Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 752: Fate you and I met in 1 game (below)

Hedeng County is the residence of the senior officials of the Black Flag Army. Due to the return of a certain team, the mountain and the mountain seem to be a little lively. When you turn the road on the mountainside, you can see the figure coming and going, shaking at night. Rays, a lot more time.

Turning over the mountain road, the voices on the other side are getting farther away. The back mountain is where the tomb is. A black monument standing far away stands in the night, there is a fire nearby, and some people guard the spirit. After the monument, it is a small tombstone that is densely stretched.

"...The Battle of Xiao Cang River, including the northwest, the family of the species... the ashes of the more than 43,000 people, the crown of the coat, set up this monument, and the latter died, buried in the bottom. In the early years It was a lot of people to play around, but it was said that the people in China were all ones, and the rice could not be eaten. It was all buried in a monument, leaving a name to be good. I did not agree. Today's little monuments are all the same. The craftsman who made the monuments has done a good job, but nowadays it is mostly divided into mines..."

The two figures walked forward and walked, and Su Taner whispered around. He and Deng County, Ning Yi came once four years ago, and later only a few times, nowadays are new places and new things. Approaching the monument, he looked up and looked at the stone tablet with rough lines and pictures on his head.

"The generals... originally I wanted to stay..." Ning Yi sighed. "It’s a pity, the teacher, the teacher, the seed..."

“How is the fold?” Taner whispered.

"...Xi Xia northwest." Ning Yi smiled. "Unfortunately, there are not many people living in the northwest."

Xiao Canghe three years of war, the family army assisted the Huaxia Army against the Jurchen, to the construction of five years, resignation, speeding down the south, while trying to migrate the northwestern residents, the seedlings insisted on Yanzhou, and later Yanzhou The city was broken and planted to death. Later, Xiao Canghe was also smashed by the army. He did not miss the black flag in the northwest, but he did not expect the black flag to enter Yanzhou along the secret road. A big battle, the destruction of the Jurchen elite. Counting, he was also captured by Ning Yi, and later killed in Yanzhou City.

In the Xiao Cang River War, even if the Central Plains people are not in the eyes of Jurchens, even in the battle against the Black Flag, the battle of the God of War is the first to die, and then there will be a annihilation of the generals, together with The tens of thousands of dead elites are the greatest pains that Jurchens feel. So much after the war, the Jurchens launched a massacre in the northwest. The urban and rural areas that were previously inclined to the Huaxia Army or who did not move in the war, almost all of them were slaughtered into white land, and then they screamed "this is all black." If the flag army is harmed, then it will not be such a rebellion.

After the completion of the massacre at the end of six years, in the seven years, the plague and famine in the northwest spread, and after a few thousand miles of uninhabited. In addition to the West Army, which was finally closed by the Black Flag, and the more than 20,000 Northwest residents who moved south, the blood of the piece is now only a few cities under the rule of the family.

When the black flag went to the northwest, the first was to merge Luliang, and the second was to find a relatively closed four-war place. Without being overly influenced by the outside world and maintaining great pressure, it would be better to refine the Wurui camp. Soldiers, later developed tragic and fierce, have done right or wrong, have been difficult to discuss, and accumulated, it is already a **** debt that cannot be detailed.

Ning Yi's mood is complicated, and the tombstone is so over. He salutes the guards who are not far away, and the other party returns to the military ceremony.

"...The Northwesters died seven or seven eight, and the Central Plains also cut off the connection with the other side of the self-protection. Therefore, the Xixia was in trouble, and there were not many people who careed... The Mongolians slaughtered Yinchuan and killed one city. There have been two frictions with the Jurchen people in the north. They have been riding thousands of miles to go like the wind. The Jurchens didn’t take much advantage. Now it seems that Xixia is being digested..."

"It sounds great, but I still don't understand why you value them so much." Taner thought for a moment. "One mountain can't be two tigers. They are fighting in the north. It's not a good thing."

"Wars will kill people and temper people. They will fight people like Wu Dynasty, but they will grind people like Jin Guo." The Forest of Stones extends forward, and Ning Yi takes the son of Tan, also in the light of the lantern. OK, "After the capture of the Liao Kingdom and the occupation of the Central Plains, the old people of the Jin State died a lot. After the people of Agu, Zongwang and Dianyang went, the younger generations came to power, and they began to have a happy mind, those old generals. I have been suffering for a lifetime, and I don’t care about the squandering of the children. The poor are rich, always like this, but the foreign enemies are still there, always hang their breath, Black Flag, Mongolia are such foreign enemies."

