Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 782: Bone sputum blood burning (5)

The gloomy prison has a rotten smell, and the flies are screaming, wet and stuffy. Severe pain and discomfort stopped a little, and the ragged Su Wenfang curled up in the corner of the cell and shivered.

The prison in Zhangzhou and the voice of mourning came from far away. After being arrested for a day and a half, the nearly one-day torture caused Su Wenfang to collapse. At least in his own somewhat clear consciousness, he felt that he had collapsed.

Maybe it was dead at the time, but it was better...

Sustained pain and discomfort can make people's perceptions of reality tend to dissipate, and many times there will be memories and hallucinations like this. After being tortured for a day, the other party threw him back to the prison and took a break. Something was better, and the mind was gradually awake. His body trembled and cried silently, his thoughts were chaotic, he sometimes wanted to die, he sometimes regretted it, sometimes he was numb, and sometimes he remembered the experiences of these years.

This is the first time in his life to experience these things, whipping, sticks, sticks and even a soldering iron, beating and watering over and over again. From the first time he hit, he felt that he could not hold on.

He never felt that he was a strong person.

Over the years, I first worked with Zhu Ji, and later joined the war and became a member of the Huaxia Army. His way of going is not easy, but relatively speaking, it is not difficult. Follow your sister and brother-in-law, you can learn a lot of things, although you have to pay enough serious and hard work, but for the rest of the world, he is already happy enough. Over the years, from the efforts of Zhuji Xia Village, to the Golden Temple, and then to the Xiao Cang River, defeated Xixia, and then spent three years in the blood, running the Southwest for several years, as an administrative officer in the Black Flag Army, I have seen A lot of things, but did not really experience the hardships of **** fights, the great horror between life and death.

Many times he passed through the miserable wounded battalion, and he felt the infiltration of cold in his heart.

Over the years, he has seen many people as strong as steel. But running away, Su Wenfang’s innermost heart is always fearful. The only weapon against terror is a sensible analysis. When the situation outside the Liangshan Mountains began to shrink and the situation became chaotic, Su Wenfang also feared what he would experience. However, the results of the rational analysis tell him that Lu Qiaoshan can see the situation clearly. Whether it is the war and the peace of his own people, it is also the greatest interest for him. In the southwest of today, the military actually has a huge say.

It’s just that things are going in an uncontrollable direction.

Since he was arrested in the prison, the torturer told him to list the members of the Huaxia Army who were still outside the mountain. He naturally did not want to say it. The subsequent torture was unbearable every second. Su Wenfang thought Those companions who died in front of their eyes thought, "Keep it up and stick to it." In less than half an hour, he began to beg for mercy.

Seeking for mercy can get a certain amount of time, but no matter what you say, as long as you are not willing to confess, torture will always continue. The body quickly became flustered. At the beginning, Su Wenfang fantasized that the members of the Huaxia Army who were lurking in Zhangzhou would come to rescue him. However, such hopes were not realized. Su Wenfang’s thoughts swayed between confession and confession, and most of the time he cried. Shouting, begging for mercy, and occasionally threatening each other. The injury on the body was too painful. Then he was sprinkled with salt water. He was pressed into the bucket again and again, suffocating and fainting. After more than two hours, Su Wen easily asked for confession.

If you confessed, you couldn’t say it.

For many years, the figures on the battlefield, the black-flagged soldiers who died in the fight with the Jurchens, the screaming in the wounded battalion, the broken limbs, the veterans who had not died but who had been disabled after the fight... These things Shaking in front of him, he couldn't understand why these people experienced so many pains and shouted to be willing to go to the battlefield. But these things made him unable to say the words of confession.

He sat at the table and shivered for a while, then began to cry again, looked up and cried: "I can't say..."

Next, nature is a more vicious torture.

Every moment he feels that he is going to die. In the next moment, more pain continues, and the brain has become a bloody, crying with cursing and begging for mercy. Sometimes he will cry when he cries: "We are In the north, I’m a Jurchen, three years in the northwest. Do you know how many people died, how did they die... When you clung to the Xiao Cang River, how did you fight? When there was little food, some people starved to death. ... retreat, someone has not withdrawn, ah... ah - we are doing good..."

"I beg you... don't fight..."


This weak voice gradually developed into: "I said..."

Then it became: "I can't say..."

After repeated cycles, the torturers changed a few times, and later they were tired. Su Wenfang did not know how he persisted, but the tragic things reminded him that he could not speak. He knows that he is not a hero. Soon after, someone who can't keep going may have to confess, but before that... Hold on... I have been stunned for so long, and then lick it...

Maybe the rescuer will come?

I did not know when he was thrown back to the cell. When the injury was slight, he curled up whereabouts, and then began to cry silently, and he complained in his heart. Why did the people who saved him still not come, and then they couldn’t keep up? I don’t know when, someone suddenly opened. Prison door.

Su Wenfang was extremely exhausted, and suddenly he woke up suddenly. His body began to cramp up in the corner of the cell. However, the two men came over and picked him up.

Su Wenfang struggled, and soon after, he was half-turned back to the torture room. His body was slightly relieved. When he saw the torture tools, he became more and more fearful. The torturer came over and asked him to sit at the table and put on paper and pen: "Thinking for so long, brother, Give me a face, write a name... It doesn't matter."

Su Wenfang trembled, the man's hand pressed against his shoulder, touched the wound, and the pain surged again. Su Wen was so convenient and cried: "I can't say that my sister will kill me, my brother-in-law will not let me go..."

"They don't know."

"They know... Oh, you don't understand, someone around you..."


