieved.

After all such talks, Ning Yi gave a speech from Xiangfu. At the time of leaving, Qin Shaohe also brought two hams that were said to be on the court. When Wang Shanyue sent him out, Ning Yi turned back and said, "Think about it, you are with the girl."

Wang Shanyue stood on the steps and laughed: "You are not good at picking up such things."

Ning Yi punched him on the shoulder, and it was very uncomfortable to wave away.

Xiangfu is quite close to the Imperial City. Even if the two days are full of snow, the servants of various households come out to clean the streets at any time. Therefore, there are no snow on both sides of the street. Ning Yi took the ham through the long street and turned into the nearby road. When he looked at the nearby trees, walls and pedestrians, he shook his head and smiled.

Picking up such a thing, he may not really be good at it.

Going to the door of a small courtyard nearby, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. When someone came over to open the door, another footstep sounded, and the woman’s voice came out: "Who?"

“Community gives warmth.”


The woman inside snorted. Probably I think there is no word to pick up and open the courtyard door. Behind the courtyard is Yuan Jiner, a goose-yellow cotton jacket. She squinted slightly and looked at Ning Yi with her eyes open. When Ning Yi came in, the next person closed the courtyard door, and she opened her hands to make a look. Ning Yi also slightly opened his hand. Jin Er smiled and hid in the past to hug the ham in his hand. And with Ning Yi's slap on her buttocks, she jumped up again, and she was going to single-handedly with Ning Yi. After that, she jumped in with Ning Yi and pointed to a small snowman in the yard. : "That is my heap."

This courtyard is exquisite. The two small buildings are beautifully arranged, garden flowers and rockery trees are quite beautiful. Originally it was the industry of the Right Xiangfu. When Ning Yi went in, there were some people who were around to take care of them. One of the small buildings was close to the street. Jiner was estimated to have seen Ning Yi on it. The floor is filled with soft and quiet sounds. Then stopped.

Into the door of the small building, Ning Yi took off his shoes, and when he turned around, the light footsteps came from above. A white figure flung into his arms. Ning Yi clasped his hand, the figure glazed Ning Yi's neck, legs left the ground, so quietly with Ning Yi hugged. It took a while. Ning Yi sighed softly: "You are more and more like being raised outside..."

The figure couldn’t help but smile.

Ning Yi hugged her upstairs: "You are still not good, you shouldn't run like this." Jiner took the ham: "Sister is much better today."

When entering the room on the second floor. The warm atmosphere enveloped here. There are quite a few rooms in this room, but because it uses a lot of colored glass, it looks quite bright during the day and it is not boring. Obviously, there is ventilation from time to time. There are many common items in the women's boudoir in the room, as well as a variety of musical instruments, many books, and a blanket on the floor. Ning Yi put the bamboo in a white dress on the bed on the side of the room. Yunzhu would have to go down for tea, and Ning Yi waved and stopped.

"Wait and so on." Ning Yi took up her wrist and put her finger on the top and frowned for a while, looking at Yunzhu. "Is this... the pulse is strong and good, is it good?"

Yunzhu also took a ride on his own hand and blinked: "It should be."

Ning Yi licked his mouth.

Jiner put up the ham and came up. He stood at the door and looked at Yunzhu and got out of bed. He made a pot of tea on the small side of the bed, then went back to the bed and sat down in the quilt. Ning Yi sat at the bed and took a The book began to read to her, the two hands together. Soon after, she licked her mouth, climbed into the bed, lay down beside her sister for a while, climbed and climbed and tossed it, and after a while, got out of bed and took a picture novel, sitting in Ning On the furry blanket around Yi, he read his book by his legs. However, Ning Yi’s book will always disturb her, so she couldn’t help but put down the picture novel and looked up at Ning Yi’s appearance.

For many years, this was not the most beautiful man she had ever seen, but recently, she thought that she had become accustomed to him and began to think that he was the best and most powerful man, although sometimes she did I saw his weak side...

The physical problem of Yunzhu was gradually emerged during the time when Ning Yi left the Liangliang. After Ning Yi came back, she suddenly broke out, which made her unable to eat anything, vomiting, physical weakness and even fainting. In the case of the government, the doctor can be invited to treat her. The result is the heart disease. Ning Yi and Jin Er did not know where her heart was, and even Yunzhu could not tell her, especially after she and Ning Yi determined the relationship, but soon after, Ning Yi gradually saw the problem.

At the beginning, Yunzhu set up a small stall for the sake of his livelihood. He opened a bamboo note to help him. However, after Liangshan’s affairs, they followed the capital, and they came to the new place. In the second place, regarding the expansion and development of Zhuji, Ning Yi’s plan, Yunzhu could not keep up. She is intelligent inside, and she really can't manage bamboo records. The familiar environment and familiar people are far away. Although she didn't have much social time when she was in Jiangning, Jiangning was, after all, her. The residence for so many years.

After all the problems were solved, the problem appeared on the perfection of feelings. Yunzhu didn't understand why she was sick at first, but she felt that she was tired of Ning Yi when she was all perfect. This kind of mood even aggravated her condition. Jin Er didn't understand it at the time. She knew that she was sitting at the bed of this room that night. She saw Ning Yi sitting there and holding the hand of Yunzhu and said, "I still made you a canary..." She gradually Understand.

Just as Wang Shanyue is facing emotional problems~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After returning to Liangliang, the biggest trouble that really appears in front of Ning Yi is also the problem above the relationship. This is unexpected. One thing.

In the last life, he did not get much in terms of feelings. In this world, people's emotions are cherished. He is a person with outstanding ability. He is not willing to give up things that make him feel good. He always feels that there must be a way to get to the mountains. He once mentioned this kind of trouble with Kang Xian, and he once said it heroically. He is not going to let go. However, at this time, these accumulated things have finally come to this side...


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