Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 759: Untitled (on)

"...I will first imagine a cage for myself. We are upright, just, intelligent and selfless. What kind of situation will happen, it will inevitably fall..." In the room, Ning Yi spread his hand. "Someone took the knife on your neck." Up? We won't give in. Pen × Fun × Court www.biquge.info bad guys, we will not give in. Some people tell you that the world is bad, we will even slap back. But imagine you The relatives have to eat and drink, to take up...just a little bit cheaper, the old man must be a small official, the little nephew wants to run a small business, such a person, to survive, you want to eat the outside trotters today, and There are countless examples to tell you, in fact, there is nothing to reach for it, because it is actually very difficult to find it on top... Mr. He, your family is also from the big family, these things, I want to understand."

He Wen looked at him, Ning Yi smiled and said: "These dense relationships are more powerful than life and death, but can it really bring down an upright person? No!"

"There is still a road. If I really pursue integrity as my life, I can turn my backs with my relatives. I can suppress my desires. I can't make sense. I can also make progress. It is uncomfortable to be uncomfortable. Can't you? That may not be the case, Confucianism for thousands of years, can endure this kind of depressed Confucianism, abound, even if we are only facing such an enemy, people will regard this suffering as a sublime part. Seemingly difficult, practical There is still a narrow road to go, and the real difficulty is definitely more complicated than this..."

"So I continued to look at it, continue to perfect these ideas, and pursue a cycle of putting myself in. I can't escape it anyway. Until one day, I found one thing. This thing is an objective rule. At that time. I almost made this cycle. In this reason, even if I work hard again, I will inevitably be a corrupt official or a bad person..."

"What is the reason?" He Wen said.

Ning Yi’s expression is flat and partial: “All the changes in the world are the same.”

This sentence made He Wen silent for a long time: "How can I see it?"

"Because the world is made up of people." Ning Yi smiled and looked complicated. "You are an official, you can not go with your family, you can not accept bribes, you can not sell anyone's face. Then when you have to do something Who depends on you, you have to fight bad people, you have to do things for you, you have to be innovative, you have to endorse for you, the following must be strictly enforced, when the implementation is not smooth, you have to have a trustworthy assistant to punish them. It is complicated, but in fact, it is all kinds of strength, strength, and defeat power. The so-called evil injustice is always the good wish of the fools and fools, and the power of promotion is the essence. It is because the power of evil has won the positive and the victory is evil. Many people think that it is God's will, no, it must be something that has been done and gathered."

"This matter does not dare to agree." He Wendao, "The law of the officialdom, in addition to the party's common law, there are checks and balances."

"There is such a means in the emperor's surgery." Ning Yi nodded. "There are two schools and three factions on the side of the court, so that they can be jealous of each other. One party benefits, that is, one party is lost. But I have never seen a real honesty since ancient times. The royal family, the emperor may have no desire, but the royal family itself must be the biggest interest group, otherwise you think he can really play the applause among the factions?"

He Wen thought for a moment: "The gentleman group is not the party, the villain party is not group."

"There is also such a saying." Ning Yi smiled and smiled. "But this is a perfect state. The status quo is that the group and the party's gentleman will never beat the party and the group of villains. Why? Gentlemen gather, Because they have the same concept, the villain is party, because the interests are the same, the idea can be strange, and the gentlemen gathered today will stand on the opposite side tomorrow. The small people will always be together, form a group, cooperate with each other, and temper each other. Has Mr. He seen the assembly line? After half a year of running-in workers, the efficiency is more than ten times that of Wuhe. The military-military soldiers can defeat ten times unhealthy, and no blood is used here."

Ning Yi paused: "Jinghan eleven years east, I am in the right side of the government, to help the disaster relief. The landlords in the disaster area have been twisted into a rope, this is the generation of the world's forces accumulated over two hundred years, in order to contain them, how In this process, the landlords and merchants in other places used slogans and interests to introduce disaster areas. In the process, the right-hand government put pressure on many local officials. In the end, the landlords on both sides made a fortune, but originally The large-scale land annexation that occurred has been curbed to a smaller scale... This is more power, no power, and the slogan is no longer meaningful. If you are higher than others, you will take more, you will have more strength. If you have less, you will lose more and the world will be fair and just."

