Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 774: Everyone is bitter, like a dream (on)

Stumbled, slashed and beaten, the power that rushed across from the opposite side was like the rushing rivers of the Yangtze River, and the people could not completely grasp their bodies. Lin Chong went up against the current and was washed away. The update was the fastest, but in the process, there were finally a lot of things, traced back from the beginning of the river.

The warmth of childhood, the kind parents, the excellent teachers, the sweet love... It is something that I dare not recall and almost forget in the perennial suffering. When he was a child, he was very talented. He joined the Royal Boxing Gym and became a formal disciple under the name of Zhou Wei. He met with a group of brothers and sisters, and compared with each other. Occasionally, he also competed with Jianghu heroes. He is the best he knows. Wulin.

My wife, Niang Niang, had a acquaintance with him when she was young. She is the daughter of Shuxiangmendi, dignified and beautiful, beautiful and generous. Lin Chong went all the way, and he was also taken care of in the ban, and he was not busy. When he was free, the two went out together, or went to the temple to worship the Buddha, or went out to go out and love each other. Although Lin Chong also read poetry books since childhood, it is considered to be a river and lake person. Occasionally, the brothers and sisters come to the door, or the recommended rivers and lakes, the wife can always entertain the friends who come home at home, many reckless green foresters. Seeing the temperament of Lin’s wife, respecting her even better than respecting Lin Chong.

That is a good time, the family has a good wife, and occasionally Lin Chong, who has opened his wife, and the well-preserved Greenwood Hawker, have collapsed and stayed up all night, and the wife will come to remind them to rest. In the ban, his superb martial arts can always be respected by the sergeants.

All of this came too natural, and later he realized that these smiles are all false, and under the appearance of people's efforts to maintain, there is another world that contains malicious. He was too late to beware and was pulled in.

At that time, he experienced too little wind and waves. The green forest hockey who walked south and north of the city occasionally talked about the tragedy between the rivers and lakes. Lin Chong only showed his own appearance. Many times, he could find more "story". Speak a few words with the other party. There is no way to go, no one is angry, there is a long shackle in hand, self-sufficiency. However, when things came, he knew the hardships of the anger, the past life, the normal world, like countless hands holding him, he just wanted to go back...

For more than a decade, he stood in the dark and wanted to go back.

That world is too happy.

My mother...

The wife who took a break looked at him at the end of his memory.


Can not go back.


"Ah" in the hands of a long shot

One side of the vertical and horizontal push, is like a chariot-like figure, from time to time hit the heavy objects along the way. One side is like a gun-like offensive, falling and slamming, every attack, or silent spurs, or a forest like a sea, so that everyone does not dare to destroy it.

In the ten years since the Jurchen was in the south, the Central Plains has suffered extremely hard. As the most prosperous Green Forest faction in these years, there are many masters gathered in the Great Light. But for this sudden decisive battle of the guru, everyone is also a bit embarrassed.

Among the green forests, although the so-called guru is only one of the names in the population, in this world, there are only a few masters who really stand at the top. Lin Zongwu’s world’s first place is not a name for the world. It’s the name that has really come out. Over the years, he has played a circle in the name of the great Guangming cult leader, and he has played far beyond everyone’s strength. Treating everyone with the attitude of Corporal Li Xian, this is the first identity of Greenwood in this troubled world.

In the past few years, in the area of ​​the Central Plains, even in the iron fists of the legends of the past, I am afraid that in the imagination of the people, it may not be worthy of today's Lin Zongwu. It’s just that Zhou Wei is dead. These speculations have not been verified. In the past few years, Lin Zongwu has tried all the way, but Wu Yi and his closest master battle, but it was the last test in Zezhou. After the defeat of the Eight-armed Dragon King of Chifeng Mountain, he re-entered the rivers and lakes. In the battlefield, the devil's sticks in the battlefield were so majestic and arrogant, but they were defeated in the attack of Lin Zongwu and the swallowing of the land. Array.

