Zhui Xu

: Voice (below)

The flames burned, and the shadows of the fierce dancing were shaken on the walls of the cave. The hunting knife fluttered in the air, and the cave was a dance of strength and fierceness. o

The man who danced in the fire was tall, his bare-chested upper body muscles, his brave contours and all over the scars, highlighting the man's bravery and record. In the mountains, he has hunted countless of the fiercest prey, and the hunting knife has killed hundreds of brave enemies. This is the most prominent leader of the southwestern Nike. One.

The knife dances, his body is like a tiger leopard hunting for food. He also maintains a huge tension in the violent drinking and the knife. The fire is burning in the body against his powerful body. On the side of the cave, a thin old man in black is kneeling there and watching this knife dance.

Occasionally, the old man spoke, and Lang Ge also responded. The language of the Niger is difficult and difficult for outsiders to understand, but at this time, we know that their meaning is probably like this.

"It’s ominous to fight with outsiders, do you really think about it?"

"The outsiders are outsiders, the mountains are ours, my brother wants, everything can be!"

"what is the benefit?"

"In the past two years, several people in Dongshan had contacted outsiders and got a thunderbolt."

"We also have it."

"We have to take it from outsiders, not much, but also to look at people's faces! And, most of them are not good for us. Otherwise, why did you kill yourself last year?"

"Hey, they said they didn't learn."

"Dashan is ours. When outsiders come here, they will become masters. I will get them back. The scholars from the mountains told me that the people who came here a few years ago killed the Han emperor and were all the world. Hunting, hiding in this mountain, calling us to go, and, they go to the mountains to buy the road, our tribe is in the west, get the least, and then go on like this, it depends on the face..."

"The people who come over, there are still some gifts."

"That is that they are afraid of us! In short, I have already decided. I didn't have those outsiders. I have swallowed Dongshan in the past few years. It is not too late. People outside the mountain are willing to give us help. Laojiao, they will send troops to fight." Come in. As long as you can kill those black flags and take the head of the Han Chinese surnamed Ning, the people outside the mountain have promised me..."


"... At the time, my brother is the king of the South Millionian! This iron cannon, how much I want! This thing Lian Niang also supports me, you don't have to say -"

The knife smashed through the most violent record, and Lang’s figure slowly stopped in the fire. He threw his stout hair in his head and went to the skinny old man, laughing and patted each other's shoulders.

At the entrance to the cave, a woman with a rich and beautiful body greeted her. This is Lange’s wife, Water Loiza, in the Lushan Ministry, Lange Wuyong, his wife is smart, and has always assisted her husband to grow the whole tribe. He also called his wife a lotus girl. In this mountain, the couple are both ambitious and ambitious, and now it is the most prosperous moment of the year. Together, the entire strategy of the tribe was agreed.

Leaving the cave, between the lush forests below, a cluster of fires stretched out into the distance. The powerful Lushan Ministry is ready to send troops.


Time has passed until June. Bligh County, in the morning, in the military camp auditorium, Luoye took the platform in front.

This is a farewell ceremony. More than two hundred members of the Huaxia Army who are sitting in danger are leaving here.

It’s a good gathering.

Luoye looked around everyone.

"You have come here for four years, and for three years, I know most of you. The Chinese military talks about the people's livelihood and civil rights. When this war is about to come over, you have to leave here for your family. We don't Do block, but... as usual, you are a little embarrassed."

"You are not the first member of the Huaxia Army. When we meet for the first time, we may still be enemies. The Xiao Cang River fights and stirs us together. After coming to the southwest, many people are homesick. In the past, they sneaked. Later, we said After clearing up, it’s good to get together. Over the years, at least 10,000 people have gone back to the Central Plains, but the Central Plains is not a good place now. Liu Yu, Jurchen and Hua Xiajun are hateful, so once you know your part Experience, what will happen, you are clear. In the past few years, in the Central Plains, many people who have been to the Southwest have been arrested like this..."

"The situation of Huaxia Army, you can say, it doesn't matter, what kind of ideas do we have, how do we train our troops, and what kind of discipline we have, we can say that our Huaxia Army has nothing to see outside! But it does not mean that you said, People have let go of you... The information sent back by Zhu Ji, it’s miserable to get these things."

