Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 757: Spring and mud (middle)

In the first month of this year, the year of the Central Plains, Liu Yu carefully fulfilled his responsibility to the Golden State, sent the emperor Liu Lin to lead the troops to cross the Huai River and cut the martial arts. At the same time, the Daqi messenger went north to the Jin State and persuaded Wu Hao. Buying, Zonghan, Zongfu and others sent troops to the south. This is not the first time. In the past two or three years, Liu Yu knew that he could not beat the Wu Dynasty by his own power, and he was worried about the black flag in the court. You may have to take your own life anytime and anywhere, and I am always looking forward to the golden country, and can solve all problems once and for all. Pen @趣@阁wWw. biqUgE. Info

However, in March, there was a big event in the Jin Guochao Hall. Wu Hao bought a stroke and fell down. Since then, he has been unable to stand up again. Although he still handles the state affairs every day, the discussion on the Nanzheng is on the same. The messenger is closed.

The emperor was sick, even if it was the Golden State, he had to stabilize the internal affairs first, and the South Zhengzheng had to be put on hold.

Liu Lin was defeated by the river and led the return of the disabled. The people regained their anger and looked at the Jin Guo and the southwest. The two terrible forces were quiet and did not move. So.

For a while, everyone can carefully smash it...

It was also during this spring blossom, from the Daming Mansion to the thousands of miles along the Zhengzhou line, the fugitives who dragged their families with their eyes and eyes, passed through the towns and customs. The nearby government organizes manpower, or blocks, or drives, or kills, trying to keep these hungry people out of the possession.

In the relatively rich areas, the people in the town experienced the levy of the Liu Yu court and barely lived. When I left the town and entered the wilderness, I gradually entered hell. The foothills were looted everywhere, and the fleeing people left their hometowns, and they were no longer sheltered. They gradually gathered in the rumors where the "Ghost King" was. The government also sent out soldiers. In the slippery land boundary, the refugees led by Wang Shitong were dispersed twice. The refugees were like a pool of muddy water. They were beaten a few times by their fists and spread out. Then they gradually began to gather.

The tide of this refugee is every year, compared to the golden country in the north and the black flag in the south. After killing twice, the army is no longer enthusiastic. Killing is not only killing, sending troops to ask for money, and wanting food. After all, it is necessary to manage one's own three-acre land. Even if it is for the world, it is impossible to take all of your time.

Development is also important.

The Yellow River turned over the big bend and rushed all the way to the northeast. From the wilderness near Zhengzhou to the mountains and rivers near the Damingfu, there were many places where there was no chicken. When the Wu Dynasty flourished, the population of the Central Plains at this time had already gone to the third place. The small villages in the villages were muddy walls and abandoned, and the migratory groups of three or five groups walked in the wilderness, occupying land. The king's thief and the screaming horses come and go, and most of them are ragged and have dishes.

The surviving villages and the landlords who have the skills have built the arrow tower and the high wall. In many cases, they also have to visit the government and the army to drag the goods of a car. The horse thieves also came, they could only come, and then the horse thieves made birds and beasts scattered, or the high walls were broken, killing and the fire extended. The woman holding the baby walked in the mud, and when she fell down, she could no longer stand up. Finally, the cry of the child gradually disappeared... There are not many people in the world that have lost order to protect themselves.

The world that used to be a popular road, a silky satin, is far away in memory.

To the north of Zhangzhou, Wang Shitong wore a raging black coat, smashing her hair, squatting on the stone and watching the black people, the sea of ​​horrible people, the hungry and thin people, the eyes have turned into the color of blood.

"Let's wait, wait a minute..." he muttered to the deputy who lost his arm.

Spring blossoms, many people who went south last year, many died in that winter. More people are gathering here every day. Sometimes the trees can find the leaves that can be eaten, the fruits, the small animals, the fish in the water, and the people who have abandoned their homes after the spring. Some of them still have some food.

They are not hungry enough.

Always hungry.

To the north of the Yellow River, the original Tiger King's site, after Tian Shi succeeded to the throne, he carried out a large-scale killing and a series of reforms. The general, Yu Yulin, helped the plow in the field and cultivated it himself. He came up from the field and washed the mud. He saw a black-clothed Lou Shuzhen sitting in the grass shed at the roadside to see the information.

In the past few years, I have dealt with a lot of things on hand. Every night, a woman working under a lamp that is not bright has hurt her eyes. Her eyes are not good, myopia, so the posture of holding the paper with both hands is like a Old man. After reading it, she straightened her body and Yu Yulin walked over, only to know that the third iron cannon trade with the southern black flag was completed.

After the coup last year, Yu Yulin held a heavy arm and was in a high position, and the relationship with Lou Shuzhen became even closer. However, since then, he has been in the north for a long time to stabilize the situation and keep an eye on Wang Juyun, who is not an "alliance". The number of meetings between the two sides is not much.

