Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 464: The tyrant reproduces the help of the capital

The sound of shouting spread, the arrow shè into the woods. In the green forest, the attack on the Seven Buddhas of the rescued man was intended to be unprepared. After the failure, he quickly fled. They then merged and assembled at a predetermined location in the nearby forest.

Perhaps in order to avoid the adjustment of the tiger's departure from the mountains, the people on the official side just chased it out and then withdrew. Organize the team to treat the wounded.

Although the people in the green forest are full of tricks, the official side of the government is not the army, but the criminal department. Many experienced catchers in the nearby counties and counties are involved. When they are on the Green Forest and not the military, they play a role.

At this time, the front and rear of the road, the stretcher carried the wounded past, there are also dead and injured Greenwood people, a group of people are counting their identity. In the faint **** suffocation, a tall middle-aged man came to the prisoner. In the battle of Fangcai, the team was suspended on the side of the road, and the prisoner and the prisoner were surrounded. At this time, the middle-aged humanity: "You can leave, go to the front and rest and rest." The team will start again.

The middle-aged man has an official uniform, but his body looks tall, but his cheeks are thin, but this weight loss will never give people a feeling of powerlessness. It’s just that the cheekbones are prominent, their eyes are fascinating, and when they are slightly pouting, they look strong. Jīng Ming. His hair was not long. Although it was sorted out, it still looked a little chaotic. He held a sword with a wide blade and a **** scent on his body. He followed the prisoner. Occasionally, look at the man who is caught in the chain, the iron hook is worn, and the person trapped in the prisoner.

"Is he alright?" He asked the guard who was staring at the prisoner.

"Returning to the head, the thief has been watching the sky."

"Oh." The total catching point nodded. "The rivers and lakes rumored that Fang Qi Buddha Buddha is omnipotent, there will be nothing to watch the stars, and Iron is very curious. After reading these days, what do you see? ”

He said that the other seven Buddhas are saying that the prisoner is screaming and screaming. After a long while, the Seven Buddhas blinked their eyes: "The iron catcher has been acclaimed, and Fang has not read a few books. Where to look at the astrology. Just want to see... where people will come in the future."

"It sounds like the Buddha is fascinated." The headquarters of the surname Iron is cold, and walks side by side with the prisoner. "It’s just a fate. Why don’t you commit suicide? Are you tired of so many people who are killed or injured for you? There is no skill, and it is always no problem to take the time to bite a tongue."

His speech is not much swaying, and he can't hear the feelings. The **** of the Seven Buddhas is also calm and stable: "The thief's seven Buddhas failed to do so. They became dumb, and the iron catcher wanted to pass this message out. Everyone listens? If I am not mistaken, the two head-to-head brothers next to me are doctors. If you really want Fang’s tongue, why not come by yourself?"

"Buddha handsome and poisonous eyesight." Iron catcher arched his hand. "We didn't want you to die before we arrived in Beijing. Of course, I really want you to be saved by them. In this way, we want It’s much simpler to surround the friends of the three mountains and five mountains. But they don’t even live up to expectations. I think they have no chance to succeed.”

"I also think it is..." Fang Qifo nodded. "Just Fang will not look at the stars, but the ears are still useful. Although you played well in the north, they were in the south. It hurt a lot of people... ...who is coming over? Can the name be said?"

The iron catcher frowned and said slightly: "It is a master, but they don't have the same. Now let's see if they can leave them. When the patriarch returns, you will know."

Fang Qifo sighed and looked up at the sky. The queue went all the way, and soon after, someone came over to inform the situation, and then another group of people caught up from the rear. The head of the man was also wearing a head-hunting costume. He rode a big horse and two steel whip behind him. The figure was tall and burly. He was very strong. He immediately turned over and came over with the surname of the iron. The catcher arched his hand and the two whispered for a while: "There is... hurting people, or running."

Although their tone was low, the Fangqiu in the prisoner's car was still able to hear the name in the words. His eyes were stunned, and for a moment, he lowered his eyes and closed his eyes. The surnamed iron's head turned and looked at him: "After Hangzhou, I haven't heard of their whereabouts, and finally came, a female doll, really loyal..."