"I don't know, they will know, I can't say, I can't say, you didn't see, how did those people die... In order to fight Jurchen, Wuchao can't beat Jurchen, they die to resist Jurchen, why are you? Why is it like this..."

After he said this, the torturer slaps him to the ground and shouts: "Tie up -"

A few people next to Su Wenfang tied the shelf, and the torturer came over: "You refuse to say that the tongue is useless, but you only have one, I gave you a face. Let you write that you refuse to write, there are ten fingers. We are playing slowly!"

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if you don't know this..." Su Wenfang struggled and shouted loudly. The other party had already grabbed one of his fingers, and the other hand took the iron pin and leaned over.

"Don't say -"

"We play gold! We have a lot of people dead! I can't say it!"

"Give me a name -"

"My brother-in-law will kill you! Kill your family and kill your family. You let me go, I can't say, I can't say it--"

The mad shouts took the blood in the mouth, which lasted for a while, then the iron needles were inserted, and the screams of screaming screamed from the tortured room...

Subsequently, it is a scene in hell.

In the small and small mountains, the cofferdam of the Daishan Nissan has begun substantially.

The autumn harvest is still going on, and the Huaxia Army of Jishan has already mobilized, but it has not yet been officially opened. In the dull autumn, Ning Yi returned to He Deng and waited for negotiations with the mountains.

On the surface, Lu Qiaoshan’s attitude toward peace is not clear. He respects Ning Yi on the surface and is willing to conduct a face-to-face negotiation with Ning Yi, but the details of the negotiations are slightly sloppy, but The Chinese military ambassador who came out of the mountain got the order of Ning Yi. Under the tough attitude, Lu Qiaoshan finally made concessions.

The date of the negotiations was two days after the preparatory work, and the location was set in a valley outside the Xiaoliang Mountain. Ningyi took 3,000 people out of the mountain, and Luqiaoshan also brought 3,000 people to come. No matter what the idea, the 4th, 4-6th talks Clearly - this is Ning Yi's toughest attitude - if you don't talk, start at the fastest speed.

This day, it was already July 21 of the 9th anniversary of the establishment of the Wu Dynasty. In the morning, the autumn wind became a bit cold, and it blew through the grass outside the Xiaoliang Mountain. Ning Yi and Lu Qiaoshan met in a dilapidated pergola on the grass. In the distance, there are 3,000 troops in the distance. After greeting each other, Ning Yi saw Su Wenfang brought by Lu Qiaoshan. He wore a neat robes, his face was patched, and his fingers were wrapped up in his sleeves. His pace seemed to be illusory. This time the negotiations, Su Taner also followed. When I saw my brother's demeanor, my eyes narrowed red, and Ning Yi walked over and gently hugged Su Wenfang.

Su Wenfang’s face slightly showed a painful look. The weak voice seemed to be sent out from the depths of his throat: “Sister husband... I didn’t say...”

"Know, take good care of you."

"...the ones who are working are the people who are going to force Luqiaoshan to fight..."

"it is good."

Su Wenfang whispered and said the words in a low voice. This was separated from Ning Yi and passed to the side of Su Tan.

Ning Yi faced Luqiaoshan, Luqiaoshan arched his hand, smiled and diligent: "Misundering misunderstanding, it is not the meaning of Lu, Mr. Ning, misunderstanding."

Ning Yi nodded and made a gesture of sitting. He looked at the back and said: "After all, it is my wife and brother, and I have trouble with the employers."

"Oh, what should be, those who are ruined by Confucianism, and the lack of erection and murder, Mr. Ning must be angry."

Ning Yi nodded and smiled. They didn't sit down. Lu Qiaoshan just arched his hand. Ning Yi thought for a while: "There is my wife, Su Tan."

"The younger brother and sister's name is talented and talented. I have been long-awaited."

Ning Yi did not answer the words and said in the tone of the talent: "My wife was originally from a merchant family, Jiangning City, the third-ranking cloth dealer. When I entered the country, I accumulated several generations, but it was a key. At the time of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the third generation of the family did not have any talents. Grandfather Su Yu finally decided to let my wife, Taner, come to the house. These people followed her to do some customs and do some miscellaneous things. It’s fortunate that these houses will be able to be completed in the future.”

Luqiaoshan nodded.

"Of course, for various reasons, we did not take this road. My father passed away a few years ago. He has no world in his heart. He always thinks about this home. It is very peaceful when he walks, because although he made it later, On the contrary, but the children of Su Jiacheng are still there. The young people of a decade ago, walking the dog, the middle man, maybe he has been a habit of squandering his life for a lifetime, and his life can’t be seen. Jiang Ningcheng. But the fact is, today, General Lu, you see, my wife and brother, is a real man who stands on the ground, even if you look at the whole world, compared with anyone, he has nothing to stand up."

Ning Yi looked at Lu Qiaoshan, Lu Qiaoshan was silent for a moment: "Yes, I received your message from Mr. Ning, and when he made up his mind to save him, he has been beaten up. But he said nothing. ”

Ning Yi looked up at the sky and then nodded slightly: "General Lu, for more than a decade, the Huaxia Army has experienced a very difficult situation. In the northwest, in the Xiao Cang River, it was besieged by a million troops and confronted with Jurchen. They have not really lost. Many people have died, and many people have become a real man. In the future, they will fight against Jurchens, there are countless beatings, and countless people will die, but they will die. ... General Lu, the Jurchens have already gone south, I beg you, this time give them a way to live, give your own people a way to live, let them die in a place worthy of death..."

When the wind blows over, the thatched grass on the pergola is rolled up. Ning Yi looked at Lu Qiaoshan and asked for it.

"……good or not?"

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