Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 775: Everyone is bitter, like a dream (middle)


In the summer hills, the sun began to get warm. The sky was still quiet in the last second, and suddenly it was boiling and frantic. In the woods scattered in the rocks, the crowds that were thrown out were armed with swordsmen, and they looked like they were like wild and fierce beasts. Hysterical, fearful. .

"Dry him -"

"There is an ambush -"

" killed him and killed him -"

"Roza -"

Numerous shouts among the hustle and bustle are intertwined. Seven or eighty people said that there were not many, and suddenly appeared in front of one or two people, but it was like a crowd of people. Lin Chong’s figure is like an arrow, and it slashes up from the side. In the blink of an eye, four or five people will kill him. The first thing that comes to us is the flying knife and other hidden weapons. These people’s hidden weapons are spilled, but they see the figure of the spoiler. Already near, I bumped into a person's chest and kept moving forward.

The person next to him stopped, and only had time to rush to slash the knife. Lin Chong’s body shape swept past and grabbed a person’s neck. His pace kept going. The man slammed back and slammed into the legs of a companion. He wanted to slash his knife, but his wrist was pressed by Lin Chong on his chest. Lin Chong took the steel knife and swayed.

The person who was first hit by Lin Chong flew out of the seven or eight feet, hit the tree, spit blood, and the sternum has sunken. Here, Lin conflicted into the crowd, and there was a whirlpool around him. Three or four monks were flying and stumbled by Lin Chong. He was running and slashing a few knives. The enemies around were still spreading. Stop the pace, to chase this sudden spoiler.

The grove was sparse, Lin Chong's figure went straight, and he waved three knives, and three of the monks who had face him rolled out with blood. There are already seven or eight people in the rear chasing after the package, but at one time they can't keep up with his speed. There was also a high-handed knives with a double-knife in the vicinity, and the screaming screaming master rushed over. First, he wanted to cut him sideways. When he ran to the vicinity, he became a back. This man screamed at the back of Zhao Linchong. A few knives, Lin Chong just went forward, and the blade looked at him behind him, first step, then opened the distance of two or three steps. The master of the two knives was furiously chasing after the back, and the look became more and more crazy.

This makes the master of the double-knife is the "mad knives" Roza on the nearby Tong Niuzhai, the nine heads on the Tongniuling, the seventh in the mad knife, and the green forest is also a bit famous. However, Lin Chong at this time did not care who was behind him. He just rushed all the way. A gunman stabbed in front of him and Lin Chong greeted the gun. The steel knife in his hand smashed along the gun. The blood exploded, the blade opened the man's hands, and Lin Chong's blade did not stop. He took a big round and threw it behind him. The long gun fell to the ground.

Roza originally saw that the thief of the spoiler was finally blocked for a moment. He lifted the double knife and ran faster, but saw the steel knife screaming toward the back. His "ah" was the head, and the blade flew against his cheek. In the past, in the middle of the back of a sly chest, Roza still got up in the future, and the long gun that fell on the ground suddenly leaped from the ground.

In the rifle's shooting method, there was a phoenix nod. The guns that fell to the ground at this time looked like the phoenix suddenly looked up. It stopped for a moment in front of Roza's eyes and was dragged back to the front by Lin Chong.

Roza waved a double knife and the body ran a few steps toward the front. The pace became awkward, and the knees fell to the ground, climbed up, and ran down one step and fell.

At the moment when Lin Chong dragged his rifle, Roza was too late to stop, and his throat slammed into the gun, and the gun was vacant and he took off his throat. The Central Plains swayed, the seven-headed family of Tong Niuzhai was also the role of the famous one, and at this time just chasing the back, he was killed on the gun front. The rear knives wield a knife and screamed and rushed past his position. Some looked at it in a horror. The person in front of the man did not stop, holding a long gun to stab him, and the West stabbed, and there were three rushing cockroaches. The man rolled into the grass, his body twitched, and he had more **** wounds.

Over the years, Jurchen and Puppet Qi have occupied the Central Plains. Most people have suffered miserablely. Some people with martial arts have fallen into the grass, and the Juyi side is a common occurrence among the big and small cities. The chaos of the world broke the last trace of warmth in the green forest. The mountains were usually playing the banner of anti-gold, and the sales were still on the Han people. The perennial life of **** people created the fierceness of human beings. Even if the unexpected accident is unpredictable, everyone is still rushing.

On the other side, the senders they intercepted were extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they were also inserted into the winger's crowd obliquely between the sparse flow vectors. The heavy octagonal mixed copper sticks were folded and dragged by the chasing crowd. Killed in the woods. At the same time that five or six people fell, more people rushed over.

