Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 466: thunder

When the carriage passed through the city and drove past the Imperial Boxing Hall, it rained in the sky. The apprentices who practiced outside the boxing gym stopped their posture and went to the pavilion to rest. The nearby streets were filled with pedestrians who were rushing because of heavy rain. The shops supported the tarpaulin, the scholars avoided the squatting, and the women living nearby People chase the children who run in the rain. The willows on the side of the river are with new shoots and become more green in the rain.

The tower is not far from the Imperial Boxing Hall. Because it is early in the morning, when it arrives, it is only after the time has passed. According to the algorithm of the later generation, it is only 9:00 in the morning. During this time period, there is still no time for business in the brothel. Ning Yi also chose this time to avoid disturbing the other party's business.

There is no special meaning in meeting with Master Li. Friends who are not very close to each other, seeing each other before the performance, but a routine trip. When I arrived in the tower, because of the overnight stay in the building, a group of guests who got up in the morning were still leaving, but only at this time, there were not many people, and the sparsely-sold woman was sent out by the clothes. Some of them stayed in the lobby because of the rain, waiting for the small man in the building to take the umbrella. After Ning Yi’s pass, it was at the door of the Loulou Hall, and there were unexpected acquaintances.

It was a handsome, handsome man. After coming out of it, he sat down near the door to see the rain. Perhaps it is because I just got up, the temperament is still a little lazy, the temperament of the woman who accompanied him is very quiet, Ning Yi has seen it once, and is also one of the talented women in the building. After seeing each other, Ning Yi greeted him in the past.

"Little brother."

"Ning Gongzi."

Seeing is Ning Yi, Yan Qing, who sat there, quickly stood up and bowed. In fact, Yan Qing was still helping Ning Yi to train the martial arts of Su Wending and others in the past few days. It was only after a few days that he wished to come over and unload the mission. Before the daily exchanges and exchanges, I learned about martial arts. The relationship between the two sides is quite close. But for Yan Qing’s private life, Ning Yi is unclear.

Although Yan Qing has always had the nickname "prodigal son", in the heart of Ning Yi, he and Lu Junyi are clearly what they are. For the things he would mix in the brothel, although it is not too strange to say, but the real encounter is still the first time.

The two talked a few words, and the woman named Han Hui Niang around Yan Qing asked someone to bring refreshments. After a while, the teacher came over to the hall. Ning Yi remembered that the two had already met each other. I wanted to say a few words about the time on the canal. Yan Qing had already smiled and leaned over: "Last year Some things have been sinned by the teacher.

The teacher also said with a smile: "Yan Gongzi is heavy."

Ning Yi’s “oh” sound, it seems that the two have had several contacts before. Although he is not gossip, it is inevitable to look at both sides at this time. The legendary teacher and girl should be enamored of Yan Qing. Could it be that the two sides have already caught up?

In all fairness, it is not unreasonable to have such a thing. Yan Qing looks handsome, temperament is extraordinary, martial arts is strong and talks are extraordinary. Although it is a bit unclear with Lu Junyi, it is an elegant thing in this year.

Later generations also said that "it is necessary to put the girl in the first place, which means that in the woman's heart, this thing can add extra points."

At this point, look at the two people in the hall, one person is handsome and lazy, one person is bright and beautiful. It is really a feeling of being born with a pair. As for the Han Hui Niang around Yan Qing, even though it has some temperament, it is just a foil. Ning Yi smiled and said: "Since it is so coincidenous, it is raining again, Xiaoyi may wish to stay, talk with tea together? Hui Niang also come together?"

When he said this, the teacher and Yan Qing both looked at him, and the teacher smiled and bowed, and there was nothing wrong with it. Instead, Yan Qing frowned, and then smiled and waved his hand: "No, there are still some things to go back. I have to go outside the staff."

"Is the case outside the staff almost the same?"

