Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 754: Father nicknamed **** hand slaughter (below)

When the sun shines from the clouds, the leaves of the evergreen broad-leaved forest are still choked in the wind. There are still no traces of winter in the mountains. On the court not far away, a group of young people are running with gray football. It is fierce.

Ning Yu sat on the crossbar that fell on the hillside and looked at the scene from afar.

In the Huaxia Army, the martial arts flourished. Since the beginning of the Zhuji period, a major entertainment project among employees has competed in the competition between the first masters. After the Wurui camp was melted, it was officially transformed into the Huaxia Army, and various internal competitions and competitions were held. It will be more abundant. The propaganda department of Zhuji embeds the evil taste of Ning Yi. On the one hand, it outputs the martial arts story. On the one hand, it ranks the top ten masters in the internal and external. In order to compete for such rankings and welfare, the army is going up and down in this respect. It’s very lively.

Ning Yu is also considered a sportsman among the 13-year-old teenagers, but at this time, watching the game in the distance, he is somewhat absent-minded.

First of all, his partner is mostly on the side of He Deng and Ji Shan. Although there are several people who know each other, it is not secret after all. Second, at this time, he also had troubles in his heart, and he had no other heart.

The assassination two days ago was a great shock to the youngsters. After the assassination, the first injured person was still injured here. The father then entered a busy working state, meeting and rectifying the defensive power of the mountain, and also knocking out the outsiders who came to buy and sell at this time.

Since the father returned to He Deng, although he did not officially appear in front of everyone, but his whereabouts is no longer too much cover, perhaps means that the attitude of black flag and Jurchen re-engagement has been clarified. In the case of the mountain, the price increase of the iron cannon caused a stir, but after the assassination, the wind and the atmosphere tightened a part of the voice.

Born in troubled times, the women really searched the mountains and seas, and ravaged Tiannan only a few years ago. Even though the black flag has two years of female volatility and low period, it even seemed to be swallowing when it was settled in Liangshan. But at this time, after a slight fading of the warmth of business, people will still realize that this is the first time. It was not a joke that the branch had confronted the Jurchen woman in the northwest and did not fall into the wind.

But for Ning Yi, he is not sensitive to this.

He was confused in his heart. For a time, he didn't know how to face the injured girl. I thought about it in the past few days. In fact, I didn't have any income. I felt that I would be more assassinated in the future, or not with each other. It’s good to go and go, and I feel that this can’t solve the problem. I think that I’m even worried about my brothers and sisters at home. He sat on the crossbar for a long time, and some people came to this side in the distance. The head was the father who had been busy with these two days and had never had much communication with himself. At this time, the busy work came to an end.

He stood up and respectfully greeted him. Ning Yi, who came over, waved his hand and patted his shoulder and sat down on the crossbar. Ning Yu and his father were only nine years old at the last time. At that time, his father’s figure stood on the ground. At this time, he found out that his father was in a green forest and his body was not tall and strong, but he was calm and Feel free to have a calm mountain. This makes Ning Yu quite envious. If you can do this one day, you may not be afraid of the area assassin.

"In fact, it is also a good thing." After sitting for a while, Ning Yi smiled and opened his mouth.

"Ah?" Xiaoning was slightly confused.

"In the past few years, I was not at home. In order to protect you, your mother, you red, watermelon, and Du Bobo, it took a lot of effort. We have already done your job... even your brother and sister. , the possibility of an accident..."

The father calmly spoke in the wind, and Ning Yu was only listening with doubts at the beginning. When Ning Yi said "Your brother and sister", he lowered his head and the fists suddenly clenched. Yi looked at the distance and the words did not stop.

"But later, I have been restrained. There are a few things that have not been affected before you are destroyed. This is a good thing, and it may not be good, because these things, you have to experience it."

After he said this, the words stopped, and Ning Yu also silent for a moment, looked up and looked ahead: "Hey, I am not afraid."

Ning Yi smiled. After a while, I opened my mouth freely.

"You will not pick up my class." Ning Yi looked at his 13-year-old child and touched his head. Ning Yu looked at his father. In his expression, he did not mind: " If one day, you have to take the knife and gun on the battlefield, I and your mother will also let you go."

When he talked about this, Ning Yu’s eyes were bright and excited. In the atmosphere of the Huaxia Army, the 13-year-old boy had a heroic ambition to kill the enemy. Now the father can say this, he only feels the world. They are all broad.

Ning Yi looked at the expression of the boy and then turned his head: "But life and death have value. My son may not become the leader of the Chinese Army one day, but I hope that he can become a person around you. Responsible man. Even if you can't take care of the entire Huaxia Army, take care of your family, take care of your mother, and take care of your younger siblings, you can't shirk your responsibility."

