Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 753: Father nicknamed **** hand slaughter (on)

In September, at the end of autumn and winter, when the forests far and near were gradually grayed, Jishan County ushered in the last lively moment in previous years.

The black-eared morning star flag fluttered in the wind, and the large-scale horse team gathered here. There were also rice merchants who came with the ship. Most of the crowds were carrying longbows and swords. After several years of black flag operation, he talked with the Nigers. Several commercial roads near Liangshan have been relatively peaceful, but for the business travel of Wuchao, the trade between Liangshan and the outside world is still without courage and strength. And the sinister things that can't be done with the background.

As a horse is transported from Wucha, it is mostly grain, cotton and linen, and there are also copper and iron. If it is transported away, it is often dominated by iron cannons, and there are also beautifully processed bows, swords, etc. There are hundreds of horses and horses, and a number of cannons are transported back to the iron and wood. Some of the artillery shells are exquisite for the outside world. Although the iron guns are expensive, they are now a weapon that the outside army has to buy, even It was the original wooden cannon. After the Black Flag Army mixed steel and many crafts “upgrades”, the stability and durability have also been greatly increased. Even if it is a consumable, it can guarantee the winning rate in the future battle.

The three-year **** battle of Xiao Canghe is the best propaganda for the new weapon of the "cannon". It is the first to talk with the women. The pseudo-Qi, Tian Hu and other millions of people come one after another. According to recent information, the artillery of the Jurchen side has begun to enter the ranks of the army. If there is no such thing in the future, the war is basically to be eliminated. .

In addition to the various forces of the Wu Dynasty, Liu Yu’s regime in the north is actually one of the clients of Xiao Canghe’s current transactions. This line is currently relatively hidden, the transaction volume is not large, mainly because the distance between resources is too long, the cost is too large, and it is difficult to ensure the smooth transaction since the Wuchao army secretly bought guns from Xiao Canghe. The warlords also sent several caravans. They did not transport food, but they were willing to transport strategic materials such as steel to the Xiao Cang River to change the iron cannons back.

Xiao Canghe pretended not to know about the forces behind these transactions, but last year the Qi State General Guan Shihu sent a 500-strong army to bring iron ingots to replace twenty iron cannons. This army transported iron ingots. , directly joined the Black Flag Army. Guan Shihu was furious and sent someone to sneak up and negotiate with Xiao Canghe. Without any reason, he rumored in private. The generals of Qiguo heard about this and secretly ridiculed, but the trade on both sides failed to improve normally. In the state of small and small.

The trade with the Dali side is not only maintained on the war equipment.

Although the opening of the Dali national gate was the strong attitude of the Black Flag Army, and the most attractive materials were these steel equipment, but soon after, the demand for military equipment from the Dali side has declined, and the corresponding increase is a large number. Printed beautiful books, decorative objects, perfumes, glass containers, etc. that are almost "art" in this era. In particular, the paper-based "Collector's Edition" Buddhist scriptures are in short supply in the aristocratic market in Dali.

Although the upper level of Dali always wanted to close and restrict trade with Black Flag, when the door was knocked open, the black flag merchants lobbied and rendered in Dali, making the trade door impossible to close, and the black flag was therefore A large amount of food is available to solve internal needs.

At this time, Jishan is already a city with a total of nearly 60,000 residents and squadrons. The city is distributed along the small river in a narrow north-south direction. There are military camps, fields and houses in the upper reaches, and the outer commercial area in the middle section. The office of the staff is going to the mountains in the west. It is a concentrated workshop, a smelting iron and a gun factory with heavy smoke, and some military, glass and paper printing factories in the downstream. More than ten turbines are connected in the river. The chimneys erected in the various factories have spewed out black smoke, which is a novelty that is hard to see in this era, and it also has an amazing momentum.

Since Ning Yi came to this era, he has experienced the intimidation and baptism of war by himself from the physico-chemical experiment and the research of the craftsmen of the small workshop. For more than ten years, the current mountain is the industrial foundation of the black flag. Where.