"So there is no other, only one, hiding yourself, or having this condition, with your parents and brothers going south, you can come to the southwest, feel that the southwest is not safe, you can go to Wuchao. Find a safe one." Place, live this life. Of course, I hope that you can bring your family and brother back together, want to defeat the Jurchen, save this world, it is very difficult, without you, it will be even more difficult..."

He said this, and someone shouted out: "We will be back!"

Then someone compounded, and Luoye nodded. "Of course, if you come back too late, or you can't come back, the credit of defeating Jurchen is mine..."

The farewell in the auditorium is not grand. In the Chinese army of Bly, there are many people in the Central Plains who have compiled the battle of Xiao Canghe. Many of them are still in conflict with the people who left. When I first came to the southwest, most of these people were still captive. For a period of time, I was afraid that the sneaking away would not only be the tens of thousands of people in Luoye’s mouth. Later, the ideological work followed, and the number of people who went was gradually reduced. of. Recently, the situation in the world has tightened. After all, there are still family members still in the Central Plains. They have not been able to pick them up in the past. They are homesick and sentimental. They have already made such requests, but they are already elite soldiers in the Chinese army. They have approved a part of these days. There are a lot of things in it, and today is the moment to start.

In fact, most of the people who were first promoted as strong men were the people of the Central Plains. They lived in poverty on weekdays and there were not many things they saw. After coming to the southwest, the military camp life of Huaxia Army is not like the universities of later generations. Meetings, training, listening to classes, listening to stories, discussing, watching movies, these things have never been seen in the past. Relatively speaking, they will communicate, and they will think to a certain extent. There are a group of brothers, and these difficulties are difficult to be easily cut off.

A group of people either crying or encouraging each other, Luoye sent more than 200 people to the mountain pass outside the county, watching the figure disappear completely, but there is a person from the mountainside down here, he fixed his eyes, the past salute: "teacher ""

"This is a group to go today." Ning Yi came over to salute, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes." Luoye said, "I should all come back, and even if I can't come back for a while, I think they will sprout like seeds, and there will be surprises in the future."

"There will be surprises." Ning Yi smiled. "It will go in the past."

"The first thing to escape is, after all, there is no feeling."

"There is fear." Ning Yi waved his hand and greeted him to go up the mountain. "The national civil rights, the people and the people, the wisdom of the Chinese army. The idea of ​​the Chinese army is very beautiful. I don't know much. Today, I can understand, I can play." How many can you believe in your heart?"

"..." Luoye stunned.

"In the past few years, even if there is a record of Xiao Canghe, our territory has not been able to expand. The surrounding ethnic groups are on the one hand. I am afraid that it will expand too much. It is one aspect of turbid water. But in the end, we What can be brought to others? Theism is beautiful, not linked to the interests of people, it is nonsense, can't live a good life, why go with you, smash the good days of others, but also kill you with a knife... However, the situation It’s almost different.”


"If the Central Plains fights, it will be a pot of porridge. Even if you only spend a month in the Huaxia Army, run back, survive, the Jurchens will come over, you will think of the Huaxia Army, the slogan does not understand, you can use it first, Since you want to use it, you have to think about it. When you start thinking about it, it is not far from accepting it... Can we go forward, not how good we are - folk wisdom? Nationality? People's livelihood? Civil rights? What is it? Things - in the failure of the Wu Dynasty."

Luoye’s eyes lit up: “The Wuyi Army is going to surround Xiaoliangshan, and the Lushan Department is already ready to move. The teacher decided to fight. When will he go, Luoye is willing to be a pioneer.”

"Don't be a small family, the Wu Dynasty did more failures, and it was not necessary to prove by defeating the Wu Dynasty. A few days ago, Xuzhou Li Anmao's people arrived at He Deng and made a request, hoping that we would send troops to defend Xuzhou."

"Xuzhou?" Luoye frowned. "It’s too far, and how do they want us to send troops, this East-West..."

"It's a bit whimsical." Ning Yi smiled. "Xuzhou's four battles, the Jurchen is south, the first portal, separated from us, how to think about it should be based on the Wu Dynasty. But Li Anmao's messenger said that because the Wu Dynasty does not Reliable, in order to survive in Xuzhou, the Chinese army was forced to go out of the mountain. Although Xuzhou changed hands several times, but the inventory of various ordnance is quite rich, many local families are willing to pay, so the price of opening is quite high. Hey, being Jurchen When I scraped back and forth a few times, I could still bring out so many things. The ability of these people to hide private money is really amazing."

