Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 457: Year of the tune

Regarding the problem of the camp in Shandong, no one has mentioned it since this winter.

In this winter, Ning Yi lived his own simple days step by step. Every morning, he and his cousins ​​in the family participated in the training. They stayed at home in the daytime, or they would go out with Tan, occasionally to visit Yunzhu and Jin. child.

In the heavy snow in the winter, there are things about the big courtyard outside the city of Yongliang, which are still being done step by step. Ning Yi provides creativity as much as possible, and is supervised by several relatives of Sujia to cultivate their practical execution. Although it seems that everything is laid out in a careless situation, in fact, for Ning Yi, this is not a big thing. All the lines are actually forming an order in this careless way. .

When several small achievements appeared and several rewards were implemented, the craftsmen in the courtyard gradually understood what the main family wanted and began to have certain subjective initiative. Although this group of people does not necessarily have such excellent research capabilities, it is never a genius to truly support the operation of a large system. As long as order can be formed, there will always be outstanding talents in the future.

What really plagues Ning Yi is, after all, an emotional problem. For Yunzhu and Jiner, he hopes to have as many arrangements as possible, but in fact the arrangement is not there. For those who don't care, he can manipulate human nature and do all kinds of terrible things. But for women who are close to this level, the heart and heart are fragile, almost without defense, and every step must be careful. He has considered taking Yunzhu Jiner home, but in fact, the damage will still be caused by the four women around, and it is not necessarily true that the problem can be solved.

And because of the things of Yunzhu, he also has a guilt for Tan and Xiaoyan. Even with his spiritual cultivation, the anger can arbitrarily converge, but guilt still exists.

At this point, he has become an indecisive person. Sometimes I look at the snow scene at home and think about it. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself and laugh. I’m holding Ning Yu and saying, “When you have a lot of girls in the future, don’t look like this...”

Near the year-round Beijing, there is a lively atmosphere, a variety of poetry, industry events, and countless activities in the brothel. The flower is selected. The talents gathered from all over the world met with the squad, and it was a lace news. Although Ning Yi does not participate very much, but Su Wending and others naturally have to join in the fun, the various things in the city, often also Ningfu night or early morning talks.

Ning Yi dressed Tan Er and Xiao Yan as men, sneaked to two poetry meetings, and sang the gossips of those talented and beautiful women. Although not involved in poetry. However, the family is quite a bit of a pleasure. After all, it is only the age of twenty. Ning Yi likes the color of the girl who is mad and not good after being teased.

Master Li has been quite busy recently.

As one of the most famous squadrons of the capital. The so-called Chinese New Year is an endless stream of rushing to various gatherings that cannot be pushed. In order to perform at various gatherings such as New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve, it is necessary to take time to consider a large number of performances. Although for her, everything has long been familiar. But occasionally tired, I will also fantasize about the year and celebration of ordinary people. Sitting with the family, parents and what is sitting by the fire. Of course, when you come back, you will see the scene of "Fengyan sound, jade pot light, one night fish dragon dance".

This year for her is a year at its peak. The reason is that since the party before the Dragon Boat Festival, the book of poetry that was handed over to her by the ancestors has a lot of power. After the poems of "Chang Ji Xi Ting Sun" and Xia Kexing were released, the original For a while she held her fame to the highest point.

Although there are doubts about whether these different styles of poetry come from one person's hand, it is inevitable outside. However, during that time, Ning Yi was no longer in Beijing, and Qi Zunian personally took care of it. This kind of discussion has further set off the fame of Master Li, which has made her undoubtedly the head of the capital.

It’s close to the year, only new problems are in front of her – at least in the eyes of others – that the peak of too high leads her to outperform the glory of the middle of the year, unless she can find herself Zhou Bangyan or Ning Yi from the field wrote some famous works for her. Fortunately, my mother Li Yun does not insist on this.

"The reputation is already big enough." After asking if the teacher can visit Ning Yi again, she said, "But before and after the year, you have to look for someone as usual, thank you on the door, the rest are you. The thing is over."

Because Ning Yi had come to visit some rushes before, the teacher did not know his current residence, and thought it was a bit rude. In fact, she also thought a little bit. She thought that if she could meet Ning Yi inadvertently in social situations, the two sides would be more natural. If they deliberately went to the door, they would be deliberate, fearing that this friendship would deteriorate.

It is a pity that Ning Yi has returned to the Liangliang and has done a great job of suppressing Liangshan. In the social field such as Qinglou, it is a trace of disappearance. It has never appeared, and she has some regrets. Occasionally remembered, I don’t know what the eccentric childhood friend is doing in the lively city of the fireworks.

