Zhui Xu

: Untitled (below)

The river flows through the river, along the simple embankment, near the embankment and the fields, there are also houses and small threshing fields. During the inter-planting period, there are pedestrians passing by the road leading to the market. Occasionally look over here. Ning Yi led He Wen and walked over to the small courtyard on the bank of the river.

"...to promote the development of the object by business and war, and to make the world begin to study with the progress of productivity. This is the first step that must be taken. The end of this road is to hope that the people can grasp the truth and logic. To make up for the lack of top-down innovation, so that bottom-up supervision can digest the cohesive and negative causes of the constant benefits of this society. Of course, there is a lot of way to go."

Ning Yi smiled and said: "My wife Liu watermelon, very much advocating the concept of returning power to the individual, she tried to make the people of the tyrants can rely on self-selection and rational voting to control their own destiny, of course, so long Everything can still be said to be in the bud, the people in the battalion camp are convinced by her, as she toss, but this choice can make people get good results, she has no confidence, and the result may be the opposite I don't admire the voting autonomy at this stage, and often argue with her. She can't say it, she will hit me... Of course she can't beat me, but it's not good, it affects... family harmony."

Ning Yi’s words are humorous, and He Wen also smiles. He has been in Black Flag for three years and naturally understands what kind of skills Liu Tao has in the tyrants.

"The key point that enables people to make the right choice is not to read, not even to know. Even if one can reverse all the knowledge in the world, he is not necessarily a person who can choose the right one. The key to correct choice lies in logic. Confucianism...or all the learning is in the early stages of development, because it is impossible to explain everything to everyone, and more is to form a convention. You have to be a good person, you have to talk about morality. The sorcerer, the loyalty of the thin and chaotic heads, good people, morality, this is ritual or righteousness..."

Ning Yi said, He Wen’s face has sunk: “Mr. Ning, you are too deviant! Morality is the foundation of human beings. If there is no morality, how different people and animals are! You are saying this...”

"Why should people be different from animals?" Ning Yi gave him a look. "I want to be a beast today, not a bad person. Will heaven be thundered and swearing at me! Why should you be a good person, why should you have morality? You say It’s a matter of righteousness, then you can’t really ask!? This is the last question that leads to logic! If morality is really righteous, then there is life, and why do you have to learn to teach, why do you have to ask for it!”

He Wen was gloomy and his brows were close. He stopped at the same place: "That is... I want to ask Mr. Ning!" He came to the Black Flag Army and knew that it was almost impossible to persuade Ning Yi with the help of his tongue. And three years of getting along, for Ning Yi, he also has a bit of admiration, at this time not willing to resist. As Ning Yi said, Confucianism is so powerful that after all, there is a problem, so no matter how he describes the greatness of Confucianism, he can't touch the core of the other side. He Wen knows that he wants to go, he understands what Ning Yi thinks and thinks, and then he does not think it is warm. However, Ning Yi’s phrase "Why is it a good person, why is morality?" is the bottom line that really touches him. At this time, it also became tough.

Ning Yi turned around and stood there, one word at a time: "Being a good person, talking about morality, the ultimate goal is to do so, to protect the long-term interests of all people without breaking the cycle of interests."

He Wen was silent for a moment, and smiled coldly: "There is only interest in this world."

"Since Mr. He is jealous of his interests, he may wish to replace it with needs. People are living in the world, demand is not only money, but also the stability of the soul and the realization of self-worth. Since the ancient people formed the society, the cooperation began, the essence of cooperation lies in Satisfy the various needs of human beings. There is a short-term and long-term demand. In order to make the cooperation between people and people last for a long time, you believe that the saints have summed up the various laws that need to be followed when people get along with each other. In the middle, people gradually become more acquainted with the rules that we need to abide by, and we call it morality."

"In the past, Confucianism can't be read by anyone. There is no way to explain this reason to this step. Therefore, these things are not necessary to discuss and only need to be observed. For thousands of years, people really feel that these do not need to be discussed. But the problem that arises is that if one day, I don't want to be a good person, I don't talk about morality, do you have to punish me? I will even get short-term, more benefits, slowly, I feel righteousness Morality is illusory."

After Ning Yi finished this, he turned and walked forward: "The morality of the past, many people in the church, to be good people. OK, now that good people are righteous, ordinary people see a little 'bad', they will immediately deny everything. As I said, the two interest groups are facing each other. They say that the other side is bad, the other side wants money, and the ordinary people can make the best choices in the middle. The papermaking workshop is polluted, one person says, pollution There will be big problems. We say that this person is a bad person. If the bad guys say something, it is naturally bad. You don’t have to think about it. As I said before, ordinary people who have mistakenly reached this level in the basic understanding of the world, The right and wrong of his choice is actually a matter of course."

