Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 781: Bone blood burning (4)

The mountains are undulating. The fierce killing and offensive and defensive continuation continued. With the signal of the Huaxia Army, more than two hundred Chinese soldiers of the Huaxia Army had begun to prepare for the charge. Helmets, steel knives, sturdy scorpions, armor scorpions... In the years when the southwest lived, the Chinese army concentrated on the improvement of armaments and raw materials, and the armies of the small units were extremely sophisticated. However, in front of this battlefield, I noticed the intention of the Huaxia Army to counterattack. The soldiers of the Hengyi tribe did not show the slightest fear. Instead, they screamed in unison. As the warfare sounded, a large number of swords and blood vessels were blown. The Everlasting Warriors surged in, and the sound of the hustle and bustle merged into a tidal wave.

Surviving in this vast mountain, the braveness of the Niki is unquestionable. Compared to the formation of more than two hundred Chinese soldiers, thousands of constant warriors, rough shouts, and more power The blood is arrogant and the heart is ups and downs. The terrain in Xiaoliangshan is rugged and complex. The former Black Flag Army and the rest of the Emirates guarded the land with a small land in the area of ​​Xiaoshiling, which made it difficult for the Hengyi tribe to make a full contribution. At this moment, there was finally a chance to face each other. .

In the diffuse smoke, the attack of thousands of people will flood the entire small gray ridge.

The King of the Emirates has set off a giant blade. Li Xiannong’s heart is booming.

"I would like to see how powerful the legendary Black Flag Army is!"

Since the Jurchen South, the weakness of the Wu Dynasty soldiers has become a fact in the hearts of the scribes. The generals and soldiers are greedy and fearful of death, so they cannot resist the Jurchen. However, compared to the snowy ice in the north, the barbarian in the south is brave and can still have a battle with the world. This is also one of the reasons why Li Xiannong has confidence in this layout. At this time, he could not help but blurt out this sentence. The man is playing the game in the world, and the game is like this. The king of the kings screamed "ha". This feeling came to an abrupt end in the next moment.

A slamming sound came from far away. Something was splashed on Li Xiannong’s face. The huge body fell to the ground after the prelude of “Ha”.

The sky is gloomy, the wind is blowing in a dull, and the shouts continue. The Warriors of the Hengyi tribe have been drowned, and under the high-speed charge, they have made a fierce attack. More than two hundred black-flagged soldiers were drowned in the front line in the blink of an eye. Some long knives smashed on the armor. Some iron shields smashed the giant sticks. The fierce sword slashed the barbarian without the armor on the ground. On the other hand, the Black Flag Army soldiers took a group of more than ten people and gathered them into a group to meet the raging collision of this ten times.

"Wow, ah, ah--" The brave warrior, with the wildness trained in the perennial killing, avoided the first round of attacks, rolled into the crowd, and the steel knife danced, brave in the fearless shackles. Fight!

At the edge of the wood at the side of the side, Li Xiannong finished the speech and just put down a lens of the telescope. The wind was blowing, and he stood there without moving. There were no movements around the people. Among these people, there were Jiangnan heroes who followed Li Xiannong. There were guards around the king’s king, and there was a bit of sorrow at this moment. I didn’t understand what happened. Just a moment when the Emirates screamed and laughed, the forest on the side of the hill had a gunshot over a distance of more than a hundred feet and landed on the neck of the food.

The majestic man was shattered in the throat at the first time, and the blood burst out. He fell down with a long knife. The people still did not respond at all. Li Xiannong’s ambition was still in the dream of playing the world as a chessboard. He officially dropped the opening pawn, considering the sequel to your fight. The other party’s generals.

On the front line below the side, the fierce fight is beginning, and more than two hundred Huaxia troops have broken into the tide-like offensive. In the core of the killing, the black flag is wavering and standing. The Nigerian warriors also had the same unyielding war, and no one noticed the change in the rear.

Li Xiannong reacted from the consciousness of becoming extremely slow. He looked at the fallen prince's body and opened his mouth. The screams and screams in the air are spreading. He said: "Block him..." The people around him couldn't understand, so he said, "Block him, don't let people see."

The Jiangnan knights who followed Li Xiannong knew what he was talking about, and he was about to go forward. The guards after eating and rushing rushed up, and the swordsmen came out and blocked these knights.

Li Xiannong's face was yellow and white, his voice screaming, and he saw the confrontation appear. He turned and left, and the chivalrous men around him followed. The pedestrians hurried across the woods, and the sound of the arrows screamed over the trees. The sound of chaos outside the woods began to swell. On the other side of the woods, a wave of smothering began to become fierce. Li Xiannong and others have not been able to go out, they saw a small group of people over there being slashed.

This time, the Little Grey Ridge Alliance, the Hengyi Tribe suddenly attacked, and many of the Emirates' guards were divided on the periphery of the battlefield, making it difficult to break through the rescue. What appears next is a black-flagged team of 20 or 30 people. The single-armed single-armed leader is the murderer of the big wicked man in the Black Flag Army. If it is normal, Li Xiannong may react. The attack that the team suddenly launched from the side is not accidental, but at this moment, he can only run as fast as possible.