When the prisoner and the catchers marched forward, among the forests, the green foresters were gathering, bandaging the wounds, and estimated the casualties. In a place on the mountain, Fang Baihua is talking to several people around him about the robbery. Hearing the noise of the group where the group is located, it is probably someone who wants to leave.

"Protection is strict, and sure enough, there is still no guessing. The recent news is deliberately released there. There is pressure on the other side of the capital. The prisoner is on the road at night, and the defense is insufficient. It is easy to get it, in order to deliberately lead us. attack."

"There are seven heads of the criminal department, some of them are of course family, but the two people of Tie Tianying and Zong Feixiao are too simple, and they should have expected it."

"How can I say this to those outside? Now they have nails and they should know the stakes."

"However, in the end, it is inevitable that there will be a group of people who will sneak into it and make a lot of trouble..."

After the fall of Qingxi, the original Yongle Yuzhong made birds and beasts scattered. Although Fang Baihua and Fang Qifo attracted a lot of firepower, in fact, there are not many people to follow. In addition, the defeat of Pengze Lake, at this time with the people around the side of the Baihuahua walked away, but also deliberately dismissed, there is no enough to save people's strength.

This time everyone wants to rescue the Seven Buddhas, mainly because of the Tiannan area, the party's popularity is still very good. There is also the idea of ​​wanting to play a dozen official residences. In short, although people gather, there is no unified command.

During this time, the outside of the capital came out of the city, the need to **** the seven Buddhas fast north, a group of officers and soldiers, patrolling the stars and nights, and lack of defense. Fang Baihua and others will know that there is a problem, but in the rivers and lakes, it is indeed what news is heard. At this time, there is no deterrent power belonging to the Yongle Dynasty. If everyone believes this way, you will not move. A group of people who have just been organized may soon collapse. For this reason, everyone organized such an attack, allowing people to quickly evacuate after understanding the situation, although it still caused some people to retreat because of casualties. But it’s better than waiting for everyone to collapse.

In fact, in any case, for Fang Baihua and others at this time, it is impossible to save the seven Buddhas below. However, Yongle died, the army was scattered, friends, brothers, and husbands died. Apart from rescuing the remaining brother, Fang Baihua has nothing to do.

While talking, a female soldier who followed her came over and whispered in her ear: "General Chen seems to say that he wants to leave, let me say..."

“Chen Fan?” Fang Baihua frowned. She knows that Chen Fan can never give up the Seven Seven Buddhas, but she is naturally curious. Step by step to find Chen Fan, and listen to the female soldier said: "The people who finally went in from the south seem to be... now they have come."

After the words were finished, there was a sāo move in the forest. The voice came.

"Heavy knife..."

"Liu Dazhao? They..."


"You dare to come. You will not see you when Qingxi..."

"What about the people who are tyrants? How many are you?"

The two sentences that will be said later are naturally the heads of the Yongle Army. Some of them were dissatisfied with the tyrants. In the voice, a hoarse voice has already sounded.

"It’s us... what do you think?"

"Opinions? I tell you, I just have..."

"Now is not Yongle, you think you are the one who cares for your princess..."

"Don't say these..."

"Let's make one step. Don't do this..."

"Want to fight, as today, the group is all here, you..."

The chaotic words swayed and Fang Baihua accelerated his pace. But then it was the sound of the knives, the gold and iron, and the sound of the ping-pong sounded fiercely. It was obvious that the girl who had been straight was already dancing. Pushing and rolling all the way, followed by the sound of people flying off. Fang Baihua rushed out. There was a mess there, and the killing, Fang Shuchang and others had already rushed out to appease the rest of the martial arts.


"Nothing is ok, my family is..."

The stars shone down, and among the gaps in the woods, the girl waved the giant blade to the ground. In front of it is the leader of the Yongle Army who was flying out.

"I do things in the tyrants, I have no worries, I don't need to explain to you."

The girl stood there and looked proud. Fang Baihua rushed over and pulled the head up.

"My brother is married to her, as the father is like a mother, you all know, and say this! You are a little safe! It's all family matters! Hey you... Hey, you come with me..."

