Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 758: Spring and mud (below)

When the spring of the Central Plains came back, the forests in the southwest were already a colorful one. Pen, interest, pavilion www. Biquge. Info

The small Liangshan, where the seasons are like spring, the winter's past has not left people with a deep impression. Compared with the snow-covered mountains of the Xiao Canghe period and the barrenness of the northwest, the winter here is only a term of time, and there is no practical concept.

Naturally, there was a big celebration at the end of the year, and then I went to March without knowing it. The fields are filled with seedlings, and the morning light is in the eyes. The mountains and low mountains are lush trees and flowers. Apart from the roads, the mountains are like paradise on earth.

In the east of the city, the trees on the mountain have already been cut down. The terraces and roads have been excavated, and the houses have been built. In this year, it is also a delightful sight.

This is the residence of the insiders of the Black Flag.

He Wen got up early every day, and when he was not bright, he had to get up and exercise, then read a text, carefully prepare lessons, and until the day was bright, there were people walking on the road behind the house. The craftsmen inside the factory and the courtyard are basically mixed with the gentlemen of the school. From time to time, the voices, greetings and voices of greetings are also heard.

In the society of the Wu Dynasty, the class of the peasant and industrialists has actually begun to be fixed. The identity of the craftsman and the scholar is a far cry from the heavens. But from the bamboo to the Chinese military for more than ten years, the craftsmen of Ning Yi gradually exercised and gradually The formation of their own system, and later many have learned to read and write, and now there is not much separation between cultural people. Of course, this is also because the small society of the Huaxia Army pays equal attention to the joint efforts of all people and pays attention to the equality of work between people. At the same time, nature also intentionally or unintentionally weakens the role of scholars.

He Wen has some opinions about the latter, but there is nothing to say about it. His current identity is, on the one hand, a teacher, and on the other hand, a prisoner.

He Wen, a man who was originally a child of the great family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, was a Confucian man of both civil and military. A few years ago, he went to the Central Plains to try his best to make a contribution. Later, he would enter the Black Flag Army because of his fate. Young people also have some friendship. Last year, Ning Yi came back and cleaned up the inside and spies. He Wen was arrested for his contact with the outside world. However, after being captured, Ning Yi did not have too much trouble for him. He only left him in the mountains and taught Confucianism for half a year. And when the time is up, he will let him go.

He allowed Yun Wu to be arrogant and proud. Since there is an agreement, he will teach him here. In the classroom, he analyzed the vast expanse of Confucianism with a group of young students, and analyzed the problems that may arise in the Huaxia Army. At first, he was rejected by others, but now he has won the recognition of many disciples. This is his respected by his knowledge. In recent months, there have been black flag members who have come to argue with him. He Wen is not a rude. Confucianism in his 30s is profound and his heart is sharp. Every time he can Refuted the person.

The time of the recent departure is getting closer and closer.

He Wen is not skeptical about Ning Yi’s original promise. In addition to the time of the first half of the year, he has been in the black flag for three years. During the time of He Deng, he was respected by the audience. Later, he was found to be a spy. If he was not able to continue to attend classes, he would transfer to the mountains, but he did not suffer too much.

Zhuo Xiaofeng, who is responsible for defending the safety of Jishan County, is familiar with him. He founded the Yongle Youth League, a guy who is obsessed with equality and harmony. He often comes up with deviant ideas and debates with He Wen; A young man named Qin Shaoyu was originally the nephew of Qin Yuyuan. In the chaos where Qin Yuyuan was killed, Qin Shaoyu was seriously injured by Lin Zongwu. He was put on a wheelchair, He Wen admired the name Qin Qinyuan, and also admired the four books of the elderly. He often talks to him for a chat. Qin Shao Yu Confucianism is not deep, but many things about Qin Yuyuan are also told according to the facts, including the exchanges between the old man and Ning Yi, how he was under the influence of Ning Yi, from a former child Going to the present, these also make He Wen deeply aware.

