Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 755: Poor blue falls under the yellow spring

The year is in spring. Pen @趣@阁W. UE. After the reign of the Wu dynasty, after the resignation of the old and the new, the heavens and the earth are reviving. In the pilgrimage, there will be a continuous dynasty meeting in the convention. The summary will go to the old age. Looking forward to the next year, Jun Wu will naturally participate.

This year, I stayed in Beijing for half a month, and the sword at the meeting was also stunned for half a month. No one dared to respect him on the bright side of the prince of the monarch, but after some singing, the words of the courtiers revealed malicious intentions. These adults stated the various behind the prosperity of the Wu Dynasty. A kind of problem, dragging the cause of the hind legs, until the end, no one said, but all kinds of public opinion, after all, still pressed to the Prince's house.

Even if the Central Plains is lost, the booming development of Nanwu for several years, the expansion of the economy, the abundance of the national treasury, and even the growth of military preparations seem to prove the strength of a dynasty. This leaping number confirms the sages of the kings and ministers, and since everything is growing, the latter is something that can be understood and tolerated.

No one can prove that after losing the tendency, the country can still soar. Then, a little bit of sorrow, pain or inevitable. Now there is the shame of Jingping, and the Jurchen is still watching. If the imperial court tends to appease the northern refugees, then the national treasury will not be needed, whether the market should be developed or not.

The great Confucian scholars introduced the classics and demonstrated the inevitability of many things. The vagueness, but the princes and princesses who were not sageful, became the obstacles to the development of the Wu Dynasty. Jun Wu was entangled in the capital for half a month. Because of a certain news, he returned to Jiangning. A number of ministers handed in a deduction. They persuaded the prince to be wise, and he could go away with anger, and Junwu could only reply one by one.

In February and March, the snow melted and the ice disappeared, and the flying grass was long. The people who were sitting in the capital of the city also came over. The two guests stood at the head of Jiangning City and watched the huge yellow balloon flying into the sky.

In the basket of the balloon, someone threw out the same thing, and the thing fell from the sky, and it fell on the grass, and the earth splashed. Jun Wu wrinkled his brows and passed it for a while before someone ran over: "No explosions -"

"A decade ago, Master had researched a hot air balloon. I haven’t made much progress on it. Later I found that the air used to seal the air turned out to be pulp. The paper for Kongming can fly to the sky, but The big ball, the fire, you can still think of paper can be used! After two years of delay, Jiangning has finally got this, and I am in a hurry to come back..."

The wind on the wall is big, and the voice of Junwu is also high. The 26-year-old Prince’s robes are wide and full of two beards. After the two beards are already quite majestic, the arms are flickering, and it is even more arrogant. It’s just a matter of smelling people.

"For the rebellious person, His Royal Highness is cautious."

"When the man is right, the thief is so bad, I don't want to wear it with him." Jun Wu smiled calmly. He was the disciple of Qin Yuyuan. He was also taught by Jun Wu when he was young. He was very casual and very sympathetic to the smell of people. Many times, he was known as a brother.

"His Royal Highness left Beijing, Lin'an Chaotang, but it has already been raging, and it needs to be cautious in the future."

"Yes, this is the fault in my character." Jun Wudao, "I also know that it is not good. I have been patient for a few years, but sometimes I still have a hard time. I heard that there was progress at the beginning of the year and I simply abandoned it." I ran back to the hall. I said that it was for this hot air balloon. I wanted to come afterwards, but I couldn’t stand the triviality of the court and find an excuse."

He went straight to the fault, and he no longer said more when he heard the truth. The two men went all the way down the city wall. Jun Wu said: "However, in fact, I want to go, I was originally not suitable for being a prince. I like to study the things." Learning, but these years, all kinds of things are entangled, and the things have already fallen. The world is turbulent, I have the responsibility, no brothers, I want to cover up for Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and others, and then save some of the Northland escaping people, it is difficult However, in the middle of it, I know how many problems there are."