"If the right-hand government itself does not have the power, even this combination of vertical and horizontal can not be done at all. But this kind of thing, tell the gentleman how to say it? In the mouth of the government, shouting disaster, actually took the money The people who follow the government are actually earning money. We call people to the disaster area and say that it is a disaster relief. In fact, it is selling food. It is higher than the price that is usually sold. What should we do? Is this a good thing? If you want to take advantage of the floating in the sea, the dead, the resentful person, have to add another series."

Ning Yi puts his hands together: "Only when the positive power does overwhelm the evil power, the evil is invincible, it will appear. The party is the same, and this is the essence of all changes. If you want to do things, you must satisfy you. The people of your hand, in the end, your strength is getting bigger and bigger, you defeat the bad guys, your needs, you can't give it. After that, with all kinds of temptations, you can't refuse the relatives, you can't help but walk After retreating, I finally retired. I just became a corrupt official and a bad person. Of course, after a long period of observation and improvement, in this process, I saw various kinds of defects, and saw some essential There is no denying thing..."

"So Mr. Ning is called a demons?"

"So I asked your disciples. Why can't anyone like Mr. He get out of the Confucian circle? Is such a good person only one in the world? He Wen, Qin Yuyuan, Li Pin, Yan Zunian, Zuo Duanyou..." Yi smiled. "Frankly, I am arrogant and threatened to be anti-Confucian. There are many young people here who are full of contempt for Confucianism. The better you perform, the more you can explain to them that they are facing How big is the problem. For thousands of years, the problems that all kinds of outstanding people have to walk in can be solved with a arrogant heart. It is really a joke... I hope they can be humble."

"Humble..." He Wen laughed. "Mr. Ning knows these problems for thousands of years. Why is he so arrogant? I feel that if I completely overthrow, I can build a new shelf. You can know the consequences."

"The sun is very good, Mr. He, go out and go." The afternoon sun came in from outside the house. Ning Yi spread his hand. When He Wen got up and went out, he said, "I don't know if I am right or not. But I know that the Confucian road is wrong, and this has to be changed."

When the two men walked out of the door, they saw Ning, Yu, and other people looking up at the corridor not far away. Both of them have martial arts. Naturally, they know that they will be eavesdropping outside the house. They were dismissed by He Wen in the morning. In the afternoon, they wanted to hear how Ning Yi got back to the scene. Ning Yi took a picture. Take Ning's head: "Go back and record what Mr. He said in the morning." Send them back.

He Wen saw the child go in, and he said: "Confucianism may have problems, but what is wrong with the road, Mr. Ning is ridiculous."

The two said, while leaving the house and walking outside the streets and fields, Ning Yi said: "Mr. He said the gift of luck in the book of the morning, said Confucius and Laozi, and said the world of Datong. Mr. He Do you think that Confucius and Laozi are saints or great men?"

"The Holy Master is naturally a saint."

"I think it should be a great man." Ning Yi smiled and shook his head.

"Then I have to ask, what is a saint, what a great man."

"Sage, the people of heaven, the words and the law, the teacher of the world, and us are two levels of existence. What they say is the truth, it must be correct. And the great man, the world is in a difficult position, unyielding To seek a way out of wisdom, and to make a great contribution to the development of this world, is a great man. Mr. He, do you really believe that they are essentially different from us?" Ning Yi finished, shook his head, "I I don't think there are any gods and saints. They are just two ordinary people, but they have no doubt made great explorations."

These things are very unsatisfactory for He Wen. I wanted to sarcastically say, "How can you be sure?" Finally, I just shook my head. Ning Yi has already spoken again: "The Confucius, Laozi, lived in the Warring States Period, the Spring and Autumn Period, when people Only from the original state of obscurity, people began to meet, thoughts began to collide, and the world was in chaos. In that era, the wheels were still not well made, the text just got out of the oracle bones, and began to use the wood slips. Against this chaos, all People are beginning to look for a road, there are hundreds of schools of thought, and the survival of the fittest. As for the Zhou Dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, and the ancient world of the past, there are no written records, people are in troubled times, and they dream of everything in the past. Really good, Of course it’s hard to say..."