Due to the participation of the northwestern residents and the northern refugees, there are some small workshops and various kinds of food and beverage shops operated by the family, but most of them are the industries currently operated by Black Flag. In the years of war, the black flag guarantees the survival of the craftsmen, the assembly line. The division of labor is familiar in various places, and it is no longer suitable to call it a square. It is already a factory.

Nearly nine thousand black flags are gathered here to ensure that the technology here is not easily explored by the outside world. It also makes the darts, soldiers and Nepalese who come to Jishan no matter how easy it is to make it. .

In the past few years, although the specific technology has not flowed out, the basic concept of the object is open to the outside world. The booklets on the market, which were originally compiled by Ning Yi and others, such as "Preliminary Exploration of Objects" and "The Theory of All Things", are sold very cheaply. The basic principles of physics, chemistry, and mathematics are finally rendered as long as there is sufficient computing power and depth. The exploration can be used to explore the prospects of everything in the world... The development of these theories in Europe may be extremely tortuous, but in the East, there are not many taboos in terms of things. Ning Yi has already made such a big rebellion. The outside world can look at these things more calmly.

These pamphlets flowed out from the dark. The forces of the Wu, Dali, Central Plains, and Jurchen parties have studied in private, but the most important thing is that the first is the military court of Junwu, and the second is the woman who really ends Yan Xiyin. Dali is a peaceful country. It has little interest in making weapons. The people in the Central Plains are not interested in life. The warlords are purposeful. Even if a few books of this kind are handed over to the craftsmen, the unskilled craftsmen can’t understand the mind. As for Wu Many officials of the DPRK and Daru are often burned to ashes after arbitrarily looking at them. On the one hand, they feel that such fallacies are not good in the world, and they are obviously not in awe, and they are afraid to leave a handle. Therefore, even if the Nanwu style is prosperous, it is no harm to the country in many literary meetings. The discussion of these things is still a matter of great rebellion.

In the Jishan area, the discussion of geophysics in the Black Flag industrial system has already formed an atmosphere. It was originally rendered by Ning Yi, and later by the propaganda staff of the Political Department. Nowadays, people have stood at the source and vaguely I saw the future of physics. For example, a cannon was built, and a mountain was pierced. For example, the prototype of a steam engine that was overlooked by Ning Yi and is the focus of the current attack, can be equipped with a chariot of armored horses, a large airship with a large volume and guns. Wait, etc. Many people have already believed that even if they can't do it now, the future will surely emerge.

Located in the vicinity of the upstream military camp, in the Jishan Institute of Geometry of the Huaxia Military Engineering Department, a discussion about the objects was in progress. At this time, the Huaxia Military Engineering Department includes not only industrial, but also agricultural, wartime logistics support, etc. The research institute of the Ministry of Engineering is divided into two parts. The main body is in He Deng, which is internally called the upper house and the other half. Arranged in the mountain, generally called the lower house.

For several years, this is probably the most extraordinary discussion for the Institute. After a few years, Ning Yi finally appeared in front of everyone.

"...For the future, I think the most important node is an independent power system. As mentioned before, the steam engine... We need to solve the problem of steel materials, casting cutting, lubrication problems, sealing problems... ... In the next few years, snoring is probably the most important thing for us at the moment, but it may be worth paying attention to as a technical accumulation... In order to solve the bombing, we must have better steel, the carbon content is more reasonable, and in order to have more The power of the shells, the shells and the cannons should be closer together. These things are used in the musket. The bullets of the musket can reach two hundred feet. Although there is no head, the blown big gun, one or two failures. It is the accumulation of technology in this area... In addition, in the use of waterwheels, we have improved a lot in lubrication, and every link has improved a lot..."

"...In addition to physics, the explosion is quite dangerous in terms of chemistry. I am responsible for this and pay attention to safety... but there must be a safe use method, and there must be a large-scale method of preparation..."

"...In agriculture, don't always feel useless. In the past few years, we have called and we are running around. This kind of thing needs time to precipitate, but it has not yet seen the effect, but I think it is the most in the future. An important part..."

The seminar was basically the progress report of the current Huaxia Army research. After the report, Ning Yi made a knot in front. The more than two hundred people below were mostly craftsmen. Many people didn't even know how to read at first. In those years when they started, Ning Yi could only explain the task. However, there was no need for discussion. In the last three or five years, the initial enlightenment was gradually completed. It also joined a group of young students who Ning Yi personally taught, and the significance of this kind of vision exists in the meeting. Some people below have bright eyes and big heads. Some people squint and try to understand.

