Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 458: Responsibility and shoulders (1)

After the younger year, every household cleaned the courtyard and posted new new year pictures and window grilles. When the lantern was first set up, the carriage passed through the street and occasionally heard the sound of firecrackers. Taner opened the curtain and watched the carriage pass through the pedestrians on the street. Shortly after the big goods street, it was Yanhe.

The snow has been swept straight on both sides of the street. There are not many pedestrians on the road. Most of the roads are blue-walled courtyards. A fan or a large or closed door is hung with lanterns and erected stone lions. Some of these courtyards are lively, some are deserted, and they don’t see the inside. The front door is flanked by couplets. The one close to their home is “National Family Celebration, Life Longfeng”. When the carriage passed, the inside was screaming and screaming, accompanied by the woman’s crying.

On the other side of Ning, there are a few people who are also looking at the excitement here. After the carriage passed, the children and Su Yan equals trotting over, and Taner also smashed. Seeing that two women, one big and one small, were thrown out of the door, and the big head was also beaten with blood. Come.

"I heard that the wife of the family is not very check, the family steals money, and does not honor the in-laws, let it come out..." Xiao Yan said to Shan Er, whispered, "I also said that the wife of the four sisters and the family The next person is dyed, and her husband does not want to soak her in a pig cage or sue the government, but just ran away from their mother and daughter..."

Among the high-ranking households, sometimes such things do not require too detailed reasons, and the information that is transmitted is true or false and difficult to say. Taner shook his head and looked at the mother on the street, pulling her daughter and kneeling on the floor, crying and hoeing, but some people threw out the small bag, and under the light of the door, a man stood there, and looked at it indifferently. Turn around. After the servants closed the door, the woman cried and rushed to the door.

"When the New Year is over, where can people go..."

Sighed, Taner and Xiaoyan and others entered the doorway. Su Yanping, who was keen on the gossip, was still squatting at the door. After being stared for a while, Taner raised his hand and followed him. This is a lot of things at home. There is a brand of Ning Yi in it, shrugging his shoulders to say something, including some neuroticism that Ning Yi showed in the enemy, a group of guys have become a trend to learn.

of course. The only thing that can be used as a ridicule is that the two brother-in-law seem to not pick up the girl. Similar rumors are occasionally passed to the ear of the ear, and when they ask them, no one dares to say it. In fact, they don't say that Tan children know more and more. There is a lot of relationship with Nie Yunzhu.

The doorway is the main courtyard of the visitor. There is a large lounge next to the main hall. Many of the arrangements are made by Ning Yi. All kinds of interesting chairs, carpets, furs, and the fire in the winter are quite warm. It is a place for family to rest and gather at night. At this time, Wenfang Wending and others are already inside. It’s quite a lively talk about the things in the courtyard outside the city, some interesting new things that are useless, or how to use new things to make money.

Under Ning Yi's hand, this family did not produce the same barriers as the high door. Or when it is not yet time to create a barrier. Every time I saw the joy of a group of brothers, Taner sincerely hoped that this scene would last longer.

She is the mother, but after all, she is also a woman, come and say hello. Leave two small snacks and go back. Not much time. Ning Yi also came back from the opposite side of the government, carrying some information files. When he returned to the house, he said to Xiao Xiao: "On the way back, I saw the door next door. There was a woman who took the child and cried and shot the door. It was really miserable... ..."

"It’s the fourth room of the owner’s house. I heard that when people are old and not happy, they are driven out...” The gossip in Xiaoshao’s mouth changed again. “Xiaoying is so rushed out in the future. ""

"You yell at me. I swell your **** at most..."

"Hey, when you are a grandfather, you will start..."

Taner smiled and watched the two men coming in at the door. Soon after, Ning Yi put down the information files brought back. The family talked and chatted. After dinner, they went outside to gather with Su Wending and others for a while. When they went out for a walk, the little sister and the child who were driven out of the house next door were gone. This kind of frosty snow God, I don’t know where I went.

The days can be slowly passed, and the emotional problems can be pushed to the bottom of my heart. There are actually many things in the side of Ning Yi. For example, the situation in China and the North, and occasionally he will look through these files. Taner can understand what he has to do. Although she is a woman, she can still understand Ning Yi’s worries. For the current situation of the Liao Kingdom, Ning Yi did not pay much attention to the specific situation at home and abroad. He only collected and sorted out the attitude of the Golden State in the crack of some intelligence.

"Actually, from the intelligence collected from the Golden State in the early two years, this group of Jurchens is actually very awesome to the Wu Dynasty. When Lianwu fell in the Liao Dynasty, Wan Yanxi Yin actually came in person, I inquired him. The information, this person is very powerful, both civil and military, and he is considered a pro-Wu dynasty, but over the past few years, some of his words and deeds have also become somewhat disappointing to the Wu dynasty... playing too ugly. As for After Yan Zongtang and Wan Yanzong, these people’s attitudes towards the Wu Dynasty in the past two years are actually very terrible. Unfortunately, the Secret Investigation Department did not collect much of these things...”