Due to the predecessor of Junjun, there are not many Confucian disciples in the army. There are only a handful of Confucian scholars who are full of learning. But the high-level leaders of Black Flag can treat them as courtesy, including He Wen, and stay for a while. There are many precedents for letting go, so He Wen is not worried about the other hand.

In the three years of the Chinese military, he was very vigilant most of the time. He was about to leave now. Looking back, he suddenly felt that this place was contrasted with the outside world, like another world. There are many monotonous things in this world, and there are many chaos that are so confusing that people can't see clearly.

"Hemin", which is promoted by He Ding as the core, the most radical "Everyone is equal" promoted by the young people of the Yongle Department in the tyrants; the "logic" propaganda in the courtyard, the association of all young people's pursuits Mohist thinking; the "contractual spirit" of Jishan County propaganda, greed and laziness. It is the core of these chaos.

After all, Huaxia Army is a military group. It has developed for so many years. Its combat power is enough to shake the world, but the entire system is only over 200,000 people. It is in a difficult gap. It is still impossible to develop a systematic culture. Most of these cultures and sayings come from Ning Yi and his disciples. Many of them are still in the slogan or in the bud. The discussion of 100 people is not even a "study". Scholars like He Wen can see that Some of them are even contradictory, but Ning Yi’s approach is confusing and intriguing.

Relatively speaking, Huaxia Xingpu is responsible for such slogans, but it is more simple and mature.

Of course, these things make him think. But there are other things that bother him.

After the morning forging, the chicken was humming. Shortly after the **** was heard, the footsteps came from outside. Someone opened the fence door and came in. The window was a woman's figure. I walked through the small yard and then made a fire in the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

He Wen read the book loudly, and then prepared the course to be told today. When it was finished, when going out, the porridge rice for the breakfast was ready, and the woman wearing a coarse dress had already bowed.

The woman’s name is Lin Jingmei, which is one of his troubles.

In all fairness, even though the Huaxia Army has been killed from the **** sea, it does not mean that the military only advocates martial arts. Even in this year, even if it is weakened, the literati are ultimately admired. He Wen is 38 years old, and he is a man of both strengths and abilities. He is also a talented person. It is the best age for his knowledge and temperament. He was a black-flag army. He said that his wife and children were killed by Jurchens, and later in the black flag. The military is familiar with it, and naturally many women are enamoured. Lin Jingmei is one of them.

He Wen first entered the Black Flag Army. He felt a sense of generosity and sorrow. He joined the magic cave and had already lived and died. The girl named Lin Jingmei is 19 years old, a whole round smaller than him, but in this year, it is not a big deal. The other party is the daughter of the Chinese military martyrs. The appearance is weak and tough, but after watching him carefully, there is a group of brothers and fathers who promoted the waves. Although He Wen claimed to be heartbroken, it could not be done too long. He cooked for him, and in the eyes of outsiders, it was a couple who would soon be married.

In fact, after all, men’sism prevailed in this year, and He Wenxiang’s first appearance. Although he learned Wu, he always respected the kitchen. Lin Jingmei came to take care of him and really made him live a lot better. He did not have a direct bad guy's innocence, or he was still familiar with the black flag.

Who knows that half a year ago, He Wen was a spoiled news, and Lin Jingmei’s protectors may have got a warning and did not overdo it. Lin Jingmei was sad in her heart and disappeared for a while. Who knows that she transferred the mountain in the winter, and why come to the laundry and cook every day, but he does not communicate with him. People are not ruthless, and such an attitude makes He Wen even more troubled.

He had eaten breakfast, cleaned up the tableware, and went out to the Huaxia Military School, not far from the mountainside. The relatively high Confucian knowledge also needs a certain foundation. Therefore, He Wenjiao is not a child of enlightenment, but a 14-year-old boy. Ning Yi also paid considerable attention to Confucianism. Some of the children who had been arranged had also received his own lectures. Many people were active in thinking and occasionally asked questions in the classroom.

Today, there are a few more people. Among the young girls who came in from behind the class, there are Ning Yi’s eldest son, Ning Yu, who has seen him before. He knows that Ning Yi is mostly coming to Jishan County. It is.