In addition to the Central Plains, at this time of the world, Zhou Wei has been paralyzed, the Holy Ghost has died, the demon religion is no longer, and the tyrants are inferior. In the hearts of many Greenwooders, those who can resist Lin Zongwu, except for the southern demons, I am afraid There are no more people. Of course, the reputation of Xinmo Ning Yi in the green forest is complicated, his horror, and Lin Zongwu is not a concept at all. As for this, Chen Fan, a former disciple of the Seven Buddhas, had a record of killing the sect of the Virgin of the Virgin, but after all, because there was not much to show in the green forest, many people had no idea about him.

No one expected that this ordinary Wuzhou and his party would suddenly encounter such a madman and inexplicably kill him. Even Lin Zongwu couldn’t help him.

I can only see it for a while, only from this victory, everyone can understand that this person is also the master of the great master. This person's martial arts is very different, upside down, and looks like a desperate person looking for someone to fight desperately, but at the time of the shot is terrible. Lin Zongwu has a strong internal force and a lot of power. The average person only has to hit a punch, and he will lose his strength. This person will always meet the killings. Every time the killings are made, even Lin Zongwu has to shun. On the one hand, there is no life, and on the other hand, it is impossible to lose. When the two sides clashed madly together, the entire courtyard was surrounded by murder.

Unlike last year's Zezhou war, in the military field of Zezhou, although hundreds of people around the scene, Lin Zongwu and Shi Jin's duel will never spread to others. At this moment, this crazy man has no jealousy. When he fights with Lin Zongwu, he is forced to be embarrassed in the opponent's fists, but it is only a wolf in the appearance. He is like an unyielding death. Every time, people smashed into huge waves and bumped into themselves. He stood up in a new place to launch an attack. This violent and unusual fight is everywhere, but all those who are eye-catching are all affected. The crazy man will regard him as the enemy. If he accidentally takes a gun, the number of rounds may be affected. If the people around do not hide, even Lin Zongwu can hardly be rescued. His gunmanship is desperate to kill. Previously, even Wang Nanda was almost shot by a gun. If you are a master nearby, you don’t want Feng Xihe and others. The misfortunes are also confusing.

The fence was dumped, the stone locks flew, the courtyard of the bluestone paved, the weapon rack fell to the ground, and the thick trees on the side of the yard were also knocked down, the branches and leaves were scattered, some good hands were in the dodge and even on the roof, two large The master knocked down the wall in a crazy fight. Lin Zongwu was beaten by the madman and fell to the ground. The two figures even slammed five or six feet away before they were separated. Only then, Lin Zongwu was again across. Step by step, a stone table with the other party slammed together, stone chips flying a few feet, but also faint with amazing power.

On a hot summer night, this fight between the divisions has been going on for a while, and the layman watched the excitement and watched the doorway. There are also some great teachers in the great light to see some clues. This man is madly fighting in the martial arts. Although it seems sorrowful and mad, it is in the faint, really with the meaning of Zhou Zhou’s gun. The iron arm is sitting in the Imperial Boxing Hall and has been known for more than 30 years. Although he died of aggression and stickage ten years ago, the disciples of the Royal Boxing Museum opened their branches and leaves. At this time, there are still many warriors who can understand Zhou Wei’s Shooting routines.

Knowing Zhou Yi’s shooting method, it may not be able to know how much Zhou Wei was so powerful, and the rumors of Green Forest were untrue. In the early years, Lin Zongwu was eager to fight against Zhou Wei. After Zhou Yu’s death, the rumors left on the rivers and lakes were mostly based on the description of Zhou Wei’s Wude. To say the record, when Zhou Wei was old, he played against others. Either three fists and two feet will easily knock down people, or they have not yet shot, the other party will be embarrassed. His martial arts succumb to the situation, how powerful it is, it is not a general gun routine, or a few tricks can be described.

At this moment, this sudden grand master seems to bring Zhou Hao's gunwork in another form.

Although the madman came over and killed, but when they realized this, everyone still mentioned the spirit. Those who have mixed green forests can not understand the significance of these wars.

