Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 776: Everyone is bitter, like a dream (below)

The sky will be annihilated, and the bonfire by the river has been extinguished, and it has been born again. The afterglow of the sun is filled with smoke and sizzles.

When the sun went down, Lin Chong ran in the mountains, and went to catch a donkey, a hare, and took it back and peeled it. He has had a lot of ups and downs in these days, and he has never slept, and he has not had too much appetite. Shi Jin is not the same. He has been fighting for a few months in a row. This road is going south, and his body is not hurt. The campaign has tempered his ability to forbear, but he still needs a lot of food if he wants to recover early. At this time, I ate something, and the words in my mouth stopped a little. Lin Chong sat on the side of the trunk slightly above, thinking silently about what Shi Jin said.

Cang Longfu stood aside, and the quaint gun body changed with a faint glow.

"...more than ten years ago, I was in Zhangzhou City, I met Zhou Zongshi..."

"...that's the first and last thing I saw when I saw the old man... The first time the Jurchen went south, the storm came, the Lien Chan was even better, the time in Zhangzhou didn't last, the city was broken, then the massacre, Zhou Zongshi took A group of people...the people of the Uighurs, swaying in the city, to assassinate Guhan, two nights before the assassination, Zhou Zongshi suddenly found me. Brother Lin, you know why Zhou Zongshi asked me... He said, you are Lin Chong’s brother... ”

"I... I still can't forget the way Zhou Zongshi was at the time... Lin Big Brother, originally wanted to find Zhou Zongshi to inquire about your whereabouts. However, the national disaster is not recognized by Zhou Zongshi, but some people are not good to ask. I went to kill the sticky, and then I have a talking friendship. If it fails, I don’t ask, but it doesn’t matter... Zhou Zongshi told me about you, I said that I saw you falling into the water and searching for you. To, it may be fierce and less..."

"...but Zhou Zongshi said that it is not dead. I can see each other again in the coming days."

"Then Zhou Zongshi took me to play a set of volts..."

"He died two days later, and I have lived so far."

"...In the past ten years, the Central Plains has gone from bad to worse. I am in Chifeng Mountain. I always think of the decision of Zhou Zongshi when he stabbed Guru..."

"...If you let him see the current situation, I don't know what he thinks..."

"... Every time I think about this, I am thinking that the person who lives is not enough to die, but we can't go to see him without doing anything... The Chifeng Mountain has been like this for years..."

Shi Jin’s temperament is bold, even if he talks about these things, there is no feeling of grief in the calm words. He said, “That’s not dead, you can meet each other in the coming day”, there is no hesitation, Lin Chong Understand that this is the expression of the old man’s speech. The old man in the inn of Yiyuan County violently kicked him out of the door, but he did not expect that he would still care about the unscrupulous thing in the place where the soldiers were in danger.

Ten years have elapsed, even though the old man’s last inquiry to himself has been left a decade ago. At this time, listening to Shi Jin said, Lin Chong's heart is like a distant mountain, but it is extremely complicated. He sat under the tree and looked at the distant sunset in the distance, but it was difficult to reveal his expression on the surface. After reading it for a long time, Shi Jincai slowly talked about it. After so many years of swaying, Chifengshan’s operation and division, his heart’s anger and confusion.

"... After the incident in Zezhou, I knew that I was not a talented person. I didn't want to drag people down. I went all the way north and continued to do the unfinished work of Zhou Zongshi, killing the sticky." Lin Chong looked slightly, Shi Jin took the hare. The bones are smeared at the teeth. When he is north, his heart is stagnation and despair is over. At this time, the knot is untied, and the words are only arrogant. "To the north, to Datong, I don't want to be too tired." In the street, the assassination of the glutinous two times in a row... I have never been successful in my own life."

Shi Jin laughed and laughed at himself: "...failed to fail, actually ran away, and it was really fatal. I thought then, would it be because Zhou Zongshi’s spirit in heaven is blessing, and I want to do something smarter... ...the second assassination was injured, I met some people, and I saw some things... The Jurchen is going south again, and everyone can’t sit still...”