"The previous month, Wang Juyun’s sorrow and sorrow came over with me to discuss the military affairs and talk about Li Xizhi. I saw Wang Juyun’s intention to fight with Li Xizhi and come over and test me.”

Yu Yulin sat down on the chair next to Lou Shuzhen and talked about these things. Lou Shuyu folded his hands on his lap and thought about it. He smiled and said: "Hiccup is your business. I know what a woman knows. Good or bad, please let the generals understand."

Lou Shuzhen’s words seem to be a student, but Yu Yulin has long been accustomed to her alienation attitude and does not care: “When the tiger king is at the time, the north of the Yellow River is also our three. Now we are joining hands and we can push to Li Xizhi. One of the meanings of Wang Juyun is that Li Xizhi is an eggless. When the Jurchen is killed, it must be pleading for mercy. Wang Juyun is arguing against the gold. When Li Zhizhi is afraid, he will take a cold knife in the back."

"That is good for them, is it for us?" Lou Shuxiao smiled.

To the south of Yanmenguan, the north bank of the Yellow River has three points of power. In general, it is naturally the territory of Daqi. In fact, the east is controlled by Liu Yu’s confidant Li Xizhi. Wang Juyun occupies the most chaotic place near Yanmenguan. They also do not surrender to Jurchen in words. The best-developing Tianjia force in the middle is because it occupies a mountain that is not good for horse racing.

This time, Yu Yulin and Lou Shuzhen, who presided over the killing of the tiger king, were regarded as the rationalists in the power. Together with the radical Tian Shi and others, the scum of the many drunken dreams of the dependent family members had long since disappeared. Tian Jia’s more than ten years The operation has not yet formed an intricate network of interests. After the killing, the internal excitement will be more effective, especially with the black flag, so that their private strength can grow a lot. However, due to the previous position, as long as I don’t immediately rip my face with Jurchen, there is still some room for change in the face of Jurchen.

"Last year, the hungry ghosts have been a big trouble. In the east, several states have ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Now it is no longer the case. As long as there is food, you can eat it. Moreover, it is necessary to pick up these iron cannons and pick a soft persimmon to train soldiers. But the most important thing is not this..."

Yu Yulin spoke, Lou Shuyu smiled and interjected: "Hundreds of wastes are waiting to be revived, where there is surplus grain, picking soft persimmons and training soldiers, and simply picking him up. Anyway, we are the good people of Jin Guozhen, and they are really good at chaos."

Yu Yulin also laughed: "The most important thing is not this. Wang Juyun, An Xifu and others, want to mess with Li Xizhi and stimulate the black flag."

Lou Shu stunned: "What is the big word, what about the gang?"

“The black flag is in Shandong, and there is a business.”

Lou Shuzhen’s gaze looked at Yulin, and his eyes were deep, but it was not doubt.

"Not only is the black flag... In the past, Ning Yi used the calculation to break Liangshan, borrowing the strength of several Zhuangzi in Dulonggang. Later, he also trained in Dulonggang, and had a relationship with two Zhuangzi on the post, Zhujiazhuang, etc. People have done things under him. After three years of Xiao Canghe, the black flag of Nanxun, although Li Xizhi accounted for Shandong, Hebei and other places, but the people are popular, many places, he can not take hard. Dulonggang, Liangshan and other places And it is in it..."

What Yu Yulin said, Lou Shuzhen is actually understanding. When Ning Yi broke the Liangshan Mountain and made friends with the popular Dulonggang, everyone was still not aware of it. As for Ning Yijun, many things are traced back to the past, and people are shocked to realize that Dulonggang is actually one of the origins of Ning Yi’s armed forces. How many things he left there, it is hard to say clearly.

The three-year war of Xiao Canghe was afraid of the Central Plains. Li Xizhi, who had attacked Xiao Canghe, had naturally used the soldiers in Dulonggang after mastering Shandong, but to be honest, it was extremely difficult. The two families of Dulonggang’s Zhu and Yu were forced to ruin Zhuangzi under the positive advancement of officers and men. After that, they wandered around the Liangshan Shuibo area, gathering and smashing into a shackle, which made Li Xizhi extremely embarrassed. Later he burned Dulonggang into white land and did not occupy it. That area has become a chaotic land of nowhere.

The outside world, now the power behind the monks in Dulonggang and Shuibo, is the deadly rival of the Black Flag Army - Nanwu. At the beginning, Ning Yijun Jun, many implicated, the Daru Wang Qisong family's son-in-law prince Zhou Junwu protection was able to survive, and Wang Jiayi's single-passed single seed Wang Shanyue was originally an official in Jiangnan, after the Junjun incident was protected by his wife San Sanniang , sheltered in Yujiazhuang. After the fall of the Central Plains, he did not forget to worry about the country, and always led the people and the Jurchen and the Daqi officers and men. Therefore, the plains here belonged to the resistance of Nanwu.

