Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 756: Spring and mud (on)

In March, the capital of the Golden State, the Tianhui, the warm atmosphere has also arrived as scheduled. Pen ~ Fun ~ Court www.biquge.info

That is an ordinary day.

When the team passed the roadside field, they stopped a little. The people in the big car in the center opened the curtain and looked at the green field outside. The roadside and the heavens and the earth were among the farmers.

Then the car man put the curtain down again: "Go away."

The army of the team and the guards continued to move forward.

The queue spread, the dragon flag is enrolled, and the horse is sitting in the carriage. It is the emperor of the Golden State who came back to the palace. He is fifty-nine years old. He is dressed in a velvet, and his body is huge like an old bear. It is also slightly dim. Originally longer than the assault, his arms can be used to wind the thunder, he is now old, and the pain left on the battlefield in the early years has been entangled in him for two years, so that the insider’s internal administration of the steady and honest Jurchen emperor occasionally has some emotions. Ill, occasionally, began to remember the past.

"Remember that when the party stayed in the sky, there were not many fields in it. The palace was not big. I saw you in front of you and raised some pigs, horses, chickens and ducks. I often came out to see if there were not many of them. Cars and horses, not to be immobile, let people kneel down, say anti-Assassin, killing countless people, afraid of what assassin."

The old man spoke, and the end of the carriage, Yan Zongshou nodded and said: "However, the country is big, and there must always be some prestige and attention. Otherwise, it will not be easy to manage."

"Look at the emperor of the Wu Dynasty, but also pay attention to it, pay attention to not eating." Wu Hao bought a sentence, then a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, "You don't care, it is too busy, I hope there is an assassin, move Hands and feet."

"Uncle's martial arts has not been put down, yesterday at the school, the scorpion is also seen." Zong Fudao.

"The school opens the bow and the target won't fight back. This is a ruin. It's been sick everywhere, and it's getting old."

Among the sons of Agueda, the eldest son passed away at the earliest. The second son of Zongwang was originally a stunning figure. During the Southern War in the Northern War, he died a few years ago because of the old wound. Now Sanzizong and the four sons are leading. Zong Fu’s temperament is forgive and kind, and Wu Hao’s love is relatively popular with him. During the chat, the horses and horses entered the city, and Wu Hao bought and opened the curtains and looked out for a while. The bustling city outside, including the whole piece of land, was spent 12 years of support. As an emperor, in these 12 years, he should be rushing to attack and attack the city.

"Gold is too old." After a while, Wu Hao bought something like this.

Zong Fu bowed his head: "The two uncles, Kang Tai, can still have at least 20 years of enthusiasm. When we are in Jinguo, when we have dominated the world, the two uncles will be able to enjoy themselves."

"This is what you said... I want to serve the old." Wu Hao bought a wave of hands. "The Han people have a saying that the earthen jars are not broken from the well, and the generals will inevitably die. Even if they are lucky, half of their lives are also On the battlefield, Hummer did not regret it for a lifetime, but this looked at sixty, and it was five years old. I suddenly went there that day, and it was not surprising. Old man, there are only a few hills in the world."

Zong Fu listened reverently, and Wu Hao bought his back on the chair and recalled the past: "When the brothers started, it was just the hills, the dogs and dogs, the trees, the trees, the fishing, the hunting, It’s just these people. This is the world... It’s down, there aren’t many people. Every year, I see a bird slave (a little name), he’s still stinky... his temper is stinky, but ah, no. Will block the way of your juniors. You can rest assured, tell A4, he is also assured."

"Yes." Zong Fudao.

"It made sense to let the sticky side be there. We don't have many people...and there is a dim room (Wan Yan Xi Yin), I know that A is afraid of him, hey, he said that he is your uncle. I am afraid of what, the diverticulum is a descendant of the sky, his intelligence is to learn. He played A4, indicating that Ah is wrong. You think that he can play, but he can learn some fur, and keep it enough...you These young people have learned a lot of bad things these years..."

Wu Hao bought a slap in the face, shaking his head and sighing, just as every old man hated iron and fell into steel. Zong Fu listened and nodded from time to time to be taught. This way back to the palace, Wu Hao buy will begin to review the memorial, sent Zong Fu to send out, Zong Fu returned to the palace, Zong Yi came. This year, the 37-year-old ancestor was the most aggressive activist among the young Jurchens. A few years ago, "Soushan Check the Sea", Zong Fu was in the East Road Army, Zongtang was a pioneer, and he was in Jiangnan. The killing, rushing, and massacre are mostly from his handwriting. Now the notoriety of the "four princes' golden martial arts" is also faint in the south.