"There is a big fight between Ning Gongzi and Xiangye. The case of the criminal department has almost turned over, but things are afraid... I can't get it back."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ning Yi, and some of his words stopped. At this time, the next person has taken the umbrella, he wants to leave, Ning Yi will send him to the door and pat him on the shoulder, he whispered: "Ning Gongzi, the former Tianshang under the name of the field, if it really can't... `·"

"I know what you mean." Ning Yi nodded. "Don't worry, I won't mess around. Things are going to stop here. I have a chance to say it again. Anyway, there is something outside the staff of Lu, and he can go through it."

Yan Qing was happy: "Thank you so much about Ning Gongzi."

Looking at the back of his departure, Ning Yi shook his head. What he said at this time is naturally Lu Junyi’s long-term family wealth in Damingfu. When Lu Junyi was forced to rebel, those properties allowed the various forces of the Daming House to be swallowed up. Ning Yi once said that after Lu Junyi’s whitewashing, these things still have to be taken back and confiscated to the Secret Investigation Department. Now that Liangshan has been destroyed, Lu Junyi’s identity has also been washed, but it is extremely difficult to get back these properties. The main problem is that Liang Zhongshu of Damingfu is the lineage of Cai Jing’s one party.

With the current influence of Qin Yuyuan, even if he has mastered the real power, he actually does not know Cai Jing. After Lu Junyi and others entered Beijing, they have already understood the strength of the party in the capital. Li Gang, Qin Yuyuan and others are now in real power. It is a day in the sky, Tong Tong leads the military commander, and the court is also in the process of employing people. Two, Liang Shicheng's **** system is basically no one dares to move, the royal history is a pulse, the Qin dynasty catches people to bite! It is quite a joy of the emperor, but no matter who it is, it is better than the already-reported Cai Taishi. He is a pillar stone that can pull out the top beam at any time. He has been in power for decades, and his disciples are all over the world. The hidden power and influence are no match for anyone.

After understanding these situations, I don’t want to hope that things will be pursued again. It’s Lu Junyi’s side.

The benefits that he can get are not much. Secondly, if the top of the government is really ready to fight against Cai Jing, find a way to pull Liang Zhongshu down, and then with Cai Taishi, it will really be the brunt. After all, he still can't get much benefit. Who would be willing to be involved in such things for a madman.

This matter is changed to someone else. After all, Ning Yi has done 10 people to go to Liangshan to seek revenge, and finally killed the crazy things like Song Jiang. Nowadays, although he is starting to do business, he seems more amiable, but no one can guess what is in his heart. As for the idea of ​​Qin Yuyuan, everyone does not understand.

After Yan Qing left, Ning Yi and his teacher came to the inner courtyard. Putting a tea tray under the eaves in the yard, there was a smog in the heavens and the earth. The green flowers and trees in the yard were beaten, and she was told about some trivial things that had not come in the middle and the end of Chen Sifeng.

After all, Master Li is a teacher of Li. Even though Ning Yi did not put his mind on these matters, he had to admit that it was a matter of relaxation to sit and chat with her here. Nowadays, she is known as the first squad of the capital. She seems to have an instinctive magic. It can make everything around me perfect, and the wind is good or rainy. It is just around the right moment, and time is chilling. It quietly passed.

"...··· Speaking of it, before the New Year, I met again with the Yan Gongzi. Many things about Liheng were told to me later."

"Hope is a good thing."

The teacher turned his head and thought about it, his eyes turned and then nodded: "Well, it's all good.

Ning Yi laughed. The topic was spent in a trivial break. When the spring thunder rang, the sky was darker. Ning Yi got up and left, and the woman stayed once, and he drank another cup of tea. At this time, it was not until noon, Ning Yi went out to Xiangfu, Li Shi and his mother Li Yun had to go out. After asking, I realized that she might have neglected a big man when she was hospitalized last night. Today, I have to apologize.

