Zhui Xu

: I used to go to Yang, Yiliu Yiyi; now I come to think, rain and snow 霏霏 (...

Mountainous in the southwest.

In the autumn, the yellow and green mountains overlap in the bright sunshine and extend to the distance. Occasionally, the mountain roads make people feel relaxed and happy. Compared with the barrenness of the northwest, the southwest is bright and colorful, but the whole traffic is more underdeveloped than the barren hills in the northwest.

In the middle of the mountains and rivers, there are occasionally villages in twos and threes. It seems that the original jungles, rugged trails are hidden in weeds and earth, and only a few developed places have stations. The horses responsible for transportation have stepped through these years. The rugged roads, through the mountains where ethnic minorities live, connect the trade between the Central Plains and the Southwest Wilderness, which is the original tea-horse road.

Here is the hometown of the southwestern Yi Dynasty.

The so-called Southwestern Yi, which calls itself the "Ni" family, is pronounced as an Yi in ancient Chinese. Later generations changed their names because of their barbarism. Of course, at this time in the Wu Dynasty, people living in the southwestern mountains are generally referred to as the Southwestern Yi. They are tall, high-nose, dark-skinned, and have a strong personality. Descendants. In one village, the strict slavery system is implemented at this time, and it is not uncommon for Dazhai to annex Xiaozhai.

During the two hundred years of the Wu Dynasty, the commercial road was opened here, and the city of Dali was intertwined. It also struggled for the ownership of the Yi people in the Liangshan area. The two-hundred-year mutual market has caused some Han Chinese and ethnic minorities to enter the area. It has also opened up several small towns where Han Chinese live or mix together. Some felony prisoners have been distributed in this dangerous mountain.

In the past, during the years of Jianhan’s reign, during the years of Jianye’s reign, there were several disputes of various sizes, and a black flag quietly entered this place in the process. During the three or four years of construction, there were Blei and Hedeng in the Liangshan area. The three small county towns of Jishan announced the uprising - all of which were announced by the county magistrate unilaterally, and then the army entered one after another, suppressing the resistance.

Most of the soldiers who had been evacuated from the northwest were ruined and worn out, and they lost weight in the march of the mighty march. At the beginning, the nearby prefects organized a certain army to try to annihilate, and then... there was no more.

More troops have come one after another, and more problems have naturally come one after another, friction with the surrounding Nigers, several wars, and the difficulty of maintaining business and construction...

The wind swelled, she woke up from sleep, and there was a slight ray of light outside the window. The outline of the leaves shook slightly in the wind, it was early morning.

The humming sound came from far away.

Someone was walking around the yard. She sat up and put on her clothes, took a deep breath and packed up her confused thoughts. Recalling the dream of last night, it is faintly what happened in recent years.

Perhaps it was because the news from outside and outside these days caused the mountain to vibrate and made her feel a little touched.

This year, a woman named Su Taner was thirty-four years old. Due to the lack of resources, the outside world’s view of women is rich, but her body shape is obviously thin, I am afraid it is not a beauty. In the five years of Hedeng County, Su Tan's perception of people is determined to be sharp. The face of the melon seeds, the eyes are frank and god-like, and I am used to wearing a black dress. Even in the wind and heavy rain, I can carry the skirts on the rugged mountain roads and muddy. In the next two years, the northwest war situation falls, and Ning Yi’s death is heard. She became a black widow who was absolutely indifferent, but she was indifferent to everything around her, but determined. The rules set were never changed. During this period, even the most "orthodox" rebellious officials in the surrounding thinking did not dare. Send troops to Liangshan. The two sides maintained a secret confrontation, an economic game and a blockade, such as the Cold War.

She has maintained this image.

Getting up and getting dressed, the outside voice gradually rang, it seems to have been busy, it is a few older children were urged to get up and morning exercise. There was also a voice to say hello, and Juan, who came back not long ago, came in with a basin. Su Taner smiled: "You don't have to do this."

"Just handy." Juan said.

The three three squats were all cultivated to deal with the business at hand, and later they were all right-handed. After Ning Yi took over the secret investigation department, they were involved in a wide range. Taner hopes that Xing Er and Juan Er can also be treated as Ning Yi as a diverticulum. Although it is a big family's wrist, but Xing Er and Juan Er Xiang Ning Yi is not completely ruthless, but Ning Yi does not agree. Later, there are too many things, and this will be delayed.

During the three years of the Xiao Cang River, Xing Er and a black flag army officer gradually became together and finally came together. Juaner was always silent. After two years, Ning Yi retired. Because Yan Yanyin did not give up the search for Ning Yi, within the scope of Liangshan, there were several confrontations between Jin Guo’s spies and Black Flag’s anti-spyware personnel. Taner and others, easily inconvenient to go to see Ning Yi, during this period, accompanied by Ning Yi is Juaner, take care of the living, handle all kinds of contact details. Although there has not been much mention of personal matters, they have probably taken care of each other.

