Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 779: Bone blood burning (2)

The night is horrible, and the autumn wind is quiet. After secretly meeting with Luqiaoshan, Su Wenfang left the military camp from the side. Looking back, the camp of the Wuyi Army slashed and the military uniform was neat, and the light of the torch seemed to reflect the stars in the sky.

The situation has become complicated. Of course, this complicated situation has already appeared a few months ago, and it is only a matter of making this situation even more advanced.

Although there is preparation, Su Wenfang feels that the scalp is numb.

"Lu Qiaoshan's attitude is ambiguous. It seems that he is playing the idea of ​​dragging the word. If you can drag the Huaxia Army, he certainly likes it."

The group left the military camp on horseback. On the way, Su Wenfang whispered a conversation with the accompanying Chen camel. This once sultry hunchback knife has been fifty years old. He used to be Ning Yi's personal guardian. Later he took the military corps inside the Huaxia Army. His position in the Chinese army is not low. Although Su Wenfang is a relative of Ning Yi, He is also very respectful to him.

The old man with half a hundred hairs couldn’t see the sharp edge that had been stern at this time. His eyes had been gentle for a long time. He took the reins and nodded. The voice was slightly hoarse: "Wu’s soldiers, who? Don't want to?"

"He sat on the development of the situation and even pushed the top leaders. I have considered it. But before I thought about it, Li Xiannong had to do something about this. The Wu Junjun had been dealing with us for a long time. I don't necessarily dare to follow the whole story, but now it seems The idea of ​​Lu Qiaoshan is not necessarily the case. He looks like a smile, and he may have a bottom line."

"The meaning is..." Chen camel looked back and saw that the glimmer of the camp was already behind the mountains. "Today's school is fake, he really wants to be hard?"

Su Wenfang nodded: "I am afraid that nature is not afraid, but after all, 100,000 people are jealous, Chen Shu."

"That should also let the people in the south see some ups and downs."

"I still hope that his attitude can turn a corner."

There is a situation in one place in the north. In the three years of southwestern China, although the days of the Huaxia Army were not too good, the **** battle against Xiao Canghe was already calm. Especially after the opening of the commercial road, the forces of Huaxia Army spread out along the commercial road, covering the Sichuan 4th Road, Su Wenfang and others were doing things outside, and the army and the government were blinded by one eye.

However, this time, the court finally ordered that the Wushu army took advantage of the situation, and the nearby government has also begun to implement a high-pressure policy on the Black Flag Army. Su Wenfang and others gradually contracted, turning activities from light to dark, and the form of fighting has begun to become clear.

Whether the Wushu Army will do it or not is the most crucial part of the overall situation.


The sultry night of the autumn tiger raging, the bonfire-like lights are still on, under the light, is a letter still writing:

"Cang Zhixian brothers are like:

The letter from the brother has been known. I know that the situation in Jiangnan is smooth, and the people are united in their efforts to resist the Jurchen. I have a good prince, a sage, and a younger brother. If this is the case, then the revival of the Wu Dynasty can be expected.

The younger brother came to the southwest, the people were overwhelmed, and the situation was difficult. However, the sages and the sages helped each other. Now they have to break the ground. In the southwestern region, the evils of the black flag are known, and the group is in a state of turmoil. In the Liangshan Mountains, Cheng Maoxian’s brother was very effective in the Yi nationality’s prince Wang Xiao. This Yi people also know that the world is righteous, big and big, although in the barbaric land, there are also those who fight against the black flag and burn their rice. Breaking its business road, the black flag villain is trapped in the mountains, and is uneasy. Cheng Maoxian's brother is in Wu Dynasty, and he is a great man in the world.

Although the situation is clear today, hidden dangers still exist. Wu Junjun Lu Qiaoshan, with his own weight, both ends of the first mouse, the attitude is difficult to understand, and the black flag army, there are also exchanges in the past. Under the current order, Lu Yi will be in the name of the outside, and he will only be outside the Bingshan. These characters, either slippery or rough, are difficult to make big things, and the younger brothers and the generals are negotiating. They should not sit and wait for them. No matter what the mind of the land is, they must persuade them to advance and fight against the black flag.

Fortunately, this time, the West is coming, and among my generation, there are only Confucian scholars, and there are also heroes who know big things and big things. The things that my generation did, because of the prosperity of the Wu Dynasty and the world, and the peace of all beings, he was troubled by the day, and he hoped that the brothers of Cang sent the money and money to the following people, so that their children and brothers knew their father, Why did the brother live and die? Only because of the death of the country, can not be guilty of filial piety, beheaded here.