Ning Yu sat with his fist and did not speak, bowed his head slightly.

"The essence of all of us is the same, but the situation is different. A strong and wise person must learn to understand reality, recognize reality, and then change reality. You...Thirteen years old, doing things. Start to have your own thoughts and opinions. You are followed by a group of people and treat you differently. You will feel that something is wrong..."

"I don't have it." The teenager replied, "Actually... I respect Dubobo's..."

Ning Yi snorted: "Well, then... let's just say it. The reality is that you are the son of Ning Yi and Su Taner. If someone catches you and kills you, your family will naturally be sad. It is possible. Will make a wrong decision, which is a reality in itself..."

"I won't let them catch me."

"If you catch your brother and sister? If I am a bad person, I caught it... Xiao Yan? She can't usually go down, it's good for everyone. I grab her and threaten you to hand over the intelligence of the Chinese army. What do you do? Are you expecting Xiaoyan to die?" Ning Yi landlord on his shoulder, "Our enemy, everything can be done."

"This is unfair to you, unfair to Xiaoyan, and unfair to other children, but we will face such a thing. If you are not a child of Ning Yi, Ning Yi will always have children, he also Xiao, he has to face this matter. There is always someone to face. The sky will be reduced to the people of Sri Lanka, and it will be hard-working, hungry, soothing, empty, and chaotic... you have to continue Become powerful, powerful, and wise. Wait until one day, you become as powerful as Dubobo, and you can protect people around you. You can also... protect your younger siblings."

Ning Yu sat there silent.

"Some things we can't figure out, you can think slowly. Brother and sister don't say it first, Ning Hao, are you not treating your friends?"

"Ah?" Ning Yu looked up.

"I have been injured for two days in the first day. Have you not seen her?"

"I... I have seen..."

"Well, it seems that you didn't go..."

Ning Yu bowed his head and didn't want to say that he pretended to pass by and looked at it from afar.

"I remember when you were young, you were very good. When you were in Xiao Canghe, you went out to play, catching rabbits, the time you broke your head, remembering what it was like in the first day, and she has always been your good. Friend. I haven't seen you for a few years. You have more friends around you. Isn't it good with her?"

"No, she is her first, she is after all... different..."

"How is it different, she is a girl? Are you afraid that others will laugh at her, or will you laugh at you?"

Ning Yu’s face was reddish, Ning Yi patted the child’s shoulder, but his eyes were serious: “The girl is not worse than you, she is no worse than your friend. I have already told you that people are equal, you are red.姨, watermelon 姨 ,, a few men can do their kind of thing? Jishan weaving, a lot of women workers, there will be more in the future, as long as they can take up their responsibilities, they are no different from you and me. You ten Three years old, I feel awkward, don't want your friends to follow you again, have you ever thought about it, she will feel embarrassed and awkward in the first day, she even has to be cold-eyed, she didn't hurt you, but you are not Did you hurt your friend?"

"If you... no longer want her to follow you, of course you can. But when you grow up together, you can also learn to use the red 姨 姨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Moreover, the amount of gas is taken out, she is your friend, what can be ridiculous, you are a boy, in the future is a man standing in the sky, of course you are more mature than her, you are my son with your mother, of course you are better than others The child is more mature and more responsible! You feel that there will be a rumor, taking responsibility to marry her and what is the relationship..."

Ning Yu’s face was red, and Ning Yi was still saying: “I will give you a doll pro and you... oh, well, let’s not say it.”

The father and son sat there for a while, and they saw someone coming over here. The accompanying staff also reminded Ning Yi of the next trip. Ning Yi patted the child's shoulder and stood up: "Men's husband, face to face If you want the atmosphere, the bureau that others can't break, it doesn't mean you can't break it. Some small things, how difficult it is to do it."

When he finished, and the entourage went far away, when Fang Shu often came over, Ning Yi sighed with him: "Hey, for the little child to break the heart..." Fang Shu often disapproved: "I think, are you a little mother-in-law? "In this year, my father's authority is supreme, or the fist is supreme. It's a strange thing to talk to a child." "I have a few kids in my family. If you don't obey, you are all right. There is nothing to worry about. The skin is real." Someone around nodded secretly.

Ning Yi snorted: "Speaking lightly, now these little children, a brain full of blood, when hooded on the battlefield, scared you a bastard."

"It’s also a matter of time to learn."

"That must be honed and go again, my brain will go hot, my wife will cry me..."

"The younger brother is very angry...but you just didn't say that he wants to go and you promise him..."

"Of course, first stabilize your position, have a day on him, at least twenty years old..."

"The heart is really worthy of the name, and it is a whole set of abductions to the son."

