Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 749: I used to go to Yang, Yiliu Yiyi; now I come to think, rain and snow 霏霏 (...

Before and after the autumn harvest, many things happened in the capital city of Lin'an at this time.

After the shame of Jingping, the martial arts of the Southern Dynasties began to flourish. This year's martial arts style was unfolding in the capital, attracting a large number of knights to Beijing. The influx of people with swords has made the security of the capital a little chaotic, but the various acts of the knights have evolved into fascinating stories in the mouth of the storyteller. Not long ago, Lin Su, a famous capitalist in Beijing, fell in love with the heroes of the rivers and lakes, and made two rivers and lakes meet with the city and fight for a time.

At the same time as the martial arts style was carried out, Lin'an's prosperous literary meeting was unwilling. At this time, the colleges that gathered in Lin'an had activities, and several large-scale patriotic literary meetings were held in Lin'an City, which affected the sensation at one time. The first few articles were born, and they were generous, and they were widely sung by the women in the Qinglou Chu Pavilion.

The prevalence of the civil and military atmosphere has washed away the sorrowful atmosphere of the Beiwu period. There is even a glory in the glory. At least in the eyes of the literati, the generosity of the society is far more than a decade ago. The song and dance has been flattened. With the beginning of the autumn harvest, a group of thieves including Wang Xigui in the vicinity of the capital was also arrested under the siege of officers and men, and then beheaded in the capital, which greatly inspired the people.

A large number of shops, restaurants, and workshops are all open. The bustling business near Lin'an has swelled the city at an alarming rate. At this time, its prosperity has surpassed that of the two hundred years of operation. It is. In the Qinglou Chu Hall, the story of the talented and beautiful woman has been heard every day. The anecdotes of the officials of the Chaoyang Hall will also become the talks of the people in Beijing after dinner. In the vibrant atmosphere, there is one thing, and it is also mixed with it. During this time, it has become an anecdote for many people to talk about.

Hu Maqu Zonghui made a crime.

At the end of June, the horse was watching a northern girl when she was playing flowers. When she was bullied, she had some accidents and accidentally killed the girl. The companions around him tried to dispel the matter, and the other parents' temperament was fierce, but they refused to give up. In this way, the incident became a case of Zongmeng, and was later detected by Jing Zhaoyin.

The land of the capital, the investigation and report of various cases, has its own procedures. If it's just that simple, when you report it below, the top pressure may not expand. However, when Hummer did this kind of thing, how was the mood in the princess's heart, it was hard to say it. When the newspaper went up, the long princess was furious and took the horse to the dungeon. Qu Zonghui’s family was also a native of the South, and he quickly came to plead for it. As soon as he came, the matter came out.

Since then, some unexpected news has been heard, and the whole situation has led to many people's unexpected directions.

It is abhorrent for Hummer to commit such a big crime, but as the discussion deepens, many talents gradually know the situation of the horse. Now the Princess of the Long Princess is proud of her temperament. She has always looked down on this Hummer. The two have been married for ten years. The princess has not come out. It is extremely difficult to see the princess on weekdays. If these are just the usual things that the husband and wife are not feelings, the princess has never been with Hummer since the date of the marriage. So far, the rumors of Hummer’s closeness have not been made, and this situation has been added to the situation.

The man who was recruited as a Hummer was despised by his wife from the day of his marriage. He had never been in the same room for ten years, so that the Ma Maye gradually abandoned himself and waited for his step-by-step depression. The Princess House also did not care. Self-flowing. It is hateful to do these things now, but beyond that, is there any problem with the work of the princess? Gradually, such arguments are fermented between people's mouths.

At this time, although it was not until the ritual and murder, but the woman's morality, after all, there is still some attention. Qu Zonghui’s case is getting closer, there is nothing to say, but the princess’s pride is undoubtedly more invisible. The literati have shaken their heads, even the girl in the Qinglou Chu Pavilion, talking about this. In the event, I feel that the Princess of the Princess has done a bit too. In the early days, the princess used the Thunder to imprison the Hummer. At the moment, it is naturally impossible to make people feel selfless. Instead, it is more like ridding a cumbersome opportunity to kill. As a wife, this is really not for my husband.

In such discussions, the news of a larger pattern gradually came. As for the change of Tianhu’s forces, due to the deliberate control that has not been spread on a large scale, General Yue’s second victory in Fuyang, the Czech Republic has come, the heat In the atmosphere of Lin'an, in a short period of time, it was to crush the gossip of the Hummer...

The sun is warm and the leaves are golden. When most of the people in Lin'an are attracted by the greatness of the North, what has already happened cannot be skipped. Among the palaces, officials and famous people come and go every day, and there are various things involved. There are about Hummer and Qujia. After all, they accounted for a large part of this time. On this day, in the royal study, as a father's sigh, it also came back and forth several times.