Opened in the brothel, the squadron of the tower, said that Jingui is Jingui, that is because everyone is holding it. But there are always people in the capital city who can't stand against them. Yesterday evening, I came to the tower, there are two such characters, one is the hero who is now popular in Beijing. The Guo pharmacist from the north, accompanied by a member of the Ministry of Military Affairs, came to see the world, and the other asked Li to come out. Seeing people, Master Li, naturally did not dare to refuse. In fact, in terms of the atmosphere of today's shackles, the Northern Expedition is the main theme. Guo Pharmacist is coming to see the Master Li, even if he is a big man like Qin Yuyuan and Li Gang, he will give each other a face.

The other one who came to the tower at that time was probably a part of Zhou’s royal family, who used a pseudonym and claimed to be Bukit. Accompanied by it is too high and high, showing that the identity will not be low. The people of this identity did not dare to push, but the other party listened to Guo Pharmacist, and immediately gave up, saying that there is no need to ask the teacher to come over, only two other squadrons chat and talk. Before Li Yun accompanied the teacher to apologize in the past, he left, and he must have some intentions.

Because of this, today Li Yun has to accompany the teacher to the Taiyuan House to apologize. The carriages of the two sides walked together for a few streets before they were separated. After Ning Yi went to the Xiangfu, the carriages of the towers stopped in front of the Taifu House.

There is some urgency under the rain, and the sky is not good. At this time, it was not until lunch time. Li Yun and his teacher were also famous figures in the capital. After the concierge was notified, Gao Song also received two people.

As a woman who is too embarrassed today, she is also a squatter. She is tall and tall, looks like a demeanor, and has a starlike style of later generations. Although the wind evaluation on the court is not good now, but talking about the last night, the other party just laughed openly and said that it is fine.

"I originally said that the noble person is very identifiable. I am taking him to play in Beijing. I don’t want to be slow. If someone else last night, Gao Mou must not have a theory with him, but since it is Guo Tongling, the situation is complete. It’s not the same. In the recent battles in the North, Guo Tong’s leadership was great, and he’s not easy to come to the South. He’s going back in a few days. Last night was in today’s holy place, fearing that he would also meet with the teacher’s girl. Opportunity, let Guo lead."

Gao Tailu took a sip of tea and laughed again: "The noble person thinks about it, and he will never be so guilty about the teacher's girl. But if the teacher's girl is slow, Guo Tongling, he It will be angry."

Listening to the other party, Li Yuncai quickly thanked him and said: "The noble person is so open-minded, and the old man and the teacher are in the heart, but they are somewhat unwilling to go. Just don't know if the noble person is still in Beijing, and now live there, can you let yourself be old? I personally went to the door with the teacher, so that the teacher and the noble person thanked the sinful sin, so..."

"Hey, this is not necessary." Gao Taiyu waved his hand and smiled and interrupted Li Yun's words. "One of the nobles has a lot of opportunities, and the other side has no heart, why bother you in your heart. When I went to visit, I looked deliberate. I only hope that the next time he goes to the tower, the teacher can see him in person and talk about his chest. The place to enjoy the field is to open a mother Li, we are between each other. It’s also old-fashioned. Why bother to give up a sin, it seems to be ruthless.”

Li Yun’s tower can be opened in the middle of Beijing, and there are countless nobles who know each other. Apologize to this place, basically the meaning is coming. In fact, there are only a lot of officials in the capital, and there is only one teacher in Li. Who will dismantle the building for the sake of not seeing a squadron? Just boarding the door, there is always a meaning that is all-inclusive. I feel that Li Yun is on the road, and a little thing will come to apologize.

Between the talks, officials from the Ministry of Military Affairs have come to visit Gao. Li Yun got up and left, and then the butler sent two people out of the side door. Li Yun took the teacher and walked away and said softly: "The identity of the noble person seems to be unacceptable. I have never seen it in Beijing in the past. It may not be the son of the world, but the one who is afraid of the matter... ”

Most of Wu Chaozong’s pro-independence has no power, and the above is to be raised as a rice bucket. However, a few of the clan who can master some aspects of power are considered to be the most trusted confidants of the royal family. Li Yun can guess that the teacher's mind naturally understands. The two turned over a long corridor, and when they approached the side yard of the carriage, they suddenly heard the noise of the noise.