He said the things outside the city inside Datong, talking about the riots and failures of June 21, talking about his change of goals, rushing into the Yan Xiyin House, and then seeing the passage of Cang Longfu...

"...There is really a law in the world..." The sky was already dark, and Shi Jin looked at the sturdy rifle. "I got this idea when I got the gun. I’m brother, or Zhou Zongshi is really in the sky, he let me go north to kill the enemy, assassinate Guhan twice, not to die, eventually got this gun, thousands of miles south, then you met... Maybe Zhou Zongshi let me put this The gun is handed to your hand..."

Lin Chong looked at the gun. After a long time, he shook his head. "South... there is a younger brother. He is the close disciple of Master. Today, General Yue Feiyue... He is the true descendant of Master, I...I Not worthy of the name of the disciple.

"Wu Dynasties has been peaceful for two hundred years. This is a great disaster. It is beyond the manpower." Shi Jindao, "Over the years, I have seen the temperament and courage. I have seen the desire to be safe and secure. The kind of people, Big Brother Lin, these people are right. In the old saying, the heavens and the earth are like furnaces, the work is made for work, the yin and yang are carbon, and everything is copper. Everything can’t escape this catastrophe, but the man’s husband is even polished for a long time. Someday, when you can wake up suddenly, you will be the hero of heroism. Brother Lin, your wife is dead, and the people I like are dead. This is a place where you can't live a good life!"

"But you, my man, since you are still alive, there is nothing to care about! One day you will die, you will finish the rest of the day!" Shi Jin slightly lifted his tone and sighed, "Linda, you and me." I can see each other today, it is the creation of heaven and earth! You and my brother can reunite, there is still no place to go in the world, after a few days, you and I will kill all the evil thieves of the Qi family! Keeping yourself or handing it over to the younger brother, you have completed a major event of Zhou Zongshi, and then... Linan can also kill a killer. The sorghum has not known where it has been for years, Lin Big Brother, you and me. Even if you die in the catastrophe in this world, you will have to bring these wicked people together."

After Shi Jin’s reunion with Lin Chong, he finally said these words and expressed his feelings. Lin Chong also smiled slightly and smiled: “Yes...” Shi Jin waved his hand and continued to talk, about the woman’s true south. The two men will continue to fight against gold and vigorous prospects. His heart is full of enthusiasm, and at this time the heroic ambition in the chest is burning again. Lin Chongsu knows that this brother is a heroic hero, ten years of bumps, and the previous history has been full of vicissitudes. At this time, he is excited again and can not help but feel happy for him. Shi Jin said for a while, Lin Chong said: "I have a person to kill in these few days."

Shi Jin asked who it was, Lin Chong silent for a moment, talking about Xu Jinhua's death, the child Mu Anping was taken away by Tan Lu, he chased this way, first of all want to save the living first, killing Qiao is still behind. Shi Jin stunned awkwardly and suddenly slammed his fists on the ground. There was a blazing flame in his eyes: "My nephew was taken away. At this time, Lin Da Ge, you didn’t say anything before. This is a big event, and you are graceful. I am here, Lin Big Brother, you and I will leave."

Lin Chong sat there, but did not move. He still had pain in his eyes, but said: "The child is taken away, it is a hostage. As long as I am not dead, Tan Lu does not dare to hurt him. History brother, you have to go south. If the burden is intensified, how can it be done?"

He said this, look at Shi Jin, and revealed a calm smile, said: "Why, this Tan Lu is just a clown on the rivers and lakes, I want to kill him, I don't need you, my brothers and two shots, just find him. It must be dead."

Shi Jin slowly sat down, but he understood it in his heart. Lin Chong did not leave this afternoon. He found that his body was not hurt. He ran a fire, looked for food, and stayed aside, just to make himself feel at ease. At the time of Liangshan, Lin Chong was a gentle but meticulous person. Whenever there was a matter of size, Song Jiang gave him, and most of them did not have any omissions. After so many years, even though the heart was full of sorrow and grief, he was aware of these things for the first time. Even when the children were caught, they were not willing to speak at first.

