Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 769: Roar (medium)

The books are well-received, the case is a few ancient, and there are birds singing in the shade. Qinfu Shuzhai Shensitang, there is no gorgeous carvings of fangs, no rich gold and silverware to play, but inside is a place where great thoughts are spent. The shade is like a canopy, the light that comes in is comfortable and does not hurt the eyes, even in this way. In the summer, when the breeze bursts, the temperature in the room gives a pleasant feeling.

After noon, three or five friends gathered here, and they talked about the cool breeze, the ice drink, the cakes, and talked about it. Although there is no extravagance for outside enjoyment, it is also a well-known gentleman's style.

However, what is ringing here at this time is enough to influence the situation in the whole world.

Although the matter against the black flag has not yet been determined, and before the whole strategy is implemented, Qin Yu also has a heart in the dark, but such a major event cannot be done by one person. After coming out of the Imperial City, Qin Lan invited several large-scale members who had come very close to the government to discuss the matter. Of course, it was said that they were close, but in fact they were small groups involved in the interests of each other. There were some ideas on weekdays. Qin Lan has also been mentioned and discussed with the people. Close people such as Zhang Wei and Wu Chuangchen are the confidants. Even if they are a little farther away like Liu Yizhi, the gentlemen are different and recognize each other. There are some differences in knowing, and there is no way to go outside and talk.

This black pot from Liu Yu was thrown to the head of Wu Dynasty. The black flag is a big worry, and the remarks that cannot be removed early are not the subject of the outside world, but they will not become mainstream until after all. Waiting until the ordinary and steady Qin Biao suddenly showed support, and even secretly revealed that this strategy has been presented. All the talents understand that this is the other party has chosen the direction. For a time, some people have raised questions, and Qin Yu explained it one by one.

"...Since the 14th year of Jinghan, the Jurchen has been in a big situation, and the situation is embarrassing. I waited for him to take care of him, causing the black flag to sit on the big ball. The great rebellion of the monarch can not be annihilated in ten years, but in private, many It is a shame and shame for people to be privately given to me and to be a minister. Of course, if these are just the reasons, I will not say it when the soldiers are in danger. However, since the court’s Nankang, I have two big problems inside the Wu Dynasty. If I can't sort them out, the disasters that are hard to come by sooner or later may be more than the foreign enemies..."

Qin Lan said something, walked through the crowd, and added sugar to the bowl of Liu Yizhi and others. On these occasions, the next person has already avoided it. However, Qin Qin has always been a corporal of Li Xian, and it is quite natural to do these things. The words in the mouth are not. stop.

"One of the internal problems is the friction between the southern and the northerners. In recent years, more or less people have been rushing for this. I will not say more. The second is the self. The image of the martial arts chaos that began when the Jurchen went south, has been out of control, and everyone is clear."

When Qin Lan said this, most of the people in the room started to look up: "The Prince of the Crown is behind the support, and the city’s Xiaomin also clap their hands and say it is fast..."

"In the areas of Fujian and Zhejiang, the military law is greater than the national law."

"Last year, when Waiting was sent to the Wuwei Army, it was almost hit back by people..."

"The Wuwei army is eating empty, fish and vegetables, but it is getting worse..."

"What about the Wuwei Army!"

In this voice, Qin Yu waved his hand: "After the Jurchen is south, the army is sitting big, and there is a reason. I am arguing with the country, fearing that there are military chaos, and deciding the strategy of the army to control the army, but over time, The ministers who sent out did not understand the military strategy, and ruined the chaos! The murders in the army were frequent, and there was no warfare. In the face of these powerful enemies of Jurchen, they finally clashed. After the imperial court moved south, this system was changed. It’s a matter of course, but everything has to be done, and over the years, it’s overkill and what good!”

