Zhui Xu

: Responsibility and shoulders (3)

"But I don't want this..."

Among the small buildings, Yunzhu looked at him and said: "You want to be good to your house lady. I want to be good to Xiaoyan. I want to be good to Jiner. I want to be nice to me. It is very good and very good. We also I like you, but there are always some things, it should not be your responsibility... Li Heng, if there is anything good in the brothel, it finally taught me how to guess you, how to please your skills. I said, if I can do something for you, I will be very happy..."

Ning Yi smiled bitterly: "So you think that the problem is already serious enough to require you to leave, let me calm down for a while?"

Yunzhu smiled and shook his head: "I don't know, but in fact... I really want to go back to Xuanzhou to have a look. Liheng, what do you want us to be like? I don't know, I want to be good. Think about it, Bamboo does not want me anymore, I wonder if I want to go out and continue to teach the piano, maybe write a music sheet at home... But in short, Nie Yunzhu is a woman, heart and body, always, Li Heng, I will always lean on your side, I can't get rid of it, who told you to chase me back last time..."

The soft and sultry voice slowly floated in the room, and Ning Yi sighed.

"Yeah, after all, you can play with you when you are not happy." He shook his head and pushed Yunzhu down in the bedding, pulling her belt away. "Actually, I think, you may just have a child... ..."

Separate the clothes and reveal the pureness below. Yunzhu greets his movements and smiles at him gently. The breath in the room became awkward...

The expectation at the time may not be the kind in front of me. Ning Yi also knows that if she is very arrogant to say that Yunzhu is not allowed to leave, she will naturally stay. But in the end, Ning Yi could not say it. Just shouted: "I arrange people, you have to let me know where you are, not allowed to run away."

When he left, he was still mad at him, but he finally took his hand. Ning Yi smiled and said: "You already know, want to remind me, right?"

He remembered Jin's last soft hug and told him not to think so much. Jin Er squeezed him and squeezed: "I don't know." After a while, he whispered. "I want to go with Yunzhujie." Ning Yi naturally understands.

So on the first day of the first month of the 19th month, Yunzhu and Jiner finally set off. At this time, the winter snow gradually began to melt. Ning Yi arranged the guards and servants, and the right-hand government also arranged for people to follow. Xuanzhou is located to the south. Compared with Liangshan, it is farther away from the Liangliang, but after all, it is already a rich place in Jiangnan, and security is guaranteed.

Ning Yi knows that he has had some problems, and his heart may wish to vacate for a while, think about it carefully, by the way. There are also many things to do on hand.

During this time, Zhu Xi should have already started from the side of Dulonggang. In the city of Liangliang, two bamboo records have been opened. The business is not bad, and many of them have been used in coal stoves, which are both novel and convenient.

Paired with Zhuji is a small store called “Xingfuxiang”. In fact, it was opened in the bamboo, and only the small coal stoves that were newly hung up were sold for the time being. It also undertakes the business of fixed stoves. The sale of Yancoal is delivered to the door. In fact, it is similar to the modern situation. Although it is a novelty, it has not reached an extremely hot level. It is only being carried out step by step. Ning Yi is not in a hurry. Now there is a participation in the store, since the coal stove was sent to the left and right. However, there are a lot of officials who have come back and bought them. The profits are not bad, and the advertisements have to be opened. It will take some time.

Ning Yi is planning these things. After Yunzhu left, his mood was not actually good, and he understood that he was a masculine temperament. However, doctors may not be able to take care of themselves. It takes time to find a way out, and it takes time to have a solution. In the following days, Taner was busy with cloth. It is said that several merchants were not friendly to Su Shi’s cloth. The reason for the outside was the shop of the woman, which was not a system. In fact, it was said that the words were spoken. A big business from the capital, named Zuo Houwen.

It is said that this Zuo Houwen is a Confucian merchant. I heard that Su Shibu was a woman who showed up and said something that was not satisfactory. Some of the merchants who are under the shackles or have a relationship with them have broken up the supply of raw silk of the Su family. Nowadays, several good cloths of the Susie cloth line are estimated to have problems.

Taner occasionally talked with Ning Yi, and Ning Yi also inquired about it.