The knights around him rushed to the past, trying to block this special operations squad, and the oncoming was the whistling and screaming. Li Xiannong’s running still tried to maintain his image. At this time, his teeth ran wildly, and he did not know whether he was smashed by the roots of the tree. He suddenly threw himself out and fell to the ground. He climbed a few times and could not stand up. The back of the man was stepped on, and the lower abdomen hit the stone on the ground, and his whole face was twisted.

"Tie up!"

The far-end killing sound came over, and the killing in the vicinity has come to an end. Li Xiannong was re-cut by both hands, and he picked up the hemp rope and tied it. In the swaying field of vision, the knights have fallen down, or they have fled, and the "Shentian knife" killed by the killing did not pay much attention to the situation here. Most of the members rushed in the direction of Li Xiannong.

Li Xiannong was tied and unable to move, and his heart was already cold. After a while, he realized a little bit about what the team was doing. The counterattack of the Black Flag Army is linked to the appearance of a musket that flies and the presence of this team. If the food has never been killed under that musket, this team is obviously also going to be shocked. His thoughts flashed through his thoughts. I don’t know how complicated it is. Look around, there are only three black flag members here. The killing in the distance is still going on. He has a glimmer of hope in his heart: maybe the Hengyi tribe still Can kill the black flag army in front, and after a while, Lang Ge, Lian Niang and others came over and had a chance to be saved.

But such hopes are still sinking.

The sounds of strangling, shouting, and drums in the distance gradually became neat, symbolizing that the war began to fall to one side. This is not surprising. The southwestern Nike is brave, but the entire system is headed by the Emirates, and the food is dying. Either the new patriarch is in the upper position, or the family is collapsed. Right now, this is obviously happening.

Things continued for a long time, and the shouts gradually stopped, and more were slaughter and footsteps. Someone shouted loudly to maintain order, and after a while, Li Xiannong saw some people coming over here - he was supposed to see Ning Yi and others, but not. It was only a black flag squad that came to pass the good news. Then someone took bamboo poles, wooden sticks, etc., and tied Li Xiannong and others like a pig, and carried it to the main square of the Hengyi tribe.

Li Xiannong’s humiliation has been extremely high. When he was tied to a wooden stick, he struggled a few times and shouted: “You can’t kill it!” “Let Ning Yi come to see me!” The soldier had blood on his body and could take it with him. The root stick was hit on Li Xiannong's head, and Li Xiannong did not dare to say it again. Then he was blocked by a cloth and carried to the central frame of the Grand Plaza.

More members of the Hengyi tribe have been here, some crying and pointing at Li Xiannong, but under the guards of the surrounding soldiers, they do not dare to move. At this time, the Nizi is still a slave system, and the loser does not have any human rights. The Hengyi tribe was willing to calculate the 16th, and the embassies of the ministries were able to command the lower part of the squadron. They almost completely destroyed the entire Hengyi tribe, but the Huaxia army stopped it, which stopped the almost massacre.

More members of the Hengyi tribe were taken out and smashed in front of them.

Li Xiannong, who was placed in front of him, was already numb. After a while, some people announced that the Hengyi tribe had a new emirate. For this incident, there were only a few evils and no indiscriminate decision. The crowd cried and bowed, and several rumors were pulled out and slashed directly in front.

After this matter subsided slightly under the orders of the new Emirates, Ning Yi and others came from the horizon, and the fifteen kings came along. Li Xiannong, who was tied to a wooden stick, stared at Ning Yi and waited for him to come and fall, but nothing happened. After the appearance, the new Emir of the Hengyi tribe used to plead guilty. Ning Yi said a few words, and then the new Emirates came over and announced that the innocent people would temporarily go home, check the materials, and rescue the burned or affected houses. She. The people of the Hengyi tribe are grateful again and again. For them, the failure of chaos may mean that the whole family is a slave. At this time, the handling of the Huaxia Army has really regained a sense of life.

The time is already in the afternoon, and the sky is dark and not scattered. Ning Yi and the 16 emirates entered the side hall next to them and began to continue their meetings. Li Xiannong could imagine what the Chinese army would get this time. The meeting opened soon, and the voice of the outside police finally came.

The team of Lang Ge and Lian Niang has arrived.

Waiting for them will be a head-on blow. At the same time, thousands of troops and Deng Weijun troops are still chasing after the end!

The Lushan Department arrived as expected and did not disturb Ning Yi and others who met in the hall. With the gradual retreat of the Hengyi tribe, there were thousands of Nepalese teams that could be assembled at the time of Xiaoshiling. The early ambush caused Lange and others to eat a headache.

