Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 785: Autumn winds blew up (2)

The sound of people is mixed, and the horses are in a hurry. The most updated big name house, the ancient city wall stands in the autumn sun, and there is still a war of murder that was smashed a few days ago. Outside the south gate, there are pale stone statues standing in the shade of the trees, watching the crowd gather. Discrete.

A big migration began again in the late fall of the year.

The rich man who drove the horse and the food, the man who looked like a stunned, dragged his family, the old man who was swayed by the crowd, the woman with a big belly dragged the unknown child... The public man, dragging the sword and the sword to the dart head, the martial artist on the carriage, and the light-loaded Greenwood Hawker. On this day, people's identity has dropped to the same position.

Their destination is either the affluent Jiangnan, or the surrounding mountains, and the remote relatives of the nearby residence. They are all generally uneasy, and the intensive and chaotic team gradually dissipates after a few dozen miles. Most of the people are heading south, crossing the Yellow River, and going north, not knowing where the forest disappears.

In the past ten years, it has not happened for the first time. The women really went south several times, and the harsh environment of the living environment made people have to leave the familiar hometown. However, the situation at hand is a little different than usual. For more than ten years, he has taught people about the experience of war, and also taught people to really fear women.

On July 24th, with the Wuguang Army, led by Wang Shanyue, in the "Guangwu Army", the similar situation of migration was unstoppable. In the war, no matter who is justice and who is evil, the civilians involved in it are difficult to choose their own destiny. The Jewish 300,000 army south, representing dozens of millions of people will be involved Among them, the catastrophe that was crushed and did not help.

Someone left, and some people stayed. The wall of the city of Damingfu stretches forty-eight miles. At this moment, various objects of the city, such as artillery, bed rafts, rolling wood, stone, and rolling oil, are constantly being placed under the efforts of countless people. In the long-lasting banner of the flag, the Daming House should be built into a stronger fortress. In this busy scene, Xue Changgong’s waist and long knife, walking slowly, the flash in his mind, was the battle that guarded the scorpion ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Yu Liang, looking north at the Yangtze River, under the leadership of Zuo Xiang Li Gang and right Xiang Qin Yuyuan, first experienced the baptism of the Jurchen soldiers.

The Wu Dynasty, which undertook two hundred years of national transport, hundreds of thousands of Qin Wang army outside the city, including the Western Army, was beaten by more than tens of thousands of Jurchen troops and killed in the wild. The city’s strongest banned army rushed into the battlefield. The death and injury have broken the city several times. That was the first time the Wu Dynasty faced the Jurchen's strength and weakness.

Xue Changgong emerged in the first battle of defending the squadron, and later experienced the humiliation of Jingping, accompanied by the pace of the entire Wu dynasty to escape south, and experienced the Jurchen’s search for the sea. Since then, Nanwu was initially settled, but he was disheartened and lived in the south with his wife He Leier. After another few years, He Lei was weak and critical. The monarch who was the prince came to ask him to go out. He was only after he accompanied his wife through the last journey before he got up.

In the cruelty of the squadron guardian war, his wife He Leier was injured in the arrow. Although he was lucky enough to save his life, the child in his arms had already had a miscarriage, and it was difficult to get pregnant again. In the years before the tumultuous years, in the quiet years, He Leier had been stunned by this. He had repeatedly persuaded Xue Changgong to be jealous and left behind, but he had been rejected by Xue Changgong.

In fact, when I think about the two people at the beginning, there may be no love between them. Xue Changgong did not go to the tower in the army, but in order to vent and comfort, He Lei chose Xue Changgong. I am afraid that he may not think that he is better than those scholars, but the soldiers are in danger and have a dependence. Only later, He Leier aborted in the middle of the city wall, Xue Changgong was in a sad mood, and this relationship between the two was considered to be a reality.

Later, along with all the way, until He Leier died seriously, Xue Changgong cried with his wife and buried her. In fact, he is not willing to have embarrassment, and he is only because of He Leier? Because he saw the power of the Jurchen, he himself was a general who had no relationship with the army. He knew that many of the shortcomings of the Wu Dynasty army were irreversible. If the Jurchen is going to fight all the way, to embezzle the entire Nanwu, he has a son, but he is a slave to the Jurchen.

Now that his wife has gone, he has no concern in his heart, all the way to the north, to Liangshan and Wang Shanyue. Although Wang Shanyue is weak in appearance, he is a monk who has no concern for the sake of victory. The two men have just hit it off. Two years later, they set a series of strategies around the famous government.