"The teacher is thinking... take this one?"

Ning Yi looked at the mountains: "There have been many people who have left the Huaxia Army in the past few years. They went back to the Central Plains and Jiangnan. They have been arrested and survived. The surviving seeds are all. Xuzhou is a bait, but we have considered this bait. It may not be impossible to eat. The initial consideration is to let General Liu Chengzong bring about 8,000 people to the east. On this road, he may not be able to bring too much and be dangerous, but he still has to play beautifully. I suggest that you bring an elite with the team. Mission, you are a fire, if you get a point, the fire of the stars, you can poke the original."

Luoye nodded. In the past few years, the Chinese military has not been able to expand in the southwest, and it has its objective reasons. Talking about China, talking about the nation, and talking about the people's independence can not be of much significance to the outside world. The original composition of the Huaxia Army, Wurui Camp is a fine soldier who fought with the Jinren. The **** nature of Xia Cun was only provoked by the First World War. The Qingmu Village lived in death and had to die for survival. Later, the Central Plains people were not happy, and the Northwest was also a life-filled charcoal. Now I am willing to listen to these slogans, and even finally began to want to write things, and the two hundred thousand people who are slightly different from the previous ones are basically accepting these ideas in desperation. As for whether they are strong or ideas, I am afraid it is still debatable.

After entering the southwest, it is necessary to publicize the people's livelihood and other things to the outside world. The efficiency is not high. The power that people can bring to themselves after the war can only be felt when they have to fight. Even after three years of **** blood from Xiao Canghe, the strength of the Huaxia Army can only be trapped inside, and it is impossible to actually infect the outside world, that is, how can it be to attack several towns? I am afraid that it will only make people hate the Huaxia Army, or in turn will erode the Huaxia Army.

From the southwest to Xuzhou, thousands of miles away, there may be difficulties like this on the way, but if it is done well, it may be a cluster of fires, and in the near future, it will be the best of the world. As for the big battle between the southwest and the Wu Dynasty, the effect will be much smaller.

I don’t know what happened to the Central Plains...

Luoye thought, his fists had been pinched silently.

In the Central Plains, the hot wind of the whistling wind rolled up the dust of the sky, and a group of people walked on the land. Far away, the huge pillar of smoke rose.

The walking figures stretched and crowded in our vision. Men, women, old people, children, skinny, rickety figures gradually crowded into the tide, and some people fell down from time to time, drowning in the tide.

Hungry ghosts, these rickety lives seem to unconsciously rush in one direction.

Yan Liang, once the most prosperous city in the world, is the target in front of them.

The sound of the war has sounded, and on the plains, the Jurchens began to line up. Ali, who was stationed in the squatting squad, gathered in the army of his majesty. After the 30,000-plus Han Chinese troops were swallowed up, they intercepted the situation. After seeing the "army" in front of the army, they silently exhaled. A long breath.

"Mother's ... the Tibetan Bodhisattva..."

After a lifetime of killing, the veteran, who is over 60 years old and has a lot of lives, actually believes in Buddha.

This may be the "army" he has never seen before.

Since the spring began to wreak havoc, this summer, the team of hungry ghosts spread around. The average person still can't think of the decision of these people. However, under the leadership of Wang Shitong, the hungry ghosts attacked the city. Everywhere, they snatched everything and burned everything. The original food stored in the warehouse was plundered. The city was ignited, and the rice planted in the ground was also destroyed.

Originally lost everything, people who are hungry have ruined the hopes of others, and everything in the house has been destroyed, and residents along the way have to join. This army has no rules and needs revenge. Although it kills, no one will compensate for anything. Undead people joined the team. When they passed through the next town, they had to join in as much as they could not control the entire destruction. At least, let them fill their stomachs.

The number of hungry ghosts soon surpassed the tolerance of the surrounding towns. It swept and swallowed like a flying scorpion. The more people there are, the more hungry the stomach is, the more hungry the stomach is, the more devastating it is. The food is already in this team. The one that appears in the middle of the team will be quickly converted into nutrients before it decays. When people are hungry, do they have to persist for a few months before they become beasts? The correct answer is not based on the month...

After a few months of accumulation, Wang Shitong finally led the crowd and rushed to the beam.

