Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 467: 1 game is happy

The thunder rang, the rain fell in the courtyard, and the brush slaps the leaves of the trees in the garden. The sky was a bit cloudy, and some rooms had already set the lights. When Ning Yi entered the phase of the government, a middle-aged official with a good-looking appearance was being sent out by the manager. Ning Yi stood in the arm of the other side, and the official looked at Ning Yi and showed a gentle look. , smiled slightly.

The two are not allowed to meet for the first time. Although there is no relationship between them, Ning Yi’s identity—at least his identity in Xiangfu, is clearly clear. Otherwise, this person's status will not give Ning Yi a gentle look.

The official who went over was the Qin dynasty who was in the imperial history.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he is a radical party in the court, a firm main war faction. Although it is said that the role of Yu Shizhong is to supervise and impeach the officials, he has no mercy for the officials, and won the emperor's favor. However, because of the similar political views, the two have a weak connection between Qin and Qin and the source of the "home". At this time, the relationship between the two is still relatively close.

"...················································································································· The battle of the main battle, the war to the extent of this, the rest are window paper. Li Heng's original considerations, and then continue this way, fear is really possible."

In the study room, after the crowd gathered, Qin Yuyuan took some of the information in the Secret Investigation Department, and said that it was the matter of talking with Qin.

Speaking of it, the day-to-day operation of the mall, and even the operation of the large courtyard outside the city of Liangliang, seems to be in operation. However, when it comes to the government, it is often a trivial matter. It is no wonder that Qin Yuyuan, Qi Zunian and others all say that the mall trails are not enough. Even if Ning Yi is now playing business with the signboard of Xiangfu, in the hearts of everyone, those businesses are still purely trivial. A wall, two worlds, that kind of small things, it is really difficult to let people put too much thought.

"...··· At the moment, it seems that through this period of the New Year, Tong Jianmi, Wang Hao and others have gathered at least 50 million yuan of property with the opportunity of gathering hundreds of officials. Last year, I bought Yanjing. They tasted the sweetness. This year's things are not only the children's secrets, but Wang Hao, they are getting, Cai Taishi is also in the middle of the line, and they also pulled Liang Shicheng...···"

In the words of Qin Yuyuan, the ancestors of the ancestors had already laughed: "This time, the court can say something, almost all of them have arrived."

The smell is not the same: "The teacher and Li Xiang should also say hello?"

"The money should be the big business below, where there is a reason for the people above to pay." Ning Yi laughed.

Qin Yuyuan nodded. "I am here with Li Xiang. I was in charge of the Northern Expedition. They didn't say hello to this matter. We all agreed to join the group. They have to spend money to buy gold from the Jinren, buy it and do it later. The record, the holy ascendant, has the right, and then take the money back from the business in the north. To be honest, if the Northern Expedition is really successful, I will dismantle this station, but at this time everyone knows the demolition. No, I only hope that in addition to their record, there is at least one person in the North who can use it, so I have seen Guo Pharmacists several days earlier."

Guo Pharmacist was detained in the capital during this time. It was the red man in the eyes of all parties. It is not surprising that Jingzhong was able to rank as a top member, and he has seen him more or less. However, Qin Yuyuan’s tone in this time is quite close. That is not easy. Guo Pharmacist is a military commander. He said that his official position belongs to the Ministry of War. His army is in the north, and he is to be affiliated with him. Although Qin Yuyuan and others are responsible for the Northern Expedition, they are mainly the overall situation, logistics, and personnel deployment. The military affairs are still difficult to intervene.

Qin Yuyuan sighed: "There is only one person that can be used in the north. But on our side, there are not many people who can send it out. The old man has been hesitating. In the past two months, Chang Shengjun has been changed to Wutai. After the camp, I have been catching Dingla people. I heard that many people have already died. According to the information returned by the Secret Investigation Department, what I originally wanted was to suppress him, but the action of Tong Jianmi’s side made me not allowed. Do not consider... another plan."