"That... Big Brother Lin, you are leaving at this time, and you are going to save the children. Although I have injuries in my body, I have no problem with self-protection. I will rest here. After a few days, your brother and I will agree to meet the place..."

Lin Chong shook his head. "I haven't been hurt for a few days, and I ran back and forth. I haven't closed my eyes for a few days. I have to rest for a while tonight, and I will be able to cope with things tomorrow."

Shi Jin opened his mouth and finally did not continue to speak. Lin Chong sat there, slowly opening his mouth, saying that the situation of the children in the family, Qi Ao, Tan Lu and other people's message, Shi Jindao: "To save the children, Lin Big Brother, I need to be his righteous father."

"He has a righteous father like the Eight-armed Dragon King. He will be a man of the same day." Lin Chong smiled. "It won't be like me."

"Haha, he has a leopard, the big brother is the father, and I am the righteous father. In the future, martial arts is afraid to be invincible!"

Shi Jin said this, and after a while, said: "Linda, I am going south, the things behind it are really too heavy, otherwise this time must first go with you to save people."

Lin Chong nodded, and Shi Jin continued to say over there: "The Datong riots of the day, the Han Chinese who had started the incident were in the calculation of Yan Xiyin, and the city was killed. I took the Canglong Volt and came back to see one person. I am injured, I am waiting for me. I am not a big brother of the forest. This person is a member of the black flag. It is a big thing in the vicinity of Datong, and then I bring something to the south..."

"Linda brother also knows that the pseudo-Qi was founded in the country for several years, Liu Yu called the emperor, and when he was an emperor, he had fewer Jurchens. He had not swallowed the mouth of the Central Plains for a while. However, during the period of the pseudo-Qizhong occupation, the Jurchens also did Many things have secretly persuaded many Han Chinese in the Central Plains and sincerely voted for Jurchen... This time the black flag grabbed Liu Yu and forced him to express his position. Many still unsuccessful ambitions may seize the opportunity and start the military anyway, but there are always The traitor who couldn’t turn back, or simply didn’t want to look back, concealed it... The black flag sneaked out of the list and asked me to bring the Shu Shu, Yu Yulin and others to Jin’s Majesty... Jurchen The legend of the pigeons, the chase and the interception, is the thing..."

Shi Jin was frank and frank. At this time, he picked up the parcels around him and said the whole thing with Lin Chong. He took out one of the small bags: "In fact, this road is going south, I have thought about it, since the Black Flag Army can Datong has a spy, and in the past there will be inevitable means and channels. When he is injured, why come to me, it is very likely... I am on his evil..."

Shi Jin said that he might be fooled, but his face smiled: "But I later thought that such important news may not be as simple as I thought. For example, he let me lead the enemy in the Ming Dynasty. The real messenger may go. Is it safer? Or, this list is so important. When Yan Yanxi is informed of the leak, it is inevitable to find someone to confuse the wind. Perhaps what I bring can be mutually confirmed with other people. Otherwise, Yan Yanxi will be a A very eight-point list, or a black question inside the black flag, the Central Plains... At least Jin Wang and others against the gold, they have to be robbed..."

Lin Chong nodded. "This important message is that it has to be confirmed repeatedly..."

"So... even if one of them is true, I went into a person and died for these big things, and I will die if I die. I don’t hesitate. Big Brother." He spoke and threw the bag toward Lin Chong. Lin Chong reached for his hand and looked confused. Shi Jindao said, "It’s just a list and a criminal certificate. There is a black flag whisper, but let me send the letter to the person. I don’t care if I look at it at random. I wanted to find this thing. I copied ten copies of the whole world, and I was afraid of letting Xi Yin see it first. What caused it. At this time, Big Brother Lin was able to see, these thieves, all should kill!"

He put his hands behind his head and leaned against the banyan tree. He said: "This time, if Lin Da Ge is not willing to go south, you and my brother can follow this list, and a family will kill the past and walk for the sky. It’s worth the effort to die.” This is the original Liangshan slogan. It was said many times more than ten years ago. At this time, it was said by the history of imports, and there are different meanings. The temperament of the two may not be easy to be the leader. Leading the soldiers against gold may be a bad thing. In this case, they learned that Zhou Zongshi was the one who killed the unjust, and perhaps even more profitable. Shi Jin has been nearly forty years old at this time. Since Chifeng Mountain, he reunited with Lin Chong today, and finally found another way. He didn’t have to say much in his heart.