Behind the synagogue, the thirteen-year-old Ning Yu sat there, writing with a pen, sitting next to it, and the girl who was with the martial arts after the martial arts. She squinted and her face was "I don't understand, but it felt very powerful." She looked a little prudent for sitting with Ning.

Ning Yu’s temperament was pure and infuriating, and he often played with him at the beginning of his life. For a while, he was a playmate. When Ning Yi and others saw such a situation, they felt that it was a good thing. Therefore, the red one would accept the first-year qualification as a disciple, and he hoped that Ning Yi would be able to protect him.

As the age grew, the characters of the two gradually grew differently. Xiao Canghe had a three-year war and everyone went south. Since then, Ning Yi’s death has spread, in order to prevent children from unintentionally telling the truth and being discovered, even It was Ning, and the family had never told him the truth. After the father "dead", Xiao Ning was determined to protect his family and study hard. Compared with the previous one, he was much silent.

The first home of the first day was poor, and the parents were all honest people. Even though Ning Yi and others did not care, but gradually, she also regarded herself as the position of the guards around Ning. When she was 12 or 3 years old, she had already developed, and she was taller than Ning Yu. She would take care of her brothers and family, and she would get along well with other children in the Black Flag Army, but she gradually felt awkward about her first day. From time to time, I want to open the other side. In this way, although Tan Er is quite fond of the first day, there is even the idea of ​​letting two people form a doll, but between Ning Yu and Yu Chuan, they are currently in a fairly awkward period.

Recently, Ning Yi returned "suddenly", and once thought that his father had died, his mind was confused. The last time he saw Ning Yi was four years ago, the mood at the age of nine was completely different from that at the age of thirteen, but he was mostly ashamed to be close, and he was annoyed with such a cramp. In this era, Junchen and his sons, juniors treated the elders, there is a large number of rituals. Ning Yu has accepted this kind of education. Ning Yi treats children. In the past, it was a modern mentality. It is relatively free and easy, and can be played together from time to time. The kind of trouble, this time for the thirteen-year-old awkward teenager, but also a little overwhelmed. Within half a month after returning home, the two sides can only feel the distance and let it go.

It is relatively better to get along with other children. The ten-year-old is rather good martial arts, and the sword-fighting method is quite good. Recently, I have lost a few teeth. I don’t talk all the time, I am very cold, but there is no story for the rivers and lakes. Resistance, for the father also quite admired Ning Yi at home to talk to the children about killing Lu Tuo and other people on the road:

"...He is arrogant and eager to go out, but in the fight in the woods, they have already fallen. Lu Tuo shouted at that: 'You are going, they can't stay with me', wanting his party feathers to escape, A few more knives opened your Dubobo and Fang Bobo. He was a big man from the North, and he was splashed and smashed, but I was just there, he couldn’t escape... I blocked him and talked to him. I changed two tricks, then I hit the sky and hit him on the head. His party feathers haven’t run far, and he saw him fall... Hey, this time we’ve got a few more...”

Ning Bo and Ning He, a five-year-old, could hear their eyes bright and admired. After that, Ning Yi talked to them about the experience of the Tiandi site in the North, and the contest between Lin and Zen and Shi Jin: "The fat monk did not dare Come over, otherwise let him look good."

The eight-year-old Wenwen is as famous as her name. She is a little girl who loves to listen to stories. She is carefully taught by Yunzhu. She feels that her father is the highest talented person in the world. She does not need Ning Yi to re-create. Brainwashed. In addition, the five-year-old Ning Yu’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Ning Shuang Ning Ning two sisters are only three years old, most of them get along with Ning Yi for two days.

On this day, Ning Yi came to the mountain to show up, and the children who can understand that the object is also interested in this is Ning Yi. All the people walked along the way. After the meeting, they turned around in the streets of Jishan. . Not far from the market, the market is bustling. A group of merchants are stuck in the county where the mountain was once. The mood is fierce. Ning Yi took the children to the nearby tea house to watch the fun, but it was the recent guns of the mountain. Announced the price increase, which led everyone to ask.

