Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 784: Autumn wind blew and floods (1)

In Hejian, the first thing that came from the news was the increase in taxes and taxes.

Since the Jurchens, the Wu Dynasty was forced to move south, the land of the Central Plains has always been difficult to have a few days. In the mouth of the old man and the witch, the official of the Wu Dynasty lost their luck, and the year was also worse. Sometimes floods and sometimes droughts, last year’s ravages of the Central Plains, there were big disasters, and people who lost their lives became " Hungry ghosts all the way south, on the bank of the Yellow River, I do not know how many homeless souls.

Hungry eyes have seen the Yellow River. This year, north of the Yellow River, it ushered in a rare and beautiful year. Without the natural disasters that took turns, there were no violent people. The wheat in the field looked high. Then there is a heavy harvest. In the village of Xunzi, Wang Laoshi was ready to bite his teeth and gave his son a wife. The man in the door went to the door.

This year's taxation and servitude have been greatly increased. In the tone of the public's vomiting, it seems that we have to take 60% of this year's income, and the wheat with less than two stones per mu has a lot of stone, then the next The days are gone.

Wang Laoshi is a warm-hearted person on weekdays. This time, the public in the Tuen Mun couldn’t help but say something: "You are also a person, and you are also a aunt of life. You have to bring people from the village. Forced to die."

After the public was embarrassed to leave, Wang Laoshi lost his strength and sat in the yard in a sullen mood, staring at the three earthen houses in the house. People are alive, it’s too bitter, it’s not interesting, I want to think about it, or when the Wu Dynasty is there, it’s better.

Soon after, the son came back and learned about the tax, and he couldn’t speak. The son is also a young man who is honest and honest. The three sticks can't make a fart. This year has already been twenty-three, and I haven't married a wife. It’s not that there are no women around. It’s too bitter in the early years, I don’t dare to marry, I can’t live. The official tax should be suppressed, this year you have to eat choking, and raise a woman.

On the boring autumn night, the same heavy heart was pressed in the hearts of many people. The next day, the village opened a meeting in the ancestral hall. The days can't go on like this. Tell the lord above the bitterness and ask them to start loving. Give everyone a way to live, after all: "Even when the Jurchens came, they were not so overwhelmed."

In the family, please go out and stay in the old township. In order to clear the relationship, everyone also put together some money to make up the money. Wang Laoshi and his son were chosen as porters, picking up wheat, bacon and the like. Soon after, they got a series of villages separated by several villages. Everyone sent representatives, and they went up and down.

Seeing that there were more people, Wang Laoshi and others began to pick up their hearts. The public also let them go along the way. Soon after, they rushed to the Hejian House. The prefect of Wang Manguang came out to appease the people. Times, not successful. The man under the head talked about the traitor of the dog officer, and picked it up, and then there was a jingle that screamed at the dog officer in the city.

Two days later, a large number of soldiers suddenly poured into the city, and the martial law was tightened. Wang Laoshi and others were scared, and thought that everyone’s rebellion against the government had already been a big problem. However, the officers and men did not catch them, but went directly to the prefects. It is said that the dog official Wang Manguang was imprisoned.

Since then, things have developed rapidly. During the two days, the city’s inner and outer sorrows have been raging, and the officials in the government have been imprisoned one after another. Just two days, the river market in Hejianfu set up a huge Xingtai. On this day, Wang Laoshi and others all received news and ran to the market to see the head, killing the dog’s head and killing. It is the head of the servant and the official.

The officers and men who had been pretending to be good fortune were taken up. Wang Manguang was very fat, and his brain was full of fat. He was tied at this time, and he blocked his mouth with a cloth strip. These dog officers were really killing. People picked up the things on the ground and scolded him. Soon after, he was first placed in front of Xingtai, and the female Jurchen official announced his crime of neglecting his duties.

Most people can't understand the crime, just cheering, Wang Manguang was broken, his forehead was bloody, and when he finally cut his head, the executioner took the cloth in his mouth. This chubby corrupt official I looked at the crowd in front and finally said a word. In this era, he was fat, so Wang Manguang was not a good official, and he could even be said to be inferior, but he was loaded into the later history because of this sentence.

"Flee away... folks..." said the dog officer who had broken his blood.

After a while, the executioner's knife fell.

On this day, in the joy of people's joy, the management of the Tuen Mun of the original Hejian House was almost killed by a third, and the blood was flowing into the river. Wan Yanchang, the "Marshal" from the North, presided over this justice.