"...fortunately, the Yueyang family's Xiangyang victory, offset the discussion of this matter, but you have been a pro-decade person, this matter is your reputation, after all, it is not good... I went back to the ground many times. Yesterday, his grandfather came over and kneeled on the ground to ask for love. This is Jiang Ning’s friendship. You became a pro, and you can’t look at him. After so many years, you don’t say anything. However, killing him, how do you explain this? How is it in the eyes of others? Daughter, can’t get anything good...”

Carrying his hands, the emperor Zhou sighed and sighed. For the emperor eight years, the Jianye Emperor at this time has also been quite majestic, faded the casual and Hulai when he first entered the throne, but facing the 27-year-old daughter in front of him, he still feels broken.

On the opposite seat, Zhou Pei's eyes were calm and slightly exhausted. Just listening to it, and Zhou Yi paused before he whispered.

"Father, killing him is a kingly law."

Her tone is not high, and Zhou Xin’s heart is inevitably sighed. To be honest, Zhou’s concern for his son is far better than his daughter’s. There are naturally complicated reasons in the middle. For the beginning of the emperor, Zhou Pei was regarded as a successor by Kang Xian and Zhou Wei. The burden of the Princess of the National Palace, Zhou Pei's personality is independent, and there are wrists. Zhou Hao occasionally thinks about the stalls of the Princess of the country, and then think about himself, then he understands that he is better not to intervene.

When he was a prince, he was not a gentleman. He was a man, and he had no sense of responsibility, but the only advantage was that he had some self-knowledge. The daughter is so powerful that she is too lazy to see her, and now she wants to come, and her heart is inevitably guilty. Listening, how low and no spirit voice, marriage is not happy, for women, it is really sad.

For Wang Fawei's strictness, he felt that he was somewhat emotional and waved his hand.

"Yes, yes, Jing Zhaoyin's case, let them go to judge. Hey, just talk to you. The relationship with the Qu family, don't make it so stiff. After all, we come up, they are helping." I passed them, and I took a table and smashed people yesterday. I told them: For Qu Zonghui, you are looking for it. You know, it’s not an unreasonable person, but what’s the outside of the South is North People's things, now, to smear the reputation of the long princess, these people, you want to kill a batch! Japanese mother! What!"

Zhou Wei imitated yesterday's demeanor, eloquently, sighed, and then calmed down again: "You don't have to worry about it, there are people with ulterior motives, and you are the master."

Zhou Pei looked at him: "Thank you, Father, but in private, you can't hide your mouth, you don't have to kill. You shouldn't kill."

"Oh..." Zhou Wei thought for a moment. "Speaking officials like to join in the fun, the more they get together, the more they have to fight. Otherwise, the rumors about the princess really have to pass through the city!"

In the royal study room, I was quiet for a moment. Zhou Wei looked at Zhou Pei and said: "As for what Nanren Beiren is, daughter, the father has to say a lot, don't make it too intense. Let's, after all, the foundation In the South, although I have been an emperor, I am not going to be partial, and I will not be offended by these people in the south. Today’s wind is not right. Yue Qing’s family is still in the second place, and Tian Hu is really When something goes wrong, this black flag is going out of the mountain, and I always feel uneasy. Daughter, even if you really want to go north in the future, the rear must be stable, not stable."

He said this, thinking that the opposite daughter would refute, who knows that Zhou Pei nodded: "The father said that the daughter has been thinking about this matter, and in the past few years, it has done a lot wrong."

In the past few years, Zhou Pei’s temperament has become more and more calm, and Zhou Qi has been guilty of this incident. She does not know whether her daughter is talking or not. She looked at her eyes and nodded again and again: “Hey, what is my daughter?” Wrong is good, just the situation... The situation is not the same. In this way, Qu Zonghui will be the master and let him go..."

Zhou Pei looked up and looked over at Zhou Yu. The father and the daughter looked at each other for a moment. Zhou Peicai said: "Father, the daughter thought it was inappropriate, let him go where he set the family..."

"Daughter, it would be boring to say this." Zhou Yan frowned. "In this way, Qu Zonghui is inferior. After this incident, he will take the rest for you. You are looking for a desirable marriage. How? You are looking for it. A desirable one, then tell the father, the father re-pointed you for another marriage, so come..."

Zhou Yi groaned, Zhou Pei looked at him quietly, but did not know what to say. In the past few years, the conversation between the father and the daughter has always been separated by a layer of seemingly no separation. The main reason is that the thinking of the two is not at one level. She opened her mouth: "Thank you for your kindness, but... no need..."

"The father is the master of you, it is what it should be. It was also a confusing one. It was too little concern for your children. At that time, I thought that Junwu would inherit the throne in the future. It was nothing more than a leisurely prince in Jiangning. You are the same, marry. After the husband and wife... Who knows that he will become the emperor later, Qu Zonghui, you don’t like him, you didn’t know...”