Yan Zunian said: "It is not impossible to send this matter out of the human condition. But... Dong Weng is afraid of raising tigers."

Qin Yuyuan nodded. "I came here before today. I have proposed that he will open the book when he is unsettled in the north, and then the old man will come forward to do his personal feelings and stop things. But after I considered it, I still feel that this matter is not easy to push to the bright side, the crime is too heavy, so I only let the meeting write a letter to me, I privately gave it to Guo Yaoshi."

Yan Zunian also nodded: "In private, it is better than pushing the table. In addition, Guo Pharmacist has been pulling people. In terms of money, grain, and weapons, we can support some of them as appropriate. So people can still send them out..."

Everyone talked about this for a while, and reached an agreement on supporting Guo’s pharmacist’s expansion. In a sense, this is something that Qin Yuyuan cannot choose here.

Ning Yi did not say much in it, but after the discussion of the matter, Qin Yuyuan left him: "The matter of Guo Pharmacist, I am afraid I can only do this at the moment. It is hard to say whether people will inherit this situation. It is a child. What are the five thousand runs of Guan and Wang Hao?

Ning Yi thought for a moment: "Things are still very simple. Take money and buy gold from the Jin people. The Jin people are willing to sell. After the purchase, they will become military merits. It is the distribution of interests. The big merchants want to do business with the North. This is the name of the vote. Qin Xiang is trying to say, can we get the benefits here?"

Qin Yuyuan nodded: "At this time, although I did not directly participate in Li Xiang, but as long as there is a tree in the Northern Expedition, we always have some advantages. Regarding these, Liheng can think about it in advance."

When he said this, he laughed again: "Remember that a few years ago, Li Heng talked with me about Confucianism. When people are in it, if they fall into the cobweb, they can do things that are often difficult to choose at every step. Northern Expedition The war became such a situation, the old man did not want to, and now the war is invincible, but everyone can speculate in this way. The businessman has paid for the money, and the officials went to the north to buy several remnants, buy In the remnant city, the soldiers got the credit. Wenchen got the fame, the power, the merchants and the privilege of the trade to make more money. The Wu dynasty recovered Yan Yun, and the St. Shangli got the job. It seemed to be a loss-making business. The joy of the old man. The old man’s thoughts and disappointments have long been unable to determine the direction of the matter, but I am worried about this situation. I am worried. The deeper the matter is pressed, one day, I am afraid that it will hurt more and more. ·"

Ning Yi shook his head: "When the world is... it is not only Confucianism. After all, the game is like this. The old man didn’t know it today.······

"Oh." The old man smiled and looked at the heavy rain outside the window. "I feel so sad at the moment... This year's rain is good. I hope it is a good year..."

Having said that, there are still things in Qin Yuyuan, and Ning Yi will leave. On the other side of the ancestors, I talked a few words about the Yellow River's water control this year. It is already a trivial matter to mention the Seven Buddhas in the South. For the ancestors of the ancestors, the troubles of the southern Fangla have now been settled, and Fang Qifo was imprisoned in the capital to kill him. However, it was only a small tail that was not counted after the goodness.

Come out from Xiangfu, go home all the way, time is still afternoon. Wen Dingwenxing and others did not come back outside. In the courtyard next door, Song Yongping read the materials that Ning Yi took back and reviewed the contents of the scriptures. Juaner pushed the children in the wooden cart and turned around in the courtyard. While discussing the dinner with the cook, I saw Ning Yi go home and pushed the car over. Ning Yi held the child in his arms.

"How is it today? Is he naughty?"

"No, the young master is very good."

“Hey, really?” Ning Yi looked at the child in his arms. “Come, call the voice and listen.”

"Hey." The child spit out a bubble in his mouth. He smiled without heart.

Ning Yi snorted and repeated the sound of "爹爹" several times. All the way to the bedroom, Juan smiled and followed. The yard is still raining, dripping into the curtain, the man holding the child, the girl in the rear is striving to keep up, and it looks like a couple from afar.