"More than that, I am still very ruthless... People die like lights, sad people are living, and I hope that the chances of the juniors survive are bigger..."

The group said that they were laughing and moving forward, and the conversation was later, but it was serious. In fact, the high-level personnel who have come to this step, who have not had a few relatives and friends who have already died in the war, Ning Yi’s heart is black, and the executives around him are doing things, and the timing is mostly cold, nothing more than knowing these. The cost of neglect.

The grown-ups gradually drifted away. After bidding farewell to their father, Ning Hao sat on the crossbar and thought about these things. In the distance, the young men kicked the ball and screamed loudly. After a while, several people banged together and broke out with each other. stand up. They should all be military families, and they have a lot of posture, and they have been playing for a while, and they have been opened up by everyone.

The thirteen-year-old boy came down from the crossbar, stretched out his hands, and took a long sigh of relief. He thought for a moment before he began to walk towards the city, and two figures behind him casually followed.

The sun was slanting from the sky, and the young man’s pace was not determined. He hesitated for a moment on the streets of the city before he went to the market to buy a small box of sesame sugar in his hand. When I walked all the way to the room where I was in the first place, someone came forward and greeted him with a smile, but it was Wen Xingyu who was in charge of this.

"Looking at the first day?"

Ning Wei asked Su Wenxing to ask for peace. For this question, I didn’t have a good answer. The two of them talked and walked for a while, watching the time arrive at noon. Ning Hao said goodbye to Su Wenxing and went to the nearby cafeteria for lunch. He was taken by this episode. Some have to retreat.

After noon, Ning Yu went to the small courtyard where the first one was injured. The yard was quite quiet. Through the slightly opened window, the girl who grew up with him was lying in bed and fell asleep. There are teapots, cups, half oranges, and a story book with pictures on the wooden cabinet. It is not very good at reading and reading literacy. It is also more like listening to people, or looking at pictures. It is very childish.

Ning Yu walked in, sat down at the bed and put down the sesame sugar. The girl's eyelashes on the bed trembled, and she woke up with her eyes open. She saw that she was rather aunt and sat up quickly. They haven’t been able to talk for a while, the girls’ bureau has been very good, and Ning’s has been slightly cramped, stuttering, and scratching his head from time to time, and the two have been “difficult” to communicate.

When I went back to Heshan from the Jishan Mountain, the relationship between the two people was restored to the same level as before. Ning Yu was more cheerful than in the past. Not long after, the cooperation with the first-year martial arts made great progress.

In the days of He Deng, I couldn’t talk about leisure time. After I came back, a lot of things went to Ning Yi’s side. In the two years he left, Huaxia Army did the work of “going to Ning Yihua”, mainly because it hoped that the division of labor of the whole structure would be more reasonable. After returning, it would not be possible to leave the whole stall and many deeper adjustments and integrations. Still have to do it by him. But in any case, every day, he can finally see his wife and children, occasionally eating together, and occasionally sitting in the sun watching the children's play and growth...

In the past many years, the wives have changed in this way. The children are more mature. Sometimes the two will work together, chat, bury their heads and look at the documents, look up and smile, the wife and him. More like a person.

Xiao Yan is in charge of the affairs of the family, but her character is gradually calming down. She is a woman whose character is not strong. Over the years, she has worried about her son, like her sister, worried about her husband and worried about her children. The family, the temperament has become slightly melancholy, her joy is more like changing with her family, always listening, but also easy to meet. Only in the moment of getting along with Ning Yi privately, she smiled without any worries, only to see the look of the somewhat confused, two ponytailed girls in the past.

Yunzhu is more quiet and gentle, and the time is like water, which precipitates on her body and always infects others. She taught her children, wrote something, and once lived in the small building by the river, she was eager to try to go back to the broken world of childhood. To now, toughness and gentleness finally came. She set her body down. She took care of the children at home, and took care of her. She used to work too late. It was too late for her to work too hard. She always mentioned things in the past, and went home early, if ever The official lady has never experienced a family break, and one day, perhaps it will gradually become what it is today.

Only Jiner, still bouncing, female warriors generally refused to stop.

There are also red-skinned characters, watermelons that are busy for the "democracy" cause, and Juan, who is the secretary of Ning Yi...

Sometimes Ning Yi wants to go back and forth, and occasionally thinks about the past life of that period of life. After coming here, I originally wanted to live a simple life. After all, I still have to go to this busy and incomprehensible situation. But this situation is somewhat different from the busyness of the previous period. He remembered the wind and the sun in Jiangning, or the gentle rain that covered the heavens and the earth at that time. People walking outside the courtyard, red walls and black tiles, sorrowful girls, such beautiful voices, and the Qinhuai River. Chess booths, small buildings, old people with chess booths. Everything has passed away like a stream.