He walked down the stairs of the city wall, and the pace was abrupt: "The family of the family has been operating for more than two hundred years. The forces are intertwined. The interests involved have long been ingrained. The generals are short-sighted and afraid of death. The civil servants have no choice but to become a big net. I intervened in the early years. The northerners moved south, and everyone on the surface applauded. They turned their heads, and they made troubles, killed people, and even incited rebellion. They killed people according to law. This relationship eventually ended up on the father’s desk, and only once. Returning to the south and returning to the north, it is said that it is helpless - how the north returns! The north is broken!"

"Look at the generals of Yue, he is just straightforward. He is holding hands on all kinds of things in his jurisdiction. He will never compromise on others. He will eventually maintain such a strong army. In the past few years, he said that he is arrogant, hegemonic, and civilized. Li even has a counter-contrast, more than a few hundred, this is still the case I looked behind, otherwise he let the mindful person cut his head. Han Shizhong over there, he knows better, but the ministers of the DPRK are one by one. The money is much more. I see his ordnance, which is a little worse than Yue Fei."

The two went down the wall and took the carriage. Jun Wu waved his hand: "What can I do if I don't do this? Oh, you train a soldier. Today, I am going to a civil servant. I said that you should practice like this. You give me some money, otherwise I will participate. You have one. Come to one tomorrow, and say that the little nephew is going to be your camp officer. The day after tomorrow, his little nephew will buckle the army. You want to kill him. He said that his brother-in-law is a national phase! Then don’t fight, all go to die.”

The carriage drove out of the city gate, went up to the outside official road, and then slammed out of the field. Jun Wu vented for a while, whispered: "Do you know why the rebellion wants to kill the emperor?"

"Sister of the Prince is cautious!"

"For example, you want to do... a big thing. The people under your hand have a relationship with these guys. You want to be imaginary and arrogant, and they will be jealous and habitual, just like... perfuse for two or three years. But you don’t have a backing. You come to the individual today, and divide up your things. You will bear it. Put a little **** tomorrow, you will bear it. After three years, you have to do something big. Turn around and see, the people around you are all with them. It’s like... haha. Haha.”

The smell of people is so bright, today's Junwu, the mood is obviously wrong, slightly excited, and more unscrupulous, this situation, has not seen in the past: "His Royal Highness, are you... what happened? ”

"No." Jun Wu waved his hand, then opened the curtain and looked ahead. The hot air balloon was still in the distance. "Look, this hot air balloon, when you do it, come to the royal history three times and five times, say this. The matter is big and bad, because ten years ago, it can bring people into the palace. It flies higher than the palace wall and can puncture the palace. What is wrong with the ominous, this means that I want to be unruly. For this. I left all these workshops in Jiangning, and I ran at both ends of the big things. When they participated, I apologized and admit the mistake. It’s okay to apologize and admit it... I finally made it."

"His Royal Highness..."

"Smell the brothers, this world, there may be another look in the future, you and I can not understand." Jun Wu closed his eyes. "Last year, before the death of Zuo Duanyou, I went to visit him. The old man said, Xiao Cang The words of the river may be right. If we want to defeat him, at least we must become like him. The artillery is coming out, and the better it is, the hot air balloon is coming out. You don’t, how to fight people. Li frequency is talking about the new Confucianism, and he has not skipped the things. These people in the middle of the country, the family of the family, said that they have nothing to do with them, but maybe there will be other things in the future. How about the method?"

The carriage shocked and stopped in a green field. Many craftsmen gathered around here. There was also a hot air balloon that was inflated here. Junwu and Wenren came down from the carriage.

"I learned from Confucianism, I can't be very proficient, and I can't think of how to change how to change. Two or three hundred years of entanglement, the inside is broken, you are too ambitious, high-minded, enter the head, thousands of people block You, thousands of people reject you, you either get bad, or go away. Even though I have some luck, I become a prince, and I try my best to keep the generals Yue and Han, if one day, I will be an emperor. When they can't do it, even these people can't keep it."