Taner laughed: "In this way, we are weaker and better."

Ning Yi also smiled: "In order to make them corrupt, we are also weak, the winner will never be us... Mongolian and Jurchen are different, Jurchen is poor, dare to desperately, but to be fair, is to A good life. The Mongols are still martial arts, and they believe that under the heavens, they are all hunting grounds for longevity. After Tiemuzhen led them to gather together, such thoughts became even more intense. They fought...not at all for better. life……"

"Why then?"

"Battle is a better life." Ning Yi's tone is calm and slow. "Men are alive, to chase more fierce prey, to defeat more powerful enemies, to plunder the best treasures, to see the weak cry, to *female... ...the one who is able to ride on this hunting ground is the most powerful person. They regard fighting as the essence of life, so they will not stop easily."

Taner is silent.

"After the break of Xixia Yinchuan, the national glory has been lost. The Mongolians slaughtered Yinchuan and rushed to capture other cities. As long as they resisted a little, the city was murdered. They were enchanted by such a process. The friction with the Jurchens was a light ride. Guerrilla, but I can’t get away immediately, and the Jurchens can’t catch up. After Xixia’s digestion, these people are either westward or into the Central Plains... I hope not the latter.”

When the two men talked and walked to a tombstone, Tan Er took the hand of La Ning Yi. Ning Yi stopped and looked at the words on the tombstone and put the lantern in his hand aside.

This is the tomb of Su Yu.

The old man passed away more than two years ago.

As the grandfather of Tan's son, the main heart of the Su family for many years, this old man, in fact, does not have much knowledge. When he was young, Su Jiashang was a small family who was running a cloth. The foundation of the Su family began from his father's generation. In fact, he was born in the hands of Su Yu. The old man had five children, two young children, and the remaining three children were able to be mediocre. When Su Yu was old, he had to choose the young and intelligent Su Tan, as a preparatory successor.

This is the old man admired by Ning Yi. Although he is not as stunning as the Qin Yuyuan and Kang Xian, he really supported a big family with his majesty and honesty. Recalling that more than ten years ago, when I first woke up in this body, although I didn’t care about my identity, if I was really innumerable, I would probably have a hard time, but during the initial period, I knew "This Sun Hao is just a poor scholar who is shallow in knowledge. The old man is really taking care of himself."

The old man did not study much at an early age. He was very concerned about the knowledge of his grandchildren. He took great efforts to build a private school, and even let the third generation of the fourth generation of girls in the family enlighten themselves, although the college went from top to bottom. All seem to be mediocre, but such efforts are indeed the right way to accumulate a family.

Later, Ning Yi and Su Taner propped up the Su family. The old man no longer had too much control. After Liang Shan’s death, Su Yu’s mood was low and all things were entrusted. Both Ning Yi and Su Taner understand that although the old man is no longer in charge, he still looks forward to the revitalization and leap of the Su family. Later development may be as he wished, until...

It's hard to see how old people look at these things. A merchant's family of merchants, the old man's eyes even out of Jiangning, I am afraid that can not reach the world, not many people until he how to treat the son-in-law's rebellion, when the old man's body is not very good, Taner considers these Afterwards, he even cried to Ning Yi: "Grandpa will die on the road..." But the old man stubbornly went to Luliangshan.

In the following years, the old man quietly looked at all of this and gradually became sympathetic from silence. At that time, Ning Yi was busy at work, and there was not much time to see Su Yu, but every time he met, the two must have a conversation. For the disaster of Jurchen and the resistance of Xiao Canghe, he gradually felt proud and did something to Ning Yi. Many things, he often asks his own questions, and listens quietly, but can be seen, he naturally can not fully understand the book he read, after all, not much.

Five years ago, when the war began, the old man went south with the crowd, but in the process, he did not complain. Even if the accompanying Su family had any bad words and deeds, he would call people. Hit with a cane. In the past, he felt that the Su family had nothing more than Su Tan, and now he is proud of Su Wending, Su Wenfang, Su Wenzhao, and Su Yanping who follow Ning Yi's achievements.

However, the age of the elderly is too big. After arriving and boarding, they lose their ability to act, and people become confused and sometimes awake. During the five years of Jianye, Ning Yi arrived and went on. The old man was in a state of paralysis, and there was no further communication with Ning Yi. That was the last aspect they saw. In the early spring of the sixth year of construction, the physical condition of the old man finally began to deteriorate. One morning, he woke up and asked the people about the battle of Xiao Canghe. Ning Yi and others triumphantly returned. At this time, the Northwest War was the worst. During the time period, everyone did not know what to say. After Tan Er and Wen Fang arrived, they told the old man about the whole situation.

