Zhui Xu

: Bone blood burning (2)

The weather is hot, the wind is moving in the mountains, blowing the green trees on the hills and the golden fields under the mountains. In the Hedeng County between the mountains, the black flag has begun to move.

The suddenness of the matter was in the morning, and with the sound of the horn, the army gathered on a large scale and then set off quickly. Within one hour, half of the Huaxia Army defending troops of Hedeng have been sent out from here, and the rest have also entered the state of martial law. Although the Heilongjiang army has stepped up its guards since the attack on the mountain, the militia has been patrolling around at any time, but this sudden action has caused the people near the county to suddenly tighten their nerves.

Since the face was torn apart from the Lushan Ministry, this time, something big has appeared.

Hedeng is the political center among the three counties. Most of the residents in the vicinity are Qingmu Village, Xiao Canghe, and the Huaxia Army old people who followed the northwest. They watched the sudden changes in the situation and many people picked up spontaneously. The weapon went out and participated in the surrounding alert. Some people also inquired a little about it, and understood that this is the possible cause of the situation.

Since the beginning of the formal closure of the Liangshan area, the Lushan Ministry and some small tribes have been working together, the Huaxia Army has been in contact with the various Niger tribes to discuss the countermeasures and joint issues. This time, under the leadership of the Hengyi tribe, which has relatively good reputation among the various ethnic groups, there are a total of 16 members of the Nepalese Congregation in the vicinity, discussing how to deal with this matter. The day before yesterday, Ning Yi personally participated in this meeting. Perhaps it was a message that was going to go wrong.

There are dozens of miles of mountain roads in the Hengshui tribes where the 16th League is located, and there are only 500 people accompanying Ning Yi. If there is a big problem in the whole process of the alliance, the Chinese army is likely to have no time to rescue.

This time, thousands of defending troops suddenly dispatched, and the martial law in Deng and other places, apparently in response to the possibility of a desperate attack at any time.

When the martial law was carried out at noon, on the road at the head of the county, suddenly a carriage came over here, along with the soldiers and doctors who followed. The team’s hurrying people have nothing to do with today’s martial law. The patrolling team has checked in the past and immediately chose to let go. Soon after, there are children crying and following the carriage: “Chen Grandpa, Grandpa Chen... "All the people knew in the statement that the Chen Camel, who was quite old in the military, was seriously injured outside the mountain and was transported back at this time. Chen Camel had a life-long scorpion, no sons and no children. Later, under the advice of Ning Yi, he took care of some orphans in the Chinese army. He was sent back like this, and there may be problems outside the mountain.

The dispatch of the defending troops, the escalation of the warnings, the absence of Ning Yi, and the changes outside the mountains, the piles of these things came into contact together. Soon after, the veterans took weapons to the mountains to petition for a fight. The excitement of the group has made the whole and the situation more enthusiastic.

Su Tan, who is sitting in the town and boarding, also knew the news of Chen Luozi in the first place. The old man smashed into the mountains all the way. When he was rescued by the Chinese soldiers in front of the sentry, he was still conscious. He probably confessed to the message of Su Wenfang’s attack on the mountain. The change outside the mountain may represent the attitude of Luqiaoshan, but this is not the most urgent at present. For Su Tan, although Su Wenfang is already a member of the Huaxia Army, it is also her younger brother. At this time, two relatives appear. The situation, life and death are not clear, what will happen to her heart, it is hard to say.

Su Taner was silent for a moment in the room. At this time, the red reminder responsible for security at her side had begun to find someone to arrange for the rescue of people outside the mountain. Su Taner was only silent for a moment, then she woke up, she cleaned up her mood: "Red sister, don't be reckless... Let's go and comfort the old man outside, the mountain can't be strong."

She headed down with her head down, the pace was fast, and the red reminder followed. In the years of He Deng, Ning Yi appeared less, and Su Taner was quite prestigious in the hearts of the people. At this time, he went out to appease the people who were fighting. In the afternoon, the weather was hot and gloomy. Someone came over and informed that Master Chen woke up.


In the care room, Chen Camel was seriously injured. He smothered all the way, and he had many knives in his body. Later, he traveled long distances and drastically. If he was not purely skilled, or he was a few years old, he would not be able to wake up after this toss.

When I saw Su Tan's coming in the room, the old man with a bandage was struggling to get up: "The big lady, can't help you..." Seeing him moving, the nurse and the incoming baby Su Taner quickly ran over and held him down.

"Chen Shu is not your business, you are a hero..."

"Send someone to save, send someone to save, maybe it's too late..."

"I know, I know." Su Tan's eyes are reddish. "Su Wenfang has encountered this incident. If he has such a robbery, Chen Shu, you must be safe and hurt, or Liheng will come back, he..."

"If you want to send someone to save, the text is good, maybe you have to suffer." The old man tried his best to maintain his spirit and talked hard. "There is still to tell the family that Lu Qiaoshan is uneasy, he has been delaying time, he is not doing business. May have made up his mind to tell the family..."