Today's participants include: Jiangnan Heroes Exhibition, Hangzhou Qiantou Head Xuanzhi, Jiaxing Jian Mingzhi..."

The lights swayed, and the dragons flew away from the pen. The books were named one by one. He knew that these names might leave traces in later generations, let people remember that in order to prosper the Wu Dynasty, how many people have been succumbing to the dangers. Dedication, life and death.

After writing this letter, he attached some silver tickets before sending the envelopes out. After walking out of the study, he saw some people waiting outside, and those of them had martial arts and steadfast eyes.

"...The land of the southwest, the black flag is big, not the most important thing. However, after the self-warming south, the army is sitting big, the Wujun army and the land bridge mountain, the real one is covering the sky. Although this event has the assistance of the prefectural adults, But there is a lot of them, you can't be unclear, so Long finally said, if there is an exiter, never hate..."

The night wind sobbed from here.

On the second morning after the negotiations with Lu Qiaoshan, Su Wen conveniently sent members of the Huaxia Army into the mountains to convey the attitude of the Wuyi Army. For three consecutive days, he was negotiating with Lu Qiaoshan in full swing.

There was not much progress in the negotiations. Lu Qiaoshan smiled and came to accompany Su Wenfang every day, but he refused to retreat for the conditions of the Huaxia Army. However, he also stressed that the Wushu Army will definitely not be an enemy of the Huaxia Army. He will station the army on the outskirts of Liangshan and do nothing in the daily life.

The peripheral government’s search for the Black Flag Army has become more and more powerful, but this is also the order to execute the pilgrimage. Luqiaoshan does not have much to say.

"The most important part of this incident is still in Beijing." One day, Lu Qiaoshan said, "There is a determination and an order. My generation is an official and a soldier. How to defy? Huaxia Army and the DPRK Many of the adults in the church have exchanges and mobilized these people, and they have abolished this order. The encirclement of Liangshan can be solved, otherwise they will be so deadlocked, business is not done, but it is more difficult than in the past. It’s good to have no wars. Everyone was not good at all... As for the situation in Liangshan, Mr. Ning, in any case, should first destroy what is the mountain. With the strength of the Huaxia Army, this is not easy. ......"

Every day, Lu Qiaoshan is a smile and a dilemma. He displays the bureaucratic image that does not want to do things. Speaking of the situation in Liangshan, the Huaxia Army, as a foreigner, seems to be at a loss. Su Wenfang did not know much about the mountains, but he already felt the tension of the day. He listened to Ning Yi’s story of warm boiled frogs.

"Lu Qiaoshan didn't have any good intentions." On this day, Chen Lianzi talked about the whole thing. When Chen camel persuaded him to leave, Su Wenfang shook his head. "But even if he wants to fight, he will not kill the messenger, stay here." It’s safe to go back to the mountains, but there’s nothing to do.”

He said that Chen Camel naturally nodded, and the old man with white hair did not care about being in danger, and in his opinion, Su Wenfang said that it is also reasonable.

Another day, the negotiations with Su Wenfang were the abundance of the military, and the two sides discussed various details. However, after all, things could not be settled. Su Wenfang had clearly felt the delay of the other party, but he could only Talk here, in his view, let Lu Qiaoshan give up the mentality of confrontation, not without a chance, as long as there is a chance, it is worth his effort here.

Soon after returning this afternoon, Su Wenfang considered the new rhetoric to be used tomorrow, and the outside of the courtyard where he lived, suddenly made a noise.

The sound of the swordsman's intersection suddenly rose, some people shouted, some people shouted, and there was a scream of screams. He only had a slight glimpse. Chen camel had already entered the door. He was holding a single knife and saw it on the blade. Blood, grabbed Su Wenfang, and said: "Go -" Su Wen was easily taken out.

Su Wenfang had no martial arts. This road was pulled and stumbled. Inside and outside the yard, together with Chen Kuizi, there were a total of seven Chinese soldiers. Most of them experienced the battlefield of Xiao Canghe. At this time, they have already armed weapons. Outside the hospital, the sound of footsteps and running horses have already sounded. Many people rushed into the yard. Some people shouted: "I am Jiangnan Li Zhengdao-" was killed by the knife.

Chen Kuizi dragged Su Wenfang and ran to the previously scheduled retreat. The flame had already burned in the back.