Zong Fu told him what he had bought.

Since the small man, he has been a self-employed person. He has heard the color behind him: "Uncle is old, and has been recuperating for 12 years. He has received the murderousness on the battlefield, and his mind is confused. Now this is awkward. A country, can it be the same as that in the original mountain village, even if you want to be the same, can you be the same as the person behind you? He is too fond of the good old days, and the stick has changed long ago!"

"The four brothers can't be nonsense."

"Why do I have nonsense, my third brother, you have to think that I want to be the emperor to play with the right and wrong, between the East and the West, there must be a big fight!" He said this, and he felt that he was too much, arched his hand, "Of course It’s still early, but it’s still early. However, it’s not a good idea.”

Zong Fudao: "Four uncles are still in the hunting ground, they can still open strong bows and dance knives. Although they have some pains recently, they are not serious."

The two brothers chatted for a while, and talked about the strategy of collecting the Central Plains. In the afternoon, the palace ban on the palace was suddenly abrupt, and an amazing news came out.

A few days later, Xijing Datong, the bustling street, "Little Jiangnan" restaurant, Tang Minjie dressed in a blue little outfit, wearing a headscarf, holding a teapot, running in the lively second floor lobby.

“Little Jiangnan” is a restaurant and a tea house. It is a well-known place in Datong City. This shop is gorgeously decorated. It is said that the East has a background of the Jurchen's upper level. Its first floor consumes people, the second floor is relatively expensive, and there are many women in the back. It is also a place where the Jurchen nobles are spending a lot of money. At this time, the second floor of the book sang songs constantly - the martial arts stories and legends from the Central Plains are popular even in the north. Tang Minjie waited for the guests nearby, and then saw two expensive merchants coming up and rushing to entertain.

The two opened the private room facing the street, Tang Minjie followed, introduced people to various dishes, and one closed the door.

"How come back so fast..."

At the table, Tang Minjie warmly wiped the table with a towel and whispered. The person at the table was Lu Mingfang, who is now responsible for Northland affairs.

"There will be something in the sky." Lu Mingfang smiled.

"what happened?"

"Wu Yan bought a stroke."



"Well, the guest officer is waiting..."

Tang Minjie shouted aloud and turned around. After a while, he took hot tea, appetizing cakes, etc.: "How serious?"

"I can't die for a while, but it's enough for the Jurchen to fly the dog." Tang Minjie poured the tea, Lu Mingfang picked up the cup and put it on his lips. "How are you here?"

"There are some clues, but it's still unclear, but out of this kind of thing, it seems to be **** the scalp."

"How do you think so?"

"Zonghan and the children of A-Bing are going to seize power."

"The guilt sounds like a good thing."

"The guilt can be more powerful than the strength."

The whispers of speaking here, the three were silent for a moment, then Lu Mingfang nodded: "After Tian Hu's incident, the teacher is no longer seclusion, and the preparations for the Central Plains, Zonghan is already doing well, Zong Fu them This is in the follow, this seems to be..."

"How many Mongolians mentioned by the teacher will let Zonghan vote for the rats." The person opposite the table.

"Even if they care about our Chinese army, how much can they care about?"

"I will speed things up in the big building." Tang Minjie whispered.

"Do not force."


The three people spoke, and on the street outside, there was a team passing by, and the loud screaming in front of them rang out, and the pedestrians on the road retreated to both sides. At this time, if they were in the Central Plains, the members of the Golden State went out to patrol, but the people on the road had to bow down, but in the gold There is no such rule in the country - this is Zonghan's team passing, three people see soldiers gathered, no more talk, Tang Minjie will wipe the towel on his shoulders, with a diligent smile will turn and leave, only turned half On the opposite side of the house, someone stepped a few steps and jumped out.

The sunshine of the spring sun is slanting, and it looks dazzling. The figure is simply passing over the corner of the eye, but the abrupt but determined, in the sun, rises up.

Then fell down -

A bang, followed by screams, horses, and chaos, Tang Minjie, Lu Mingfang and other three people stunned.

The pedestrians on the street reacted, and the voice underneath also boiled...