This is the most difficult period of Li Xiannong's life. It is like an endless mud, people sinking slowly, and there is no way to struggle. The people in the Lushan Department came and began to flee. Ning Yi did not even come out to look at it. He was tied here and there was someone pointing around. This is also a humiliation for him. Hate can't die.

Time gradually passed, the sky gradually turned black, the bonfire rose, and another black flag army arrived at Xiaolingling. From the trivial words he had no intention of listening to, Li Xiannong knew that the loss of the Lushan Ministry was not serious, but what about it? The Black Flag Army did not care.

His eyes can see the hall of the party. After this meeting, the Lushan Ministry will have nowhere to stand in the small and small mountains, waiting for them, only the catastrophe that followed. The Black Flag Army did not have this ability, but what Ning Yi hoped was that many Niche tribes confirmed each other's watch and watch through such a form. Since then, the Black Flag Army has really opened the situation in the small and small mountains.

It was his own busy running, and he took this opportunity to his hands. Li Xiannong thinks of these, it is extremely ironic, but more, or the fear that will be faced later, I do not know how to be cruelly killed.

The bonfire burned for a long time, and I don’t know when the meeting in the hall was gone. Ning Yi and others came out one after another, and they were still laughing and talking and talking. Li Xiannong closed his eyes and refused to look at their smiles. But after a while, someone came over. The middle-aged man in the gray robe was Ning Liheng. His appearance was not old, but he had his own Of course, the power of Ning Yi looked at him and said: "Let him go."

The killer around him pulled out the knife, and the brush cut off the rope. Li Xiannong fell to the ground and it hurt so badly. In the process of his slowly rolling, the killing had already cut the rope on his hands and feet, and some people numb the limbs. Helped. Ning Yi looked at him, and he also looked hard at Ning Yi.

"Do you know monkeys?"

Ning Yi’s mouth spoke, unexpectedly calm, Li Xiannong stunned, and then thought that the other party was sarcastic that he was a monkey, but then he felt that this was not the case.

"In the recent research of Huaxia Army, there is a strange theory that people are changed from monkeys." Ning Yi said gently, "Many years ago, monkeys came out of the woods and faced many enemies, tigers, Leopards, jackals, monkeys have no tiger's fangs, no beast's claws, their nails are no longer as sharp as these animals, they can only be preyed by these animals, and one day they pick up the stick and find it. The way to protect yourself."

"There are no caves, they set up their houses. They eat more meat and are more likely to get sick. They learn to use fire. The monkeys took the stick or the tiger. They learned to cooperate. Later these monkeys became human."

Li Xiannong is listening to the Arabian Nights. Ning Yi smiled.

"Everything in the heavens and the earth is becoming stronger in the process of overcoming the problem. I am your problem. Jurchen is your problem. I can't beat me. It means that you are not strong enough. It is not strong enough, indicating that the path you found is wrong. You must find the right one. Ning Yi said, "If it is not right, it will die."

Li Xiannong’s heart turned a lot of words that he wanted to refute. However, his mouth was dry, and he did not know whether he was afraid or poor, and he could not make a sound. Ning Yi just paused.

"After you go back, teach and educate people, continue to run for appeals. In short, you must find a way to become stronger. We must not only have the wisdom to find the weaknesses of the enemy, but also have the courage to face and improve our own embarrassment, because Jurchen Will not let you, they will not let anyone."

"... Go back... let me go..." Li Xiannong stunned for a long while, and the Chinese soldiers around him let him go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He even stepped back two steps. Ning Yi snorted and didn't talk anymore, turned and left.

There was a passing soldier who came over and reported some information to Ning Yi. Li Xiannong looked around and looked around. The nearby Dharma had already waved around. Li Xiannong took a few steps and saw no one around him. He walked away and walked to the square. Next to it, a member of the Huaxia Army sideways sideways and did not seem to be blocking him. At this time, Ning Yi on the other side of the square looked over here. He raised a hand and hesitated, but finally he ordered it: "Wait a minute."

Li Xiannong stunned again. At this moment, he even wanted to flee his legs. The Chinese soldiers next to him looked at him and the scene was very embarrassing.

In the blink of an eye, the young soldier hit it with a punch.

Li Xiannong fell to the ground in pain. He didn't faint. When he looked at Ning Yi, the bastard's hand was lifted in the air for a while, then he said: "Not now... I will send you out in a few days. ""

Li Xiannong did not know what happened. Ning Yi had already begun to move to one side. From that side, Li Xiannong felt that he was somewhat angry. The Nissan game of Liangshan, the whole game, is in his calculations. Li Xiannong doesn't know what he is angering, or, at the moment, can make him feel angry and how big it is.

"...The mountain mobilizes, ready to fight... send someone to tell him that people are going to live. Three days later... I personally talked to him."

The autumn wind in the night faintly rolled the sound, and the taste of the smoke still did not dissipate. The next day, the Nizu tribes in the Liangshan Mountains of the same size began to attack the Laoshan family.

In the southwest, this chaos is just a gentle prelude, and the chaos of the whole world has opened the corner of the curtain...

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