The masters used less and more, but the way they chose was similar. They also rushed into the woods at a high speed. They swam away quickly by the body and never let the enemy gather. It was only this interception that Shi Jin was the main target. The gathering of Tong Niuzhai had many heads. Lin Chong’s side suddenly became abrupt. In the past, only the seven heads were Luoza.

Tang Kan, the leader of the Tong Niuzhai, was a sorrowful green forest for more than ten years. Over the years, the outside world has become more and more difficult. With his sizzling, he has made the days of Tongniuzhai better and better. This time, I got a lot of money and intercepted the eight-armed dragon king in the south. If Chifeng Mountain is still there, he is afraid to play this idea. However, Chifeng Mountain has already been guilty. After the Eight-armed Dragon King lost to Lin Zongwu, he was considered It is one of the best martial arts masters in the world. Tang Kan moved his mind and wanted to make a vote. From then on, he made a name for himself.

The martial arts masters are even more powerful, but they are not able to rival the ants. In recent years, Tong Niuzhai has collected a lot of desperados with **** haze, but because the means are too sinister, the nearby officials have been heavily suppressed. If the stockade wants to develop again, it will have a big reputation. The eight-armed dragon king who kills the single is the best place for this reputation. As for the reputation, the bad reputation can make people live well, and they have to live to starve to death.

He got a letter, this time the best in the village, all received the family fee, not afraid of life and death. At this time, Shijin evaded the arrow rain and rushed into the woods. His sticks were famous all over the world. No one could touch it, but Tang Kan commanded his men to kill them. In a moment, they also delayed the speed of the other side. . The Eight-armed Dragon King’s interception on this road was not limited to two. The body was wounded, but he could slow down his speed. When everyone embraced it, he did not necessarily have four heads and eight arms.

This history has become one of the strongest people in the world. The other party has even come to the so-called "Yi Shi" rescue, one or two, Tong Niuzhai is not without killing. Who knows how to live soon, the side of the killing stretches, in the blink of an eye, from the south end to the northern end of the woods, there are no future people in the village, there is no one in the woods crowd here, left and right They screamed hysterically, but someone else was shouting at the other end: "The idea is amazing..."

"Stop him to stop him-"

"Mother's, Lao Tzu dials your skin and dials your skin to kill your family -"

This snoring is full of panic. Tang Kan is leading people to Shi Jin, and at this time he is shouting: "Roza -" Someone will return: "Seven when the family is dead, and the idea is tied." At this time, the forest is shouting like a tide, holding a knife and rushing There are people who bend their bows and arrows, and those who have fallen to the ground have their **** atmosphere. Just listen to Shi Jin’s big drink: “Good shots, which is the hero!” The woods are a small slope. He is above, and he has seen the figure below with a gun.

The figure said: "Going south!" During the forced force of the internal force, the steady voice spread like a tide of the sea. Tang Kan heard a scalp, which suddenly killed, and it was actually a case with Shi Jin. Inferior master. For a time, it was a fierce bite, and people took it: "Can't go -"

More than 80 people have killed two people, and one of them has been injured. What about the master?

So far, I was not far away. I saw the figure in the woods passing by with a gun. At the rear of him, more than ten people tried to catch up. It was chasing after they could not catch up. A small leader of Tongniuzhai will pass. The man ran as he ran a shot, and the small-headed body was degraded on the road. It seemed to be natural as if he had taken the chest to the tip of the gun.

The figure looked at Tang Kan from afar and stalked toward the top of the woods. There are a lot of elites in the copper cattle village, all running and going to kill Shi Jin. Tang Kan looked at the man who had the gun and made a shadow around the circle. He rushed down and stared Tang Kan in the field of vision.

"Block him! Kill him--" Tang Kan shakes his hand in a double hammer and screams out loud, but that figure is faster than he imagined. He is short and squatting, turning into a straight line with the downhill momentum. The gray line extends.

Tang Kan’s side is also a good hand of Tong Niuzhai. At this time, four or five people have been lined up in front of them. Everyone looks at the figure that flies and rushes, and the gods take it for granted. The whistling sound spread, the figure did not take a gun, and the pace of running was like an iron cow plowing the ground. too fast.

A few people almost made a move at the same time. However, the figure was faster than the view, and suddenly inserted into the crowd. At the moment of contact, from the gap between the knife and the gun, the road crashed hard. Such a human wall was savagely smashed by a person. In a similar situation, Tang Kan had not seen it before. He only saw that the huge threat screamed like a flood of beasts. He held a double hammer and went down. Lin Chong’s body The shape was faster, his shoulders had been squeezed up, and his right hand was pushed up between Tang Kan's hands, directly on Tang Kang's chin. The entire jaw and the teeth in the mouth were completely broken in the first place.

Stepping on the pedal, the high-speed impact did not stop, Tang Kan the whole person flew up, turned into a slash that stretched a few feet, and then pressed by Lin Chong, the mind spoon first landed, then the body twisted and rolled, booming Long landed in the gravel pile. Lin Chong's clothes smashed in this lower impact, and as the inertia progressed, the upper side of the head rose to the heat.