"Zuo Houwen's left family is not simple. He is actually a cousin of Zuo Duanyou. The original Secret Investigation Division was able to be established. One person in the middle is Zuo Duanyou. After Wang Qisong's death, the Black Water League, Zuo Duanyou and Qin Yuyuan Turned over, from now on, but it can be regarded as a gentleman, not a bad language. The influence of the left family is very large, although it can not be seen on the surface, but it has a relationship in the upper and lower halls... What are you going to do?"

Speaking of this time is the night, the couple gossip in the bedroom, Taner holding a needle in the needle to embroider a flower: "The power of the left family is big, but the business is not his family. Zuo Houwen Say a word, how can people who have been staring at us all the time, I guess I have forgotten it after I said it. I have already contacted two silk merchants in the south, and I am going to build a workshop in Muyuan County. Everything is cheap, goods can be shipped into the capital, raw silk can be less cost."

“Wuyuan County?”

"With this, there are probably more than a hundred miles."


Ning Yi nodded. Although doing business depends on relationships, it is always impossible to solve everything by relationship. The opponent and the enemy will always exist. It is a pleasure to solve the problem after all. Seeing Ning Yi nod, Taner looked at him: "Because I have chosen the place, I should have passed this time. I have to look at the workshop there and there are still some things to talk about."

"Can't you decide to go?" Ning Yi frowned.

"Wen Ding he... there is still a lot to do. Muyuan is more important..."

"...oh." Ning Yi thought about it and nodded. "If it is really necessary, I can handle it with you. I can go with you... In fact, if there is any problem, I can let the mountain go. The left home visited. Zuo Duanyou and Qin Yuyuan were falling out, but Wang Qisong’s human feelings were still there, and they were not martyrdom. It was also a matter of words."

"No, I haven't gone out yet." Taner smiled at him, his eyes sparkling.

Ning Yi nodded: "Look again." The relationship between him and Tan, is ultimately good.

The things that Tane said at this time were slightly impressed in his heart. But in fact, the year is in the spring, after the Yuan Xi, the right is also very busy. At the beginning of the new year, the war in the North will continue. Nowadays, the hero of the great hero Guo has already entered Beijing, and it is also the official and the title. In the north, the information received by the Secret Investigation Division was that the Changsheng Army was madly arresting and preparing for the new year’s war.

Although such things often lead to the loss of people's livelihood, the Secret Investigation Division also knows that there is no way. And the right side of the house. It is necessary to be responsible for the planning of all the materials and food distribution issues. Ning Yi is involved and is busy on these pragmatic issues.

Compared with the clumsy feelings, he is very familiar with these things. In the blink of an eye, he has replaced the positions of the people like Zhai Zuian and Ji Kun. They are responsible for supervising and conducting overall planning and budgeting, just in various deployment plans. On the issue of pragmatism. Qi Zunian and others have more experience than him. The cooperation between the two sides is quite good, so that in the past few days, everyone is saying, let Ning Yi not run to the restaurant of Lao Shizi. Come out and be an official. Qin Yuyuan even joked that he could directly put him into the household, and whoever had opinions would come out with him.

The afternoon of the 28th day of the first month. Ning Yi came back early, thinking that she would take the Tao Erxiao to go out at night. Arrived at home. When I returned to the courtyard where I lived, I heard that the child seemed to be crying, someone was teasing him, and the crying stopped. But there is no one in the courtyard. The room is teasing Ning Yu is Juan.

"Where are people going? Little? Is the child hungry?"

"The young master just had a milk." Juan, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding the child, looked at him and whispered. "Small she, she and the lady went to Muyuan County, did the aunt know?"

"Hey, Xiao Yan... I know that Taner went to Muyuan, but Xiao Yan, what did she do with it... Wait, you..." Ning Yi frowned, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. "What about your lady?" ”

On one side of the room, the package that was picked up two days earlier was taken out at this time. Juan Erdao: "Miss, they are still at the side door, I don't know if I have gone..."

"What happened?" Ning Yi whispered, turned and went out, but saw the figure on the other side of the courtyard, he suddenly called the other: "Su Wending! Come over!"

It was Su Wending who walked over there. Among the several cousins ​​of the Su family, he followed Sandalle and the rest of the people followed Ning Yi. At this time, he called him, and Ning Yi asked: "What happened to Muyuan County?" What have you been responsible for recently? Why didn’t you ask Sanda to go, you have to go in person!”