Sometimes I hear some pieces about him at the party. Or when you talk about poetry, or when you talk about Liangshan, you say that this is Ning Liheng, but the guest of the right Xiangfu. Before the year of the year, the division finally heard the specific news about the other party.

The news came from an old musician named Nongguyin.

This agricultural ancient sound was originally a brothel 20 years ago, and the piano art is outstanding. Later, he was unable to marry. When he was older, he left his home and retired in the city of Yongliang. In his spare time, he only repaired the instrument tones in a few brothels. Near the year, the division sent the instrument to her. Although the itinerary was busy, the instrument had to match its own feelings, and it was inevitable to stay in the other's home.

Although the ancient sound of the country is large, but the life of a reclusive monk, the teacher has always been envious, and feel that if he is old, it is not a bad thing to live. Nongguyin will persuade her to find a man to pay for life for a long time. Otherwise it will become such a miserable appearance.

"Early teach you from that week, Bang Yan, be a diverticulum, do not understand what you think of this woman. Now your fame is big, who is it to marry? To the people of the famous family, you are climbing It’s a pity that when you are in the dim room, it’s even more impossible to have a background with no fame.”

The middle-aged woman shook her head and played with the guqin in her hand. On the other hand, she counted the teacher Li. "But it’s said. You and the person named Ning Yi seem to have a good relationship. I think this man is also okay, even though there are wives, If you have the opportunity, you may wish to follow him..."

Master Li smiled at the teacup: "Nong sister, you don't know him."

"Who said that I didn't know it, I saw it earlier. Hey. The stove that burned water is made by him, very convenient." Nongguyin smiled. "In addition, don't call my sister, I am too old." I live alone, my temper is strange..."

The teacher frowned and looked at him, rubbing his eyes: "He... what happened to the farmer sister?"

"The little boy in the family is sick. He stayed with him everywhere. You know, there are few people coming here, the average person does not receive it. He came over and asked several times. Just because I heard that my piano is good, I want to play it. The song gave him the little voice. I have never performed with a stranger, and I have to agree to it a few times... He is really bothered..."

Nonggu Yin shook his head, and the teacher knew that she was understatement. But to impress her, the other party must have to work hard.

"Then I had to talk to them. The kid didn't understand the art. He was absent-minded. I later heard him say "not good" with his little sister, and almost made me lose my temper. But his little lyrics It’s really good, it’s called Nie Yunzhu. Later we visited each other several times...”

Nongguyin said that here, he has come to call the teacher to leave, and the topic will be temporarily stopped. It was only after the teacher came over the next day that the whole matter was asked clearly. Nie Yunzhu’s illness, Ning Yi’s actions, even came over with the ancient voice to ask about the sound of the piano.

"...It’s really a noisy, I want to make a good piano. I can’t do it for three or five years. He spent a month trying to figure out how to play the piano. It’s awkward and twisting... But then, In the brothel for so many years, a man with a long and beautiful heart, a woman who thinks about women all day, is not without, but this kind of person is angry with every fat powder. But this Ning Yi seems to be a big man, but can do Some of these things are not overbearing, it is very rare..."

"... Later I met with Nie Yunzhu two or three times. I heard that this person is not only for her, but also for other wives in the family. It is also a wholehearted concern. Then Nie said that she is somewhat worried, this Ning Yi body There are too many things to carry, and for the people around me, I always want to take up the burden. She wanted to share it. I couldn’t think of it because of the physical things, she became the burden of the other party. She was very unwilling to go... I am in the brothel. For many years, these things are really rare. Every time a man is tired of being old and new, a woman is a pastime. When he likes it, he naturally loves it. When he doesn’t like it, he puts it aside. If he feels that he is close to one person, it is a copy. Responsibility, you can't marry you if you are a teacher..."

After finishing this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the teacher also laughed: "You can really misunderstand the farmer sister." Turning his head is thinking about the relationship between Ning Yi and the woman around her, she knows that Ning Yi has the original match. , Nie Yunzhu is mostly outside the room. On the other hand, she also knows that Ning Yi is a person who does big things. She even turned over the entire Liangshan. If the whole thing is really like what the farmer’s sister said, then what is the situation around Ning Yi’s side?

Anyway, it will make people feel a headache.

Soon after, she once again saw Ning Yi, it was already the spring of Jinghan's eleven years. At that time, Ning Yi seemed to be in a dull home life, and many things happened. Everything was when he returned to Beijing to decide to do things. Unexpected...


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