"In the process of finding a way, Laozi and Confucius are naturally the best. There is no text before this. Even the legends of the past are not true. Everyone is watching the world. Laozi’s ethics is five thousand words. Today, Mr. He is I also liked it in class. I also like it very much. 'After losing the road and then virtue, losing morality and then benevolent, losing the benevolence and then righteousness, and then losing the righteousness. After the ceremony, the loyalty of the thin and chaotic head. 'Mr. He can see Out, the most respected social status of Laozi, or the state of the human being, is in line with the avenue, and cannot conform to the avenue. Therefore, seeking for the virtues, losing the virtues, and losing the righteousness, the righteousness is gone, can only be sought Ceremony, when asked for courtesy, the world is going to be chaotic. The ceremony at that time is actually equivalent to our current law. Li is a matter of doing things. Righteousness is something you identify with yourself, Mr. He, so rough, can you ?"

He Wen thinks: "I can also speak."

"The greatest contribution of Laozi is that he explained what is a perfect society in a society with almost no cultural foundation. The road is abolished, there are benevolence and justice; wisdom comes out, there is great falsehood; the six parents are not harmonious, there is filial piety; the country is faint, There are loyal ministers. With the loss of the Tao and the virtues, these can also echo each other. Lao Tzu said that the world is getting worse. He said the level of the world, morality and benevolence. At that time, people would like to believe that in ancient times, people’s lives were in harmony. Avenue, carefree, of course, we don’t argue with Laozi..."

Ning Yi smiled and said: "From the Tao, the way to the last day is good, but the sage's way is not to fight. Morality is five thousand words, all of which are the basic laws of the world. It says the perfect state. Also said the state of each level, as long as we arrived at the road, then everything will be fine. However, how to arrive? If there is an ancient world, people's lives are in line with the road, then of course, they All the behaviors will be within the scope of the avenue. How can they damage the avenue and seek for the virtues? When the three kings ruled, the world avenues gradually went away, so they had to go out of wisdom, and the avenues went, why Will go, the avenue is falling from the sky? Climb up, then go again?"

"It doesn't mean anything to say. I am very great. He saw perfection and told the basic principles of the world, so he is a great man. And to Confucius, he found a more refined standard, and the initial method, he told The world, we must regain the Zhou ritual, the monarch must have the appearance of a prince, the prince must have the appearance of a minister, the father must have a father, the son must have a child, as long as it is done, the world runs smoothly, he respects the truth, tells People have to report their complaints directly, and to report to Germany, he is always learning from the road. In the end, from the year to the 70th, he will do whatever he wants.

"The teacher at the time told you to do this. I also said the basic reason. Why do you want to do this? Because it fits the avenue. But if you can't, it's your problem... Confucius didn't reach his ideal ambition in his life. We can only think that he is seventy years old, maybe he is already open-minded, and he is also a great great man."

A group of people crossed the field and walked over to the river. They saw the water flowing through the Taotao River. The market in the distance and the waterwheels and workshops in the distance were all heard by the world.

"This is also your personal inference from Mr. Ning."

"Yeah, it's just my personal inference, Mr. He can refer to it." Ning Yi did not care about his response, but he turned his head. "I am not guilty, and the world where Laozi and Confucius are, has been out of justice and then ritual." How do you reverse the ritual to the righteousness? Everyone thinks of various methods, and even quits the 100 unique Confucianism. A narrow road comes out. It combines a number of directors and can operate politically. The monarch and the minister are the father and son. This is very useful. Confucius said this sentence, it is necessary for each person to have a different look. The state says this, the minister wants to be like a minister, and the child wants to be like a child. This can be supervised by people. Look, who will supervise? The upper level has more room to move, the lower level, we have the slogan and program to control it. This is the saint's words, you don't understand, it doesn't matter, but we teach you according to the words of saints. You can do it as you like."

"I will paint the perfect state as well, and I have to face the fact that the society has actually sought rituals. Every Confucian scholar after Confucius and Mencius wants to educate the world, and has to face the fact that the power of education cannot be universalized. Reality, reality must pass, you can't just take advantage of it to float in the sea, then... you don't understand why you should do this. You just have to do it. The generation of Confucian progress has set the next level of ordinary people. There are all kinds of rules and regulations, and the rules are getting finer and finer. Is it not progress in the end? According to the expediency, it seems to be the same."