Women are really elite, but they are not comparable to the army.

The hungry ghosts were crowded and the Ali shavings also led the cavalry to the front.

At the forefront, although there are not many Jinbing, it is called the heavy ride of the "Iron Buddhism".

The tall horses were burdened with heavy iron armor and rushed toward the crowded sea. The hungry ghosts in front of them were scared back, and the people behind them crowded up. When the two tides collided together, the stalk-like body of the hungry ghosts was directly smashed and smashed, and the **** suffocation spread. The cavalry was like a meat grinder.

Every impact, every knife, can really hit or kill the enemy in front of you. In the battle, the hungry ghosts rushed up with a meaningless crying. The first hour, the female real soldiers smashed the dead. Killing these Han Chinese hungry people without formation, but the hungry ghosts are endless, still flowing like the tide of the sea. The soldiers of the Iron Float were crushed to the ground by the human body. They got up and continued to fight. More people came up. People took stones and beat the armor. Some of the armor was opened, and the skinny hungry ghosts rushed. Come up, use your mouth to tear open the other's flesh and eat it...

More places, or one-sided killings, people who have lost their senses and choices in hunger are constantly coming. The war lasted for an afternoon. The forward of the hungry ghost was killed. The whole body was squashed and the blood flowed into the river. However, the Jurchen army did not cheer, and many of them took the knife and began to tremble. There is fear in the middle, and exhaustion is exhausted.

As the oldest group of Jurchen generals, Ali shaved and even followed A-Bao to participate in the battle of the guardian Dagang. At that time, the 20,000-hundred-hundred-thousand-hundred-thousand-thousand-strong army was a pride that the Jurchens could hardly forget. Today, everything is different. After eight thousand elites killed nearly 60,000 people, more than a thousand people were consumed in the meatballs. Others had no victory.

On the battlefield, the **** sea, and the hungry people who broke their feet, were crying. More hungry ghosts are still gathering.

That night, Ali scraped back to the squatting beam, relying on the strong city to defend, the hungry people swarm through the hustle and bustle of the city, as if in the glory of the land, raging in all directions...



This moment, the quietest place in the whole world.

The climate on the plateau is uncomfortable, but it has been adapted for many years.

Among the big accounts, Guo Pharmacist took the barbecue and watched the news from the Central Plains.

The situation is chaotic, and the game of all parties is full of blood and anger. A big battle is about to break out, which often reminds him of the rise of the golden man more than ten years ago, the decline of the Liao Kingdom, when he was shocked to be brilliant ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ want to take advantage of the world to make a Amazing career.

He was the first to challenge the female real Han Chinese, and almost defeated the Yan Yan Zongwang, known as the Jurchen Army God, on the frontal battlefield.

All of this came quickly and quickly, Zhang Linghui and Liu Yichen’s betrayal, Wu’s incompetence made him have to rely on Jurchen, and then Xia Cun’s battle, it completely broke the expectations of his achievements in the Jin Jun. . After he killed Zhang Linghui and Liu Yichen, he led the army to the west and tried to recuperate and start from scratch.

The decade of the wall has broken, and if this is true, the ten-year period has passed.

Kim and Wu are about to fight, and the bloodless people of the Central Plains will take this last chance to participate in it. If they go out of the mountain, will they also shine bright and hot in this world? These days, he always thinks like this.

Thinking about it, his thoughts will turn to the valley in the south...


From the information sent by the Central Plains, the world often thinks of the black flag, and most of them look at the three counties in the southwest of Ning Liheng. It trades with the localities, and Ning Liheng’s tricks are turned into clouds. Means, but only Guo Pharmacist who lives in Tubo can understand that it is not the main force of the Huaxia Army.

From the Xiao Cang River to the south, and the Jurchen **** battle, once the battle room, the remnants of the Black Flag Army's main force... Guo Pharmacist once led the resentment army, in the mind of the unstoppable mind and the army in the direction of Dayang, Have a conflict.

Only he understands that this army, which has been female in silence, has terrible fighting power. When will it go out, and on that day, the Jurchen will face it again, what kind of situation will it be?

Every time I think about this, Guo Pharmacist will gradually dispel the thought of leaving.

Since ancient times, the beauty of the country has not allowed the world to see whiteheads. This world, in the gradual waiting, has made him unable to understand...

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