The chaos of the night is swaying, and this crazy fight is as intense as it will last forever. The madman was bloody, and Lin Zongwu’s body was smashed, and his head and body had already been counted in the attack of the other side. Suddenly, the fight below paused for a moment. It was the madman who suddenly stopped the offensive. The two people pulled the air, and Lin Zongwu, who was opposite, suddenly stopped. In the courtyard, he only heard the madman suddenly grow up in anger and anger. Xiao, the body shape once again rushed, Lin Zongwu also rushed a few steps, I saw that figure swept out of the martial arts hall, rushed to the far outside the street.

Everyone is slightly there.

At this time, the martial arts hall was in a mess, the corridor collapsed in half, the dead bodies were thick and bloody, and some of the unsuccessful players fightd to pick up the nearby high places to avoid the battle. The madman’s killing was too decisive. No one except Lin Zongwu dared to touch it, and even Lin Zongwu was beaten half-length at this time. His internal strengths and enthusiasm have been tyrannical. For a long time, even Shi Jin, such a good hand, has not made him such a wolverine look, seeing his opponent suddenly rushed to one side, he thought that the other side had to kill the surrounding. At this time, it was standing there, the blood on the arm was dripping, the fists were open and fleshy, shivering slightly, and the opponent suddenly disappeared. I don’t know whether it was anger or wrong, and the expression on the face was extraordinarily complicated.

When Daguangming teaches this, it is really necessary to deal with the masters of the master class. It is natural that not only can these people be mobilized, but even if they are strong bows, they can be mobilized in large numbers. It’s just that Lin Zongwu is arrogant in martial arts. Over the years, there have been countless single-to-single contests. Everyone will arrange for a bow to arrive at this time. No matter whether they win or lose, they just lose the title of “the best in the world”. It’s just this fight. No one can think of it happening suddenly. I don’t think it will end like this. The madman has been carrying endless grief since he entered the door. In the end, this scream is also full of anger and anger. As if from the beginning to the end, I have been deceived by the world. But at this moment, a group of people stood in the ruins, from the wrong to the heart on the wall: their own people, is really wronged.

"This is... what happened..." After a long time, Lin Zongwu clenched his fists and looked around. In the distance, Wang Nanda was guarded in a safe place. Lin Zongwu’s shot saved the other’s life, but the name The "Crazy Tiger" in the world has already been abolished. The masters in the vicinity have been killed and injured several times, and he is the first in the world, but he still could not keep the other side. "Give me a check."

Lin Zongwu pointed to the body of Tian Weishan on the ground: "Who is that, who is the name of Tan and what is going on with him... Give me a check!"

This night, the chaos in Vaud has not subsided. The whistling figure swept across the street. In the distance, the head of the city of Vaud, the main head of the city, was coming after the chaos. He rode the horse, took several stalks and patted the knife, trying to stop the blood. Figure: "Mu Yi, you killed Zheng Laosan..." The people each held up their weapons. The figure suddenly rushed closer, and the front of the gun was turned sharply and straight across the long street.

When this edge is over, it is the blood of the ground.

Familiar streets and scenes have added a different chaos from the past. Lin Chong has crossed the long street of Vaud, and all the way out of the city, heading north.


In that desperate fight, the past has emerged in the heart, bringing out more pain than the physical situation. At the moment he entered the White Tiger Hall, his life was disrupted in a slap in the face. When he learned that his wife had died, his heart sank and floated up. He was mad at killing people and went up the mountain. It was meaningless to him. I chose to wait until I was kicked by Zhou Wei... After that, he only picked up pieces similar to the past on the beach named Desperate, relying on the similar light, self-deception and lingering.

Can not go back.

Since then, this desperate for more than a decade, bumpy, between the cracks of the ray of light, is there something he wants to seek? Became the widow of his wife, the son they gave birth, and the days since then... When you saw the body, it was as confusing as a mirror. Through this fascinating light, what he saw was, after all, himself many years ago...

But they have a child after all...