Ning Yi smiled and shook his head: "And until now, before the death of Lao Qin, he wrote four books. According to his experience in the society, he found a more detailed law. According to the rationality of this time, he clearly explained the various needs and needs. The details of optimization. These reasons are precious. It can make society better, but it is faced with the status quo that most people can't make clear. What should we do? Let them do it first, Mr. He, The more development of Confucianism, the stricter management and requirements of the lower level will be more and more strict. Before the death of the old Qin, he said that he would lead the way and become more rational. He made the truth clear, and you feel the same, so that you can naturally approach the heavens. However, if you don't know clearly, you will only become a godless person, and you will not be able to take it for granted.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with it." He Wendao.

"But this process is actually the blood of the castration."

"There are more and more scholars, and there will be more and more people who are clear-minded." He Wendao, "If you let go of the strength of the ordinary people, there will be no rules and regulations, and the private desire will be rampant. It will be chaotic, the Xuzhou figure of Confucianism, is it not the right way?"

"Nature is an idea." The two walked along the river bank, Ning Yi smiled. "I have been thinking about one thing more than a thousand years ago, Laozi and Confucius and Mencius, that is, the spiritual world of man must reach perfection. There is actually no big connection with the material, and even the material will have an impact on the perfection of human beings. In the two thousand years, Confucianism and Buddhism in the process of repairing the people ultimately pursued the desire to abandon the material, how the society works, and the ultimate goal. It is nothing more than a spiritual harmony, so later, Confucianism abandoned the singularity and skill, and was afraid of selfishness. But... Mr. He, do you have any desires?"

"My realm is not enough."

"I also have, old Qin also has." Ning Yi said, "The wisdom of truly facing selfish desires is not to kill it, but to face it and even to control it. Mr. He, I am a person who can be extremely extravagant and enjoyable. But I can also be indifferent to it, because I know how my **** is working, I can use rationality to control it. In business to be greedy, it can promote economic development, can promote the emergence of many new inventions, lazy The mind can let us constantly seek the efficiency and methods at work. If we want to buy a good thing, we can make us strive for progress. We like a beautiful woman, which can make us become a good person. We are afraid of death and can also make us understand life. The weight of a person who is truly wise, to transcend selfish desires, to control selfish desires, and not to kill selfish desires."

"This is also the highest state of Confucianism."

"But the road is wrong." Ning Yi shook his head and looked at the town in front: "At the bottom of the whole society, suppressing selfish desires and stressing strict rituals, the suppression of greed and innovation will naturally become more and more powerful. A country is established, we enter This system has to be partyized and private, and the accumulation of people has led to the emergence of a family of big families. In any case, to curb and constantly check and balance, this process is still irreversible, because the process of containment is actually the process of cultivating new interest groups. In the years of the year, there are more and more contradictions, and the power of the family is becoming more and more solid. The castration of the bottom is getting more and more. The country is dying, and the next cycle, the researchers of Confucianism draw on the previous experience, the family of the family again. Once upon a time, do you think that progress will be a way to break up the family, or to smash the people at the bottom to suppress the grievances?"

"I think it is the latter." Ning Yi said, "The wheel of Confucianism has been irreversibly rolled in this direction. We are looking for a way, of course, we must be sure that it will eventually reach the perfect result, if you are expedient, In the end, the expediency was taken as the purpose, and what else to play. Moreover, there are objective laws in the world between heaven and earth. My hot air balloon is already in the sky, and the iron cannon is out. These laws, you don’t develop, after a few hundred years, naturally The foreigners are desperately developing, driving the instruments that are enough to fly, and pushing the cannons that can open the landslides to knock on your door."

"Since Mr. Ning has made it, how can people throw it away after another day?"

"Because Confucianism seeks harmony and stability, the object is never harmonious and stable. If you want to be lazy, you want to make progress, and materialism can promote its development. I am dead, you will definitely marry it."

Ning Yi stood on the river bank to watch the boat, watching the bustle in the town, his hands on his waist: "Gnomish, because I can't see its future, but, Mr. He, talk about the future of my fantasy. I hope that in the future, these people in front of us will know the basic laws of the world's operations. They can read, understand, and ultimately become gentlemen and be responsible for their future..."

"As you said, what have the smart people been doing for more than a thousand years?" He Wen sarcastically said.