A family member was originally a merchant of Jiangning. After becoming a relative, he only wanted to live safely and securely. Who knows that he has been involved in the war since then, in retrospect, it has been ten years. In the first half of this decade, Su Taner looked at Ning Yi's work and worried about him. In the second half of the year, Su Taner sat in the town and boarded the battle, watching the three counties gradually stand firm and develop in the storm. Occasionally, at midnight, she will also think that if she did not rebel in the first place, she would not be able to accompany her husband, and in the best years, she would be safe and stable for one year and one year. - She is also a woman, she also wants her own man, who wants to sleep in the night with his body...

But she never said it once.

Over the years, she has also seen the people who have died in the war, the people who have suffered, the fear of the war, the fleeing of the family, the sorrows of the family, the heroic people, bravely rushing to face the enemy, turning The body that fell in the pool of blood... When I first came here, the lack of supplies, she just accompanied the red, watermelon and other people to eat choking dishes... I am alone, perhaps for a lifetime, but for fear, for a lifetime, however, For these things, then you can only watch it all the time...

The autumn is getting deeper, and the morning breeze comes with a little coolness. The small yard, they lived in their family, and the red door was raised. It was probably not far from the hospital. Xiaoxiao was helping the breakfast in the kitchen. Yuanbao’s classmates were still sleeping late. Her daughter, five-year-old Ning I am already up, and now I am eager to enter and leave the kitchen, help to hand over firewood and take things, and Yunzhu follows her, beware of her wrestling.

Seeing that Tan Er came out of the room, Xiao Ning slammed "ah", then ran to find a pot, and began to drowning in the water tank of the kitchen. Yunzhu was annoyed to follow: "What do you do... ”

"Auntie got up and washed her face."

A scoop of water poured into the washbasin, Yunzhu was next to it, and some looked back at Tan Er with some distressedness. Taner quickly went over: "Small sister is really sensible, but the aunt has washed her face..."

"Ah? Washed up..." Ning's hands standing there holding a scoop and squinting at her.

"Well, but Auntie wants a cup of warm water to brush her teeth."


The little girl nodded quickly, and then Yunzhu and others flustered as she watched her panic when she was next to the pot.

Several children in the family have different temperament, but this child who wants to count the jin is the most pure and lovable, and the most peculiar. She is enthusiastic about everything, and she can't keep herself from the time she remembers. Seeing people thirsty to help get water, seeing people hungry to divide their rice in half, the bird fell off the nest, she will jump around in the tree, even the snail climbs forward, she also bears I don't want to go to the handle. For this matter, Jin Er can't do it, saying that she will be a commander in the future. Everyone is joking, maybe Jiner is also like this when he was a child, but Jiner will probably deny it after a while.

So a lot of noise, after washing, leaving the yard, the sky has already spit out, the yellow ginkgo tree shaking in the morning breeze. Not far away is a red-sister who looks at a group of children's morning exercises. The children are dozens of people, big and small, running along the observatory on the side of the mountain, and their own Ning, Ning, and other people are among them. The small Ninghe is jumping around and doing a simple stretch.

In the quiet morning light, the Hedeng County in the mountains has already revived. The stacked houses are on the slopes, in the forests, and on the streams. Due to the participation of the soldiers, the scale of the morning exercises is huge on the side of the mountain. From time to time, there are generous singing voices.

Among the three counties of Bly, Hedeng and Jishan, Hedeng is the administrative center. Down the foothills, several core components of the Black Flag – or Ning Yi Power – are gathered here. The General Staff Department, responsible for the strategic level, is responsible for coordinating the overall situation, evolved from the Bamboo Remarks, and is responsible for internal thinking. The problem is that the General Political Department, the external intelligence, infiltration, and the transmission of various news, is the General Intelligence Department. On the other side, there are the Ministry of Commerce, the Engineering Department, and the Ministry of Military Affairs independent of Bly, which is currently the most composed of Black Flag. Important six.

Of course, the three counties of Bly, Hedeng and Jishan are not the overall appearance of the current Black Flag Army. Outside the three counties, the real flag of the Black Flag is the Dadong Department of the junction of Tubo and Dali. This tribe was old with the tyrant Liu Dawei in the early years. They lived in an area that guarded an iron ore and kept the business with the outside world for many years. In these years, the people in the Central Committee of the Yangtze River were sparsely populated, often suppressed by the rest of the Tubo tribes. The black flag went south, and a large number of veterans and elites were recruited together. The ideologically transformed soldiers were hoarded here, on the one hand deterring Dali, on the other hand, The Tubo tribe, as well as the Guo pharmacist who succumbed to the Tubo king, also had several degrees of friction.

The two counties of Bu, He, and Ji are on the one hand to separate the troops surrendering after the Battle of Xiao Cang River, so that they will not affect the interior of the Black Flag Army before accepting enough ideological reforms. On the other hand, along the river The Jishan County was built in the trading hub of Dali and Wuchao. Blair has a large number of soldiers, training, and political centers. The mountain is a commercial hub.