"where is it--"

In the midst of heavy rain, some people are shouting like this. The voice came from inside the Taifu House. There seemed to be people dissuading something in the sound of the chaos, but the vocals have come over here for a while.

"Where is it - don't stop me! Where is Li Shishi······Get out! I don't listen! Look at me, look at me - I don't want to calm down! You see me like it's cold. Look like you! Do you believe that I am killing - you! All! Home! Master Li! Don't go, stay and fight with me for three hundred rounds-"

As the voice narrowed, Li Yun frowned and whispered: "Is it inside?" The Taifu government who sent the man was also a little embarrassed. Looking back, I saw Gao Yi’s son, Gao Muen, wearing a body. The wide robe and the head draped out like a madman, and they rushed out from the door of the courtyard. When they saw two people, they pointed at it. And by his side, four or five followers were hurriedly blocking persuasion.

In the past, in the capital, Li Shishi, Li Yun and the most maddening singer in the capital have also seen it.

However, although the other party is quite notorious, it is like a good woman. Secondly, the reputation of Li Shishi and Diaolou also makes him not willing to mess around. The convenience is not too much.


Last year, the Empress Dowager Dashou, Gao Muen offended a county owner who came to Heshou, causing the royal family to anger. It is said that this flower was too old to be beaten to death by Gao Song, and has not been released since then. In this case, everyone is more concerned about the things that Gao Song was scorned by the emperor, and more will not be understood. At this time, Li Yun was a little confused, but the teacher suddenly remembered the little county owner named Zhou Pei on the way to Beijing last year.


I saw Gao Muen killing all the way from there: "Master Li! You dare to come to the door! Don't stop me! Calm, I will show you cold! You don't want me to be calm!"

As he walked, he waved the hand that extended when he followed the block, and untied the open robe and threw it on the person. Li Yun went a few steps forward and exclaimed: "Gao Gongzi, what is there, is there any misunderstanding? You should wear clothes first, don't catch cold. `····"

"Let's catch cold! Misunderstanding! Don't pretend that you don't know anything! I have heard all of it! Tomorrow, what is Ning Liheng's bamboo record opening? Li Shishi! You are very close to Ning Liheng! Is he your gimmick? !"

Gao Muen rushed over in an underwear, Li Yun quickly stopped him: "Gao Gongzi! Nothing! Nothing! You got it wrong, our teacher just knows that person, it doesn't matter, you don't talk and ruin the daughter's house. The reputation... Bamboo has already opened...·····

"You give me away -" Gao Muen pushed Li Yun away. "Don't think that he killed 6 Qian, I am afraid of him! Hey! Master Li, I used to look at other people's faces and take care of you! Today is different! You I have to go to the show tomorrow. Is it sing to sing the words he wrote? I have all heard about it... I am not so particular about it today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are a prostitute, I will be there, you run--"

At this time, only Li Yun was really afraid to stop him. After he was pushed down on the ground, he quickly tried to keep Gao Muen’s legs. The teacher over there was scared and bowed, then turned and ran, and suddenly he was pulled by the other side.


The teacher screamed and struggled to break the other side. Gao Muen’s strength was actually not big. After the hand was opened, the other hand was raised and a slap was made to the other side.

"啪", the woman fell in the rain curtain outside the corridor, a muddy.

"Haha! It hurts. - Yes, I spent your face today, and broke your body. I will go to his shop tomorrow! Otherwise he thought I was too old to fear him." "Gao Muen raised his hand, and the woman in the rain screen rushed over. "Don't run, you give me a little trick, cry a little louder, I can break your body and spend your face today, I heard. It’s not painful, hahahahahaha-ˉ—”

The spring thunder exploded, and Master Li climbed up and ran out to fight...·····

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