Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 783: Bone blood burning (6)

"...Jurase has already gone south?"

Under the pergola of the autumn wind, after Ning Yi’s problem, it was silent for a long time. Lu Qiaoshan opened his mouth and did not respond positively to Ning Yi’s request.

Ning Yi nodded: "I have received a message from the north yesterday. Six days ago, Zong Fuzong had 300,000 soldiers and had entered Hebei. Li Xizhi would not resist. When we spoke, the Jurchen army striker might be close. Jingdong East Road. General Lu, you should have received these news soon."

When today, the Huaxia Army, led by Ning Yi, is an army that attaches the most importance to intelligence. He said this, Lu Qiaoshan was silent again. Jurchen is the enemy of the world, and will fall to the head of the Wu Dynasty at any time. This is the consensus that all people who can understand the situation have, but when all this is finally understated, the feelings of the people will eventually It’s hard to say, even Luqiaoshan is the most critical reality.

He looked back at the army and thought about it all silently. Ning Yi waited for a while.

"There is a rebellion for Liu Yu. I have prepared for you for a while. This is the last chance for all the rebels in the Central Plains. It is also the last chance for the Wu Dynasty. Is it worth it to put the time for this fight with my internal consumption? The important thing is... can you get it?"

Lu Qiaoshan turned back and revealed the skilled smile: "Mr. Ning..."

At the same time as his smile, Ning Yi’s smile: “General Lu...” Then the smile converges. “When you look at me, I am also analyzing you. If you want to talk, you don’t have to say it. Your army is blocking, not attacking, wanting to drag the Huaxia Army to the weakest time, and strive for a victory. Anyone will do this, nothing wrong, but the opportunity has been missed, the size of Liangshan has stabilized, thanks to Li Xiannong Help people cooperate."

"But what can I do." Lu Qiaoshan smiled helplessly. "The order of the court, the gang is watching behind. When they catch Mr. Su, I can't save, but a group of scholars blocked me in front, going forward. One step, I was the anti-thief. I later fished him out and risked tearing his face."

Ning Yi shook his head: "Compared to the life and death of 100,000 people, we must go all the way to the Jurchens in the south of the Yangtze River. There are many ways to imaginary and murderous snakes. Even if someone is really noisy, they have no results. The Jurchen has come over, you at least keep it safe. The strength. General Lu, don't squint and understand the mess. This time you can't pretend, if you don't talk, I will treat you as an enemy."

Ning Yi’s voice was low. When he said it, he also looked back. Su Wenfang had been taken away by the stretcher. Su Tan also followed the distance: “The body bears the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people. Many times you want The question of who is going to die. Su Wenfang is back, we have six people, and we have died in this matter very innocently, including the things of Liangshan, I can directly shovel the mountain, but I follow them to do the game, there are At that time, more people may be in danger. I know best how many people will die, but I can't help but die... General Lu, this time, the Chinese army will die more people, if you are willing to let go, you have to eat. Dumb is bad for us to eat."

Lu Qiaoshan nodded. He looked at Ning Yi for a long time and finally said: "Mr. Ning, ask a question... Why don't you directly shovel the mountain?"

"Asked well," Ning Yi silent for a moment, nodded, and then spit a long breath: "Because you must be inside."

Lu Qiaoshan smiled, the smile on his face became extremely weak, but perhaps this is his true face: "Yes, Huaxia Junyi and Dengsan County, now 8,000 people go outside, and see the three counties It is still strong, but if you really want to send troops to fight against me, your rear is not stable. I guess you will start to solve this problem, but I also really hope that Li Xiannong can make some achievements... Block the Liangshan You consume yourself every day. I sincerely hope that this process can be longer, but I also know that in the presence of Mr. Ning, this little trick will not last long."

"There is only one problem." Luqiaoshan Road, "You also know that you must first be inside, how can I not guard against the black flag?"

"The answer is, I can shovel the mountain, and your martial arts army can't beat the black flag behind me." Ning Yi looked at him. "If you know what you can't do, I call you a voice." Strong man, but now in the Jurchen, you take 100,000 people to burn with me. It is worthless."

Lu Qiaoshan walked to the side, sat down on the chair and whispered: "This is the value of the army."

"What?" Ning Yi’s voice was low. He sat down and reached for tea. Lu Qiaoshan's body leaned back on the back of the chair, and his eyes looked to one side. The two men's gestures were like a casual friend.

"Mr. Ning, in the past few years, many people have said that the Wu dynasty is weak, and they are defeated by women. They are defeated repeatedly. What is the reason? What is the way to win the battle? When the head of the Wuyi Army is headed, Lumou thinks hard. I thought of two things, although not necessarily right, at least it is a glimpse of Lu."

"I want to hear the details." Ning Yi pushed the teacup.

"This world, above the court, the military commander, of course, is wrong. The army can not fight, it is from the Wenchen's ignorance of the soldiers, they think they are full of economics, the paper on the soldiers make people want to defeat the enemy, the roots are also. There is nothing wrong with the military commander? It’s two mistakes to slap the same shackles, eat empty squats, make good money, and play with women, and to bully them. These lost generals are not wrong.

Lu Qiaoshan erected his finger: "How to correct it, I can't say that Lu can only manage himself. But after thinking about it for a long time, one thing is to figure it out. The world is finally a literati, if one day things If you can do it well, then the DPRK and the Chinese will have to make the right order, and the military commander will do his own thing. When these two things are all realized, things can be done well."

"As Mr. Ning said, it may be right to be outside the country, but the court only allowed me to use 100,000 people to fight the black flag. Maybe it is wrong. Who can say it? Maybe This time, their decision is right? Who knows what the **** thinks!” Lu Qiaoshan looked at Ning Yi and smiled. “There is only one road.”

