Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 463: Flowing sand, water, dreams

A large cloud of clouds floats in the sky, revealing a dense star between the clouds and the clouds, like a galaxy that is blocked above the clouds, and sprinkles silver dust from the gaps of the clouds. In the spring night wind, there was a chilly cold, and the prisoner's team was on the ground. The prisoner followed a long list of prisoners who were tied with their hands. Around the queue, hundreds of fast-track soldiers followed.

Looking out from the railings on the prisoner's car, the silver-gray night sky has a breathtaking beauty. The night is good-looking anyway, because it is not human. He used to like to watch this sky in the night. Now I want to come, but I haven’t seen it for a long time.

But now that the body and mind are folded, the hand has been scrapped, the legs have been discounted, the iron hook has passed through the cheekbones, and the martial arts of one has been scrapped. He was finally able to let go of the common things, and once again looked up at the non-human things, because of the human path, he may no longer be able to go forward...

His name is Fang Qifo, the spring of Jinghan eleven years, he is thirty-nine years old. As the two leaders of the Wu Dynasty, led by the Fangs, even though the outside world regarded him as a wise omnipotent star, he did not read the book when he was a child.

Fang’s surname is a very large family near Qingxi. The family is still a decent family. There are rooms and land. The parents work diligently and work hard. Since he was a child, he and his brothers and sisters have a good qualification. They have been accepted as disciples by the Green Forest and brought to the field to practice martial arts. When the martial arts will be completed, go out to the rivers and lakes, and go home after a year to see the home fields, there is no more.

This is because his father gave birth to a disease a few years ago. In order to cure the disease, Fang Jia mortgaged the field. After the illness, the father's body is getting worse and the land is getting harder and harder. Fang Fang went to work in the workshop of the nearby landlord, and the landlord was not bad. He often took things to visit his father. Later, he did not pay the money, and the mortgage became sold.

The landlord is very concerned about the surroundings. Fang Qifo was also grateful, even though the mother did not agree to sell the land, in order to give the family more money for the children and even fainted in the workshop, but the father's health is good, this is finally a great fortune. In fact. At that time, there was no money, and the human reason was already forced to sell the land like a soft knife.

However, not long after, he learned that the doctor had collected the money of the landlord's family, and he deliberately emphasized his father's condition and the duration of medication was prolonged. The house that was forced at the time had to mortgage the land. He was hit by the landlord's house, but his martial arts had not yet made great. First, the home of the landlord's family, and then the government's catching fast, without evidence, the surrounding people's speech, the power of the intimidation made him have to bow.

But young people, this is just a **** way, as long as the matter is identified. Where will I retire. The cousin Fang La, the cousin Fang Baihua and even a group of brothers gathered together and entered the big landlord's house, but the other side also had defenses, invited the officers and men to come over, and after some killing, they eventually forced them back.

Only on the second day, they were forced to be murderous, and some of them had no time to go home... Since then, they have been homeless and desperate.

He bears **** hatred. Sure enough, it is the best motivation for martial arts. Soon after, Fang La and Fang Baihua successively made great names on the rivers and lakes. They liked to lie on the roof and watch the stars at night. Although he did not improve the martial arts, he was also an outstanding member of the Fang brothers. They joined the Mozambicans. Nieism. a few years later. Back to Qingxi once again into the landlord's home. At that time, the landlord’s family business had already turned several times. After defeating the master who had been invited by the other party and leaving his family to the door, he did not have much joy in walking in the pool of blood.

He just didn't understand, because of the diligence and fierceness of his parents, it only made the family less and less. And these landlords, doing nothing on weekdays, just moving their mouths, can let those who are trying to practice martial arts be driven by them like dogs. Why do you have to pay such a big price for your own revenge?

After another two years, he returned to Qingxi again. The land that was once taken away by the landlord did not return to the hands of the former villagers. The others divided the land of the landlord and then expanded even more. Those who are as diligent as they are, and who are the most loyal to the land, are the ones who believe in fairness. In this game, there has never been a power to speak.

The cousin Fang La is decisive. He has already realized this. Since he has become a scorpion, he wants to rebel. He is also a natural leader. A large group of people gather around him and are willing to listen to him. The Fangqi Buddha prefers to look at things like this. If you think about it, he starts to read and read, and he understands that if he is not as violent in the early years, his parents may not die. The world is like a wave, when you go along the water.

A few years later, they forced the retreat of Sikongan. During the war, there were still a lot of masters of Manichaeism and the elders who were not on their side. The cousin’s martial arts was not equal to Sikongan at the time. However, in the battle that was originally expected to be in a downturn, It is the master of the seven-successful defeat of the party, and the balance of the victory and defeat.

After thinking about some things, his martial arts, unknowingly, could stand side by side with Fang La.

Later, the slogan "It is equal to the law, there is no high" is what he and Fang La thought together. For more than ten years, he planned the development of Manichaeism, which was like guiding a branch of water. Under the combined efforts of the people, it finally made it all in the south of the Yangtze River. People who lost their constant production got up and killed the landlord. The people of Sanshan and Wuyue rose up and responded.

Then, everything stopped. The water of the river died, and they couldn’t move...

Perhaps, as the guy named Ning Yi said, there is no ambition, so I will be there.

After laying down Hangzhou, the momentum of Yongle Junruhong began to change. He could always understand this when he looked at it all the time. The heads of the farmers and the mountains began to **** gold and silver and divide the fields. The fighting methods that once could be swarmed have lost their role in the big cities and big army. Everyone knows that this is not the case, but everyone believes that everyone else is doing the same thing.