In the nine years of Wu Jianyu, when the spring of the Tianhui Festival turned thick, the land of the Central Plains was struggling in a muddy mud.

The Daqi regime, which was erected by the Jurchens, is now in a state of mountains and warlords, and the days of the various forces have been difficult and uneasy.

In all fairness, the most beautiful days of the Daqi court, the nominal ruler of the Central Plains, may be a few years after the first return to the Jurchen. At that time, Liu Yu and others played a purely villain role, searching, looting, conscription, digging graves, scraping the people's fat and anointing, and then three years of defeat in Xiao Canghe, at least the top was covered by the golden man, and the authorities were able to pass Happy.

If it was in the history of the Song Dynasty, Liu Yu and others lived like this. Attached to the Golden State, he wholeheartedly suppressed the rebellion, searched for the loyalists, sent troops to attack the South, and then cried to the north to request to send troops... However, after the end of the war in Xiao Canghe, everything became complicated.

The splendid problems left by the Huaxia Army’s fierce struggle have caused countless people to have a headache. Although they have been searching and cleaning up the Huaxia Army’s embers on the surface, in private, the people are cautiously drinking water, knowing how to drink. Especially on the Liu Yu side, one night after the black flag went, he went to the palace to beat him the Huaxia army, so that he had been weakened since then, and often wakes up from his sleep every night. During the day, occasionally he will go crazy to the courtiers.

As for the fineness of these Chinese military traitors, the parties reacted fiercely at the beginning, and they all went up and down. Afterwards, they all became silent and covert, thinking of closing their eyes and closing the world. In the past two years, the most powerful Tian Hu set out to pull out the sting of the stalk in his heart, and the counterattacks that followed him made everyone feel cold.

Tian Hu’s forces are in the same league.

The shackles that have been entrenched in the north of the Yellow River for more than ten years have been executed silently.

Liu Yu was mad at the time. It was said that he was screaming and screaming in the palace with a sword in the night. Of course, not many people in this rumor can be sure that it is true.

For more than ten years of war, even if the heavens and the earth are overturned, the days are always over, and the ragged people will gradually adapt to the sorrowful years. Without the cows, people will have to plow and continue to plow the fields. But this year in the Central Plains, many forces found themselves in the cracks of anxiety.

In this world, if it is based on strength, the nature of the world is the Jurchen of today, and the emerging Dajin Kingdom is victorious and arrogant. At the other end of the Jurchen, it seems to be a martial art that has been lingering and returning to the light. However, since the overthrow of Tianhu Chaotang last year, more and more messages have been transmitted from the rugged south to the mountains in the southwest. The most embarrassing thing is that Mr. Ning is still alive.

No one has positively confirmed this, but the news in the dark has become more and more obvious. The Huaxia Army has been pretending to be two years in a hurry. Looking back at the spring of nine years, it seems to be contaminated with heavy, deep blackmail. In February, at the Daqi Dynasty meeting of Yanliang, a minister haha ​​said, "I knew that this person is pretending to be dead." I want to be active and get an embarrassing silence. It seems that the weight of this news And the feelings of everyone.

Ten years ago, this person was angry and stunned. Everyone could still feel that he was reckless. He went to the mountains of Xiao Cang River and felt that he was a dog who lost his family. Defeat Xixia, you can think that his sword is slanting for a while~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Three years to Xiaocanghe, the mourning of millions of troops, plus the death of two great Jurchens, people are worried, I can still think that they have at least been disabled... At least Ning Yi is dead.

Since then, it has been lingering in the southwestern mountains. It is also a matter of heart and soul to rely on the sale of iron cannons and other core commodities. After all, the hero is dead, and it is not a good time.

Until now, Ning Yi has not died. In the mountains of the southwestern monasteries, every message in the past, at this time, seems to be like a conspiracy tentacles of horrible beasts. It is muddy everywhere, and every time it sways, it must fall. Ticked with a malicious black mud.

At least in the Central Plains, no one can despise this power any more. Even though it is only a few hundred thousand people, the sword has been slanted, fierce, violent and violent, and the results have proved that this is a force that can positively resist the Jurchen.

The bigger movements, the people still can't know, but now, Ning Yi quietly sat out, facing the general trend of Jin Guojun. Once the Golden State is going south - the Golden State is bound to go south - this crazy army will probably greet each other, and by that time, the Central Plains forces in the crack will be liked...

No one can say it...

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