"Only relying on them is not a woman." Jun Wu stood there, still saying that the hot air balloon in front was also expanding and growing, pulling the basket: "But it’s good to have a study of things, maybe ... With these people and strength, I can find some turning points. Even if I have a reputation for self-use, I don’t want to let go of this stall. I only see hope here."

"His Royal Highness..."

Jun Wu went forward: "I want to go to see God, do you want to go with the brothers?"

"His Royal Highness-"

When he said this, there was a screaming sound around him, such as "His Highness Three Thoughts", "His Royal Highness", "This Object Is Not Safe" and other words slammed into pieces, and the craftsmen responsible for technology were scared and stunned. Smell the people and rushed forward, trying to discourage, Junwu just smiled.

"After the year, this hot air balloon has flown up and down six times in a row. It is very safe. I have also participated in the production of this hot air balloon. It has any problems. I know that you can't fool me. I am interested in this matter. I have decided, no more words. Now, my luck is your luck. If I fall from the sky today, you will have bad luck and be buried with me. Jun Wu thanked everyone here... Speaking of brothers."

The Prince returned to the basket and said, "Would you like to go and see?"

After hearing the silence, I finally sighed. Over the years, Junwu has worked hard to set off a burden. Although there are still some young people's impulses, it is very sensible on the whole. It’s just that this balloon has always been a big concern in the heart of the Prince. When he was young, he studied the object. It was just for this purpose. He wanted to fly and wanted to see it. Later, the identity of the Prince made him have to distract, but for this flying dream. I still have to read it, never forget it.

This thing was really made in two or three months, flying on the sky with such things, the danger in it, the fear of leaving the ground, he could not understand, but he was determined to change his mind at this time, and then it is difficult to change, if not, I am afraid I will not say the words of the genius.

The Confucianism of the past... The technique of governing the country, there is no way before such a powerful enemy like Jurchen.

"Chen since the time to follow the Prince."

"If you are afraid of high, you can't come naturally. You just feel that this is a good thing."

I ignored the people who had been around the land. He couldn’t help but climb into the basket. When he smelled the people, he also passed. There was also a craftsman who was escorted in the basket. He was there and Junwu looked at him: "Yang Master, get up and do things, can you let me not do it myself? I don't mean it."

The craftsman trembled, and after a while, he began to throw heavy weight sandbags.

Jun Wu held the rope next to the basket with one hand and stood there, his body shaking slightly and looking straight ahead.

"The adults in the court think that we still have a long time?"

"The prime minister and several members of the Privy Council think that the current situation is not good. Two or three years, if you are lucky, or have five years to recuperate." The smell of people is also looking forward, the body is stiff and nervous, "Jurchen attacked the Central Plains." After that, Liu Yu was the king. This is because there are too few people, and they need to stabilize the entire Liaojing. After they are completely stabilized in the north of Yanmen Pass, the first thing to do is to officially annex and digest the Central Plains."

The huge hot air balloon swayed and began to rise to the sky.

"Just the original Central Plains was beaten, Liu Yu's control is difficult to be alone. In the past few years, there have been people with different origins in the Yellow River and the North. Many of them have surrendered to Jurchen on the surface and dare not take the lead, but if Jin Guo really wants to go and swallow it. There are still a few people who will rise up and fight. The fight is different from the rule. If you want to officially swallow the Central Plains, the strength of the Golden State will be even greater. Therefore, there may be two or three years of breathing time...唔-"

The view below is shrinking, they rise to the sky, and the smell is always interrupted because of the nervous statement. Junwu no longer listened. He stood there and looked at the wilderness and farmland below. The people who were transplanting in the ground, pulling the plowing horses and horses, the distance, the houses and the smoke were all expanding. Jiangning’s The city wall stretched, the river passed through, and the boatman on the awning boat propped up the long pole... In the bright spring, the vitality of the ship spread like a scroll.

Six years ago, the Jurchen Sogou Sea had been here, and Jun Wu still remembered the body outside the city, and he died here. Nowadays, all these creatures live so vividly. All these lovely, hateful and hard-to-categorize fresh lives are just to see that they exist, they can make people happy, but based on their existence, they are born again. Countless pains...