At this time, Damingfu, located on the north bank of the Yellow River, is a defense town in the south of the Jurchen East Road Army. It is also one of the gates of the Nanjun Yellow River. When the Liao Dynasty was still in existence, the Wu Dynasty set up a companionship in the Daming Mansion, in order to express its determination to refuse to go south. At this time, after the autumn harvest, the officials of the subordinates of Li Xizhi collected materials and waited for the reception of the Jurchen, and the city changed hands. All the materials will fall into the hands of Wang, Xue and others, and they can fight a big fight.

Hunting in the autumn wind, the flag is stretched. Along the way, Xue Changgong saw a group of people, such as Wang Shanyue, who was looking north from the front of the city wall, surrounded by soldiers and workers who were setting up bed mattresses and artillery. Wang Shanyue was wearing a red cloak, holding it in his hand. It is the young Wang Fu who is four years old with his eldest son. The children who have been growing up in the water are obviously new to this fascinating city scene. Wang Shanyue holds him and points to the scenery in front.

"...From here to the north, it was originally our place, but now, there is a group of bad people, just coming over from the side you saw, killing all the way, grabbing things, burning houses... oh, Niang and these uncles and uncles are trying to block these bad guys. You said, what can you do to help you..."

"Bad people."

"Yes, but ah, we still have to grow up first. When we grow up, we will be more energetic and smarter. Of course, what I hope most is, when you grow up, there are no such bad guys." You have to read more, and when you tell friends, the bad guys are coming..."

During his conversation with the child, Xue Changgong has come to the vicinity and walked through the accompanying staff. Although he has no children, he can understand the preciousness of Wang Shanyue's child. Wang Jiayi loyalty, before the black water alliance, Liao people south, Wang Qisong led the family male Dingxiang, and finally left a house of widows, Wang Shanyue is the only male of his third generation single pass, now Xiao Wangfu It is the fourth generation of single pass. This family has paid so many sacrifices to the Wu Dynasty, so it is not an exaggeration for them to leave a child.

"I still think that you should not bring Xiao Fu here."

"Xiao Fu, look, Xue Bobo." Wang Shanyue smiled and sent the child to Xue Changgong's arms, slightly smashing the murder on the face of the general. After a while, he looked at the scene outside the city and said: " It’s not always a bad thing for children to be around. Today, the old couple in the city came to see me and asked me if this Guangwu army had taken over the big name house, whether to hold the big name house. The implication is that if you can’t keep it, you will get out, don’t come. I am tired of us... I pointed to the small replays that I was playing in the yard, and my children brought them. The Wu Dynasty will do everything in its power to recover the Central Plains."

For the next battle of Damingfu, the two have had countless deductions and deliberations. In the worst case, the "light martial arts army" was crucified in Damingfu. It is not without, but it is not like Wang Shanyue. Said so calmly. Xue Changgong shook his head.

"Come on before the war, it is inevitable that there will be variables, go early and go well."

"That is his fortune." Wang Shanyue looked at his son and smiled. The smile swirled and converges: "The Wu Dynasty is weak, even if it is to be changed, it is not a generation. The Jurchens are strong, because they are small." If you dare to beat them, I would rather my children, I would like to see the knife and guns from an early age! The Wang family has no cartilage head, but there is no talent. I hope that it will be different from him. ”

Wang Shanyue’s words are calm, and Wang Fu is difficult to understand. He ignorantly asks: “What is different?”

Xue Changgong said: "You want to make you a general in the future."

It is not the first time that such a expectation is heard in the process of the child's growth. He understands this and then nodded heavily: "Well."

Xue Changgong smiled and Wang Shanyue laughed. At this time, the city wall was in full swing, and the afternoon sun was still cold and indifferent. Damingfu is heading north, the vast sky is under the horse, and the 170,000-strong army of Li Xizhi is divided into three roads. It has crossed the penal state of the hundred miles away. The mighty flag fills every inch of the field of vision, and the dust raised is hidden. day. In the west more than ten miles away, a Jupiter army of more than 10,000 people is also rushing to the Yellow River bank at the highest speed.

Daqi "General Pingdong" Li Xizhi is 43 years old this year. His face is long and his eyes are high and his nose is high. He is the general of the Jurchen who surrendered with the Qi family when he went south for the second time. He was also highly valued by Liu Yu and later became a general. The endorsement of Qihe and Liu Shili in the northeast of the Yellow River. The land of the Central Plains north of the Yellow River fell into a decade, and the original thinking of the world was gradually loose. Li Xizhi can see that the rise of an empire is the time to change the dynasty.

The real rise of women is the general trend of the world.

The times are inevitable and cannot be resisted. But even so, when walking the dog, it is not his ambition, especially after Liu Yunan moved to Liangliang, Li Xizhi's forces swelled, and the area under his jurisdiction was close to a quarter of the pseudo-qi, the sum of Tian Tian and Wang Juyun. To be big, it is already a real prince.