"Okay, okay."

Chen Kuizi followed Ning Yi from the Zhuji period. Over the years, the title has never changed. He said this hard and he took a breather in bed. I looked at Su Taner again: "Mrs. Grandma, what happened outside, I heard people say, say something, what?"

"Nothing, Chen Shu, you are well wounded."

"I heard that the family has gone out, what happened? Grandma, you want to let the old man rest assured, tell me..."

Su Taner shook his head, silent for a moment, and took another breath: "The mountain has to deal with the Lushan Ministry, and the 16 Ninjas negotiated on the side of Xiaoshiling. Liheng passed. But we received it in the morning. The news, the Lushan Ministry has been dispatched on a large scale, to the small gray ridge, and ... I heard that someone voted for the court, things have changed."

"...how many people are around the house."

"There are five hundred people."

"...there is nothing, the East can come back." Chen camel said subconsciously, then looked up and looked at Su Taner. "Is there an arrangement in the private house, Grandma, no one counts the owner, is it not? Is there an arrangement?"

"I don't know, maybe it may not be." Su Taner shook his head. "But, with or without it, I know that he will definitely want us to deal with it in the normal way. It can't make people emptied..."

Her eyes were red, but she never cried. At this time, thousands of black-flag troops are traversing the mountains and mountains, extending all the way in Xiaoliangshan, and heading toward the small gray ridge in the north. In the direction of 90 degrees with them, the members of the Lushan Mountain and several small tribes who are rushing out are passing through the jungle and the river, and are coming to the Xiaoling Mountain!


Everything is time to see the real chapter!

A huge gray cloud obscures the sky and the air is dull. Near Xiaoshiling, the place where the Hengyi tribe is located is in chaos. The flame is burning and the plume is rising. The smoke caused by the explosion of gunpowder flies with the wind, and has not yet dispersed. The chaos and the killing sound are still coming.

Li Xiannong, the word Chengmao, forty-one years old. At this time, he walked quickly in this chaotic forest, calm and calm, the branches broke under his feet, making a squeaking sound, walking to the edge of the woodland, separated by a cliff, he raised his telescope to the far Look at the small gray ridge halfway up the mountain.

Ning Yi, the man of the monarch, is on the stone platform at the other end. Through the blurred vision of the telescope, Li Xiannong can clearly see the outline of the figure.

The killing sound is boiling on the side. Putting down the telescope, Li Xiannong’s eyes were solemn and calm, only from the slight trembling of the eyes, or could faintly detect the emotional surge of men’s hearts. With this calm face, he is the strategist of this era. In the past few years in the southwest, he has traveled among various barbarians as a scholar. He has also experienced the choice between life and death. At this moment, the whole The enemy of the world to the evil, finally made him into the game.

In this overall situation, many people dreamed of defeating this powerful enemy with the general trend. The court sent troops, Long Qifei and others forced the Wu dynasty to fight with Black Flag as soon as possible to revitalize the morale of the people who fell behind them. Li Xiannong is not limited to this. If he can achieve his goal, he will be willing to use whatever means.

In the past few years in the mountains, on the surface, he was swaying Lang Ge and others, standing on the opposite side of the Huaxia Army, and with the Wuyi Army weakening the Huaxia Army, but in reality, his biggest layout is still in constant The tribes, through the secretly standing on the side of the imperial court, the King of the Emirates, and repaired the relationship with the Black Flag Army. In the big conflict that broke out in the future, they tried to speak for the Black Flag Army as far as possible. In the end, they organized a "justice." "The League of Nations, in the last moments of the picture, seeing Ning Yi and others.

The reason why this step can be counted is because Li Xiannong has seen the difficulties and limitations of the Huaxia Army in Liangshan in the mountains for several years. When they first arrived and survived, even if they had a strong fighting power, the Huaxia Army would never dare to rip their faces with the surrounding Niche tribes. In the past few years of cooperation, the Niger tribes have also helped the Huaxia Army to maintain its business, but in this cooperation. Among them, these Nigers have no obligation to speak of. On the one hand, Huaxia Army relies on them. On the one hand, they have no restrictions on them. Regardless of the business, many interests have to be maintained for the Nigerians.

Black flag people will never be willing to die in Xiaoliangshan, Ning Yi will not be a person sitting on the dilemma.

Li Xiannong knew that he needed this alliance and could further deepen the cooperation of the league.

So Ning Yi went into the game.

The two armies fought, and for the people of the Lushan tribe, the Black Flag Army will not give up monitoring, so they cannot be killed too early. However, the rebellion of the Hengyi tribe was absolutely unexpected. The guards brought by the Emirates were largely divided. Li Xiannong even arranged artillery shelling at the League Hall. It was only the black flag army’s sensitive sense of war that made this step unsuccessful. The black flag that dared to charge the charge sharply dropped the artillery on this side, but at this time, the counterattack was already late, and the emirate of the League and Ning Yi were caught up with the road on Xiaoshiling, although the black flag guards were guilty. Recalcitrant, but the many emigrants guards who have been divided have not gathered too much combat power. As long as they can break through the black flag of the mountain and the defense lines of more than a thousand people in various ministries, all major events will be fixed.