The hot air balloon floated up.

Throughout his life, Zhou Junwu never forgot the land he saw in this eyes.

In the spring of Wu Jianyu's nine years, he flew into the sky for the first time.

Under the same sky, crossing the Yanmen Pass to the north, when the snow melts away, Jinjing’s Xijing Datong ushers in the peak of business travel.

The flow of goods, merchants, and traffic. After more than ten years of plundering, digestion, and internal recuperation, the emerging political power of the Golden State has gradually spawned a prosperous and prosperous face. From the four gates of Datong, the banner on the wall is like a forest in the wind. The people walking around the big wall are a group of Jurchen soldiers with strong bows and swords. The market in the city is extended, pedestrians are weaving, and the patrol is poor. Standing in the waist and walking in it, occasionally seeing the fighting in the crowd, when the trouble is not open, go forward and stop - the northern people are popular, such things are not uncommon.

The business is booming in the blacksmith shop, the fire is stunned, the food in the restaurant, the food and cakes in the north and the south are all sold, but most of them cater to the taste of the golden people. The storyteller pulls Hu Qin and slaps it. wood.

During the period of the Han Chinese slaves, some of them were thin and weak, and they were tied with chains. They were only used as animals. They had no anger in their eyes. They also had running halls and cooks in various restaurants. Life may be better. Just afraid to shrink and not to look at people. Among the prosperous fat powder streets and alleys, some Qinglou villages still have Han Chinese women coming from the south. If they are from small households, they are only materials for people to vent, and there are also ladies and children of the Han’s family. Often able to mark high prices, there are several royal women, and today is still a cash cow in several brothels.

Among the Jurchens, there are also many elegant poems. When they come to the brothel, they are more willing to chat with the lady who knows the book in the south. Of course, this is different from the South.

There are no clear people here.

The woman in the flower clothes danced wildly on the street, sang the songs of the Central Plains, and was dragged into the gate of the brothel by the thick real woman who came over, dragged into the room, and the laughter of the haha ​​was not broken. In the Wu Dynasty, many people here can understand it now. The crazy woman is laughing: "Haha, Xiang Gong, you come to pick me up... haha, ah - haha, Xiang Gong, you come to pick me up..."

In that room, she was heard by one side. But everyone in the neighborhood knows that her husband was killed early – it was originally a craftsman who wanted to resist the evasion, was cut off in front of her face, and her head was made into a wine... with the darts When walking through the streets, Shi Jin looked down at the voice, and his companions whispered about these things.

"...heroes, don't think too much, these things have gone. The emperor of Wu Dynasty is still a dog in the palace every year. The queen is the same... Oh, heroes, look, There is the grand building of Xi Yingong..."

Shi Jin looked up and saw that the courtyard of the river was stretched, and the columns of smoke were rising in the air. The soldiers around the patrol were heavily guarded. The companion pulled his clothes corner: "Heroes, you can't go, you don't see it..."

Shi Jin nodded and regained his gaze.

He has been in the north for three months.

Shi Jinsheng's chivalrous heroic, a few months ago, was on the verge of the North, seeing the suffering of countless Han Chinese slaves, could not help but violently killing, and then was chased by Jin Bing in the snowy days. Shi Jin martial arts high-strength, but not afraid of this matter, he would have set aside life and death, in the heavy snow in the moon, anti-killing more than a dozen Jin Bing, made a lot of noise. Later, he went all the way north to save a dartmaster, only to find a companion, arrived in Datong in a low-key manner.

Although there are many Han Chinese slaves in the North, there are naturally Han Chinese and Liao people who lived here. The Wu Dynasty is weak. The Han people are in this place. Although they can have a good citizenship, they have always been bullied. The darts in this dart team are mostly the aborigines of Yanyun Sixteen States. They were first oppressed by the Liao people. After being bullied by the Jin people, they were admired by the heroes of Shi Jin, even though they knew Shi Jin. Dissatisfied with the Golden Man, but also willing to take him a ride.