"When we can start asking this question and let the relationship between morality and good people be tied to each other, then of course they can make more correct choices. Under the current conditions, the interests of society can be transferred. Longer and longer, it is a better choice. At least they will not be confused by those who are not.

The words said that the two entered the courtyard on the bank of the river. He Wen knows that this courtyard belongs to the industry of the Jishan Chamber of Commerce. It is only in the future. After entering, it is also an ordinary three-in-one yard. Several staff members of the account room are walking outside. There seems to be a conference room in the yard. Work room.

Ning Yi pointed to the conference room: "There have been several discussions here, which are about the game principle in the market development. A big concept of the game principle is that in a market composed of countless people, when everyone can When considering the industry itself, the average value that everyone gets is the highest. So in society, when everyone in a society tries to abide by ethics, everyone can get the most benefits. Later, we hope that it can be proved by mathematical methods, which is enough to become a foundational theory of society."

Ning Yi said this, He Wen has not been able to understand clearly, but he also shook his head: "But the development of society is often not the optimal system, but the sub-optimal system, and can only be used as a descriptive theory for the time being. Say, it's not easy to do, Mr. He, go inside..." He sounded like talking to himself, and he didn't seem to want to understand He Wen.

Passing through the atrium, entering the innermost yard, the afternoon sun is quietly falling down, the courtyard is quiet, no one, Ning Yi opens the middle house, the bookshelves are in the room, the three tables in the middle are together, a few manuscript papers With stone suppression on the table, there are some pens and inks on the side, which seems to be an office place.

"When you sit down, there are not many people coming from this place. I came back last fall. Every time I come to the mountains, I will call some young people who have trusted and minded people here, let them think about them, and then write some tests. The title..."

Ning Yi pointed to the manuscript paper on the table, and He Wen took it up and looked at it.

"As I said, I don't trust the people's current choices, because they don't understand logic, then they promote logic. The Confucian gentleman's way, the democracy we are talking about now, is ultimately for people to be independent, all the knowledge is actually In the end, the glory of humanity is the greatest. My wife Liu watermelon thinks that in the end, the people can take the initiative to choose the emperor they want, or the emperor, and it is indifferent to choose the prime minister they want. It's all details. But the most important thing is how to achieve it."

"That's the exam." Ning Yi raised his hand. "What you have in your hand is a passport to citizens... its waste and prototype. We have asked these questions to be relatively complicated and dialectical. And can relatively accurately point out the law of social operation. I will not say here that shouting slogans are good people, so simple good people, we do not need him to participate in the operation of the country, what we need is to understand the complex laws of the world's operations, And can not be discouraged, not extreme, in the title, seeking the middle of the people ... of course, impossible to achieve at first."

He Wen flipped the manuscript paper and saw the description of "pollution". Ning Yi turned and walked to the door and looked at the light outside: "If you can beat the Jurchen, the world can be stabilized, we build many factories and satisfy people. The need, let them read, and finally let them start voting. It doesn't matter what kind of things you participate in. Before you vote, you must take the exam, the exam questions... Let's go to the complicated topic, you can't answer it, there is no referendum. right."

He looked at He Wen: "This test can be discussed, it can be copied. You can put the questions out in the year before the test and let them talk. So the first batch of people, as long as If you write numbers, you can have the power of citizens, make a sound to the country, and then change these topics according to the development of society every five to ten years, so that everyone in the society can understand the complexity of these topics, try to To understand the basic model of the country's operations, let it go deep into the classroom of every school, infiltrate every aspect of every culture and become the foundation of a country."

"Then, these topics need to be tempered, hundreds of millions of discussions and refinements, and they need to condense all the wisdom and culture."

He Wen tightened the manuscript papers, looked up and gnashed his teeth: "These questions will make all the people speak for their interests, and will make all morals and rituals unbalanced, which will become the cause of the disaster!"

"Yeah, of course it will be chaotic." Ning Yi nodded. "The Confucian society has rooted in the law of reason and has already penetrated into the hearts of everyone. However, the true Datong society must be based on reason and law. If people say that they are short-sighted, then they will be out of control, but if these questions are in the long-term, the core of it will be the law! 'Simin' 'Equality' 'Gems' 'contracts', their commonalities are based on reason, every minute, can be clearly analyzed, Mr. He, defeating the rationality of each person's heart, is me The real purpose."

"There will be a lot of chaos in the world, and there will be chaos in the world..." He Wen said, "Well, why are you..."

"Of course it will be chaotic." Ning Yi nodded again. "If I fail, it is nothing more than a country that will be replaced by one or two hundred years. What is regrettable. However, the longing for the people's autonomy will be engraved into the hearts of everyone, Confucianism. Castration can no longer be complete. They will always burn like a fire of stars, and people want to be independent, only based on reason, success fails, I will fall to the starting point of change. Just leave the science of learning This change will not be a castle in the air."

