Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 459: Responsibility and shoulders (2)

Busy past the Yuanxi, the intermittent snow stopped, theoretically it will be spring, when walking through the streets, the sky is still lead and green, between the walls of the courtyard, only spit out Plum blossoms are bright.

When the courtyard where Yunzhu Jiner lived came, he usually did not take the carriage. Today, I want to go more and think about the confusion in my heart, after I came to the capital, or something I did earlier. In a blink of an eye, it has been three years since I came here. Looking back at the mentality of the first arrival, I have now adapted to the Zhumen Deep Courtyard and the Mingwa Green Wall. Seen in rì, thinking at night, will pile up in the human heart, giving people the feeling of being in a certain place, then more things will be trivial and broken, filling every gap that people can feel .

There have been many things in the past three years. He doesn't know if this start is good or not. He is not a sentimental person, nor does he have too many ill-informed sorrows. Things are over and solved. This is a very simple model. Even if he encounters something that is not easy to solve, he can always find clues from his heart.

The chasing child ran over from the side.

The letter bamboo of Yunzhu was placed in the sleeves, and it was slightly hot. After the thunderstorm half a year ago, Yunzhu had a relationship with him. When he wanted to leave, he sneaked away, but this time it was different. Ning Yi can understand the difference in meaning. In the morning, he thought about it for a while, and then he came all the way, but he went to the door of the small courtyard and hesitated for a moment when he knocked at the door. He finally knocked down.

Jin Er, who opened the door, looked at him with his face and held a latch in his hand. The two men stunned for a while, and Ning Yi nodded. "I know, I am advanced. If there is anything, I will say it again?" Jiner threw the bolt. Turned and walked ahead.

When passing through the courtyard, the plums on the side of the courtyard are still open, and there are small snowmen piled up outside the corridor. Ning Yi asked clearly that Yunzhu was cooking in the kitchen at this time. All the way, Jin was angry for a while, chasing after him wanted to kick him, and Ning Yi avoided it.

In the kitchen behind the courtyard, the sound of cooking was heard, and Ning Yi stopped at the door. Take a breath and go in through the door. Compared with the small building on the Qinhuai River in Jiangning, the kitchen in this courtyard is not small. Yunzhu is wearing a plain white dress standing on the side of the stove, and the hair is pulled up behind the head. Wearing two straight simple beads, the kitchen has the aroma of the vegetables, bloody, there are all kinds of ingredients on the cutting board, a bowl of chicken blood. The kitchen has already been sent out at this time. Everything here must have been made by Yunzhu.

Ning Yi looked at it for a while and walked over from the rear. Yunzhu was biased, and after seeing him, his mouth smiled. Walking behind the clouds, Ning Yi reached out and hugged her. The cheeks of the two were stuck together, and Yunzhu closed his eyes.

"I received the letter you wrote..."


"You want to go to Xuanzhou."

The dishes in the kitchen are still being cooked, and the tone of the two is a bit light, and Ning Yi let go of her. I smiled a little and squatted aside. Throw a firewood into the stove: "If I say... I won't let you go, what will you do?"

Cloud bamboo smashed down, hands folded on the legs, looking at the fire in the earthen stove, laughing and leaning against Ning Yi, softly said: "Then I will not leave, you are my man, What do you say, Yunzhu will do what... But Lang Jun of Yunzhu is not such a hegemonic person."

"You are the first person to say this to me." Ning Yi shook his head. When Yunzhu got up and played with the spatula, he was silent for a moment. "You know, if you really just want to see your parents' home. I must agree, but this time is different, isn't it... I gave you a lot of pressure..."

Yunzhu silent for a moment, but also shook his head. Ning Yi's forehead, Yunzhu trotting to the side gave him a small bench to let him sit down. After recovering from illness, she asked for the weakness of the past few months, and as usual, showed a pliable and clean temperament. Quiet in the kitchen, Ning Yi sat there to burn the fire, Yunzhu came back and forth to cut vegetables to cook, the ingredients are a chicken, the dishes are done several times. There is actually a lot of tacit understanding between Ning Yi and Yun Zhu. Only this time, she made Ning Yi feel a little troublesome.

Like a small family in the past, the food has been cooked in a short time. Ning Yi, Yun Zhu Duan to the living room, and Jin Er together for lunch, the dishes are jīng beauty, Ning Yi, Jin Er's food yù is not good. After the meal was finished, I washed the bowl, Yunzhu went upstairs, soaked tea for Ning Yi, and took the story book that I had never read before, let Ning Yi read. The room on the second floor was warm, Ning Yi read half, Yunzhu had already squatted on his lap and seemed to sleep. Jiner did not come in. I don’t know if I was listening outside.