While reading through the various information of the Secret Investigation Department on the Northland, Ning Yi summarized the many details that others did not care about and transcribed them with a pen. In the low voice, Tan child will also participate.

"Can you copy these things, can it be useful?"

"It is not easy to make the above preparations for the Golden State. It is not easy. The United Kingdom is on the one hand because the Jinguo people are few, and they are not allowed to attack the Wu Dynasty. Secondly, similar to the Jin people, they are more friendly and take back Yan. After the cloud of sixteen states, everyone is the propaganda of the brotherly state. I have been doing it. If Jin Guo really wants to play below, there are many people in this black pot to back."

"Because you have to take a black pot, do you have to prepare first?"

"The problem is that no one wants to say unlucky words. Liao is still playing. The kingdom is still derogatory. Some people stand up and say that the Jin people are likely to continue to fight our Wu Dynasty. Even if it is possible, it will make people below." I can only talk about these things with Qin Yuyuan... In fact, there is no one in the Secret Investigation Department who is not worried about this. You see these pieces of information that I copied. After talking about Yan Zongxi’s attitudes, the writings are the same. Still a woman... the Department of Secret Investigation, Liaodong, although I don’t know who it is. But I’m afraid they are the most understanding of Jurchen’s nature...”

"Women?" Taner came to the interest and took the information. Ning Yi shook his head.

"Now this world, the man is better, if it is a woman... I have seen the days when these intelligences were sent, and calculated that this person should enter the Jurchen internal high-level, who is already a slave or a favorite. The identity of the class. South women, willing to do these things. Very difficult..."

Ning Yi shook his head and continued to record: "These intelligences are actually not systematic. It doesn't make sense to be a threat report. I just want to analyze the personality of each person in the Jurchen high-level. It may be useful in the future. You can use a little trick or something... ...oh, I always say that the gang is only a small means, there is no way to fight positively, to myself, in fact, it is similar."

"You just said that you have come to help. This is not your own business... and the Jin people are really few, maybe they won't be hit." Taner comforted.

Ning Yi nodded and smiled: "Also. Old problems are committed..."

In the warm room with the lights on, the couple talked about the sky, the urgency and the casual atmosphere. The child has been taken away by the mother, and the night is deeper. The couple blew out the lights, went to bed, the warm bedding, and the body blended together. Soon after. Ning Yi went down from the bed and went to the hot water burning in the coal stove. Dip the towel to wipe the body for the sandal. For such things, Taner always feels a bit shy. In the years when both husband and wife are close to the eyes and shut the eyes, at least this kind of service for women is not what men should do. It seems somewhat obscene, but the weather is cold. After that, Ning Yi will no longer allow her to toss and get out of bed. In such a year, many illnesses are actually equivalent to waiting for death.

In the early morning of the second day, Ning Yi would climb up, or participate in the morning forging, or light the candle, and deal with the unfinished work in the room. Taner looked out from the bed and looked at him. Also in the early morning of this morning, when Ning Yi saw an intelligence, he frowned slightly. That is about the news of the Liao State after the chaos, in addition to the Jurchen surrounding several forces, the Mongolian tribe, there is a force in the northwest grassland rise, is considered one of the rapid development of several forces. Of course, compared to the speed of the Golden Man, this power has only been taken by intelligence.

Yan Yan... Is it where I heard this name...

Ning Yi recalled that he did not find a suitable answer from the clues in his mind. He put this simple message aside and did not record.

At the same time, in the midst of a blizzard in the North, there are a dozens of riders who are about to start south. The first Guo Pharmacist drank a bowl of wine and said goodbye to several Changshengjun generals in front: "I am going south~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I went to see the present day! The brothers, when I come back, I will give Everyone will be a rich man!"

"So big snow, big brother..."

"Haha, I am waiting for Liaodong men, all the snow, after the Yanmenguan will be warm!" Guo pharmacist once, after a while, let the horse leaned over and patted the shoulder of the general, "Chang Shengjun I am relying on you, remember what I said, when the snow is a little smaller, I will go to catch Ding. I can see clearly. Now I have no choice but to starve to death and not starve to death. Wu Chaobing does not fight, we must have someone on hand, let us I can play, and some people have money and wealth. No one, relying on the several armies of the Wu Dynasty, they are intriguing, compared to the first to escape, can not fight. You remember clearly... I will go first -"

Le turned to the horse's head, Guo Pharmacist led the people, gradually disappeared into the southward wind and snow, through the Yanmenguan all the way to the south, going to the Liangliang.

Soon after, the fireworks of New Year's Eve rose in the capital, and the body of Yunzhu was finally fully improved. One day after Yuan Xi, she invited Ning Yi to eat in the letter. For a few months, most of the information between the two could be passed on by the mouth, but this time is not the same. She said in the letter, she wants Go home.

I want to go back... the home where my parents used to go...

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