For the eight years of Emperor, Zhou Yu thought a lot more things. At this time, it is inevitable that the daughter is not happy after marriage, can not guess whether he is not enough care, let others mess up the spectrum. The father and the daughter then talked for a while, when Zhou Pei left, Zhou Hao’s brain was hurting. My daughter is a daughter, a woman who is not yet a man at the age of 27 is eccentric, and it’s really weird to think...

Zhou Pei went out all the way, but only felt cool in his heart. These days, her spirit is actually extremely exhausted. In the years after the imperial court moved south, the Wu Dynasty’s economy was centered on Lin’an and developed rapidly. At that time, the wealthy and wealthy households in the south had a share of it. The northerners who fled a lot of people often became slaves and beggars. Under the tide, Junwu tried to give the refugees a way to live. Zhou Pei helped the unconsciously and unconsciously behind him. He said that he was fair and positive, and he fell in the eyes of others, but only helped the northerners to fight the southerners.

The sudden counterattack of this time was something that no one had expected. In the past few years, Zhou Pei has been in charge of the big industry. After a little older, her temperament has become quiet again. It is impossible to say that she has any good and gentle name outside, but she will not be able to pass on her long before. What is bad about the princess. Who knows that this time because of the slogan of Qu Zonghui, the rumors are so fierce, a woman is strong and sultry, no woman, no twenty-seven years old, and this time she still has to die for her husband, In other populations, it is a big crime like the country will be soaked in pig cages.

Crime can be justified, and stigma on personality is another matter. According to thousands of people, Zhou Pei is intelligent, and she is still a woman in her 20s. After all, her pressure is hard to say. If there is still some sensibility, I am afraid that I have already left the whole stall and went to no one else.

For a time, she wants to continue with resilience. She is also introspective for a time. Heaven needs to do things. After all, it still needs people to support it. If it is looming now, it will be chaotic, and whether it is really wrong with himself and Junwu. For two years, she once again woke up in the night—the last time I heard about the night after Ning Yi’s death. After that, she thought she had no tears.

After all, there is still.

No matter how unforgettable people are, the dead are already paralyzed, and the living ones have to continue.

All the way out, not yet to the palace gate, Zhou Pei saw that Jun Wu’s pace was strong and the dust came from there. It was also about this incident, coming back from Jiangning – seeing the sister, the fire in the eyes of the Prince. Only a little disappeared, smiled and said hello.

"...Qu Zonghui's things, I heard, I went to the father's emperor and said... The world is going to be in chaos. These guys who are looking at the light are still fighting for personal gains. Now they are making the reputation of the smuggling emperor. The extent! I can't spare them! Right, Emperor, you are waiting for me here, I will come out and tell you..."

After saying this, a group of people will pass by in a mighty manner. Zhou Pei waited for a while in the nearby Royal Garden and saw Jun Wu coming back with anger. His negotiation with his father probably has no results. In fact, Zhou Wei is extremely biased towards the children. But when he is an emperor, he has to leave a few senses. He can’t really do anything for the "Northerners." The Southerners are coming.

However, although there is anger in the eyes, the spirit of Junwu does not seem to have any discouraged emotions. He quarrels with Zhou Wei, probably just to express his opinion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, find a sister, both of them go all the way to the city wall. In the past, you can say something.

"...The black flag has been quiet for two years and finally came out. I think it is going to do big things. It’s a broken knife for Tian Hu... The Golden Man still doesn’t know what the reaction is, but the emperor, you know, Liu What is the reaction on the other side of Yu..."

Jun Wu’s words are excited, but Zhou Pei still looks calm: “The spies said that Liu Yu is crazy.”

"Yes, black flag, hehe... I have been mad at Liu Yu in the early years. I heard the news of the black flag, I was scared to get up in the middle of the night, and I ran in the palace with a stick. Right, right, there is the scene outside the city of Xiangyang, you know the emperor. The black flag people killed Lu Tuo..."

On the one hand, the two men boarded the wall of the palace.

"They took the stun gun and the stun gun was better." Zhou Pei looked at him, his eyes slightly bitter, and said, "But... the black flag is black flag. Jun Wu, you should not be so happy."

"Ha." Jun Wu smiled dryly. He looked at his sister and thought about things. The two men walked forward for a while. Junwukou casually said some gossip and finally stopped.

"Sister," he said. "Master is still alive."

"...ah?" Zhou Pei took two steps and then turned back from there. She had a white dress and a moon-like face that looked plain and graceful. She blocked her hair with her fingers. The eyes suddenly became a little hollow in an instant.

Jun Wu repeated it again.

"Ning Liheng...Ning Liheng is still alive..." He said, "...General Yue saw him."

The autumn wind swayed the skirt and the hair, looking down from the high wall, the world is full of people, people coming and going, there is a far sound in the wind. The autumn sun is warm, and the city is full of falling leaves. (To be continued.)

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