This class is not very flat. He Wen’s course is about the book "Book of Rites: Li Yun", which combines Confucius and Laozi to talk about the concept of the world of Datong and the well-off society. This kind of content is hard to be discussed in the Huaxia Army. A few teenagers who came together with Ning Yu got up and asked questions. The problem was relatively superficial, but the enemy could not beat the stalker of the young man. He Wen sat there and argued one by one. Later, he talked about the strategy of the Huaxia Army. The chaos of the world that the Huaxia Army wanted to establish, and talked about it again, this class has been said to stop at noon, and then Ning Yu could not help but participate in the argument, so he was sung by He Wen.

It is also the Chinese military in the middle of the class, although the atmosphere of the class is active, can not help but ask questions, but respect for the teacher and the road has always been strict, otherwise He Wen and other sly guys will inevitably be swayed into a reactionary.

After the lecture, he went back to the yard, the food was a little cold, Lin Jingmei sat in the room waiting for him, it seems that the eyes are red, like crying. When He Wen entered the house, she got up and walked, and whispered: "You are talking about this afternoon."

He Wen sat down and waited until Lin Jingmei left the house before he stood up again: "These days, thanked Lin’s girl for taking care of it. I can’t help it, I can’t help it.”

Lin Jingmei quickly left, thinking of tears.

In the afternoon, He Wen went to the school, and arranged the texts as usual. He quietly prepared lessons. Around the time of the application, a girl with a knife on his face came to him and asked him to see Ning Yi. The girl's eyes are cold and her tone is not good. This is the seven Miss Su of the Su family. She and Lin Jingmei are girlfriends. He Wen has been met with her several times after she was arrested. Every time she does not get a good face, it is naturally human nature. .

He Wen followed the Miss Seven all the way, out of the school, down the road, to a market not far away. He Wen looked at the surrounding buildings and felt his emotions. On the way, he saw a small man shouting loudly and shouting a leaflet to the surrounding passers-by: "...people are equal in this world, and those big people have their hands and feet. You and I also have hands and feet, and there is nothing different between people and people..."

This is the person of the tyrants camp, and also one of Ning Yi’s wives, Liu Jiuhui. They inherit the legacy of Yongle’s department, and they are most concerned about equality. They also engage in “democratic voting” in the tyrants, and the requirements for equality are better than Ning Yi’s “Four Peoples” are still radical. They often publicize in the mountains, and once a day, even some merchants from outside the mountains will be affected. At night, they will look at them with curiosity. But for He Wen, these things are also the most confusing place for him. For example, Jishan’s commercial system pays attention to greed and pays attention to “profit-seeking and good-natured”. The museum also pays attention to wisdom and efficient laziness. It is necessary for people to separate three or six, etc., and the conflict of ideas is like this. In the future, the internal division will be split. For Ning Yi's brain pumping, he didn't think too much, but similar doubts were used to hang Ning Yi and other groups of children, but it was very easy.

In the past, He Wen was deeply puzzled and dissatisfied with these propaganda. At this time, he was slightly infatuated. The atmosphere of these "sexuality and heresy" was not available outside the mountains.

Shortly after walking here, he did not go to the lively place of the market. He Wen saw Ning Yi at the office of Huaxia Army. Guarding the relatively strict courtyard, you can see Ning Yu and his companions copying things down the next door. When He Wen came over, Ning Yi was sending away a Dali merchant, and then he asked him to sit down and give him a cup of tea. .

Most of the time, Ning Yi will meet with people with a smile. The last time he saw He Wen is the same. Even if he is a spy, Ning Yi is not martyrdom. But this time, the lame man can make the man who shakes the world a little serious, sitting in the opposite chair for a moment.

"In the morning, I met Jing Mei."

"Well," He Wen understands why Lin Jingmei is red-eyed at noon.

Ning Yi thought for a moment, sighed and thought before opening.

"Jing Mei's father, called Lin Nian, had a nickname more than ten years ago, called Wufeng Knife. At that time, I was still managing bamboo, and I had a relationship with the Secret Investigation Department. Some martial arts people came to kill me. Some came to rely on me. Lin Nian came over at that time, he is a hero, although the martial arts is high, never deceive, I remember when he first arrived, he was very hungry, Jingmei was more, she was sick and sick, hair There are also few, real yellow-haired hoes, and they are pitiful..."