Even if it is delayed, the main force of the Lushan Ministry is already on the way.

Before the matter was settled, even though he was already in the Hengyi tribe, Li Xiannong did not dare to come. He even sneaked a peek at the existence of Ning Yi, as if he had a long glimpse, it might be alarmed. That terrible man. But at this time, he was finally able to lift the telescope and look at it from a distance.

Even though the telescope could not see the other side's appearance, Li Xiannong felt that he could grasp the other's mood. In fact, a long time ago, he felt that as an outstanding person in the world, even if it is an opponent, everyone is sympathetic. On the chessboard in the southwest, Li Xiannong's slow layout, Ning Liheng will never ignore his son, but his enemies are too many.

Chess kills a single eye. At this moment, he knew that Ning Liheng, who was opposite, must have reacted, and who is here.

If possible, he really wants to shout here, to attract the attention of the other party, and then to enjoy the reaction of the other person's teeth.

There was footsteps behind him, and the king's food rushed over with his men. The two had known each other for a long time, the food was fierce and the temperament was relatively embarrassing, and Li Xiannong handed the monocular to the other party.

"If possible, I really want to see him before Ning Liheng's death, listen to him and talk about his thoughts... but the facts tell me that as long as there is a chance, you must kill him in the first place, and don't leave any room. ""

"I also want to talk to him and see his regretful expression." Shi Meng said.

"You don't have to take care of me like this." Li Xiannong laughed.

The food is also a cold smile, looking at the picture in the camera: "You guess what they are talking about? Is it talking about how to surrender Ning Liheng?"

In the distance from the horizon, above the stone platform, you can see the forest, houses, smoke and killing below. Ning Yi is facing all this. Just now, the warriors of the Jinjin tribe on Shitai tried to win him. At this time, the warrior had been killed in the pool by Liu watermelon.

"...the matter is imminent, it is time to choose your future. I don't blame him! But I hope that the elders can think clearly, how did Shimao treat you just now? Those artillery, he just wants to kill me, or want to Everyone killed! "Ning Yi looked at the people around him and was talking sternly.

"Of course, I don't want to say that the food is fierce. I want to dominate the Liangshan. He can't do it. The most wanted of the court is my head. But they didn't treat you as one thing. I want to invite you to think about it. The outside court. I used to think about you. The Chinese army came. They want to recruit you. Is this really the case? Without the Huaxia Army, I promise that the court will behave the same way as you did before. But I am different, I am going to take root. Here."

"Huaxia Army has been here for six years, there are promises, we have no words, we should give you the benefits, we must give you the tightening of the waist. This is a very good day, but this time, the Lushan tribe began to mess Many people have not expressed their position, because this is not your business. What the Huaxia Army brought to you is what the Huaxia Army should give, just like the cake that fell from the sky, so even the Shaoshan tribe did not have a measure, even If you start with your people, you still have to endure because you don't want to rush ahead."

"But you look at it like this, the Chinese army is gone, your things will not be there, the court can't give you anything, they look down on you~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Lushan tribe wants to start, someone asks me, why is the Chinese army not? Hands-on. We are afraid of them? Because Liangshan is their territory?--We have been the most ferocious Jurchen in the North, beat the army of the Central Plains, and even repelled them! Huaxia Army is not afraid of fighting! But we are afraid of no friends. Liangshan is yours. You are the host family. You are here to stay and we are very grateful. If one day you are not willing, we can go. But we only have to be here one day, we hope to share more things with you. At the same time, the Nepalese warriors are brave and warlike, and we admire them very much."

"It's not a melon that I grow, it's not sweet." On the platform, Ning Yi spread his hand. "We want to be brothers with everyone."

"So, even in this case... we came with sincerity."

On the edge of the woodland, Li Xiannong saw Ning Yi on the stone platform turned around and looked at it. He has already finished talking about what he wants to say, waiting for the discussion of everyone. The foot of the mountain kills the coke, and in the distant forest, the people of the Lushan tribe and the people of the black flag are rushing to the second.

At some point, a signal flare is launched in the sky.

"The black flag is desperate and wants to counterattack." Li Xiannong put down the telescope.

The food slammed and laughed: "Take my killing wolf knife!"

There is a heavy knife that has been serrated by the subordinates. The food slams the giant blade, and it is like a mountain-like momentum.

In the distance, at the foot of the mountain, more than two hundred members of the Black Flag Army formed a charge. The soldiers of the Hengyi tribe are surging!

"I would like to see how powerful the legendary Black Flag Army is!" Li Xiannong was excited and said this sentence from the teeth.

Just the next moment, the nightmare that can't be dissolved is like the top of the mountain, and it's coming!

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