Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 789: 烽火金流大河秋厉 (1)

Since the golden annihilation, the Jurchen first went south, and it has passed eleven years. In the autumn of Wu Jianyu's nine years, the fourth round of the martial arts in the Golden State opened, and the 300,000-strong army went south to the Central Plains. Compared with the fierce self-organized resistance of the Jurchen when they first went south, and the cruelty of the Jurchen all the way to the city, after the rule and killing of the Qiqi and Jurchen in the past ten years, in July, the Central Plains people were organized in the north of the Yellow River. Rebel against the situation. Perhaps it also means that the orthodox dominance of the Wu Dynasty in the Central Plains has dropped to a low point.

At the end of July, the rebellion that was truly organized and planned by the big forces finally began. Compared with the folk rebellion that depends more on the people's self-consciousness, such as the vast rivers and oceans, the rebellious behavior dominated by the clear will is more like a deliberate assassination. The sharp opposition is fierce and violent, and wants to make an enemy in the first place. , pull up momentum and advantage.

On July 24, Wang Shan’s Moonlight Wujun took the name.

Twenty-six, Li Xizhi has already been ready to send the 170,000-strong army to the south. At the same time, the Jurchen generals Uda rate 10,000 of the original Jurchen troops stationed in the Central Plains, rushing to the bank of the Yellow River to prevent Wang Shanyue’s hands. The Liangshan Shuijun raided the East Road Army to the south.

Twenty-eight, the 11,000 Black Flag Army suddenly gathered to break through Zengtou City. After a day of rest, they came to the south of Damingfu.

On the fourth day of August, the 170,000-strong army gathered in Damingfu to prepare for the siege. The 36,000-strong martial arts army in the city, together with more than 3,000 nearby Shantou Rebels, were waiting to be held. At this time, the Black Flag Army was too high. Tang, coming straight toward Li Xizhi.

The resistance chain of the north bank of the Yellow River was launched. The most fierce, the Zhengdu outside the city attacked the Jurchen grain and grass forces. In the city, the Qiqi government was attacked, the frequency of arson and assassination suddenly broke out, and a large number of leaflets emerged in the rivers and Gaotang. - Although many people in the city are illiterate, they are enough to shrink the atmosphere and situation to the most urgent level. The erupting events are like a rush of drums, spreading the whole situation.

I can learn that the whole situation is not only the Jurchen in the south, but also in this place for many years. Li Xizhi, who is under the name of Da Ming, may be the first person to collect every line newspaper at this moment. The preparations for the war in the army have been urgent to the extreme. For the siege of Damingfu, the momentum of the black flag has to be turned back. The military officers and deputies are constantly negotiating, and some are nervous and doubtful.

"Black flag is to make a bang, fight with our army!"

"It must be a plan for a suspected soldier! It is a black flag, and it is not so reckless!"

"General Uda is still nearby. Liangshan’s black flag is only a partial teacher. It is not the main force. Once it is dragged, it will only be self-destructive!"

"Unexpected soldiers!"

"... don't forget the Cang River!"

"Don't forget the striker of the four Princes Ancestral Hall!"

The arguing of the aides was boring, and Li Xizhi could only put on a domineering and calm posture. On the one hand, he was surrounded by the city, on the other hand, he mobilized 13,000 people in the middle of the defending army between Damingfu and Gaotang, and at the same time ordered his general, Feng Qize, to rate three. On the way, 10,000 people were on the line to defend the Karin River, and they were waiting for it. On the sixth day of August, at the Linhe Pass, Feng Qize saw the black flag troops approaching. At this time, above the Linhe River level, iron cannons, bows and arrows, various defenses have been waiting, and the crowd is 43,000 people. Opposite, the black flag 10,000 people in the battle, the big knife Guan Sheng carrying the Qinglong Haoyue, came out, murderous.

"I want to fight! He is a child, it's not clear!" Guan Sheng's shouts came to the city wall, and there was a slap in the face. "The chickens and dogs are surrendering quickly! Otherwise they will die!"

"My city is so hard, four times Yuer! The rats are fainting, come to die, just add me!"

"You are four times afraid that you have never been to Xiao Cang River!"

"Haha, who is the last person who ran off the tail!" Feng Qize did not hinder the argument, and did not show weakness. The city closed down and laughed, and finally he slammed the knife: "Go die! Monkeys!" Go back to the horse.

Feng Qize thought that the other party would say a few more words. He also convinced the other party on the momentum. It was not expected that the other party would say that he would leave and he would have to sink his heart. At this time, in the afternoon, he himself sat down on the wall and ordered the soldiers and the military squad to wait and see, never let go, waiting for the attack of the black flag. In the years when the black flag was guarded against, the biggest impression of the northern people on the black flag was the pervasive penetration ability of the Xiao Cang River. For these things, the Li Xizhi army also cleaned several times. Feng Qize also strengthened the city wall. Supervising between soldiers. As for the intensification of the black flag army outside the infiltration, it is only to play the whole spirit, to solve it with hard hit.

On the opposite side, the black flag's drums did not stop for a while. This is a simple plan for the soldiers. Feng Qize was unmoved. When he arrived in the afternoon, he reacted. He and the deputy said: "I don’t expect the black flag to be used in the Linlin River, nor in the Li Shuai Zhongjun. The devil is the leader, and he is not arrogant, he will not attack the city, and he may have other purposes."

The deputy said: "The general is wise, then how should I deal with it?"