Ning Yi’s voice was low, while he recalled, talking about the past: “The Jurchen came, and I took people out to help the government to defend the country. After the war, the whole army was defeated. I led people to kill the county and burn the grain. Master Lin Nianlin died on the road, killing the Jurchen with the light, and the only wish when he passed away, I hope we can take care of his daughter."

"And then." He Wen's eyes are calm and there are not many emotional fluctuations.

"I regard Jingmei as my daughter." Ning Yi looked at him. "You big her round, enough to be her father. When she liked you, I was against it, but she was soft inside, I think After all, you are a good person, everyone doesn't mind, then forget it. Later... the first time I found out your identity, it was the month before you started, I know it is already late."

He Wen picked the corner of his mouth: "I thought that Mr. Ning came to me, either let me go, or talk to me about the world, or because I had to humiliate your son in the school in the morning, you have to get back to the field. Come. I don’t think I want to tell me about these men and women."

He already had psychological construction and was not moved by the other party's words. Ning Yi did not care about his sentence. He sat down and leaned over his face. His hands rubbed a few times on his face: "The world is with everyone." I can talk. I just take a personal stand and hope that you can consider it, so that she will stay happy, so she will feel happy."

“Mr. Ning thinks this is more important?”

Ning Yi looked at him: "Is there anything more important than this?"

"I can't see hope, how can I stay?"

"Can you beat the Jurchen, is it hope?"

"I can't stand the scrutiny of learning, there is no hope."

He Wen was **** for tat, Ning Yi was silent for a moment, leaning on the back of the chair, nodded: "I understand, today, whether you are leaving or not, these are meant to talk to you."

He Wen laughed: "Mr. Ning is refreshing."

"Not that I am refreshing, I want to see how much you feel about Jingmei. You avoid it, there is still some."

He Wen was silent, and Ning Yi looked out the door: "What Mr. He wants to know is how to rule the world in the future. However, I would like to talk about the problems in your thoughts, Confucian ideas, many people. The problem in the idea."

"Mr. Ning has said a lot before." He Wen said, but there was no such deliberate unfriendlyness in the tone.

"...When I was a teenager, all kinds of thoughts were the same as ordinary people. I was smart when I was a child, and my mind was easy to use. People who use their brains must be very self-conscious, and I am very confident~www.wuxiaspot.com~How Sir, as many Confucian scholars do not say to save the world, I always feel that if I do things, they will be different from others. If others can't do it, I can do it. The simplest thing is if I am an official, naturally not. It will be a corrupt official. What does Mr. He think? Do you have this idea when you are young?"

He Wen looked at him: "Even today, He must not be a corrupt official."

Ning Yi smiled complicatedly: "Yeah, at that time, did you think that money is so important? Is power so important? The pain of poverty, the right path, really can't go? Until one day, I suddenly realized One thing, the corrupt officials, the bad guys, the guys who are incurable in the fly camp, they are also very smart, many of them are actually smarter than me... When I have a deep understanding of this, there is a problem, It has changed my life, and the whole world view in the three views I have said has begun to turn upside down."

Ning Yi looked at He Wen coldly: "Why did Mr. He fail?"

He Wen looked up: "Well?"

"Why is such a good person like He Wen a corrupt official? Why is such a great person like Qin Yuyuan failing? There are countless and countless outstanding figures in the world. What are the necessary reasons? Let them all become corrupt officials, so that they can not adhere to the original idea of ​​integrity. Mr. He, the idea of ​​killing and not being a corrupt official, do you think that only you? Or only me? The answer is actually everyone, almost everyone, They are not willing to do bad things, be corrupt officials, and in the middle, there are countless wise men. Then what they encounter must be more terrible and more reasonable than death."

"When I encounter something, will it slowly and inevitably fail? After this question... I started to really understand the world..."

Ning Yi sighed and looked up a bit more complicated.

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