The government officials of Black Flag are dispelling doubts.

"...In early July, everyone was aware of the disturbances in Tianhu’s forces. After the change of Tianhu, the 'hungry ghosts’ attacked the north of the Yellow River, and the south, the second battle of Xiangyang, the great victory of the army Qilianjun. Although there are reprimands in the Jurchen, there has been no action so far. According to the reaction of the Jurchen Hall, it is very likely that there will be a big move..."

"...Outside, you can say that the Wu Dynasty and the Huaxia Army did not share the same day, but even though I waited to kill the emperor, we still have a common enemy. If the Jurchen is coming, we do not want the Wu Dynasty to be defeated. In order to respond to this matter, I have decided that all the workshops will work hard to start the work without any loss! The price of iron cannons has increased by 30%. At the same time, our scheduled shipments have also increased by 50%. You can not Accept, wait until the game is over, the price will naturally drop, you can buy it again when you come."

"...The situation is critical, the decision to raise the price, the black flag will not change in two years, the price of the iron cannon will not fall only! As before, the price may be adjusted, and everything will be agreed upon when I set the contract. Prevail. Go back and talk to the adults behind you, buy or not, I don’t want to..."

This kind of accountability is easy to accept, and all kinds of voices in front are noisy. Some people rebuked the black flag to sit on the ground. Some people say that in the past, everyone went to the mountains to transport grain. Now the black flag is ruthless, and some people are rushing to black. When the flag was signed, the scene was noisy and lively. Ning Yu looked at all of this and frowned. After a moment, he asked: "Hey, are you going to fight?"

"It's still early, don't worry."

"Yeah." Ning Hao nodded in a sullen mood and passed a moment. "Oh, I am not worried."

Ning Yi looked at the children around him and suddenly smiled and understood. The propaganda of Black Flag has been tragic and generous for a long time. Even if it is a child, there is not much fear of war. I am afraid that the one who wants to fight is the mainstream. He patted Ning Yu’s shoulder: "This war may end after your generation, but you can rest assured that we will defeat the chores."

"Yeah." Ning Yu nodded again and again.

Everyone looked upstairs for a moment, Ning Yi said to Ning Wei: "Or else you go out to play first?" Ning Hao nodded: "Good."

"With the first day to go shopping, you are a boy, you must learn to care for people."

Ning Yi said with a smile. He said that Ning Yu has become somewhat cramped. The 12-year-old teenagers are always awkward to the girls around them. They originally had some heartaches, and they were said by Ning Yi. More obvious. Watching the two go out, and sent a few accompanying people around him, when he closed the door, there was only him and the red in the room.

There was some embarrassment outside the window. Ning Yi sat down on the chair and opened his hand to the red. The red one just licked his mouth and came to sit in his arms. Ning Yi is not rude, and for the two wives and old wives, such relatives have long been used to it.

In the two years that Ning Yi stayed away from the three counties, Yunzhu and Jiner and others had sneaked to see him. Only Tan and Red were two years. On the day when I arrived home, Ning Yi and Tan Er went to the tomb of Su Yu to sweep, and the red mention led the people to further clean up the traitors. When things were done, until late at night, Ning Yi waited for her to come back and said for a while. Whispering, and then willingly pulled her to sleep with Taner.

Both the red and the sandal did not refuse, but the three were lying together, but there was no feeling of chaos, holding hands and whispering to the early morning, cuddling and slumbering each other, the next day, Ning Yi felt It is more emotional to sleep separately.

The family has been separated for too long, and each has an adaptation period. After Ning Yi’s return, he is not free. During these days, while doing things and taking a few people around the air-conditioner, he is now stealing a half-day leisure. Ning Yi I usually like to see this martial arts high-powered wife shy and obedient, but sitting here today, there is no small gesture between husband and wife, listening to the voice outside, he poured himself a cup of tea, chat with the red, Waiting for something to happen.

"I think my child will always feel bad." Red put his chin on his shoulder and said softly.

"...Yes." Ning Yi drank a cup of tea.