To maintain the status of one of the princes, Liu Yu, he can no longer respect, but only the will of the Jurchen, can not defy.

This time, the Jurchen is no longer a slap in the past. After years of cultivation, this new empire will officially annex the land of the South. The Wu Dynasty is already the sunset, and only those who follow the trend can survive in this war.

For this reason, before the Jurchen went south, Li Xizhi sent confessions to various places to clean up the small three years after the small Cang River. This type of purge was in the normal state of the various forces. It is a pity that after this, the news that the Daming House was being changed quickly and changed hands was still passed. After Li Xiaozhi was furious, he could only rescue the soldiers quickly according to the plan.

Time is a terrible weapon that is swallowed up by water and is enough to crush everything. When the Jurchen first went south, there were countless resistances in the Central Plains. To the second time, the shame of Jingping, the Central Plains still had many struggles and activities of the Rebels. However, when the Jurchens ravaged Jiangnan’s Soushan Sea, the number of rebels in the Central Plains was not much, although every monk who went up the mountain and the grass had to fight against the gold. Still relying on medicine, robbery, murder, raging for a living, as to who is killing, nothing more than a more unarmed Han Chinese, when the Jurchens are furious, these gentlemen are actually not very daring to move.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, this is the world, and there are very few people who can jump out. Therefore, Jurchen went south, and Li Xizhi did not care about the many grasshoppers around him. However, he knew from his own family that there were two forces on his site. He was always on guard. Wang Shanyue’s troubles in Damingfu were not unexpected. In addition to his surprise, the power of the "Light Armed Forces" made him wary, but outside of this, there was a force that kept him alert and even fearful. It was the shadow black flag army that had been shrouded behind everyone. .

No one wants to be like Liu Yu, who was beaten in the palace in the middle of the night.

If the Xiao Cang River after the war, everyone can comfort themselves, or the leader of the heart and the devil. Last year, after the Tianhu forces suddenly changed, the Central Plains talents really experienced the oppression of the Black Flag Army. Later, the news of Ning Yi’s undead is more like a high-profile taunting of everyone in the world: you are all It’s silly.

Liu Yu was scared in the palace, and the Jurchen was stunned by a slap in the face. However, the Golden State was in the north, the black flag was in the southwest, and there was anger, and the temper was pressed on the surface. How many people are guilty.

In addition, the other forces of the Central Plains can only be pretending to be peaceful, and Li Xizhi has strengthened the internal cleanup. In Hebei, Zhending, Qijia, the old man, who has been old, was scared several times to wake up at night. Calling "black flag to kill me", but secretly rewarding millions of goods, to take the Ning Yi's head, so the green forester who went to the southwest for money, was rushed to the Wu Dynasty to lobby Confucian scholars, I don’t know how much.

As the saying goes, thousands of people refer to the end of the disease, but only this Ning Yi, from the beginning, the risk is the world is not big, since the killing of chickens in the Golden Temple, killing the week, after the recruitment of dangerous, offended the Wu Dynasty, offended the country After offending the Central Plains, offending Xixia, offending Dali... After he had offended the whole world, such as Li Xizhi and others, he had to admit that once he was targeted by these murderers, no matter who he is, he would have to smash.

In the Qi Laojiao of Hebei Province, the roster of Chinese traitors was in the process. In the years of governing Jingdong and Hebei, Li Xizhi knew that there was a black flag near Liangshan, which was reserved for him and the Jurchen. In the small-scale friction of several years, the message of this power has gradually become clear. Its leader, known as the "burning city gun", bowed to the singer, and since Ning Yi had exhausted the Liangshan Songjiang system, he followed it. It is the right arm that Ning Yi has always relied on most. The martial arts are strong and strong, and the heart is very hot.

There are such a group of people buried around, it is going to happen sooner or later, but Li Xizhi does not dare to put his hand on the annihilation of the black flag. When the time moved to the world, the powerful Liao Kingdom was extinct, the Wu Dynasty was slightly weak, and the end of the two hundred years was the last struggle. The golden country was born and the masses were born, but it was the true pride of the heavens and the general trend. As for Ning Yi’s so-called Huaxia Army is the most strange demon bred by this chaotic world.

The gods fight the little devils, and the so-called "light martial arts army" led by Wang Shanyue is inevitable on the road of the Jurchen south. Even if they let the big name house, after all, the entire Yellow River is now in the hands of oneself, there is always a solution. The law. However, only this black flag, Li Xizhi can only expect them to be separated from the Guangwu army, or the Chinese army who is in the south of the country is still jealous of the Jurchen, see the Jurchen this time for the Jiangnan, do not make advances, as long as the Jurchen A peaceful transition, this trouble is no longer your own.