The female real marshal came, and the discerning old people were no longer qualified to face it, and everyone returned to the village. After Wang Manguang was killed for three days, the new martial arts and the next servant team have resumed operation. This time, the two servants who came to Wang Laoshi’s home are already two different attitudes from the previous one.

This time they are coming to save their lives.

After some notice, more taxes were suppressed, Wang Laoshi was stunned, and then smashed like the last time, then he was hit by a stick, and when he broke his blood, he heard The servant said: "You don't listen, everyone is going to be killed!"

On this day, people around the Hejian House began to recall the words before Wang Manguang was killed.

However, the escape is too late.

The officers and officers near the river have already begun to act and have blocked all road traffic. The same thing, at this time, the roads of Hebei and Jingdong, which were ruled by General Hicaka of the Pingdong, continued to spread. In Hebei Road, the 300,000-strong army of the Jurchen, who passed through Shaoguan, went south, and the striker led by Yan Zongxi had crossed the truth.

The little Xunzi Village, Wang Laoshi and others still don't understand what will happen next. But on the stage of the world, the Nanzheng of the 300,000-strong army means that the war for the purpose of destroying and conquering the Wu Dynasty has completely blown the horn and there is no room for it. A fierce battle, in the near future, was on the front.

On July 24, "The Group of Wolfs" raided the famous house!

After the move of the Wu Dynasty to the south, the Wu Dynasty forces led by Wang Shanyue and Dulonggang, who had been operating for several years in Jingdong East Road and Liangshan, finally revealed its long-awaited fangs.

Since Liu Yu established the Qiqi forces under the support of the Golden State, Jingdong Road was originally the core of this force. It is only the Jingdong East Road, which is the later Liangshan Mountain in Shandong Province. It is still a blind spot under the jurisdiction of this power. At this time, Liangshan is still a water mooring covering hundreds of miles, and even with many places such as Dulonggang and Zengtou City, the area is remote and the bandits are out.

In the refractory place of the Wu Dynasty, the pseudo-Qi Qi was equally difficult to treat. The court of Liu Yu was infiltrated by the Black Flag Army. The emperor was beaten after the palace, and Liu Yu moved south. This piece of land was conveniently attributed to Li Xizhi and the Qi Fu led by him. Family. Li Xizhi repeatedly failed, but he took a lot of effort and flattened Dulonggang. But behind it, Wang Shanyue and others, in the name of "Wu Dynasty Orthodox", are still able to continue to cascade and expand their influence. In the past few years, the actual rule of the entire Liangshan area has been completed.

The nearby mountains are looking forward to the wind, and the Yi Shi group gathers. Even if some of the people who are under the fine heart of Li Zhizhi, or Wang Shanyue contacted, or contacted Wang Shanyue privately, they all completed in private and Wang Shanyue. Ventilation. This time, with the issuance of the order, the name of Li Xizhi was actually performed near the Damingfu. Twenty-four, Liangshan 30,000 troops suddenly appeared in the name of the palace, the chaos inside the city outside the city, in less than half a day, the 50,000 troops guarding the Da Mingfu defeated the whole line, led the team Wang Shanyue, Yan Sanniang couple completed Change hands and take over of Damingfu.

This is almost the outbreak of all the foundations left by the Wu Dynasty, and it is also the place where Wang Shanyue, who used to follow Ning Yi, learned the most thoroughly for the Black Flag Army. This time, the guns on the countertop, the guns and the guns, there is no room for change.

Damingfu is one of the food and grass relay areas under the Jurchen South. With the development of these days, the grain and grass brought together here is even more amazing. The first shot of the Wu Dynasty people was nailed to the Jurchen army. Seven inches. With the spread of this news, more than 100,000 troops that Li Xizhi had gathered together, together with the 10,000 troops that the Jurchens originally guarded Jingdong, joined forces to swoop here.

The war spread with this first attack. On the road to the north of the water, it is already a mess and ridiculous, and occasionally can see the empty ruins and villages. A carriage team is heading north along this road.

At this moment, the caravans who can walk on this kind of road are not leisurely. At this time, although there are few people in this team, they can also see the flexibility of a famous man’s skill. The front carriage is bumpy and occasionally The voice of the woman came out, it was a soft humming sound, but the "Lan Zhi" of "The Lancome", but the "son of the peach", and occasionally "Li Sao", "Shushu", the singing is not accompanied, but it sounds refreshing.