"We used to talk about the gentleman group and not the party." The wind on the river blew over, and Ning Yi was slightly biased. "When the old Qin died, there were many crimes. Many of them were true. At least the party must be private." At that time, there were a lot of people who were eating under the right-hand house. Lao Qin tried to make the interests of the people go on the road, but I wanted to be clean. How could it be? I also had a lot of people’s blood in my hand. We try our best to be emotional, but if it is purely a gentleman, then nothing can be done. You may feel that we have done a good thing, the people support us, actually not, the people are just a little bit of a bad thing. The people who will kill each other will be killed by the old Qin. If they are from a purely good person's standard, they will be straightforward and have no desire for selfishness. The means are bright and straightforward - he is really guilty."

"Mr. Ning actually blames the people?"

"I don't blame the people, but I analyze them as objective laws." Ning Yi said, "The ancient system has always been like this: there are a few upper-level people trying to solve the imminent social problems, and some have solved them. Some people who want to solve it can't succeed. In this process, other problems that have not been the main concern of the upper level have been solidifying and accumulating negative causes. The country is constantly cycling, and the negative causes are increasing. You enter the system and can't do anything about it. The person under your head wants to eat, to buy clothes, to be a little better, and a little better, your interest group may be able to solve some minor problems, but in general, it will still be in the growth of negative causes. The process of formation and solidification of interest groups is itself a process of accumulation of contradictions."

"In this process, small interest groups must maintain their own livelihoods. Large interest groups must compete with other interest groups. To the emperor or prime minister, some have ambitions to try to resolve these solidified interest groups. The most effective is to seek In a new system, this is a change of law. There are very few successful people. Even if they succeed, the reformers often die without a place of burial. The power of each generation, the people of insight, want to work hard to solidify. Interest groups break up, but they never rival the speed at which the other party solidifies for the benefit."

"The kind of people of insight like Mr. He is probably fantasizing that one day, Confucianism has developed enough people with knowledge, so break this cycle. However, as long as the rules of change are unchanged and you want to change, you must If you accumulate another interest group, then this cycle will never end."

"If you think of this as a mathematical calculation, I think, can you introduce another factor that has never been introduced before, so that they can naturally resolve the negative causes of society, and this can only fall on these ordinary people." Ning Yi smiled. Laugh, "Of course you have to read first."

"Mr. Ning's establishment of these papermaking workshops, the research of the objects, is indeed a feat of the ages. If you can really read the books in the world, it is a feat of the saints. However, I cannot understand."

"I can make an analogy, Mr. He will understand." Ning Yi pointed to a row of drain trucks in the distance. "For example, those papermaking workshops, Mr. He is very familiar."

He Wen nodded: "These things are remembered in the heart every day. If you can, hate can't be carried in the bag."

“Paper has a lot of pollution. Has Mr. He ever seen the drains of papermaking workshops? We cut a few mountains of wood and paper, the drains have been smeared, the water can’t be drunk, and sometimes there will be death. Fish.” Ning Yi looked at He Wen. “One day, there was a papermaking workshop everywhere in the river. Even the whole world, there were papermaking workshops. All the water was polluted and the fish were dead everywhere. People drink water and start to get sick..."

"Hey will be like this!" He Wen sighed low.

"You just want me to make an analogy." Ning Yi smiled. "One day, its pollution is so big, but these factories are the lifeblood of this country. People come to protest, you are a government official, how to explain to the people problem?"

He Wen frowned and thought for a long time: "Be honest and tell the truth, explain the reason..."

"Then your boss will marry you, and even deal with you! The people are simple. As long as they know the reasons for these factories, they will immediately start to pressure these factories and demand immediate shutdown. The state has begun to prepare for treatment. The solution, but it takes time. If you confess, the people will immediately start to hate these factories. Then, if you don’t deal with the tricks of these factories for the time being, it will naturally become a sinister cave of corrupt officials. If one day someone even drinks water and dies, It is imminent for people to go to the streets and change. When the last one is out of control, you are guilty."

"...that can only be bullied."

