Zhui Xu

: a few gossips about "literati"


After writing the 788 chapter, I saw some book reviews and found some friends' perceptions, excessive sensitivity and mistakes. I wrote this chapter and talked about some superficial concepts, but did not send them. After the 789 chapter was issued, I saw again. Some book reviews feel that they are still coming out.

What is a literati?

We talked about it thousands of years ago and even tens of thousands of years ago.

After the evolution of the brain, the essence of human beings has been basically fixed. Based on the basic attributes of human beings - the basic attributes of our present - people must mature, and there must be only one way to achieve improvement: repeatedly experience things, use thinking, and obtain experience. Even in the future, things can only do this.

An important factor in human beings transcending animals is to invent the language and words, so that the experience of the predecessors can be passed down. The predecessors replaced you to experience things, think about them, and then came to the conclusion that generations of people have accumulated and human beings have established the current society. The meaning of www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to gain the experience of others, for example, we read novels, simulate a "experience", think in this "experience", get nutrition, when you simulate ten on the same thing Eight times, when I finally get a real thing, I can at least have a number in my heart.

So what is the ancient literati?

Through reading, I gain more experience than others, and thus become a ruling class, naturally will have a sense of superiority and will look down on others. In recent times, he was attacked. What is more worth mentioning is that the "literati" has more social experience and knows the cruelty of society. When things are over, he knows how terrible the follow-up is, and it is easy to be weak and degenerate. The literati has no bones, it is true, and there is no way to deny the attribute.

But what is a modern literati?

Our past has called too many times "the people's eyes are sharp" "smelly old nine", as long as there are people who have no literati, but when it comes to modern society, information explosion, books are everywhere, who are you? Haven't read the book? Who can't read the book? Who can produce real class differences after reading the book?

But the basic attributes of people have not changed. To be more mature and sensible, you need more experiences, more thoughts, more horizontal comparisons of life, and you are personal and you can't take it.

Why hate literati?

In the modern society, I hate literati. I am blunt. It is the kind of really lazy person. They don’t read books, they don’t improve themselves, but they still think that when they face certain complicated things, they can have natural correctness. I like not to use my brains, not to work hard, but still comparable to the feelings of those smart, hardworking, and progressive people.

But can't match it.

Modern society has destroyed the past classes, but the intelligent class still exists and will still exist in the foreseeable future. It simply manifests itself: smart people can find a way to find a way faster, stupid people do it, class It is reflected and lifted in this matter.

Want to be smart, one is thinking, the other is reading. After 30 years of development, the class has emerged. After realizing the importance of education, the concept of "winning on the starting line" has also appeared. The rich have put their children into good schools and find good teachers. "It must be reflected in helping children to get more nutrients from the book. These children will become better people. They can crush the stupid people in essence, and the stupid people will become the real bottom of society." But in the past, this class is not very fixed, because the book is already full of the world, it depends on whether you have a sense of urgency.

There are several qualities about reading:

1. Reading can represent “experience”, but the income must be multiplied by thinking, that is, smart people can get more from the book, which is unavoidable.

2, reading can not completely replace the "experience", you read a certain experience in the book, keep thinking, this thinking is implemented, it is beneficial to you in reality, still have to go through a real event, in this matter You may still be in a hurry, but if you don't read a book, you may be in a hurry ten times and eight times before you get the right lesson.

3. Reading is based on the difference in personality of each person. For example, if you read a book without aim, you have experienced a hundred times in the book. For the shortening of the experience you need in reality, it may only be shortened two or three times. But through the purposeful horizontal contrast in different books, we may find it easier to find the correct one. Lessons from life, mature faster. Those elite schools, which are taught in accordance with their aptitude, are capable of doing this, but as long as they are willing to study, there is still hope of transcendence.

4. The essence of modern reading is a tricky way to replace “experience”. After going through one thing, it takes ten days and a half, and there may be no way to find sentiment, but in ten days and a half, you can watch More than ten books. In this process, we face the world and elevate our own process. We are constantly “experiencing” and constantly thinking, constantly using each experience to cross-contrast and finally find the methodology of the world. There is a truth in this book. There is one in the book. Why do both exist at the same time? You can find more detailed solutions and arguments. After more comparisons, you can find the rules that are universally applicable.

5, personal experience: determine the target, solve the equation. For example, if we look at Confucius, we must make sure that the goal of Confucius is to "cultivate a gentleman and establish a Datong society." He faces the status quo during the Spring and Autumn Period. The essence is that "how to achieve the vision of the Datong society in the Spring and Autumn Period", this equation In the solution, there is the logical structure of Confucius. If you can understand this, if he is faced with modern society, "how to achieve some ideas of Datong society in modern times, the solution will inevitably be different~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Extract the thinking style and logical structure of the writer, then we will have countless horizontal contrasts when facing things. This is the most fundamental purpose of reading. It is not to learn the predecessors’ shackles, but to learn them. Logical kernel.

This is some of the most basic things. I originally thought about it, not even thinking about it. But even now, there are so many people who unconditionally despise the "literati". You really despise "humanity" to get a little superiority. Or do you really despise "culture"? The future is a professional society. When you face things, do you rely on your own natural genius mind or a professional explanation? But professionals don't have bones. Culture, people do not think that culture supports a social framework, people see it as a tool to make money for themselves, then, when you can make money, there is nothing to distort. When the professionals of the whole society are doing this, one day he said that the waste oil is harmless. Do you have to eat it?

"The eyes of the masses are sharp." It is not that the masses are unconditionally correct, but that the masses know the purest things about their personal belongings, such as saying that you are talking about the sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we see more and more smog The government is going to solve it. The masses demanded that the masses should always ask for the demands, the experts to solve the law, and the government to implement them. In such a cycle, the society can be virtuous. But in some distorted people, they feel that they are bright, that is, they are all right, even if I have not read a book for a lifetime, I said that how to do it in society, others have to believe, not to be nonsense? We have been close to the truth by relying on the rule of the Middle Kingdom. I have also been in the middle of the second. It is not simple, but anyone who has a bad track will not kill it.

In the end, society must rely on wisdom to point the direction. This direction is very narrow, far less than we think. But the way to gain wisdom will not change any more. It is to let our brains “experience” once and for all, constantly “thinking” about cross-contrast, and finally get a basic logical framework that can fit the world. People's innocence and love will never come close to the truth. You hide at home, don't use your brain, and then despise the "literati". You will never prove that you are smarter than the scholar. To be a good person, you can go through the experience, you can read a lot of books instead of part of the "experience", but when you convert it, no one can take it, and the bones of the literati are our bones.

To despise the ancient literati is to despise the class that comes from it. In modern times, I despise others to read more books and use more brains. That is real stupidity.

These things were originally the basic knowledge of enlightenment, but I saw that there are indeed such people among my readers. In a modern society, I hope that by defying the "literati" and "culture", I can argue that I have not used my brain. The same brilliant and great, get a little superiority.

It is human nature to gain a sense of superiority, but I hope that my readers will not be left at the bottom. The book is always a shortcut to the powerful itself.

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