The old man passed away on this day. When he was finally awake, he said a few words to the young people and the children of Su’s family, to encourage him. When he finally asked Ning Yi to take words, his thoughts were already Obscured, Su Taner later wrote these in the letter and gave Ning Yi.

"...I am with your father... I will make a marriage contract for you, in a forest... You are still small, walking, falling... Many people are coming, Sujia...Ningjia...that When Su Yun was still there, I was sick for a long time, dressed up, and came out... Linzi, grape racks, many people..." The memory of the old man seems to have stayed in the forest more than 30 years ago. That is The forest of Sujia, Jiangning was still calm at that time, and the grandmother Kang Suyun of Taner was also alive. People were young. The old man remembered for a long time, and the light in his eyes faded. He only grasped the hand of Tan'er in the end. When I heard the old man whispered: "...the backbone of the world..."

That is probably to make Ning Yi the backbone of the world.

Taner also wrote in the letter and gave him a past.

"Grandpa should be very satisfied when he leaves. He used to remember that his family can't be a good person. Now Wen Dingwen has become a family and a child, and his children are sensible. In the last few years, Grandpa is actually very happy. In two years, he is in poor health and always yells at me. Don't tell you that desperate people don't have to remember their family. On several occasions, he told the writers that he had seen him from south to north and from north to south. The world, in the past, walking with the goods, it is all fake, so it is not necessary to be sad for Grandpa."

They placed a few symbolic sacrifices in front of the grave, and the night wind blew gently. The two sat down in front of the tomb and looked at the scene of the tombstone below. For more than ten years, the old people have gone one after another, and it is more than Su Yu. Qin Yuyuan, Qian Xiwen, Kang Xian... gradually left old, and the young people who should not leave also left in large numbers. Ning Yi took the hand of Tan Er, lifted it up and put it down.

"Five or six years ago, when I didn't fight, I went to Qingmu Village and chatted with my grandfather. Grandpa said that he didn't really teach people, thinking that if he runs a college, people will learn well. He spends money to ask Mr., right. The child, the fight was also hit, and the embarrassment was also embarrassing. The child was very unbearable. He thought that the children were all like Su Wenji. Later, I felt that only Shan Er can be a big person at home..."

"But he later discovered that it was not like this. It turned out that he wouldn't teach. Bao Jianfeng had honed it. As long as it had been polished, Wen Dingwen and Fang, they could make the Su family proud, but it was a pity... ... I think, for the matter of the vinna, the old man thinks, after all, it feels sad..."

What they said was the case when Liangshan was killed more than ten years ago. Su Wenji, who was scared by the slaughter, was screaming to hand over the sandaling in the crowd. The old man came out and smashed in front of everyone. I have died this grandson. The non-grass can be ruthless. In the **** case, the Su family was slaughtered nearly half, but then I remembered that for the kind of killing of the grandson by hand, the old man is hard to let go...

"At that time, I was teaching in Xiao Canghe to teach a group of people who could do things. I told the old man that the sky had collapsed. How many people in the district could survive? After all, it was everyone’s resistance, and I was good. Wen Dingwen Fang is also good, what we do is our own duty... The world is the backbone of the world... Grandpa may finally think of this..."

"Yeah." Taner replied softly. Time flies, the old man only lives in memory, and careful questioning does not have much meaning. People's encounters are based on fate, fate is also end, because such regrets, each other's hands can hold tightly Together.

Far from the rise of the flames, there is a faint voice. The search in the day is only the beginning. After Ning Yi and others actually arrived, there will be news of the fish that leaked the net, and they want to pass it out. The second round of leaking and filling the gap is already under the leadership of the red, watermelon and others. Expand.

"Go back first." The two held hands, bypassed the mountain road, and walked over to the brightly lit courtyard in the distance. There, many people were already waiting.

In the late autumn of Wu Jianzhen's eight years, Ning Yi returned to He Deng. At this time, the Black Flag Army, after walking through the initial mud, finally began to expand into a giant. During this period of time, the world was silent in tension, Ning Yi family, and finally here, spent a rare leisure time.


Lin'an, Tianqiang.

When the sky was bright, the servants and guards of the Princess House walked through the promenade in the prison, and the governor commanded the jailer to sweep the road in the dungeon. The people in front walked into the cell inside, and they brought hot water and towels. Need to plan, dress, etc., to a prisoner in the prison to do all and change.