Dali is a relatively warm and loyal country. He is close to the Wu dynasty all the year round. He is extremely disgusted with the rebellion of the black flag, and they are unwilling to trade with Black Flag. However, the black flag infiltrates into Dali. The first part is Dali's part of the aristocratic class, or a variety of partial forces, cottages, horses, and resources for trading, such as iron cannons, firearms and so on.

The merchants are profitable and do everything in their power. In fact, Dayang, Buhe and Jixian counties are all in a scarce resource. The dealers who have been taught by Ning Yi are mad and have nothing to sell. At this time, the political power of Dali was weak. The Duan’s incumbent was actually better than the foreigner who had mastered the real power. The black flag found the weak family of the Duanjia, or the scum of the Gaojia, and signed all kinds of paper contracts. . After the beginning of the trade, after the royal family discovered and angered, the black flag's messengers no longer pay attention to the imperial power.

"We only recognize the contract."

"Either by agreement or die together."

The Dali side will naturally not accept the threat, but the black flag is also struggling on the blade. The battles that had just been withdrawn from the front line of the Xiao Cang River slammed into Dali territory. At the same time, the action troops infiltrated into Dali City launched an attack. In the absence of defense, they won seven Duan’s and Gao Jiazong’s parents, and all aspects of the lobbying have already begun. .

The stake in the business is still second, but the black flag resists the Jurchen, just retired from the north, does not recognize the contract, the black flag is dying, then the jade is burned.

This agreement was finally difficult to negotiate. The black flag released the hostages intact and retired. It paid an apology for every damage to Dali’s casualties. At the same time, it no longer pursued the loss of its own personnel. In this way, Dali’s eyes on the border trade were closed, and at the same time, the rules of only accepting the contract were tacit.

With the first gap, although it is still difficult, there is always a way out. Although Dali didn't want to provoke the madmen who came from the north, they could get stuck in the country. In principle, they were not allowed to continue to trade with Black Flag. However, the country that can be controlled by foreigners has a strong place for the local. Binding force.

For two hundred years, although Dali and Wucha have always had border trade, the initiative of these trades has always been firmly in the hands of the Wu dynasty, and even the request of the Dali Kingdom to the Wu dynasty to request the title of "Dalian King" has been The Wu Dynasty was dismissed several times. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to satisfy the interests of all people, but who would not want to live a good life? Under the lobbying of the black flag, many people actually moved their hearts.

At the same time as Dali's exchanges, the infiltration of the Wu Dynasty side is also being carried out all the time. Wu Dynasty people may prefer to starve to death and do not want to trade with black flag. However, in the face of strong enemies, who will have no sense of worry?

The fall of the Central Plains has caused some of the troops to gain benefits under a huge crisis. These military forces are so uneven that the firearms produced by the Prince's House can only be provided to the direct troops such as the Bian Junjun and Han Shizhong. In this case, with the women. The black-flagged weapons of the real people who have been in the Cang River for three years are the most tempting thing for them.

Since then, under the principle of blocking the black flag, a large number of smuggling horses that have been blinded by one eye have appeared. These teams have brought in the things designated by the mountains in accordance with the agreement, and exchanged several iron cannons with ammunition. All the way to return to the location of the army, the army in principle only buy iron cannons, do not ask the way, in fact, how can it not secretly protect their interests?

This two-way trade was extremely difficult at the beginning, and many black flags were sacrificed in it. As in the death of Dali, the black flag could not be revenged~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if it was Su Tan, it was only Can go to the spirit of the deceased and pray. In the past five years, Jishan gradually established the credibility of “contract above all else”. In the past two years, it has truly gained a firm foothold and radiated its influence. It became the center of Dayang and Chen Fan who were sitting in the town of Qin Shaoqian. Blue is moving to the core of the echo.

In the past five years, Su Taner has been sitting in the town and boarding. It has not only been a matter of business. Although Ning Yi has solved many macro problems remotely, the operation on the details is enough to exhaust one's heart. People get along, operate in new departments, exchanges with locals, negotiate with the Nigers, and plan for various constructions. In five years, Tan and many people around her have not stopped. She has been in her for more than three years and has never seen her husband.

The thing of the North Land Tigers came back a few days ago, and it was arrogant in Bly, Hedeng, Jishan and other places. Since Ning Yi’s “suspected” death, the black flag was quiet for two years, although the ideological construction in the army has been It’s going on, but there’s always a lot of people who are guilty in their hearts, or who are sulking. This time, the black flag's shot, easy to turn over the Tianhu, everyone is honored, and some people understand that Mr. Ning's death is true or false, perhaps to the edge of the announcement...

Taner naturally knows more.

She stood on the hill and looked down, with a smile on her lips. It was a small city full of vitality. The leaves of the various trees were golden and the birds were singing in the sky.

When they met, she was 18 years old, thinking that she was mature, and her heart was old. She treated him with a polite attitude. I never thought about it. Then there will be so many things happening.

In the five years of devotion to Deng, she never complained, but she remembered that there would be a slight sigh.

You are coming back, but I am not good at it.

Live up a good time... (to be continued.)

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