Everything will end in the water, but it will not be long enough for the future to stay.

The outside world is constantly coming.

Just as the giant flag of the black flag woke up in the mountains and slowly stretched its body, the Hungry Ghost Force led by Wang Shitong finally rolled up the waves and set off a disaster.

Since August, Wang Shitong has driven the “hungry ghost” and started the war of siege and land in the north of the Yellow River. At this time, the autumn harvest has just passed, and the grain is still abundance. The "hungry ghosts" released the last restraint. Under the trend of hunger and despair, more than 100,000 hungry ghosts began to attack nearby, and they sacrificed a lot of sacrifices. At the cost, the city was captured and the food was plundered. After the plundering, the whole city was burned, and the people who lost their homes were immediately involved in the army of hungry ghosts.

In two months, the hungry ghosts were connected to eight large and small towns in the north of the Yellow River. The city was destroyed and countless people died. General Ping Hing’s Li Xizhi sent 50,000 troops to try to disperse the hungry ghosts. However, under the servants of the hungry ghosts, the army was crushed by the hungry people.

The head of the Black Flag Army who stayed in the Northland had another negotiation with Wang Shitong in private, trying to do the final strength, but it was meaningless.

The crazy ghost king remembered his original intention, and the expanding population of the victims spread along the Yellow River, and then crossed the river. At this time, the snow has begun to fall.

The victims attacked relatively few towns, searched and raided, lit up the fire, heated in the fire, and then gradually became hungry in the snow. No one knows how many banks will be on the banks of the Yellow River after the heavy snowfall. The body is rotten.

The natural disasters delayed this man-made disaster. The hungry ghosts shivered in the cold and died in large numbers. Among them, there were also those who would not die. They were waiting for the recovery of the coming year.

To the north, the knights with iron bars crossed the Yanmen Pass and walked in the heavy snow of Jinuo.

The "Eight-armed Dragon King" of Chifeng Mountain, the former "Nine-Stroke Dragon" Shi Jin, dispels all the remaining power of Chifeng Mountain in the recovery, and one person embarked on a journey.

For the intrigue between people is not good, Chifeng Mountain collapsed, he lost to Lin Zongwu, he finally confused the road ahead. He once participated in Zhou’s assassination of Sticky, only to understand the small strength of his personal strength. However, the experience of Chifeng Mountain clearly told him that he is not good at leading the head, the chaos in Zezhou, and perhaps the one in the black flag. Really can stir the heroes of the world, but Liang Shan’s past also makes him unable to come in this direction.

In my life, the value is not much... When he thinks like this, he returns to the road of Zhou Wei.

Then I went to the Golden State and stabbed me.

At this time, it has been a long ten years since Zhou Wei’s thorns against the glutton.

All the way to the north, he also encountered several companions on the way, a slippery man named Fang Chengye was very happy with him, but after the short-term, he approached Yanmenguan and the other party left.

Fang Chengye is somewhat more aggressive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He planned the big chaos for Tiger King in Zezhou, and later reunited with Master Ning Yi. Ning Yi suggested him two directions. First, when the hungry ghost army After experiencing enough wars, try to kill Wang Shitong, take over the hungry ghosts, and second, help Jiulonglong rebuild Chifeng Mountain. Nowadays, the hungry ghosts and fierce flames seem to be really out of control. I don’t know if there are still a few living people after the snowstorm. The nine-grain dragons are not doing anything, just going to death. These things also made him really overwhelmed.

At the same time, in the small Tuen Mun of Vaud, the man named Mu Yi is enjoying a rare and comfortable life. He has a wife, a son, and his son grows up slowly.

"If you can continue this way, you will be fine."

He often said this.

In Xixia, the Mongolian general named Chi Laowen led the army to collide with the Jin Guo army led by the speed of the country on the border of the Golden State. The Mongolian team came and went, and Jin Guo also tried the cannons that had just been installed. After careful handling, the Mongols finally gave up the temptation to attack Dajin.

Even the militant Mongols are not willing to take the hard bones directly before they are really strong.

Xixia has perished, and only those who stay in front of them will only go west in the distance, and choose to slant southeast.

In the eight years of Wu Jianxuan's winter, the winter was gradually pushed forward. On the day of New Year's Eve, Lin'an City was adorned with lights, singing and dancing. The fireworks of the sky adorned the city in the snow, and it was a sunny day with thousands of miles away. On a good day, Ning Yi took the time and went to the half-day street with a family and a group of children. Ning Ning and Ning Shuang two three-year-old little girls rushed to climb his shoulders, and the children around them were noisy. A good scene.

After this day, they were one year older.

In the nine years of Jianye, it’s over the head of everyone’s head... (to be continued.)

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