The prisoner was called Qu Zonghui. He was shivered by such a squad. He rebelled. Then he asked: "What? You want to kill me... I want to kill me... I am a Hummer, I am a family." You can't do this... can't do this..."

His yelling and yelling was stopped in the serious eyes of the manager. He was allowed to let him sparsely, shave, and tidy up his hair in a slight trembling. After he finished, he became a beautiful figure. This is the image of the son. This is the good appearance he had. Soon after, the next person left, and after a while, the princess came.

She is graceful and graceful, and she is dressed in a wide and beautiful manner. It seems that she is a bit like a pro-infant, in any case, very formal. But Qu Zonghui was still scared by the calm eyes. He stood there, calmed down, but he didn't know what to do. In the past few years, he was swaying outside and seemed to be fearless. In fact, his heart has already Very afraid of the long princess, he just understands that the other party will not care about him.

But this time, he knew that things were different.

Zhou Pei sat down in the cell, and the people outside the cell had walked away. There was only a silent guard in the shadow not far away. The flame was shaking in the oil lamp, and the neighborhood was quiet and gloomy. After a long time, he heard Zhou Peidao: "Shu, sit down." The tone is soft.

Qu Zonghui sat down slowly opposite. Zhou Pei was like him. He looked at him calmly for a long time. Over the years, in addition to the long talk after getting married, this may be the longest time for Zhou Pei to watch him.

"I am responsible for you." I don't know when, Zhou Peicai whispered softly, and Qu Zonghui's lips trembled: "I..." He finally couldn't say anything.

Zhou Pei did not care about his words, just watched for a moment and spoke in memories.

"When I was still a girl, there was a master who was talented and no one could..."

The dungeon is quiet and quiet, like a ghost. Qu Zunhui listens to the faint words, and the body trembles slightly. The master of the long princess is actually known in his heart. He is not afraid of this. However, he has been a pro, for so many years. When he talked about these many words in front of him, he knew that things were going to be too big... he couldn’t guess his next end...

"...I was young at the time. Although I was impressed by his talents, I never admit it in words. I can't understand many things he has done. I don't understand many of the things he said, but unconsciously, I care about him... I admire when I was young, I can't count love, of course I can't count it... Hummer, then I got married with you, I don't have him in my heart, but I envy the emotion between him and Shi Niang. He is enrolled. The person, just like the Hummer, when he became a relative, he and the mother-in-law also had no emotions, but the two later contacted each other and understood each other, slowly becoming a family of people. I am envious of such feelings, I think... ...and you can have such feelings with Hummer..."

"This is my big mistake..."

"I am with such a naive idea, I will be with you, talk with you, I will tell you, I want to learn slowly, I can slowly be with you, look forward to it... a girl of ten years old. It’s naive, you’re listening to it, maybe it’s my unintentional excuse for you... Whether it’s or not, this is what I thought wrong, I never thought about it, you’ve been outside, you’ve never seen it like this. Getting along, feelings, and screaming, the scholars who are with you are all ambitious and top-ranking people. I insult you, you should bear me on the surface, but after all... In less than a month, you went to the Qinglou... ..."

"My childishness ruined my beloved and ruined your life..."

The calm voice said all the way, the sound floated in the cell. Qu Zonghui’s eyes are sometimes fearful, sometimes angry: “You, you...” He has complaints in his heart, wants to attack, but after all, he dares not to attack. Opposite, Zhou Pei just looks at him quietly, in his eyes, there is A drop of tears dripped over the cheeks.

"...In the next ten years, the Wu Dynasty suffered a great disaster. We rushed around and ran around. There are things on my shoulders. You are finally... letting go. You go to the broth, stay, and a bunch of Friends drink and make trouble, there is no money, come back to the management, one after another, even the head of the management, I have not paid attention to, three hundred and two hundred and two hundred, you take it, even if you say me outside Treat you harshly, me too..."

She paused and bowed her head: "I thought it was my own heart, and now I want to come, it is my heart."

"You, you, you... you finally know! You finally said it! You know... you are my wife, you are sorry for me." At the end of the cell, Qu Zonghui finally shouted out.

Zhou Pei's gaze looked aside, quietly waiting for him to finish, and passed a long time: "Yeah, I am sorry for you, I am sorry... the family you killed... In retrospect, ten years My heart always looks forward to, my beloved, one day become a mature person, he will release my suspicions with me, and repair the relationship with me... In these years, the court lost half of the country, the south of the temple, the north The refugees have been here, I am a long princess, sometimes I feel tired... There are times when I see you at home with people, I may be able to talk to you in the past, but I can’t open my mouth. I am twenty Seven years old, ten years ago, it was naive, and it can only be accepted after ten years. And you... twenty-nine..."