The power of the Southern Dynasties is not in the Central Plains. It is more likely to be tolerated. Li Xizhi’s several unsuccessful attempts have put aside his mind, and everyone will not raise it too much. It’s just that this year, the South has begun to move, so that speculation will only float again.

"Wang Juyun thinks that there are no black flags in the north now, of course there are some. Unlike the black flags in the courts and in the army, this stock in Shandong is probably the finest black flag of the female. If the inside of Li Xizhi is chaotic With Ning Yi’s savvy, it’s impossible not to come out and take advantage of it. If he wants to take advantage of it, he will have to bear the risk. In the future, when the Jurchen is going south, the first priority will be Shandong. At that time, he can’t rely on you and me, at least hope. We can spend more time."

"If the black flag does not move."

"The interests of Shandong and Hebei, I am equally divided, the Jurchen is going south, I can naturally hide back in the mountains, Shandong... I am not sure."

"...He has a heart and a Jurchen."

"The Han Chinese Jiangshan can be messed with you and me. Don't mess with Yi Di. Relieve the original words of Fu."

"...Wang Shangshu." Lou Shuzhen thought about it and laughed. Wang Shu, the Shangshu of the Yongle Uprising, was also seen when she was in Hangzhou. It was only young, and the memory of more than ten years ago was remembered at this moment. It has also been blurred, but it does not have a taste in my heart.

At that time, the innocent young woman’s heart was only fearful. Those who saw it in Hangzhou did not feel that it was a rude muddy leg. At this time, I saw the fall of the Central Plains, the overthrow of the heavens and the earth, the palm of my hand, and the fear of the threat of the Jurchen, when I suddenly felt that among those who first entered the city, there seemed to be a big place. hero. This hero is very different from the original hero.

"It’s like a great man." Yu Yulin said, then stood up and took two steps. "But at this time, this hero, you, me, the people in the church, the army, and the world are like It was being played by the man in the applause."

Lou Shuyu’s eyes were calm and he did not speak. Yu Yulin sighed: “Ning Yi’s still alive, when it’s already confirmed, it seems that last year’s chaos was also controlled by him. It’s funny that we played Death, which is related to the lives and deaths of millions of people, has become a marionette for others."

In Yu Yulin’s mouth, there is not much disappointment. Lou Shuyu’s thumb was lightly pressed in the palm of his hand: “Yu’s brother is also a great man in the world, why should he be arrogant, and the world’s hustle and bustle, all for the benefit. He is profitable, we have benefited, and that’s all.” She said this, Yu Yulin looked at her. Raised his head and whispered softly in his mouth: "In the middle of applause..." I didn't know what she thought of this, and there was a bitter and flattering look in her eyes, fleeting. The spring breeze blows the hair of this detached woman, and the front is the ever-extending green field.

"I saw the Lin Jiajiao of Daguangmingjia in the past few days, and agreed that they would continue to build temples and preach in this place. Soon, I also want to join the Great Lights." Yu Yulin’s gaze looked over, Lou Shuzhen looked at the front. The tone said calmly, "Da Guangming teaches the teachings, under the Mingzun, the ranks of the descendants of the descendants of the world, can control the high and low rudders of the great Guangming school, Daguangming can not be excessively involved in military and political affairs, but they can be from the poor We recruited our own soldiers. To the north of the Yellow River, we support them and help them to develop on the sites of Wang Juyun and Li Xizhi. They raise food from the south, and we can help them to care for and transport... Lin’s master has aspirations and has promised it. ""

She smiled and said: "After a short time, people will know that the king is also the **** of heaven and earth. It is the king of the world. You are also the **** of the heavens. You can still be the king of heaven. Choose your own."

Yu Yulin looked at her for a while: "The monk is also not good, you are careful."

"This is a world, I can't bear children, where I can hold a wolf. I can save it, or if he eats me, or if I eat him."

Yu Yulin no longer said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two stood one by one, and they all looked there for a long time. I don't know when, there is a low whisper in the air.

"...in the palm of your hand..."

"... sooner or later, I bite him a piece of meat..."

The two big men talked for a long time in the field outside, and when they were in the carriage, they all went back to the city, and the horizon had already set off a bright sunset. This sunset fell on the wall of Wasion. The crowds on the road are bustling, and there are many children on the side of the city gate. But compared with the land of the Central Plains at this time, after a decade of Taiping, the town has shown an unspeakable stability and calmness. Despair, you can always gather vitality and vitality in this corner.

"Shouting the soil side, Anmin in the four realms, the floor girl, these are losing you, you are very good." When Yu Lilin opened the curtain, Yu Yulin said this.

Lou Shuyu looked at the crowd outside, and his face was calm. Just like this for many years, from her face, she could not see too many vivid expressions.

There is no longer anyone who can share these with her...

(To be continued.)

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