"No need to deal with." Feng Qize shook his head. "Today, Damingfu is the responsibility of Li Shuai. If Black Flag bypasses the Linhe River to rescue the name, I will wait for the 40,000 army to be dispatched, even if the black flag does not dare to be so dangerous. The purpose is not in Damingfu, so they will be chaotic for a few days, the Jurchen main force will come, this small black flag can not escape."

That is to say, but until the night came, the defense on the wall did not relax. After the darkness came, the two sides ignited the fire, and the drums on the opposite side continued, so until the late night of the day, the drums stopped.

Pushing forward, there was a ride that came out first, with armor, a dark red rifle, and raised a hand in front of the array.

Both sides of the game were swallowed by suffocation, and the silence lasted for a moment.

"Brothers of the black flag, the Jurchen is here!"

That sounds loud.

"Eleven years ago, the Jurchen came south for the first time. I wished you to follow Mr. Ning. Under the smashing of the city, you defeated the Jurchen attack and held the scorpion! The Jurchen killed the million-strong army of the scorpion. Hey us!"

"In the past eleven years, from Yanliang to Xiaocanghe, to Liangshan and now. I have seen Jurchens killing countless troops, and they have seen killing countless Han Chinese and killing our parents to occupy our land! Many people Down - the opposite person squats! We - haven't left!"

"This morning, the people on the top said to us loudly, huh, they are four times more than us, haha, there is a strong city cannon, hehehe hahahaha-"

In the darkness, countless laughter sounded and spread.

"A group of people who are underarms, what is it? Let the ghosts of the unspeakable ghosts under the city of Liangliang tell them! The Jurchen defeated one million people under the city of Liangliang, how many soldiers were used! Let the bodies of Xiaocang River full of mountains and valleys tell them, There is no Jurchen's intervention, what is a million people! And the Jurchens did not defeat us. In the northwest, we killed their military gods, and in Yanzhou City, we personally cut down the words. Head!"

"This is the place where adults fight, it is the place where you live and die! I told them, but they didn't listen! The brothers, these cartilage heads, accidentally blocked in front."

The air has tightened, the silence came down, and I wished that I would go back and cast my gaze on the wall, and then the drums rang.

"All have -"


"-Step on them!"

The shouts were pushed like the tide of the sea. On the wall, Feng Qize looked at the scene and widened his eyes.


Then he went back. hysteria.


In the night, the sound of the guns rang, and the explosion continued in the night. The arrow rain fell from top to bottom, and countless fires rose from the bottom up. The ladder came over the wall and the hooks flew under the launch of the giant python. . Feng Qize pulled up a long knife and shouted "Shoucheng". He whispered as he walked: "Insane." "Mother's madman." He patrolled the wall for a moment, and suddenly looked alertly, followed by his guards. Consternation, but Feng Qize just looked at his eyes and gnashed his teeth.

"Learning Lu Ming is optimistic about the key points of defending the city. If someone changes, kill innocent! The military law team has brought me the spirit!"

"There must be a swindle that must be swindled. It must be a singularity..."

"...two brothers, take people to Lu Ming, protect him... watch him!"

The situation of siege was fierce in the first place. Feng Qize patrolled and predicted his own missing areas. However, the real pressure is on the front line of the defending city. At this moment, the soldiers on the city feel the violent offensive as the Jurchen attacked the Liang. In the dark, the striker of the Huaxia Army followed the sling. Crazy, the soldiers on the wall experienced a half-day fear, drum harassment, and the high pressure and suspiciousness of the military squad. They have not yet had time to change their defenses. The duration of the siege has not yet reached a quarter of an hour, the south side of the city defense, three The black flag army pioneer went to the city.

The pioneer who had experienced the **** battle of Xiao Canghe held the shield and slashed the sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soldiers who went to the defending city were killed. In the middle of the night, the killing gods in Dengcheng were all flesh and blood, for a moment, from the rear ladder. Two people came up again. Feng Qize led the soldiers to rescue from here. It was not yet close. The city wall in front was blocked by the soldiers. The rockets in the city were still rising. Feng Qize shouted: "Push up and kill them!"

Someone shouted: "No retreat! Retirement kills innocent-"

The situation at this head was slightly resisted. At the other end, Zhu Xi and Guan Sheng set foot on the city wall. As the leader of the black flag at this time, the city of the city was particularly obvious. Countless arrows flew over and wished a gun. Holding a large shield in one hand, violently pushing forward toward the front, Guan Sheng rushed out of the gap, long knife waving, blood filled, and soon the rear pioneers also followed.

The boiling killing spread along the ends of the broken city wall and pressed against the middle. Feng Qize hysterically, constantly slashing the knife to supervise the war, but the soldiers under the wall were actually killed and could not come up again. The occasional roar of the guns, when the child passed, the Linhe 坳 wall changed hands, and the fierce killing is still advancing.

In the thirteen years of Wu Jinghan, that is, eleven years ago, the Jurchen went south, and Li Xizhi’s troops did not go out. When he went to the second time, he turned to Jurchen. When the Xiao Cang River was in battle, Li Xizhi was in the east, and he developed and sent troops. At least, Feng Qize's sire, whether it is a recruit or a veteran, although he has experienced battles and even participated in the siege of Dulonggang, he has never faced the full-scale attack of the Jurchen or Black Flag elite level.

On the seventh day of August, Linhe’s checkpoint missed, and tens of thousands of squadrons fled toward Damingfu. On the morning of the same day, Li Xizhi received the news that this scalp was numb.

The black flag madman killed it.

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