"In the past few years, the war was the general trend of the world. At the beginning, the 17th division of the Wuchaofang army was cut to thirteen, and the five new troops, such as the reciting and Zhenhai, were lost. The Central Plains was lost and the army expanded to 2.7 million. These troops took advantage of the power to rise up their powers and make a fortune in various places, and then refused to accept the ceremonies of the ministers. However, what happened to them was the right to monopolize power, eat empty space, and deduct the underlying grain. Can it be reduced?" Qin Hao shook his head. "I don't think so." ”

"The army has too many rules, it can't be beaten, there is no rules, and it can't be beaten. And, without the rules of the army, I am afraid that there are more ills than the rules of the army! Over the years, the closer to the southwestern army, the black The more the flag is dealt, the privately bought iron cannons, the firearms, the black flag, the retrograde of Junjun!"

Qin Lan’s voice was so sharp that it took a moment to calm down the expression of anger: “Even if you don’t talk about this big festival, just seek utilitarianism. If you can really revitalize my Wu Dynasty, buy it and buy it. Can you buy and sell is really just buying and selling? Dali People think this way too. The black flag is both hard and soft. The mouth says that it is just doing business. At first, the Dali people can put on a gesture of the black flag. It is now, but even this gesture is gone. The interests are deep. You can't do it. You know, there is a battle with the black flag sooner or later, these trades continue to do, and in the future these generals can still work on the black flag? When they want to protect themselves, I am afraid they can do anything. !"

Qin Hao paused: "We have these troops in the Wu Dynasty, one of them, the mind is not thoughtful, ten years of sitting, the court orders they still listen? Also do not make any discounts as before? You know, now willing to give The adults who support them and are blinded by them are also many. Secondly, apart from the several armies in the hands of the Highness who are fed with real gold and silver, the other forces may be difficult to say. I am waiting for the food of the king. The country is worried. And these things can be attributed to one."

He raised a finger.

"Playing the black flag can completely unify their thoughts. By the way, the black flag will draw the line once and no longer. - Don't drag and drop! Otherwise, after the Jurchen, I am afraid that I will be black flagged inside the Wu Dynasty. Secondly, training. These military forces are difficult to say, but there are many people. Near the black flag, the Nigers in the wilderness can also fight for it. Dali can also fight for it. Once it is played, it will be dragged to the north. Otherwise, if you are dragged to the Jurchen now, I am afraid I will repeat the fiasco of the original !梁!"

After Qin Lan said, sitting in silence for a moment, Zhang Wei said: "The Jurchen is coming south, is it a rush to fight the war?"

"Zi Gong, I am blunt, and the battle with Jurchen, if it is really fighting, not three or five years can be decided." Qin Hao sighed, "Jurni is big, the combat power is not comparable to my Wu Dynasty, recite Even if the army such as Zhenhai can play a little, it is extremely difficult to win now. But I have visited the generals in the past few years. The situation in Jiangnan is different from that in the Central Plains. The Jurchen has the world from horseback, the most cavalry, and the Central Plains, a horse, The Jurchens can also come and go. But the Jiangnan waterway is vertical and horizontal, and even if the Jurchen is here, it is greatly hindered. When the ancestors ravaged Jiangnan, they eventually had to withdraw their troops. On the way, they were even trapped by Huang Shizhong in Huang Tiandang. Ship, so I think that the biggest advantage of this war in Wu Dynasty lies in the heritage."

He looked around: "Since the South Court of the court, although I lost the Central Plains in the Wu Dynasty, I can succumb to the finest efforts, the destiny, the economy, and the farming affairs. When I was sitting in the Central Plains, I still turned several times. Jurchen, the black flag is a southwestern corner of the country. It is surrounded by barren hills. It is lightly taken by the people. The traders are safe and secure. If you really cut off the business road around it, even if the battlefield is difficult to win, how long can it last? As for the Jurchen, In the past few years, the old people have gone, and the young have learned to enjoy themselves. Wu Hao bought a stroke, and the emperor alternated soon. Zong Fuzong wanted to make a tribute to Heng Jiang and wanted to win Jiangnan... even if the war was bad, a drag The word is 诀, enough."