"This decade, you are squatting outside, spending money, deceiving others, I close my eyes. Ten years, I am getting tired, you are getting more and more crazy, the brothel is still yours, I am willing to raise Skinny horse, I don't care anymore, I don't want to be with you, you have to have a woman around you, you should spend some time when you spend it, it's good... but you shouldn't kill, live a living..."

Her hands were clasped in front of her, her fingers were twisted together, her eyes were cold and she looked at it. Qu Zonghui shook her head: "I, I am wrong... Princess, I changed, we... We will be good in the future." Together, I, I don't do those things..."

He said, he also reached out and walked a few steps forward. He seemed to want to hold Zhou Pei, but he felt Zhou Pei’s gaze. After all, he did not dare to start. Zhou Pei looked at him and said coldly: "Return. !"

Qu Zonghui retired.

Zhou Pei’s gaze calmed down again. She opened her mouth, closed it, and opened her mouth again before she spoke.

"My Master, he is a man of heaven, he kills, kills corrupt officials, kills the army, kills a woman, he... his wife did not have any emotions to him at first, he is not angry, he never Treat his wife in a way that ruined him. Hummer, you were a bit like him. You are smart, kind, and literary. I originally thought that you are somewhat like..."

"I spent ten years, sometimes angry, sometimes guilty, sometimes introspective, whether my request is too much... Women can't wait, sometimes I think, even if you have done so many wrong things for so many years. If you are repentant, come to me and say that you are no longer like this, then you reach out and hold me, how good it is, I... I may also forgive you. But once again... ”

"I was naive for ten years, and you were naive for ten years... a twenty-nine-year-old man, playing a woman outside, killing her, killing her family, you are no longer a child. I The admired Master, he finally killed the emperor himself. I am different from him, but he is really powerful... I am married to a good man. Because of the childishness of a girl, he ruined his life and ruined others. The whole family, he is really... pigs and dogs are not as good."

Zhou Pei’s fists clenched in his legs and clenched his teeth: “Birds!”

Qu Zonghui cried and cried, and said in his mouth that he was begging for mercy, Zhou Pei’s tears had filled his cheeks and shook his head.

"I can't kill you," she said. "I want to kill you, but I can't kill you. The father and the family, let me not kill you, but I won't kill you, I'm sorry for the dying family. They are also the people of the Wu Dynasty. I can’t watch them being killed by people like you. I wanted to impose a punishment on you...”

She said this sentence, even the crying Qu Zonghui was stunned.

"I wanted to impose a sentence on you." She shook her head. "You can't do anything to harm the people. But I know that this won't work. When you feel guilty, you will only be more psychologically distorted to harm people. Now the three divisions have Prove that you are not guilty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can only carry your sins to the end..."

"I was wrong, I was wrong..." Qu Zonghui cried and groaned again and again. "I don't do these things anymore, princess, I respect you, love you, I do it because I love you...we Come back..."

"We won't come back again, and we will never break." Zhou Pei's face showed a blank smile and stood up. "I have arranged a yard for you in the Princess House. You will live there later, you can't see outsiders." I can't kill you, then you can live, but for the outside, when you die, you can't hurt anyone anymore. We will live next to each other."

She walked out of the cell, and Qu Zonghui screamed and rushed to drag her skirt. She said that she was begging for mercy and loving her. Zhou Pei broke out with force and the skirt was torn off, she Also don't care.

"We have done our best..."

She looked at him for a moment, walked through the dimly lit cell corridor and gradually disappeared into the view of Qu Zonghui.

On this day, Qu Zonghui was taken back to the Princess House and locked in the yard. Zhou Pei did not kill him. The Qu family also became no longer awkward, but Qu Zonghui could no longer see the outsiders. He shouted repentance in the court, and said with Zhou Pei an apology, and apologized to the deceased, this process lasted for about a month, and he finally began to pick up desperately, 骂 佩 骂, 骂 骂 骂, 骂 骂 outside, Later, even the royal family picked it up. This process lasted for a long time...

Everything in the world is nothing but a process of encountering and separating.

In the autumn of the eight years of the establishment of the Wu Dynasty, even in the leaves, it is like a tidal tide. Wuchao, Heiqi, Zhongyuan and Jinguo still enjoy the precious peace in this tension. The world is like a shake. Shake the net, I don’t know when, I will break all the lines... (To be continued.)

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