Although Shi Jin walked with these people, he naturally did not tell them about the desire to assassinate Guru. All the way northbound, he saw the gathering of the Jinren soldiers. This is the atmosphere of the Datong of the military and political center. He began to murder again. He wanted to inquire about it. Later, he saw the artillery in the Jinbing. After a little inquiry, he knew the gold. The soldiers have also studied and listed these things, and the person in charge of the gold people is responsible for the end of the gods.

After Jin Zhengnan's requisition, he received a large number of Wucha artisans. Xi Yin used the science of reference to build a large building, and developed firearms and various new technological things. In addition to weapons, there are many novel objects. Circulated in the market in Datong, it became a popular cargo.

Between the chariots and horses, the dart team arrived at the destination of Datong. Shijin was reluctant to drag the water and confessed to the other side. The darts had a lot of friendship and said hello to his companions. He put a table in the high-end restaurant in Datong City. He thanked Shi Jin for his life-saving grace. This person also knows the good people. He understands that Shi Jinbei will have a picture and will know. The situation and layout of Datong City were introduced to Shijin more or less.

After three rounds of wine and red face, the words are somewhat awkward.

"...I know that the heroes are not a tourist. The villains are the northern Chinese Han people, but they also know the heroic spirit of the south, the help of life, not a table in this district can be paid for. Only the villain It’s also mad, but the villain is here, there are wives and children... Heroes, Datong, here, after all, unusual, in the early years, Jurchen called this place the West Court, but at that time there were two princes in the Jurchen. Hope, you can suppress Zonghan's arrogance. After the death of Zongwang, the Jin State and the Eastern Chambers resisted the courtesy. The authority of Marshal Zonghan here is generally the same as that of the Eastern Heavenly Society..."

"...In the city of Datong, there are heavy soldiers, and there are also Gu Shenxi, and the masters are gathered together. The grand building is also heavily guarded. Although the heroes are martial arts, but since the south, the identity of the Han people is too eye-catching. And please... ...be careful, take care..."

This dartmaster took advantage of Shi Jin’s cautiousness, and he was not afraid of his exposure and his own fears. It’s just that Shi Jin is a man who is arrogant and knows that the other party has already taken too much risk in order to repay him. The dartmaster thought for a while, and then talked with Shi Jin about some of the rumors in the city of Datong, those who were against the Jurchen, were wanted or chased by the singers, the thieves who robbed the treasures, and so on. That Yan Yanxi Yin Guangshu warriors, there have been several sweeps and cleanups of these rivers and lakes, but some people can spare the past and become the legend of everyone.

The dartmaster thought that if the other party was in trouble in the city and could not easily intervene, these people might become his companions.

After the banquet, the two sides officially resigned ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shi Jin carried his own parcel on the street and watched the other party leave. Looking back, I saw the smashing iron shop in the restaurant as a pig and dog. Han slaves.

This year, in the 12th year of the Jurchen is the Tianhui, Wan Yan Wu Hao bought the successor, there are also twelve years. In these 12 years, the Jurchens consolidated their rule over the subjects below, and the existence of Jurchens in the Northland was officially stabilized. During the period, it was the pain and disaster of countless Han Chinese.

The three-cut Central Plains, the humiliation of Jingping, and the search for the sea... were arrested for the Han Chinese slaves in the north. After so many years, many still survive on this land, but they are not like people at all. ......

Shi Jin’s life was full of chaos, and he was brave in his youth. Later he fell into the grass, and later he was jealous of the Jurchen and the guilt. The killings he experienced were both upright and unbearable. When he was young, he was naturally invisible. Blood, I have seen countless tragic deaths since then. But no one, the distortions and pains he felt, such as the deep bones that are felt on the streets of this prosperous Datong.

He walked over the street, and the figure of a slave came into view. Many people have become accustomed to it, and he has not stopped in one step. In the following days, he explored near the Marshal House. On March 23, he launched an assassination of Zonghan. A **** battle shocked Datong... (to be continued.)

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