"I am waiting for the road to be done, extremely difficult." Qin sighed, "It is easy to say, but it can be called all the way, I am afraid that it has been beaten up. But other than that, I have a hard time thinking, no more. Other outlets are feasible. In the early years, the authors of Chen Wuren’s powers were arbitrarily arguing, and I was too arguing. I remember that Zheng Zhong (Wu Chuangchen) once again scorned me for last year’s affairs. The source is old with me. Although he has a big rebellion like Ning Liheng, he has tarnished the name behind him, but in all fairness, many of his old people’s words are indeed insightful, and the words are so beautiful, they actually don’t work. It is useless. I have been using the means of doing business for many years. Only at this moment, it is most effective to propose the fight against the black flag and to eliminate the military affairs. Even if it is the Royal Highness, the Royal Princess, you may also be willing to do so, so I The Wu Dynasty goes up and down, and the big things can be awkward."

There are many big moves in the court, but there are not many. In the meantime, the Qing dynasty fought with the strength of the princes and the princesses, or with the people like Yue Fei. Qin Hao had never participated in it, but he was actually quite awkward. Everyone couldn't think of it. He endured today and finally threw his own calculations. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but praise him. He lamented that Qin Gong had to bear the burden of humiliation, and it was really the pinnacle of the sea and the mainstay. Also talking about Qin Yuyuan - on the official field, for Qin Yuyuan, in fact, the positive evaluation is still quite a lot. At this time, it is also incomprehensible that Qin Hao is the one who truly inherited the Qin Yiyuan robes, and even has been in the literati. ...

In the admiration, everyone can not help but feel the huge responsibility to press over, this bow does not turn back. The breath of the rain is coming near everyone's eyes.


The soldiers are in danger, this is a big pilgrimage, each faction has the idea of ​​various factions, and countless people are also running because of anxiety, because of responsibility, because of fame and fortune. The Princess of the Long Princess finally realized that the long-term princess whose southwestern regime was no longer a friend began to prepare for a counterattack, at least to make people wary. The "black flag worry theory" in the world does not necessarily have the shadow of the woman who has been eager to confess - she once worshipped the man in the southwest, and as a result, she became more and more aware of and feared the terrible enemy. The more so, the more you can't be silent.

Just before the preparation of the black flag for the cause of the smashing of the **** case, the expedited information from the north brought the black flag intelligence leader to face Ali, and rescued the people and officials. This propaganda work was interrupted by this, and the inner feelings of the leaders were difficult to be known by outsiders.

Corresponding to Lin'an, Jiangning, the city that Kang Wang Zhou Yi originally started, is now another core of the Wu Dynasty. And this core, around the still-looking Prince, now, with the support of the Princesses and the Emperor, gathered a group of young, young and powerful, and is working hard to shine.

After returning to Lin'an to meet his father and sister, Jun Wu rushed back to Jiangning. In the past few years, Junwu has spent a lot of effort to support several military materials and armaments. The most eye-catching ones are Yue Fei’s reciting army, now guarding Xiangyang, and Han Shizhong’s town navy, now watching The Huainan defense line. Zhou Wei is a weak and timid person. After all, the most trusted person in his life is his son. It is the first striker to let his brethren look at it.

In a war, when both sides are prepared, from the initial indication of the intention to the advancement of the three armed forces, and then to the army assembly, the more thousands of miles of soldiers will meet, the middle of each other months or even half a year is possible - of course, the most The main reason is that Wu Hao bought a stroke and other major events in front of him. Only after the warnings of the people are concerned, can people have so much time to buffer.

Even though it has received a great resource in this court, it is not enough to master the art of all parties and to unite all the minds of the officials. So in the initial period of time, he did not stay in the capital and the former dissident officials, but immediately returned to Jiangning, gathered all the people available, and made a plan for the entire defense strategy. Strive to maximize the efficiency of work at hand.

Since Liu Yu’s will, the black flag has helped, the Central Plains have been making various reactions in succession, and the first gathering point of this information is Jiangning on the south bank of the Yangtze River. With the support of Zhou Wei, Jun Wu has the right to deal with these news for the first time. As long as there is little disagreement with the court, Zhou Wei is naturally more willing to stand for this son.