Outside the street, the chaos has spread, and Long Qifei excitedly looked at the front of the round-up, and the knights entered the courtyard. The horses rushed intensively, and the sound of the sounds sounded. This is the first time he has presided over such an action. The middle-aged scholar’s ​​cheeks are all red. Later, some people reported that the resistance inside was fierce and there was a secret passage.

"Catch up with them, catch up with them... The secret road must not be far away, catch up with them-" Long Qifei yelled in panic.

The secret road is indeed not far away. However, the cooperation and slaughter of the seven Black Flag soldiers are daunting. More than a dozen knights who rushed in were almost killed in the courtyard.

The first Black Flag soldier died at the entrance to the secret road. He was seriously injured and tried to stop the followers, but he did not succeed.

The second black-flagged soldier died at the exit of the secret road, and the people who caught up were slightly delayed for a while.

The distance that the secret passage spans is just a street. This is a temporary emergency shelter. It was not possible to carry out large-scale civil engineering. The number of people launched by Long Qifei with the support of the prefecture of Zhangzhou was found. Chen Camel dragged Su Wenfang and found it. More people were copied. Chen Kuizi released Su Wenfang and took a double knife and rushed into the narrow road near the lane. Although his hair has been white, but his hands are sore and poisonous, he will fall down one step at a time.

"Follow me." Chen camel shouted like this, and the four Chinese soldiers smashed along the way, and in a blink of an eye has highlighted a street in a chaotic situation.

On the way, another Chinese soldier fell and the rest were injured more or less.

"Chen Shu, go back and tell the brother-in-law..."

"You go back!" The old man yelled.

"I can't go, the news is important." Su Wenfang dragged the leg of an arrow, and the whole body was shaking. I don't know if it was because of pain or because of fear. He almost repeated with a cry. "The message is important... ”

There were more people in front of it, and the old man looked back and sighed: "Several brothers accompany me to kill-" as the cheetah likes to do first. When he rushed out of Su Wenfang's field of vision, Su Wenfang was walking down a tree by the road. Several Huaxia soldiers were still killing. Some people fell on the way forward. Two people were still in front of Su Wenfang. Su Wenfang Shouted: "Stop! We surrender!"

One of the Chinese soldiers refused to surrender, rushed forward, was stabbed to death in the crowd, and the other person looked at the scene, slowly raised his hand, threw away the knife in his hand, and several rivers and lakes took The cockroach walked over, and the Chinese military soldier flew and grabbed a long knife and waved it out. Those chivalrous athletes did not expect him to be desperate in this situation. The knife and gun were handed over and pierced him on the rifle. However, the last knives of the soldier also broke into the neck of the "Gangnan Heroes" exhibition. With a neck, blood flies, and died a moment later.

The last Chinese soldier was also cut off at the moment after his death.

Su Wenfang looked at the bodies of the people, and when he was shaking, he fell down under the tree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His legs were shot by arrows, and the pain was unbearable, and the tears flowed out. Not far from the roadway, Long Qifei flew over, watching the dead and wounded knights catching fast, his face pale, but soon after seeing the capture of Su Wenfang, the mentality is slightly better.

What Chinese soldiers will also scare and cry.

He took everyone to seize Su Wenfang, and called the doctor to heal him. After a while, the team of Wu Junjun came. He led the angry Luqiao Mountain and came to surround the town, and no one was allowed to leave. Ask the dragon to fly to someone. The place near the military camp, even if the law enforcement of the Zhangzhou prefecture, should not reach out.

More scholars have also begun to come here, accusing the military of whether to cover up the black flag army.

On this day, the confrontation between the two sides continued for a while. Lu Qiaoshan finally retreated. On the other hand, Chen Lianzi, who was covered in blood, walked on the road back to Liangshan. The people who chased him came from behind.

Su Wenfang was shackled and escorted back to Zhangzhou. The difficult time has just begun.

Long Qifei sent the letter to Beijing:

"...I have a big event at the beginning of the event. If things go well, then the Wujun army has to rebel against the black flag. This matter is very popular. There are ten sacrifices of the righteous, and although they have to sacrifice, it is regrettable... ...

... If the matter is not fixed, I will wait for the generals to petition, so that the Wushu army can not delay the perfunctory, for the country, this matter can no longer be delayed, even if I wait to sacrifice here, I will not hesitate... ”

Since then there have been many generous words.

Lu Qiaoshan returned to the military camp and was silent for a long time. He did not communicate with Zhijun Hao.

In the Liangshan Mountains, a huge storm has already been brewed and is erupting...

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