Several Tong Niuzhai's cockroaches were not far from him. His arm squatted a few times, and his footsteps kept going. Hesitated for a moment, and someone continued to retreat. Someone turned around and ran.

There was a voice from the top of the forest: "It’s Big Brother Lin..." There is some hesitation between the words, and Shi Jin is still there, and some people are killing him, but the chaos has spread.

Some of the leaders of Tong Niuzhai still want to take money, lead people to try to kill Shi Jin, or fight with Lin Chong, but after Tang Kan’s death, this chaotic scene is already unable to trap two people. Shi Jin killed it. A few people, along with Lin Chong, ran out of the woods. At this time, there were also members of the Tongniuzhai village running and fleeing. The two went to the south, and the horses that the monks rode could be seen in the mountains. Some people came and rode horses to escape. Lin Chong and Shi Jin They also rode one each and went south along the mountain road. At this time, Shi Jin determined that he was looking for a brother Lin Chong who had not seen him for more than ten years. He was not happy. He was seriously injured. At this time, he was running all the way.

The two of them were friends in Liangshan in the past, but those things have been memories of more than ten years ago. At this time, people have changed from middle-aged people to high-spirited young people. Many words cannot be said at one time. Going to the stream between the mountains, Shi Jinle lived in the horse's head, and also told Lin Chong to stop. He smiled and went down. He said: "Linda, we are resting here, I have injuries on my body. Deal with it... this road is not very flat, it’s not easy to mess."

Lin Chong nodded.

At this time, it was noon, and the two stopped at the stream. Shi Jin bandaged the wound. After talking about Liang Shan's destruction, he looked for Lin Chong's thing: "It was already more than ten years ago. I have found that you have not seen the news. Since then, I have turned to Chifeng Mountain and I have been asking people to inquire about you. The news, I thought you were too much, and it’s a good thing to see you innocent at this time."

At the beginning of the two people's acquaintance, Shi Jin was still young, Lin Chong did not enter middle age, Shi Jin was a hero, but he respected those who could understand the word and the heart, and Lin Chong always matched his brother. At the time, the nine dragons grew into the eight-armed dragon king, and the words were also heavy and heavy after years of tempering. He said that he was understatement. In fact, in the past few years, he has been looking for Lin Chong, and he did not know how much effort he spent.

In the past few days, Lin Chong’s mood has risen and fallen in sorrow and anger. In this time, there has been little concern. At this time, he suddenly encountered his former brother. His heart was gray and dark, and there was no such thing as a world. . Shi Jinyi breaded and spoke on the experience and knowledge of these years. He has been polishing and practicing these years. He can also see that the status of this brother is somewhat wrong. For more than ten years, the Central Plains has changed several emperors. It’s also a civilian, and it’s ups and downs in it, and each suffers from this world’s suffering. At that time, the leopard's head was backed by blood and deep hatred, but the emotions were still restrained. At this time, the breath of despair and despair had already been sent out. Before that, Lin Chong ran away, and the shooting method was already in a state of flux. When he was shot, he was particularly quiet and indifferent. This was the feeling that Zhou Zongshi did not have when he killed the gold.

Although in Shi Jin, he is more willing to believe that this big brother, but in his middle life, Liang Shan was destroyed in the inner shackles and Chifeng Mountain was also guilty. He will be alone in the world, and this time the task of the south is heavy, he will have to be vigilant.

After saying this for a while, Shi Jin wrapped up a good wound. On the other hand, Lin Chong went around and grabbed two rabbits. When the fire came from the stream, Shi Jin asked: "Linda, where have you been in these years?"

Lin Chong was silent for a long while. He bakes the rabbit on the fire and presses his hand on the head. He recalls one thing and smiles slightly: "Actually, the history brother, I have seen you once."


"A few years ago, in a place called Jiululing, I opened a hotel inn with you. You passed through there and made a small squawk with a group of people. You were already a famous eight-arm. The Dragon King, the anti-gold thing is well known... I have not come out to see you."


Shi Jin nodded, but he was thinking about where Ji Muling was. He had been busy all these years, and he couldn’t remember a few small things.

"Many of your things, the world is famous, I know." Lin Chong lowered his head and smiled slightly. In retrospect, these years I heard about the brother’s deeds, and he’s not a heart, no glory. Hey, this time slowly, "As for me... After Liangshan was destroyed, I was near Anping... I met with Master. He said that I was weak and no longer recognized me as a disciple. Later... Liangshan’s brothers turned I want to take my reward, I didn’t want to kill anymore, I was chased and fell into the river, and then... I was saved by a widow in a small village..."