Su Wending's complexion tangled, some swallowed, but then whispered: "Two brothers, you really don't know?"

"What do I know?"

"They all said that you have no idea, but to be honest, the woman's business, the second brother-in-law, you should..."

"What are you talking about?"

Ning Yi was a little angry, Su Wending would not dare to support me again: "I heard, actually... I also heard that the Nie girl was gone, the second sister heard about it a few days ago, she was in a daze in the room. One afternoon. Of course, the second brother-in-law, I think that the man’s husband, three wives and four sisters have nothing to do. You just don’t want the second sister to be sad... and it’s a good thing for the second sister. I’m a little bit thinking about it. understand……"

Ning Yi groaned: "How did she know?"

"Then I don't know, but after I heard that I came to Beijing, the second sister met the Nie girl. In fact, I think that with the savvy of the second sister, she is full of you, these things know Not surprising..."

In Su Wending's slogan, Ning Yi passed the courtyard. When I got to the side door, I saw a group of people gathered here. The carriage was ready. Taner smiled and said goodbye to the family. Xiaoxiao took a bag and followed it. Seeing that Ning Yi came over at this time, but also bowed, and reached out to poke the arm of Tan's hand, Taner looked over here, laughing subconsciously, but in the eyes, flashed a complex look.

Everyone turned back and greeted Ning Yi. Ning Yi waved his hand and passed a moment before he came close: "I... I have something to say to Tan, everyone..."

He waved, and everyone also said that he had left.

Taner stood there, hands clasped in front of her, smiling quietly. Ning Yi looked at her: "What the **** is going on?"

"No, it is to go to Muyuan County for a while."

"Small 婵 also with the past?"

"She..." Taner looked at Xiaoyan. "She has to follow the past..." When she said the last word as usual, the tone was swallowed unconsciously, like the tone of the average person, but this At the time, it is very different. Taner frowned and had a look that refused to talk.

"What's the matter, you have to tell me..."

Taner shook his head.

"What are you going to do when you drop the little guy..."

Taner continued to shake his head.

"Even... even because of Nie Yunzhu’s business..."

"I know she left the capital."

This time, Tan Er finally looked up and said this. Tiled straightforward tone. Ning Yi frowned. "Yes, she is gone, but... she is gone, why are you still..."

"I didn't want her to go."

Ning Yi wants to say that I don't want her to go, but this kind of thing can't be done after all. He looks at his wife. A woman with a girlish color but a more mature attitude than a girl looks at him with a strong support: "I... I stay here, I don't want you to think, I drove her away..."

"You are making a joke, you know that it is impossible..."

"But she left, I stayed, she was sad, I am happy, you just think so, you will feel that you can't help her..." Taner looked at him coldly and then bite Tightly closed, the body shook, trying to press down the whimper in the awake, she continued to breathe several times, finally said: "Yang Gong, I actually ... actually have not asked you very seriously, you and me After I became a relative, did you remember what happened before?"

Ning Yi thought about it and looked at her and shook her head slightly: "No, not at all."

The tears of Tan's tears fell: "You see, after you forget the previous things, it is another person. I didn't care before, I actually... I don't care about the previous Ning Liheng, but this way, There is one thing I have been thinking since I saw Nie. I think... I am not good to you, I am fleeing, I live in a separate room from you. At that time, I still felt that I was good enough for you, there is always One day I will be your lady. But after I checked the story of Nie, I suddenly thought..."

"What I suddenly thought of was... In this way, your relationship with Nie girl..." She cried out.

"...is it better than me?"

In the courtyard, Tan's crying was awkward. He didn't know how to answer it at one time. He only listened to Tan Er.

"Did you have a good relationship with her very early, with your character, you did not regard the Su family as a thing, is there a time, you still want to leave the Su family, walk with her Up..."

"Hey..." Ning Yi is close to her, and Taner is backing back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't mind if you take her home, I don't mind if you like her, she likes you, I don't mind her. When you are sick, you take her around and go. I don't even mind if you let Qin Xiang accept her as a righteous woman. I only care about one thing, do you know..."

Ning Yi grabbed her arm, and the wife in front of her eyes broke away for the first time.

"You are my husband -"

She cried and shouted.

Ning Yi’s heart suddenly seemed to be caught by something.

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