Ning Yu walked across the street one after the other, and the 13-year-old boy was actually beautiful and his brows were slightly locked. It seemed to be a bit calm and small, but his eyes were somewhat upset. When I walked through a relatively secluded location, the girl behind me leaned over.

"You..." Ning Hao does not want to go side by side with her. In a sense, he is in fact a black flag army's "Prince Edward", but in fact there is not much squeaky at least on the surface. He is easy-going, easy to help, and follows the scenes of suffering and dead people when he goes south. He cherishes the people around him, and often helps to do things, and he is not afraid of hard work.

It’s just a different mood for the girls around me. He doesn't like his peers to always have the idea of ​​"protecting him." It seems that she has lowered her first class. Everyone grows up together. Why do she protect me? If she meets an enemy, what should she do if she dies? Others follow, he often does not have such awkward emotions, and the 13-year-old boy is still not aware of these things.

"Someone followed..." The first one lowered his head and whispered. The teenager calmed down and looked at the lane in front of him, ready to shout out the first time he saw the patrol.

However, things happened faster than he thought.

The figure at the rear suddenly came to the scene, and the first brush of the turn turned the sword: "Who is the person" voice hoarse: "Ha ha, Ning Yi's son?"

The figure was staggered, and the girl who got the red truth passed the sword. However, the man’s fierce boxing style had already knocked down a shed and the wood chips splashed. Ning Wei walked forward and shouted in the mouth: "Small is coming soon" and picked up a wooden stick on the side of the road and turned back. At the beginning of the day: "Ning Hao is going away", the voice did not fall, and the man was printed on her shoulder.

When I stepped on the first step, I stepped back a few steps, almost hitting Ning Yu, and said: "Go!" Ning shouted: "Take him!" The wooden stick was interrupted by a punch, and the giant force surged. Ning Hao’s chest was boring, and his hands were hurting. The man’s second fist slammed.

On the first day of the rush, the sword rushed back from the side, and the sword forced the back of the fist. Ning Hao retired two steps. On the head of Ning Yu. He has been taught by famous teachers since his childhood. In the martial arts, he is a master of the red, watermelon, and Chen Fan. Even though he is not very talented in this area, his interest is not strong enough to show that the other’s skills are terrible. In this moment, Ning Yu only waved the broken stick and gave it a stick. He rushed to hug him, and then the two flew out, and blood was sprayed on his face.

"Come on..."

The voice of the girl was almost awkward, and she fell to the ground with a blank space in her head. After all, he did not go to the battlefield ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ faced with the absolute strength of the crushing, life and death, where can quickly respond. At this time, I only heard someone shouting at the back: "Who stopped!"

The fighting sounded, and some people came one after another. The assassin flew away and flew away from the field of vision. Ning Yu sat up from the ground, his hands were shaking, he picked up the soft body of the girl, watching the blood come out of her mouth, dyed half of her face, the girl tried to smile at him, he spent the whole time People are jealous, tears flow out: "Hey, hello, you... the doctor is coming..."

After a while, he tried his best to converge on the mind, looked at the girl's condition, picked her up, shouted, and ran out of the lane...


"...Yes." In the room of the tea house, Ning Yi drank a cup of tea. "Unfortunately... there is no normal environment, and he grows up slowly. Some setbacks, first simulate it..."

Red looked at him for a while: "You are afraid."

"Well, I am very scared." Ning Yi took her hand and used it for a moment. "When he is thirty, tell him."

The riots in the distance came over, and Red was standing up. Ning Yi nodded to her. The figure of his wife had already pulled out the window, flew along the eaves and tiles, and several of the risers disappeared into the distance. In the streets.

Ning Yi pushed the door out, his brows were close, and the people around him had followed him, and he quickly went on with him: "What happened, let everyone hold the position, panic what..." The surroundings have begun to move.

The sunshine of the early winter hangs in the sky lazily, the mountains of Liangshan are like spring, there is no heat and cold, so the winter is also very good. Perhaps it is the blessing of the weather. The assassin incident that occurred on this day did not cause much damage. The first day of the rescue of Ning Yu was slightly injured. It only needs a good rest for a few days, and it will be better... (To be continued.)

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