The flames rang, Lin Chong's words were low and slow. Facing Shi Jin, his heart calmed down a little, but when he recalled many things, his heart still seemed to be difficult. Shi Jin did not urge him, and Lin Chong stopped in his memory. For a moment, I said: "The bunch of beasts, I have killed. Later..."

"I am desperate, I don't want to go into the rivers and lakes to kill, I lived there." Lin Chong smiled and smiled, then he was too difficult to turn his head. "The widow... is called Xu... Jinhua, her character is hot, We later lived together... I remember the village called..."

Lin Chong recalled, while talking, the rabbit soon baked, and the two tore and eaten. Lin Chong talked about the situation of the village that once lived in seclusion. When talking about such trivial matters, the changes of the outside world, his memory is chaotic, like a mirror of water and water, and when he bullied it, he saw it slightly more clearly. Shi Jin occasionally took one or two sentences. At that time, he was doing something. The memories of the two were combined. Occasionally, Lin Chong could smile. Speaking of children, when talking about life in Vaud, the sounds of the trees are blazing, Lin Chong's tone slows down, and occasionally it is a long silence, so that it has been intermittently and for a long time, the valley is full of water, and the sky is clouding, Yun Shu, Lin Chong leaned against the trunk on the side and whispered: "She is still dead after all..."

"Who did it?"

Lin Chong smiled: "One is called Qi Ao." After the words were finished, it was a smile, and he reached out and pressed his forehead.

Shi Jindao: "The little nephew is also..."

Lin Chong did not speak, and Shi Jin’s fist was on the stone: “I can accommodate him for a long time!”

"You first healed." Lin Chong spoke, and then said, "He can't live."

There were birds singing in the woods, and the surroundings were even more silent. The two men sat diagonally opposite each other. Although Shi Jin was angry, he did not speak, but leaned his body on the trunk behind. He has been called the Eight-armed Dragon King in these years, but there is a calm day wherever he lives, and there is peace and stability in the entire Central Plains. Fighting with the Golden Man, being besieged and killed, and being hungry are all commonplace. They watched the Han people being slaughtered, or they were taken to the north to be slaves, the tragedy of women, and even the most miserable Yizi. He has seen more food. What heroes and heroes, there are also sorrows and joys, do not know how many times, Shi Jin feels the deep pains that have to be dug out of the heart and soul, nothing more than clenching the teeth, using the battlefield to desperately balance.

This kind of pain has fallen on his brother's body, and the details are not enough. Just in the south, no one in the thousands of "hungry ghosts" will encounter a lighter than this. The misfortune of thousands of people does not mean that there is nothing worth mentioning here. It is meaningless to ask why again at this time. Even the details are meaningless.

He sat for a long time, "Ha" sighed: "Actually, Brother Lin, I have been in the Chifeng Mountain for several years, is the hero of the great heroes who admire everyone, the prestige? There is a woman in the mountains, I like it very much, I made an appointment to the world to be a little too peaceful to go to a relative... In a small fight the year before, she suddenly died. Many times it is like this, you haven’t reacted yet, the world has changed, and when you die, your heart is empty. He grabbed his fist and gently hammered the hammer on his chest. Lin Chong turned his eyes to see him. Shi Jin stood up from the ground. He sat for too long, or put any in front of Lin Chong. Be wary, the body swayed a few times, Lin Chong also stood up.

"In fact, there are times when there is a law in this world." Shi Jin said something and walked to the side of the baggage. "I am going south, taking a thing, thinking about it all the way, why take him? When I arrived at Big Brother Lin, I suddenly felt that...I may have a fate. Zhou Zongshi, who has been dead for ten years, has been in the North for ten years... Big Brother Lin, you must see this, you must be happy... ..."

Shi Jin picked up the long parcel and took off the half-cloth set ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That was an old rifle. The long gun was thrown over by Shi Jin, reflecting the sunlight, and Lin Chong reached out and grabbed it.

Under the daylight, there is a soft sound of "嗡".

Cang Longfu...

There is something coming from the bottom of my heart. That was many years ago, when he was a teenager in the Imperial Boxing Gymnasium, he was one of the best disciples of Zhou Xia’s talent. He also had many times to play with Master’s guns. Although Zhou Yiren is strict, he does not care about the weapons. Sometimes it is not a big deal for a group of disciples to take the test of the dragons.

"I am going to your mother... coward -" the dark courtyard, the master kicked over -

Memory and regret are like guns, sprinting across dozens of time. Lin Chong made an unspeakable embarrassment, and the pistol in his hand was more like a blazing charcoal fire, reflecting the sunlight, making him unable to look directly. He held the pistol in his hand for a moment, then brushed it and plunged it into the round stone on his side. In the valley, the dragon was swayed into the stone more than three feet, standing straight there, pointing to the sky.

"……it is good!"

Shi Jin sighed and sighed.

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