"...Daijin's two emperors are going south, and Wang Shanyue's so-called Guangwu army takes a big name. It seems to be brave, but there is no courage! For this light warrior, this handsome has a long time with Dajin Wan Yanchang. I have negotiated. The three or four thousand people are staying in the mountains and rivers to keep the water. I want to encircle the battle. I have to work harder and harder to compete. But he dared to come out, and now he won the big name, when I waited for it to be annihilated, so The war should be slow and urgent! I will wait for the first step, slowly, and drag all his troops to the name, and gather it! If it is really powerful, I will enclose the name into another Taiyuan government, rather kill it. White land, can't make a hole in it. It's the root of the grass! Never suffer!"

In the Central Plains, where Jing Han was fourteen years old, Qin’s eldest son Qin Shaohe led the city’s military and civilians to defend Taiyuan for a year. He was finally broken because of isolation and helplessness. The city was slaughtered and Qin Shaohe was killed on the way to escape. They were all smashed by Jurchen, which became one of the most tragic events of Jurchen's first south. The original Jiancheng Taiyuan was still in ruins today after more than ten years.

On the first day of August, after the army passed the penalty state, Li Xizhi set a tone in the military's deliberation to nail a group of people such as Wang Shanyue to Damingfu. Only a moment after the deliberation of the matter, a spy wearing four hundred miles came, bringing news that there is no room for turning.

"Black flag wins the city, since Zengtou City!"

Li Xizhi sat in the big camp for a long while: "So, the 20,000 of Wang Ji's teeth are gone?"

Since the Wu Dynasty, many places in Jingdong Road have been quiet and arrogant. Most of the time in Zengtou City is mixed with autonomy, but in theory, officials and garrisons are of course also available.

From Li Xizhi to take over Jingdong Road, in order to guard against the black flag's harassment, he stationed 20,000 troops in Zengtou City, and the commander of the army was Wang Jiya, a martial artist with a strong martial arts, a melancholy and ruthless temperament. In the early years of participating in the war of Xiao Canghe, he had a deep hatred with the Huaxia Army. Since he guarded Zengtou City, he echoed the Jinan government's garrison. For a period of time, he was also overwhelmed by the numerous hills around him, so that most monks would not dare to make it. Who knows the black flag's assembly, first of all, it has already opened the knife in Zengtou City.

On July 28, 11,000 Black Flag Army raided Zengtou City, first won the Dongcheng City Wall, and the city was in a street chase after the chaos. Wang Jiya gathered the army to hold the south of the city, and even led the team three times to rush, and led the team for the third time. When he was captured in the city, he was attacked by the Black Flag Army. After several moves with the "Big Knife" Guan Sheng, he was slashed his head. This black flag led the team, it is the black flag generals wish ~ ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and after defeating Wang Jiya, after taking the city of Zengtou, the black flag army has released the news, to directly kill Li Zhizhi, Damingfu . The interrogator spoke about this, and some of them cringed. Li Xizhi asked two sentences before he saw the flyers that the spies brought and shot into the city.

The leaflet message is twisted and twisted, it is like this: Li Xiaozhi, adults want to fight, children are rolling away!

"Deceive too much!"

With a loud bang, Li Xizhi patted the palm of his hand on the table and stood up. He was tall and tall. When he stood up, he had to send it all. The whole big account was already filled with murderousness.

However, there is no luck at all. Facing the south of the 300,000-strong army of Jurchen, the 10,000-strong black-flag army has never been shackled and has been directly at the forefront. For Li Xizhi, this kind of behavior is the most incompetent and the most terrible. The gods fight, and the little ghosts have no place to hide.

No one has hidden places.

It is also strange to say that with the unveiling of the Jurchens, the fierce battle in this world is still carried out by the black flag of the southwest of "Pianan". The woman is really 300,000 troops. At this time, the Yellow River has not yet passed, and the southwest Liangshan. On July 21, Luqiaoshan and Ning Yi conducted negotiations. Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, and the 100,000-strong army successively entered the Liangshan area. First, they echoed the people of the Shushani and other people, and launched deterrence and persuasion against many surrounding Niche tribes.

For this battle, countless people are holding their breath, including the Dali Gaoshi in the south, the rebel army in the west, the dragon in the city of Luzhou, and other Confucian scholars, the warlords of the Wu Dynasty, and even the Yuan After thousands of miles of Jin Guowan Yan Xiyin, they each sent a secret agent and a fine work, waiting for the first cannon to sound.

On July 26th, Liangshan Xiufeng’s mouth was silenced for several years and the main force of the black flag of the three counties of Hedeng County, and the first knife to the 100,000 army that entered the mountain.

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