"Is everything ready to pack?"

Walking through the corridor in the rain, Ning Yi asked Juanju, and Juan nodded: "Well, it’s almost gone, my grandfather, will we leave after two days?"

"Well, two days later, when Zhu Ji’s thing was settled, I went to Muyuan. How can I let your lady leave home for so long? Let her be willful for a few days, it will be enough."

He said this, he had already made plans, and soon afterwards, the evening, the courtyard was lit up. Perhaps due to something outside, Wen Dingwenxing and others have not returned. When Song Yongping occasionally came to see, the man in the courtyard held the child, nodded with no image, or smiled with such a beautiful rumor, and formed a warm scene under the warm yellow light.

At the same time, in the tower, Li Yun was helpless in a busy atmosphere to explain to the teacher that the girl was not able to come out to see the guests today.

In the courtyard inside, the teacher was sitting on the bed wrapped in a quilt, and looked at himself in the bronze mirror with some sorrow. He occasionally took the egg with the shell and rolled his face with a red and swollen palm print. Among the brothels, the feelings of the lights and candles are quite festive. When the sound of the cymbals is transmitted far away, it seems that the woman in the room is more lonely.

No one will come to see her - although as a squad, she does not want someone to come over to see her wolverines at this moment - but occasionally, this mood will still stop floating from the heart. She has been in the brothel for many years, from the woman who lost her parents to the Qing dynasty who later trembled, and then to the squad at this time. What has made her the clearest feeling in the past few years is that there is no friend who can talk privately around the Qinglou woman. Just like at this moment, no one will come to visit her sincerely. There are many people in the brothel, and many women who have the same fate as her, outside the brothel, she also knows a lot of people. But at such a moment, when she became embarrassed, there was no one who could see.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing, this is the case for a woman's life. Occasionally, when she feels such loneliness, she will understand that she is really doing a good life, so she starts to get sick again - she laughs at herself like this. The friendship with the childhood partners of Yu Hezhong, Chen Sifeng and Ning Yi is because of the similar mood, but she remains awake. If these childhood friends really reach the level of her heart, she will only be scared.

I was immersed in the feeling of loneliness for a while, and she spit out a sigh of relief, squatting down her shoulders, looking at herself in the bronze mirror, the thoughts in her heart, just returning to the distress of how to perform tomorrow...

More than 100 miles south, Muyuan County. Su Taner and Xiao Yan were sitting in the farmhouse's house, watching the piece of work that gradually stopped construction and started dinner, and it was already a star in the night sky. Taner puts the hand into the ordinary little apron and puts it down. Looking at the night sky outside, he talks with Xiao Xiao about what might happen in the beam and the thoughts of Ning Yi. But although she missed it, she still felt that Ning Yi should be left empty for a while, although such an idea is very strange...·····

To the north of the capital, in the military camps two hundred miles away, a team of soldiers patrolled back and forth, guarding the gold, silver and cargo of one car and one car in the camp. This temporary military station has thousands of people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They will go all the way north. Soon after, they will **** the money worth up to 60 million yuan of silver to the gold man’s site. Buy a few cities in Yanyun and Sixteen states, and at the same time, impress each other with exquisite goods to promote trade between the two countries.

In the right-hand house in the capital, the old man looked at the gradual spring rain and frowned. There are countless things that can make him frown at any time and place, but in his heart, more and more is still looking forward to the rich years.

In the Taifu government, the man named Gao Muen happily yelled at the shop where he would go to the enemy tomorrow.

Chen Fan stepped into the capital.

Missing, expecting...················································································································ I left a slight impression in my memory, until even the impressions in my memory were distorted until they disappeared, but at least at some point, they are all shining, just like the stars in the sky, only in one thousandth. In the second of the time, the eyes are falling.

This is the spring of the 11th year of Wucha Jinghan. The songs and dances have risen. Not many people can know how much change they will face soon.

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