It’s just a disorderly song, which also reveals that the singer’s mood is not calm.

Lu Junyi looked in front of the carriage and glanced back.

"The teacher teacher, the front is not very flat, you really should listen to the South."

The woman in the car is Li Shishi. She is wearing a thick cloth and singing while she is sewing the clothes in her hands. The most popular woman in the tower did not need to do too much female red. But over the years, she has grown older and bumpy. At this time, the sewing on the swaying car has nothing to do with it.

"The world is now, there is nothing too flat in anyway."

"When you go south, you can always settle down. There are people who are hungry and can’t catch you."

"I am going southwest, will he want to see me?"

"The surname is not a coward."

"But I don't want to see him."

The teacher lowered his head and smiled, biting the thin line in his hand. After a moment, she put down her things and looked at the side of the window, and the wind blew her hair. She has been bumping over the years, but she has not become old and weak. On the contrary, the age has solidified on her face, and only time has become a free and easy temperament, dotted between her eyebrows.

Lu Junyi shook his head and sighed: "Small B has gone to work. I don't understand the thoughts of these women. However, it is not a play, you are ready, and I have nothing to say."

"Yeah." The teacher in the car nodded. "I know, I have seen it."

She looked down at her hands. That was more than ten years ago, she was only in her early twenties. The Jurchen finally came and attacked Liang Liang. At that time, she wanted to do something, and clumsily helped. She remembered the Xue Changgong Xue General who was at the time. Thinking of his lover, the sister He Leier in the tower, she did not dare to go to the city wall to help because she was pregnant with his children. They have no children, are they together?

Go all the way.

For more than ten years of change, this week has been turned upside down. She and Ning Yi are also the same, and they have become an "old lover". In fact, at many crucial times, she almost became his "lover", but in the end, she became a distant person. And alienation.

She once had a crush on him, and later worshipped him. Later she became unable to understand him. Now she understands part of it, but she still has many things that she can't understand. The world is overturned, and the spur of a few emotions has become less important. In the years when she learned that he was "dead", she came out of Dali and went all the way. Looking back last year, they may have a meeting in Zezhou, but he does not want to see her, and she does not want to see him afterwards. Maybe one day, she will understand everything, and then go see him.

"Sorry, Ning Liheng, I am blaming you." She hopes that on that day, she can say such a sentence to him, and then go to frankly a negligible emotion. However, now she does not have this qualification, she still has too many things to understand.

But there are also things that she can now understand.

As the woman really went south again, Wang Shanyue finally started to fight against the female, and the team that accompanied her back and forth from south to north ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ finally started to have her own business. A few days ago, some of the people led by Yan Qing had left the team to perform a task belonging to him. Lu Junyi was persuading her to go south after the unsuccessful.

"It's time to meet some old friends." Lu Junyi said.

"...When a certain age is still light, the guns and dances are great, and they know the military strategy. They think that the martial arts are unparalleled, but they are not appreciated. Later, they couldn’t think of Liangshan. The surname of Ning also destroyed Liangshan. I joined the military and then I’ve got a bunch of hands and feet, knowing that I’m not a general. I’ve been walking around these years and now I know that there’s no room for hesitation.”

Wang Jiagong, who used to work under Ning Yi, has already started his power. He was waiting for the black flag power in Shandong. He was finally silent. The distance between the first Qin dynasty and the sect of the city, the **** battle of Wurui Xia Village, after more than ten years, the battle of the blood from the Xiao Cang River has also been in the past few years, when the Jurchen is coming south again, it is still the strength of this department. First stood in front of this anger.

Thinking about this matter, recalling the twists and turns of these ten years, the teacher's heart is difficult to suppress, and a lofty ambition, but also inevitably picked up.

Soon after, she saw the Black Flag army gathered at the destination. "Chongcheng gun" Zhu Yu headed, "big knife" Guan Sheng, "bonfire" Qin Ming, "Golden Gunner" Xu Ning, Zhu Jia Zhu Long and other generals have been waiting here. Subsequently, "Jade Kirin" Lu Junyi was attributed to the team.

This year's water mooring, the long reeds have been dry, and the crowds have gathered together, bringing more or less embarrassment to each other, but more, still gather in front of the lofty pride. Relative to the things to be experienced at this moment, the former Liangshanbo and Juyitang are just small floating dusts in memory. Song Jiang, Wu Yong and others are just the clowns who have stayed in the past.

The autumn wind is bleak and the waves are rising.

The war is ahead.

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