"We are eating chicken at noon today..." The book read most of the time. When Ning Yi thirsty stopped to drink tea, Yunzhu Fang, who was kneeling on his lap, laughed and said softly. Ning Yi pressed the book and waited for her to speak.

"Liheng... We know, it’s almost three years. Do you remember that when I met for the first time, I was killing the hen..." She said softly, "Yunzhu feels the best thing in this life." That was the time when Liheng was brought to the river."

"Yeah, save you, you gave me a slap in the face." Ning Yi reached out and stroked the hair on her head, and immediately pulled out the beads, Yunzhu closed her eyes and lay like a cat.

"Yunzhu is always yours, and you can retaliate." She put her cheek on Ning Yi’s leg and shook it with a smile. "Later... there have been many things... the cake stall, the loose egg Bamboo, I learned to kill chicken, learned to cook... You ran from the river every morning, you know that every time I look forward to it, you run over there and sit for a while, tell me a few words……"

"And then what happened?" Ning Yi frowned, and dragged her over and asked directly, "Why should I leave this time?"

"And then." Yun Zhu was shivering in his arms for a moment, "and then Liheng gave himself too much pressure."

"Pressure..." Ning Yi frowned, then shook his head. "I have solved a lot of things, Yunzhu, in fact, there is nothing in the roots. I can handle it. Of course, there will be pressure, but the root is nothing. Men are going to I’m a little bit..."

"So I am also surprised, my man is a weirdo." Yunzhu gently smiled, she took a breath, whispered, "Li Heng, Liang Shan is nothing in front of you, the national affairs are in front of you Nothing, but a few women in the district, you are embarrassed, your strangest convenience is here. For the people around you, you are bigger than the country, I am very happy, but also Because of this, I want to go out and distract my heart..."

"I didn't feel embarrassed because of you!" Ning Yi was a little bit annoyed. After denying it, he thought about the sentence. "Actually, it is not the case. In short, I think it is not good enough for you..."

“Not enough?”

"Not the same thing."

"It’s already good enough. In the past few months, you have accompanied me to see a doctor, to accompany me, to come and chat with me, to read, to read the whole heart."

"So you feel that I have delayed my business, I still give you pressure."

"No." Yunzhu hugged his hand, lying there and looked up at him. He shook his head softly. "Liheng, you gave yourself pressure. Can you listen to me?"

She smiled and said: "The life of Yunzhu has good things and bad things. To say good, I have met a man worthy of entrustment. If it is bad, the years in the brothel are fearful, I don't think I can't run away... Li Heng, I used to be a bureaucrat, and in the brothel, they said that I have a high heart. After coming out of the brothel, they also said that my eyes are high. But my heart is not High, especially after you have followed, Yunzhu... How can I do it, good life, bad life, but I also know, you will not be responsible for me..."

"I want to stay by your side, I don't want to go anywhere... When your bedroom is good, the woman who is outside is good, I am satisfied. Liheng... The woman is very strange, maybe it is me. I only worry that one day you really don't want me, I really become your burden, then I really can't live. If I think about it, I will be sick..."

"As long as I still have some use, this body is also good, singing to you to listen to, to talk with you to solve the boring, even if you are really unhappy outside, come back like a man in the general family, lose your temper, hit me A meal, then you are happy, my heart will be happy... Li Heng, I have not told you about this before, I am afraid that you think I am strange."

"At the time in the brothel, I also thought that in the future, I would marry someone like everyone else. When I was a small man, I might meet a man of several decades. When I like you, I will be fortunate. If you are not happy, you will be You beat a meal. At that time, I was so scared... but later I thought of Liheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I sometimes imagine that one day, you are not happy outside, I want to make you happy. You are angry, even hit me, maybe you still have a heavy hand, and you will be beaten, and then your anger will disappear. I think of this, my heart feels happy, then... Um... I miss you..."

She talked about this, a little shy, a blushing face on her face, and the voice was lighter: "Although I know, Liheng will never do this kind of thing to me, I think It’s going to be like this for you. Woman, that’s it...”

Ning Yi bowed his head, his eyebrows whispered, and sighed softly: "The feelings are two people after all. You can do this. Of course, I have to be better for you. I have pressure and it is normal."

"But I don't want this..."

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