Just like Lin'an, in Jiangning, in the interior of the Prince's House, even Yue Fei, Wen Man, who has had an old population with Ning Liheng, there are also discussions and cautions against the black flag. Even the more I understand the character of Ning Liheng, the more I can understand his ruthlessness in acting. When I learned the change of the first time, Yue Fei’s letter to Jun Wu suggested that “the southwest must be As a real strong enemy, the flag army regards "the world is not arguing." For this reason, Jun Wu has specially held a meeting inside the Prince's House to clarify this matter.

In the past, because the Prince and Ning Yi had an old relationship, and because the southwestern monarchy was not in the same league as the Wu Dynasty, everyone talked about the world, always emphasizing that the chess players are not in the gold, Qi, and Wu, or even It is believed that pseudo-Qi is a bit of a head, but this time, the black flag is clearly emphasized as the identity of "chessers" and "opponents."

Once this is clear, the intention of the black flag to catch Liu Yu and call the Central Plains anyway can be seen more clearly. Indeed, this is the last chance for everyone to win. The black flag does not work. The Central Plains is completely attributed to Jurchen. The Wu Dynasty would like to have any chance. I am afraid it will be more difficult.

After experiencing a few discussions in the Prince's House, Yue Fei also rushed to arrive. His time was not plentiful. After meeting with all parties, he had to go back to the town to prepare for the battle. On the afternoon of this day, after the meeting, Jun Wu left Yue Fei, Wen Man, and Cheng Zhouhai on behalf of Zhou Pei. At the beginning, the old team of Right Xiangfu was actually the most trusted person in Junwu’s heart.

"I have chatted with you for a few days. I have a whimsical idea. I don't really want to say it, so I want to close the door and let a few people refer to me."

Over the years, Jun Wu’s thoughts have been relatively radical, and he has always been the backing of power in power. However, most of the thinking is not mature enough, at least not to the point of the old tyrannical giants. In many strategies, most of them rely on the behind-the-scenes for their reference. But this time his thoughts are not like those that others have come up with.

"Wu Yu bought a stroke, Zong Fu Zong sang south, Zong Han must keep up, this battle has a bearing on the overall situation. Huaxia Army caught Liu Yu's hand to play beautifully, no matter how verbally it sounds, after all, let us do it. Unprepared, they accounted for the biggest cheap. I went back to Beijing this time, the emperor is very angry, I also think, we can not be so passively by the southwest ... ... China military in the southwest these years are not good ~ www.wuxiaspot .com~ For the sake of money, they said, they sell everything, and even with Dali, they can even go out for the money to watch the nursing home and annihilate the cottage..."

After sitting at the desk, Jun Wu gently tapped the table: "I have a hatred of the martial arts in the south and the southwest. I don't have to wear the sky. Naturally, I can't relate to it. But in the past few days, I think the situation in the Central Plains is different. After Liu Yu’s blood book went south, there were many reports of sincerity received in the dark. So, is it possible to do this... Well, Xuzhou Li Anmao is in charge of my Wu Dynasty, willing to go anyway, can let him not anyway... Xuzhou is a heavy town, the first to bear the brunt, even if it can be kept for a long time, it is unknowable, it is tasteless, and it is impossible to abandon..."

He smiled slightly: "We gave him a sum of money, let him ask the Huaxia Army to send troops, and see how the Chinese army can pick it up."

"We Wudai is a country, we can't just throw the black pot over them, we throw it back." Jun Wu said, considering the problems, "Of course, there are many details to consider at this time, I Wu Dynasty can definitely not come out in this matter, so where the big money comes from, or whether the goal of Xuzhou is too big, the Chinese army is afraid to pick up what to do, whether it can choose another place...but I think that the Jurchen must also hate the Chinese army. If there is a Chinese army on the way down the south, they will definitely not let go... Well, this matter has to consider whether Li Anmao and others are really worth entrusting, of course. These are all my moments of thought, maybe there are many problems..."

In the martial arts of the monarch, the eyes of other people in the room have already lit up. Cheng Zhouhai first opened: "Maybe can do..."

"Ah?" Jun Wu looked up.

It’s like a long time chasing a young man behind a certain figure and handing over his answer to the other party...

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