"Every generation in the past, we must say that change is from top to bottom. From the top down, it must be the same as the party. Only the interests themselves are attached to everybody, so that they can defend them effectively and effectively. The rights of each individual, the so-called gentlemen and the party, will only really emerge. By the time you are an official, you will do things, they will lend you strength, they will become part of your correct claim, lend power to You, in defending your own interests, will not pursue excessive returns. All of this will only happen if the people’s sensible base reaches a certain level or above."

He took a breath: "He Wen, you can see the complexity and confusion in the middle. Of course, it is good. However, is the road of Confucian really going to go? Going out of this mountain, what you see will be a Confucius said that it is straightforward to complain, saying that the monarch and the minister are the father and son. He criticizes the son and the cow. He said that everyone understands the truth and makes sense. The world will become better. When the productivity is not enough, it is expedient. For almost two thousand years, the property will promote productivity and give a possibility that it will no longer be expedient. It is time to come back."

"My students are very good at practical study, but they are still not enough in deeper learning. These questions, they don't think well. One day, if you defeat the Jurchen, I can call the world's great Confucian scholars. Come to participate in the discussion and issue, but you can also do it first. There are already some Confucian students in the Huaxia Army who are doing this, most of them are in peace, but it is certainly not enough. In the ten years and twenty years of refining, I asked for ten questions. If you want to make a difference, you can stay and ask questions. If you can't figure it out, but you still want to stay for Jingmei, you can do whatever you can to argue and oppose them, and all these people will be defended."

"If neither of these possibilities are possible." Ning Yi paused. "That will go home, I wish you a way to find Confucianism."

He Wen took the manuscript paper and shook it in the air. His eyes were severe. Ning Yi smiled and said: "Before you leave, I want to know what medicine I sell in my gourd. I sincerely tell you, think about it. If you want to confess me, welcome you." He said, someone has indicated at the door and asked him to go to the next meeting. "I still have something to do. I will go first. If possible... well to Jingmei ""

Ning Yi left here, and members of the Huaxia Army are waiting for He Wen outside the room. The afternoon sun shines through the door and the window ribs. The dust dances in the light. He sits on the stool in the room and looks at the rough and sloppy topics. Due to the complexity of Ning Yi’s requirements, these questions are often sloppy and often sloppy. There are various traces of alterations, and some texts have been written in the manuscript paper:

"...from the basic concepts of geophysics and the observation of the world and society in which human beings live, we can understand the basic rule: in the society where human beings live, all conscious and influential changes are made up of each of these societies. Under the guidance of this basic rule, in order to seek fairness and justice that human society can actually achieve and seek together, we believe that life has the following reasonable and legal rights: First, the right to survive ......"

This thing seems to be handwritten, the words are scribbled, or perhaps because these things look like nonsense, the person who wrote it did not continue to write down. He Wen has seen him and other rulings probably, and his mind is messy. These things obviously cause great disasters. He puts down the manuscript paper and even thinks that Confucianism may really be destroyed by it... ...

Going out of the courtyard and going back to school, he picked up things and didn't plan to continue teaching at school. When I was holding my book back home this evening~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Someone threw it out from the side and punched him in the face. He Wenwuyi was strong and strong, and the spirit was embarrassing at this time, only slightly blocked, the whole person Was knocked to the ground.

Looked down, high order was yesterday, and it was difficult to pass 60,000. thank you all.

Dt> angry banana says /dt>

Historically, we must face a problem. When you finally come up with a system for the first half of the book, some people say that you write so many questions, and finally you have to answer, how do you answer the questions, here is the answer. Regarding the system, the second is the second. This is something a book must have.

Beyond the story: The government and the people are mutually restrained and can promote each other. However, if they really want to promote each other, the quality of the people must reach a certain level or above. Many people think that we are now at a high point in this society. The whole people have studied, and the highest is like this. Actually not.

The study of the whole people is the state that has only been realized in the past few decades. At the time of the May Fourth Movement, there were also enlightenment, vernacular, simplified words... The whole process and exploration did not continue to go deep. For three thousand years of Confucian culture, the exploration of knowledge popularization has not been carried out for two hundred years. It is said that the quality of people is now, I don’t believe it.

This is the only new road we have not gone through. In the next two hundred years, this may be the only chance for us to break.

The things I wrote were not deep. Some people said that I knew that bananas, what kind of connotation you have, you are not a philosopher. I am not, what I am doing is this: I will smash all the esoteric things and write them even if there is no knowledge base. If someone says that he knows everything I said, but not I don’t believe that I know why I am doing this.

These thoughts may be delayed. If you are really interested, you can go to see some famous works, monographs, or simply brains that are really related to philosophy. It is also a good thing.

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