"My martial arts army Anan performs the order of the dynasty. If they are wrong, it seems that I am not worth it. But my Luqiaoshan is here today, it is not worth it, I am for this world to go. Right. I am right. Just waiting for them to do the right thing, this world will be saved. If I am doing something wrong, whether they are right or wrong, this game... Lu is defeated."

"The army must obey orders."

The sound of Luqiaoshan is in the autumn wind.

"Lu is on weekdays, you can trade with your Black Flag Army, because you have iron cannons, we don't have them, we can get the benefits, others are the bars. However, the ultimate benefit is to win the battle. Now the National Games is in the department. Mr. Ning, Wu Junjun can only do the right thing, and the other ones are handed over to the princes."

His voice was flat and firm, and it was no longer a scornful smile on weekdays. Ning Yi’s fingers tapped on the table in front of him and listened quietly all the time. When the sound fell, the tapping gradually stopped. He looked up and took a long breath.

"Know it." There was no more persuasion in this voice. Ning Yi stood up, sorted out his robe, and then opened his mouth, closed silently and opened his mouth again, his fingers falling on the table.

"...had to fight." Ning Yi said.

The wind blew from the nearby mountains, and screamed along the earth. I don’t know how long the porch was built quietly. I don’t know that I have witnessed a history. After a simple farewell, Ning Yi went to the black hunting slogan, behind Lu Qiaoshan, the posture of the three thousand martial arts army is also quite straight, as if to prove and tell the generals of the generals.

In the city of Zhangzhou, Long Qifei and other scholars gathered together, and the words of Luqiaoshan made people go to the prison to take away the shameful behavior of the members of the black flag. People were filled with indignation and hate to immediately smother the country’s thieves. After that, the Wushu Army and the Huaxia Army broke through the war.

After a few mistakes, the people began to slap the crown and rejoiced in the upcoming war.

On the second day of the proverb, the 100,000 martial arts army officially promoted the size of Liangshan, conquering the black flag, and supporting the tribes such as Lange. At this time, the Nizu in the Liangshan Mountains had basically succumbed to the Black Flag Army. However, the massive slaughter has not yet begun, and Lu Qiaoshan can only take advantage of this period of time to force the Nuo to make further choices with the military power of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, it will interfere with the autumn harvest of the Black Flag Army.

The literati have made a lot of poems for this purpose, to sing the efforts of Long Qifei and others in this matter--if the righteous people risked their murder, they took the risk and seized the traitors of the Black Flag Army. The Wuyi Army, who had left and swayed to the left, had to break with the black flag. With the weak character of Luqiaoshan, how can he really make up his mind to fight with the other side?

The advancement of this great army means that the Wu Dynasty finally made a formal and vigorous reconciliation against this shameful rebellious monk. If one day the thief is given a confession, the scholars know that there will be a column of them in this credit book. first name. They are looking forward to a war of sorrow in Ganzhou, which constantly inspires morale, and many people have already begun to go ahead.

Soon after, people will witness a fiasco.

In the north, the huge military forces marched on the road under the south of Fujian. The Jurchens’ ranks were neat and tidy. In front of them, it is the mountains and rivers that have already surrendered. The mountains and rivers in the field of vision are undulating, and the waters stretch. The outer branches of the Jurchen army, the army of Li Xizhi, which has been assembled, has also been rushed to gather and clean up the obstacles around them.

Although he was captured by Liu Yu and sent out by Nanwen, there were many rebels and echoes in the Central Plains. However, on the site of General Ping Hing’s Li Xizhi, the rebellious will is not strong.

In the hinterland of Li Xizhi site, Shandong's poor mountain water, with the generals of the night, two teams of knights gradually embarked on the hills, and soon after, the light of the light faintly shines on the faces of the leaders on both sides.

At the end of the field of vision, there is a man who has a more beautiful face than a woman. This is Wang Shanyue, who was known as the "Wolf Thief" many years ago. He is next to his wife and follows his wife, "One Zhang Qing". Www.wuxiaspot.com~ And at the end of the field of vision, the man who appeared gradually left a beard with a sloppy face, which made people look down on age, but the eyes still looked firm and sacred, behind him, carrying It has already been known as a long gun.

This is a "burning city gun" wish.

Since Ning Yijun Jun, after the chaos in the world, Wang Shanyue, who was involved in it, first returned to Shandong under the protection of his wife. Zhu Xi was returned during the three years of the Xiao Cang River. Due to the large size of Li Xizhi, the encirclement of the Black Flag Army, Dulonggang finally disappeared in the eyes of the people after several battles, and Zhu Jia and Yu Jia also broke each other because of different positions. For a few years, this may be the first time a trio has met.

Yan Sanniang, who had had a marriage contract with Zhu Xi, had great vigilance against the man in front of him. However, Wang Shanyue did not care about the danger of wishing for this. He smiled and asked for the horse, and looked at the wish in front. Did not say too much words - when they worked together in Ning Yi's side, the two men had a deep accumulation of friendship, even if they followed each other different ways, this friendship did not die.

"What do you want to do?"

"Maybe like you."

"That cooperation."

"it is good."

"After success, the credit goes to the court."

"On the singing, are you better than bamboo?"

"...try it."

Wang Shanyue turned to the horse's head and stood side by side with him. Yan Sanniang also came over, and the vigilant eyes still followed Zhu Xi.

For the Jurchen, the first blockade that shocked the world is about to start. On the hills, the moonlight is shining, the stars are lonely, no one knows, after this war, how many people who look up at the stars at this moment can survive...

But when the real destruction is down, people are only going forward and moving forward...

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