In the darkness, Fang Baihua’s eyes are complicated. In her voice, Liu watermelon still slashed. At this time, Chen Fan, who was carrying a baggage, also appeared on the side. When Fang Baihua went forward, he remembered that he was going to go, and he also waved at him: "Wait, Chen Fan, you come over too." Chen Fan nodded. .

A group of three people walked forward, and when they came out of the edge of the woods, Fang Baihua stopped and took a breath and turned back. At this time, the girl carrying the long squat was silently kneeling on the ground, so that she got a hundred flowers to squat, and quickly went up to help her, but the girl’s heart was determined and she squatted.

"Aunt, I can't help you."

"Oh... you..."

Fang Baihua knew at this time that the girl’s head was not only to be jealous of herself, but also to the dead Fang La, Shao Xianying, and the Seven Seven Buddhas who were captured at Beijing at this time.

"Oh... you, you still get up..."

After a while, she helped the girl to stand up. The girl’s eyes were tears and she waved her hands, but her eyes were still calm and determined.

"I... my aunt is not jealous of you. After Hangzhou City is broken, you are gone. My aunt has a complaint against you, but that is only my aunt. I know why you are doing this, and the cousin is there. And they will not complain to you... In the end, they also said that they are involved in a woman, they feel that they can’t hold you..."

Fang Baihua has been in the rivers and lakes for many years. At this time, although it is not a woman who will be defeated, she is a raging rag, a dusty servant, and some old-fashioned, but still looks like a hero, but when she talks about Fangla, she is also a little sad, then she laughs and waves. Waving, turned and looked at Chen Fan: "Right, Chen Fan, they said you have to go. Where are you going?"

Chen Fan opened his mouth and looked at Liu watermelon: "...Tie Tianying and Zong Feixiao have been prepared for them, and they are old rivers and lakes. We can't save Master. I want to go to Beijing."

“Beijing?” Fang Baihua twisted his brow. “Why are you going to Beijing to sue the ruins? There is a lot of security, don’t say that you can’t save your master, when you put yourself in!”

"I am going to find someone to help."


"I can't say."

Chen Fan answered this way, but his eyes were on Liu watermelon. Fang Baihua smashed, and for a moment, nodded. "Well, I know that you have your own ideas. You can do it yourself. Actually... if your master is here, he may not like you to get involved in this matter. ""

Chen Fan nodded, carrying a baggage, turned and wanted to go, and then turned back: "Liu watermelon, are you going?"

The girl’s eyes shook, and the rare ones were missing: “I, I don’t go...”

"Know it." The answer was not beyond Chen Fan's expectation. He nodded and turned again. The girl said over there: "The matter has been cleared, and the past has only caused him trouble."

Chen Fan is facing this side: "I know that you don't want to give him trouble, but in the beginning, no matter what the reason is, he owes me a life. I can't do this thing, he may be, I want him to return. This person... In fact, if you go, it will be much better."

"I won't go." Liu watermelon shakes his head.

Chen Fan smiled and shook his head and turned away: "Well, let me go to see Qian's sister how they are..."

When Fang Baihua heard this, she could see who the people they said were. She looked at the girl: "What are you talking about... What is he doing in Beijing? Can he help save people?"

The girl lowered her head and frowned at some embarrassed eyes: "I, I can't say..."

"Oh... well..." Under the starlight ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The wind blew over, and Fang Baihua sighed softly. For the husband of watermelon, there was actually no impression. After the break of Hangzhou City, Ning Yi set up a plan to withdraw to South Xinjiang for the Barracks Battalion, and then went to Beijing to do things. After Chen Fan went back to Qingxi, he only told the Seven Seven Buddhas that Fang Baihua did not know. Therefore, she does not think that finding a certain person can solve the problem of saving the Seven Buddhas. In her opinion, Chen Fan may also be ill and ill, but at this time, since there is no hope, the result may not be so important...

At the same time, in the capital, Ning Yi, who was cruelly abandoned by his wife and Xiao Yan, was also devoted to his business plan, preparing for the next propaganda issue.

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