"Yeah, we know that the people are so simple, we will tell it, the dead are for other reasons, the water pollution is not serious, the court is already dealing with it, everyone has to share the difficulties. Then the court forced these lifelines Rectification, let these factories get out of speed before the public blame. We certainly know that telling the truth is a good thing, but in the face of such people, telling the truth can only make the results out of control, specifically who is wrong But unless you recognize such a rule, how can you find the possibility of change?"

Ning Yi looked at the waterwheels: "It’s like this. I saw the pollution of the papermaking workshop earlier. I stood up and told people that such a plant would have a big deal in the future. At this time, the papermaking workshop is already a benefit to the country. The big thing, we don't allow any speech that says it's bad. We told the masses that this guy is the bad guy sent by Jin Guo and wants to mess up. The people once heard that I am a bad person, of course, first knock down me, as far as I say There will be no reason in the future, no one will pay attention to it. If I say that these factories will have problems, because I invented a relatively better papermaking method, I want to make a profit. The public sees me for the sake of Money, of course, will start to attack me again... These are the objective attributes of ordinary people."

"In the face of such objective attributes, like the evil people, if one day, our squadron's servant did something wrong, and accidentally died. You and I are the little shackles in the shackles. If we immediately confess, our servitude If there is a problem, what will happen? If possible, we will first discredit the dead person and hope that things will pass. Because we understand the people’s heart, if they see a problem with the servitude, they may feel that the whole problem is There are problems. The process of knowing things is not specific, but chaotic, not sensible, but esoteric... At this stage, they have little meaning for the country."

"But if one day, they progress, how?" Ning Yi's eyes softened: "If our people begin to understand logic and reason, they know that the world is best to be moderate, they can talk about things, analyze things without being deceived. When we face such a people, some people say that this paper mill will have problems in the future. We will discredit him, but even if he is a bad person, this person said, is the problem of the paper mill possible? At that time, we will still Trying to use black people to solve the problem? If the people do not feel that all the servants are bad guys because of a servant, and they are not deceived, even if we say that the person who died has problems, they will also pay attention to the issue of servitude. Then, will we still bring the issue of servitude to the deceased in the first place?"

"The imperial court will appear to be perfunctory. It is like how Laozi said how to be perfect, but down to the individual, we are just ordinary people, dealing with dozens of things every day, the boss has to ask, the court can not ask The problem, then, the principle of dealing with the problem of the public of Tuen Mun will be the simplest and most affordable way to do it. It is not easy to change the phenomenon. If the people begin to become sensible, the cost of perfunctory will continue. Increase, this time, because people are not extreme, they will choose to confess. The rational people will become a cushion to absorb the negative causes, and feed back the court to actively resolve the interests of the society. This process is the so-called civil independence. It is also the true meaning of the gentleman group and not the party."

"To achieve this, of course, it is not easy. You said that I blame the people, I just expect that they can understand what kind of society they are in one day, and all the changes are the same. The old Qin is an interest group, those who are solidified. The landlord and Cai Jing are also interest groups. If there is any difference, Cai Jing and these people take 90% of the benefits and give 10% to the people. Lao Qin may take 80% of the money. Twenty percent, people want a good person who gives them 100% benefit, then there is only one way to achieve it."

"We first look at the one who gave us 20%, support him, let him replace 10%, we take 10% more. Then maybe we are willing to give us 25 percent ~www .wuxiaspot.com~ We support it, replace the former, and then there may be willing to give us 30% of the appearance, and so on. In the process, there will be only 20% willing to give us Come back, deceive people, people are obliged to see it and resist it. The world can only change in the transformation of individual interest groups. If we want a 100% good person at the beginning, then we are wrong in the world. Law, all choices, right and wrong can only follow, and these choices are meaningless."

"In this process, involving a lot of professional knowledge, the public may one day understand, but it is absolutely impossible to understand everything by one's own strength. At this time, he needs a trusted professional, refer to their statement These professionals, they can know that they are doing important things, they can be proud of their knowledge, for the sake of truth, they can live their lives, even face power and die, so they can get The trust of the people. This is called the cultural self-esteem system."

"People can understand, society can have cultural self-esteem, and both can form the core of democracy. The society can reciprocate and no longer run out." Ning Yi looked to He Wen: "This is also why I am not bothered by you." the reason."

"...I am afraid that you can't reach it." He Wen looked at the moment and said calmly.

"Then read the book first." Ning Yi smiled, "Try again."

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