After cherishing life and short-sightedness, after killing Hangzhou, the desperate can't get out. The people who have been ruined by the rich families are actually just wanting to be a rich family... From this point of view, between people. There is nothing to be done.

He walked a long way on this road. He looked at it for a long time and thought a lot, but in the next step he did not know how to go.

In fact, people who think too much are not happy. he thinks. He used to be disappointed with this world. After thinking too much and seeing too much, he began to disappoint. During the time when he broke the death of Hangzhou to his cousin, he always wondered if their success really makes sense. People are the same. When they planted the land, they fought and smashed, like their own parents, and they had money and land. They also became the murderers of the landlords and became officials. They are like the dog officials who are bullying good. Even if we really overthrew the Wu Dynasty, are we not able to change anything?

Fortunately, during this time, he did not want to. Finally, I could have a lingering look and look up at the sky, where he might come in the future. In his spare time, he looked back at the passing people and things, and his heart flashed occasionally. There are two people who are not the same as others.

His disciple Chen Fan. As a pro-disciple, this child is very talented and very intelligent. But perhaps because it is too clever, he saw the contradiction of the world early. There is a knot in his heart that cannot be solved.

He had high hopes for him, but later, he did not expect him to make a big deal. A wise man, or snobbish or innocent, although he knows the world, but his heart is too naive. Innocent people can't make a big deal.

Just like after the defeat of Hangzhou, the cousin retired to Qingxi. In fact, anyone with a brain can see that the Yongle Dynasty has gone. He has sold a life to the tyrants in order to kill Baodao B. However, when he had the opportunity to leave, he ran back and secretly lobbied himself and a small number of people to leave, so that Fang Baihua almost killed him. Then Qingxi was broken, he did not evacuate, this time he was arrested. In the past few days, the hijackers were among the ambushing green foresters, and they also had his shadow.

Of course, such a person can't be a big deal. But at the last moment, I hope that he can find a place that the court can't find, and simply finish the world. The most important thing is not to be like yourself, and ultimately to be disappointed with the person itself.

The other person is the little niece of Bazhizhuang.

I have always felt that she is a truly innocent person, even more innocent and fearless than Chen Fan. After Liu Dazhao's death, she led the tyrants and always made some strange things. The tolerance of everyone for her is because Liu Dazhao’s personal feelings are too deep, and secondly, because of the powerful power of the tyrants.

She is ignorant and squatting. When she is snoring, she will rush to the forefront. When she retreats, she will fall to the end. Bazhizhuang paid a heavy price in this uprising. She always regards the family as her relatives. It is very uncomfortable. After breaking Hangzhou, because of the man named Ning Yi, she did something very strange in the city. At that time, she felt that as long as she was happy. However, when Hangzhou City broke, and when they went to Qingxi with everyone, the thoughts in their hearts were somewhat different.

After leaving Hangzhou, she led a small number of remaining knives and villagers to choose a different road. I knew at the time that she went to Miaojiang. Later, Chen Fan came back and told him the whole process of everything. The man named Ning Yi couldn’t see him, but in the process of Qingxi’s defeat, he thought more than once. If he could figure it out in the morning, he might have to leave more force for the battalion. of.

Qingxi defeated, everything was chaotic and disorderly. He once thought that perhaps some people could escape to Miaojiang and increase the power that Bazhizhuang could use. But in fact, these people on their own side, the little niece may not be able to use it. In the end, in the process of guiding everyone to scatter, he only screened some children and once read books in the college of the tyrants. Or, for a younger age, a total of dozens of people, let them secretly go to Miaojiang to avoid trouble, this may be the last thing you can do.

In the process of Qingxi melee, Chen Fan came back, but he did not have any action. Shi Bao and others once mentioned that they did not have loyalty, but they and Fang La, Shao Xianying and others knew that for the innocent and affectionate little prostitute, the people in the end of the stockade were finally saved. How hard it will be in her heart.

But this is very good.

On the side of the official road, when the killing of the robbers came, the Seven Buddhas looked up at the night sky, thinking like this.

Maybe one day, I can't get through the road. These innocent children can go over them...

People are killing on the ground, and the clouds are going in the sky.

The chief of the criminal department, the iron eagle, wielded the giant scorpion sword in his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ led a group of hunters and officers and men to repel a sneak attack by the Greenwoods. The prisoners behind the prisoner also swayed. The officers and men began to suppress them with weapons. This time, in order to allow Fang’s leader to go to Beijing for trial, the body of the Seven Buddhas will be executed in a face-to-face manner. In the name of the imperial court, the manpower arranged nearby is quite sufficient.

Fang Qi Buddha sat in the prison car and looked up quietly at the sky cloud. If possible, he hopes that no one will save him, but now things are no longer under his control. On the other hand, the criminal department obviously wants to use himself as a bait to fight these rebellions. He can only quietly silence and stop thinking about these things.

Just as the eyesight could not be reached, there were several figures walking between the mountains in the nearby woods. When they were killed below, they appeared on the nearby hillside and looked far away.

There are more than a dozen figures in the figure, headed by a woman dressed in blue floral Miao costume, she has a face that looks slightly fat, with a clear eyes and a little fearlessness, standing on the mountainside Between the gaps, looking down, her back is carrying a long raft. At her side, "Shentian knife" to kill, "disgusting knife" Luo Bingren, "Yuanming knife" Fang Shuchang, "nine dead knife" Zheng seven lives ... and so on and so on.

They glanced at it and they came down... (to be continued...)

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