In the fierce fighting, the grief is not rested, and the chaotic mood has a clear gap. His heart flashed through the shadow of the child, and a long scream went to the direction of the family. As for those who were malicious, Lin Chong would not know their identity, and naturally would not care.

He rushed through the road, and crossed the road outside the city in the darkness. On the hot summer night, the roadside fields were full of frogs, and the distance from the village could be seen a little further. Lin Chong served as a catcher. He was already familiar with the road. He did not know how long it was. He approached the nearby town. He walked through the town all the way. When he arrived at Qijia, there were people knocking on the drums and rallying people around the house.

Lin Chong, who was bloody, rushed straight into the courtyard wall. The Qijiajia Ding, who was patrolling the wall of the courtyard, only felt that the figure had passed by. In the twinkling of an eye, the yard was chaotic.

If it is in an open place, Lin Chong, such a big master, may not be able to cope with the sea. However, in the twists and turns of the courtyard, there are several people in Qi’s family who can keep up with his body. Some family members only feel that there is a shadow in front of them. Flashing, he was lifted by one hand, and the figure asked: "Where is Qi Ao? Where is Tan Lu?" In a blink of an eye, several courtyards have passed through, some people screamed, some policemen, and the nursing home that rushed in I still don't know where the enemy is, and it is already chaotic around.

Lin Chong desperately rushed, and after a while, he grabbed Qi’s parents in the inside. He took a knife and asked for a while, only to know that Tan Lu had rushed over and let Qiao go to the field to avoid the limelight. Qi Ao was also in a hurry. Busy driving away, the family knows that Qi Ao may have offended the strong man, this is the case for the convening of the nursing home, just in case.

Lin Chong then asked where the kid was arrested, but no one knew about it. Later, Lin Chongzhen held Qi Qi’s mother and asked them to call several people who were under the path of Tan Lu. They asked all the way to know that the child was Was taken away by Tan Lu, in order to save his life.

Lin Chong was suffering from the sorrow of the surging, and the headache was splitting. After all, he also mixed in Liangshan, and then asked some questions, and he succeeded in killing Qi Qi and his mother, and then rushed out of the yard.

Qi Qi and his mother died, facing the killing of such a god, the rest of the Zhuang Ding mostly made birds and beasts scattered, the group training on the town has also come over, naturally can not stop Lin Chong's mad rush.

At this time, it was already in the early morning of the fourth day of July. There was no moon in the sky. Only a few stars faintly followed Lin Chong all the way. In his mournful mood, he didn't know how far he had run. The chaotic inner part of the body gradually calmed down, but it was adapted to the body's actions, such as the Yangtze River. Lin Chong’s night was first hit by despair. He was mad at the body and later suffered a lot of injuries in his fight against Lin Zongwu. But he was tempered in the ten years of almost giving up everything, and the more he was suffering. The more deliberately you want to give up, the more focused the subconscious is on the body. At this point, I finally lost everything. He was no longer depressed. As the martial arts became more successful, the body gradually recovered with the running of the night.

The intense emotions can't last too long, and the chaos in Lin Chong's mind has gradually subsided as the road travels. Gradually awake, there is only a huge sadness and hollow in my heart. More than a decade ago, he couldn't bear the sadness. At this time, he turned around in his head like a lantern. The memories that he didn't dare to remember at that time were one after another, spanning a dozen years, still vivid. At that time, the Liangliang, the martial arts hall, and the same night, the military, wife...

This night's catch-up, failed to catch up with Qi Ao or Tan Lu, when the sky was gradually showing the white belly, Lin Chong's footsteps gradually slowed down, he went to a hillside, the warm morning dawn gradually from behind When it came out, Lin Chong chased the car on the ground and printed it. While walking, he burst into tears.

nothing left……

After the tears of this time, Lin Chong finally stopped crying. At this time, there were gradually pedestrians on the road. Lin Chong stole clothes in a village and changed them. On the afternoon, he arrived at another Qi family. In the farewell to the garden, Lin Chong will go in. After some torture, I learned that I fled last night. Tan Lu and Qi Ao split up and walked away. Qi Ao went halfway and changed the way, let the next person come here. Lin Chong’s child is in the hands of Tan Lu at this time.