Lin Chong just looked at the roster and handed it back to Shi Jin. Shi Jin smiled and said: "In the past few years, the Han people’s territory has turned to the Jurchen’s forces unimpeded. I went all the way down, they fly pigeons. I always rush ahead of me, everything is rushing out and being killed. Today is a good time to recover, and tomorrow I will repair them..."

He feels comfortable, only feels that the injury is still good for most of the time. This night, the stars are shining, Shi Jin lies in the valley, and he has said something with Lin Chong, and finally let himself sleep. Lin Chong sat for a long time, closed his eyes, still no sleepiness, and occasionally got up and walked, looked at the long gun, reached out several times, but he did not dare to touch it. When Zhou Wei’s words were still in his ear, the person’s body was awkward, but for Lin Chong, it seemed to be in front of him, as if it occurred in a clear moment.

For more than ten years, he hid like a rabbit in the illusory corner, dragging Xu Jinhua and Mu Anping, telling himself that everything he was with was illusory. Now he can finally see clearly, the history brothers are right, it is already in trouble.

He was left more than a decade ago, and even further afield.

For Xu Jinhua, what is in his heart is a huge embarrassment. Even for children, I sometimes think of it. The illusion in my heart makes him feel unable to breathe. Everything in more than ten years is nothing but a remorse. Now there is nothing. And met the brothers of the year. Nowadays, the hero of the Eight-armed Dragon King, like Master, is a great hero and a great hero who can stand up in the turbulent floods of the troubled times, and he is able to roar forward with his blood. What if it?

He could even imagine that on the night in the city of Zhangzhou, Master and Shi Jin played together the set of magic wands. If... If the Master is still alive at this time, seeing the history brothers in front of him, he will certainly give a thumbs up and give him the highest recognition.

This is my own way, just a coward with a glory but awesome...

This night, he was surrounded by the dragons under the moonlight, reaching out and crying silently, but no tears. Midsummer nights are quiet and silent, and the world is choppy and spreads from his side. He is like an old man who has slept for more than ten years in time. Now he woke up and looked at this world. He had no coordinates. The knife of the years shredded his soul and asked him to make up for it for more than ten years. Under the frost.

In the middle of the night, Shi Jin woke up once and saw Lin Chong dancing invisible big guns in the moonlight. His gun frame was unpretentious, one stroke and one style, and it was just like the Zhou Yi in the past, and there was no more fancy decoration. Serious children. The dragon was standing on the side, watching him quietly.

At that time, Lin Chong was the best and most disciplined disciple in the Royal Boxing Gymnasium~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was tired of his life, and now he has gone back and forth. Here.

Shi Jin fell asleep. In the early morning, the birds in the forest wake him up. He sat up and suddenly found that the little bag around him was gone. Shi Jinyue would get up and look for Lin Chong's figure. Lin Chong has disappeared. On the stone where Cang Longfu stood, Lin Chong probably wrote with the blood of biting his fingertips. Two lines of words.

"History brother, I am going to send a letter, you save Anping for me.

- He will have a chance to meet again. ”

Although Shi Jin is a strong martial artist and a temperament like steel, this road has been affected by many injuries. After yesterday, the ambush of Tongniuling, if not Lin Chong is on the side, even if Shi Jin can escape, I am afraid to remove half life. While Mu Anping fell in the hands of Tan Lu, Lin Chong said that it was easy to stay in the mouth, staying for one night, how can he really leave his son to go south with his brother? He thought about it, consciously useless, do not care, he replaced Shi Jin, and took the next step. As for the children who fell in the hands of Tan Lu, they have their own martial arts and character, then they will No need to worry.

When Shi Jin woke up, Lin Chong left the Canglongfu, and he was already on the way to the south. The angry banana said that he thanked the bookmate "kido as a song" classmates for the reward of the lord ^_^

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