Lin Chong’s mind has been calmed down. Recalling the fight last night, Tan Lu fled midway. After all, he did not see the result of the fight. Even if he was scared at the time, he first fled to save his life. After that, he must return to Wozhou to inquire about the situation. Both Tan Lu and Qi Ao had to find their own kills, but the first thing to do was to find Tan Lu first. So I decided to go back.

Then went all the way, and this night, the body still felt hungry. Lin Chong grabbed two snakes in the nearby mountains. After peeling, he chewed and eaten. His eyes were endless. His body did not rest for two days and two nights, but even if he sat down and closed his eyes, he was not free. His wife. The eyes, smiles, and voices are turning in front of the eyes, and a white dress is lifelike.

Then I walked all the way. When it was dawn, it was the dawn of the shower. Lin Chong sat down in the grass among the wild, watching the daylight daze, when he was about to leave, he heard the sound of horseshoes around him. Come, many people rushed from the side to the road in the mountains. When they got close, they stopped and started to dismount.

"Get fast, get good guys..."

"Listen to the pigeons and tell the book, that all the way down the south, today must pass through the mountain pass..."

"The idea is to tie hands, Luliang Xishankou a big battle, it is said that he killed more than 20 people, this time, do not have to tell him what the rivers and lakes mean..."

"The Phnom Penh set has hurt the man's hands and feet yesterday, and today he must not let him escape."

"Strong bows are steady"

"Leave this person, each person rewards money! Killing thousands of people by hand"

The crowd ran, some people yelled and yelled, and there were as many as seventy or eighty people listening to the footsteps of the running. Everyone had martial arts. Lin Chong’s place was resting on the rock, and the grass was long. No one found him. He ignored the people and just looked at the morning glow. Many years ago, he and his wife often went out to work. I have seen the morning sun like this.

Seventy or eighty people went to the forest not far away and ambushed. There are also a few leaders here, watching the changes in the distance nearby. Lin Chong wants to leave, but he also knows that it is quite troublesome at this time, quietly waiting for a while, there is a figure flying in the distant mountains.

These seven or eighty people seem to be ambushing one person. Just waiting for them to fight, they can leave, Lin Chong thought this way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that running horse is near, Lin Chong will hear someone whisper: "This person is extremely powerful, is one of the best in the green forest Good hands, I will fight later, you don’t want to go up."

"...oh, I can wait for this..."

"What do you know, this man is the Eight-armed Dragon King of Chifeng Mountain. He played with the first person that day. Today's other people are expensive. I will wait for it, but when he is dying, I will wait for it. Destroy the man's hand. You don't want to die and join in the fun, the reward of the top, not just one person... I will handle it well, you will live and have a life..."

It was not too long for the words of the father and the son. There was a sudden shadow over them. The two looked back and saw a tall man standing next to him. He had a knife on his face, mixed with old and new injuries. Obviously short and dilapidated farmer clothes, they looked at them silently and looked at them with sad eyes. No one knew when he came here.

The father and son were all crouching on the ground. The young man suddenly rose up and swayed. The long knife slammed down and the other hand waved his hand. The long knife turned in the direction and reversed the past. The human head flew up in the air, and the middle-aged man next to him smashed, suddenly stood up, and there was a punch in his head. He stepped on the body and stepped on the ground, and the skull broke and died.

Everyone was suddenly alarmed by this movement. The horse at the end of the field of vision has arrived, and the man on the horse jumped to the ground. It was at the same speed of the running horse, and it was like a huge spider who opened the grass and followed the mountain. The arrow rained like a fly, but did not shoot him at all.

Someone in the forest shouted out. Someone jumped out of the woods. The rifle in his hand had not been stabilized. He suddenly changed his direction and pierced his whole person on the tree. Lin Chong’s figure walked from the side and turned into a blast. To the crowd of people...w

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