Zhui Xu

: 烽火金流大河秋厉 (2)

In Zhangzhou, the autumn wind rolled up the leaves and rushed away. The remaining sewage on the market was smelling bad. The small half of the shop closed the door. The knights passed the street anxiously. On the way, the discounted shops reflected the pale faces of the merchants. Let the city burn high in the chaos.

The merchant ships were evacuated overnight, and the people who were preparing to leave from here had already started. The city, which was originally one of the largest cities in the southwest, became more and more confusing.

The scholars who have gone forward have already begun to withdraw. Some of them have remained in Chengdu and vowed to live with them. In Zhangzhou, the indignation of Confucian scholars continues.

“The daring dare to do this...”

"He is really not afraid of the world -"

"The court must have another army..."

"Wolf ambition, wolf ambition -"

In the nine years of August of the armed forces, the advancement of the world suddenly changed. It was like a hot game. The parties that could compete in this game had their own fierce actions. Once the darkness of the water surface turned into a raging wave, and the dreams of some people who had been on the water surface were awakened.

On this day, a glimpse of the South, the Wusong Army, who entered the Liangshan area after careful preparation, was hit by a head-on blow. The **** Confucian scholars who came to the southwest to promote the war were immersed in the thrill of promoting the historical process and had not enjoyed enough. Even the same piece of paper slammed into the minds of all people, breaking the illusion created by the Black Flag Army’s attitude towards the scholars in the past few years. In early August, the Black Flag Army defeated the Wuyi Army, and Luqiaoshan disappeared. The black flag rushed out, blaming the Wu Dynasty and bluntly taking over most of the Sichuan 4th Road.

The attitude of Hua Xia Jun’s essays is not only in the direction of denying the Wu dynasty, but for the decision to take over the Sichuan 4th Road, it is almost unreasonable. However, under the premise that the entire Wushu Army was defeated and compiled, this attitude is really not a joke.

The ambitions of the wolves and the poor views of the wolves... No matter how people define the large-scale actions that the Huaxia Army has followed, and even the slogan, the series of actions that the Huaxia Army has followed have shown great seriousness. That is to say, no matter how the scholars talk about the general trend, how to talk about the reputation of the prestige or all the things that the higher-ranking person should be jealous, the person who is called the devil of the devil must be beaten to Ganzhou.

Even the other side behaved as if it were persecuted by the people here.

In the time when the scholars were embarrassed, the Huaxia Army had meticulously removed the garrisons of six counties and towns near Liangshan, and was still taking over the battalion of the original garrison of the Wuyi Army. After several years in Liangshan, they were good at intelligence. The Huaxia Army of the work has already figured out the details of the surrounding, and there are certainly resistances, but it is impossible to form a climate. This is the beginning of sweeping the plains of western Sichuan. It seems that... it has already predicted the follow-up results.

For a true wise man, the outcome is often preceded by the start of the battle, the sound of the charge, and in many cases, the harvesting of the fruit of victory.

In the Confucius gathering with Songju, Xingutang and other places, the gathering of scholars anxiously denounced and negotiated countermeasures. Long Qifei mediated in it, balancing the situation, and the mind unconsciously remembered that he had heard in Li Jing in Beijing. The evaluation of Ning Yi. He did not expect that the 100,000 martial arts army would be so vulnerable in front of the black flag. For Ning Yi’s ambition and the hegemony of the means, he also thought too optimistic at first.

But now it’s too late to say anything.

The black flag sent troops, compared with the folks still have the luck of luck, the Confucian scholars are the ones who know the insider like Long Qifei, the more they are scared. The defeat of 100,000 people of the Wuyi Army was the first appearance of the Black Flag Army in the past few years, proclaiming and confirming that the power it exhibited in Xiao Cang River did not fall a few years ago - the Black Flag Army was beaten by Jurchens a few years ago. After that, it was only one of the previous fantasies of the people. The black-flagged army with such combat power said that it would not stop in Chengdu only when it hits Zhangzhou.

Forced by the chaotic situation, Long Qifei frankly and analyzed the situation in the DPRK in front of a group of Confucian scholars: When today, the Jurchen is the strongest, the black flag is inferior to the Jurchen, the Wu Dynasty is partial, and the woman must be unfortunate, but against the black flag. There is still a chance to win. The Qin dynasty of the Central Qin Dynasty originally wanted to send a large army. The force of the half-wall of the martial arts first set off the black flag, and then used the skill of the black flag to counter the martial arts, in order to seek a match against the Jurchen. Vitality, who knows that the game in the DPRK is difficult, the fools are in power, and finally only sent the Wu Junjun and himself to come. Nowadays, the heart is fascinated by the water, and the situation is already in jeopardy.

"My Wu Dynasty has already lived in the south of the Yellow River, and the Central Plains has lost. Now, the Jurchen is invading again and coming to the south. The money of Sichuan 4th Road is important in my Wu Dynasty and must not be lost. There are many great members in the sigh, the corpse meal. Ignorance and short-sightedness, nowadays, I still dare not let go!" On this day, in the companionship provided by Jiashi, a wealthy businessman in Zhangzhou, Long Qifei and the people talked about these things and sighed.

"When I came to the West, I had met with Qin Daren in Beijing. Qin Daren was responsible for me. The road must promote this Western expedition. Unfortunately... Wu Junjun was incompetent, and 100,000 people actually smashed. I didn’t expect it, and I didn’t want to shirk it. When the black flag came, Longmou was willing to face the black flag in Zhangzhou and live with the city’s soldiers. But the situation in the southwest is in jeopardy, no one can wake up everyone in Beijing, and Long has no face. Into the capital, but has written a blood book, please Liu Zhengming Liu Xiandi into Beijing, handed over to Qin Daren..."

When he said this, everyone was stunned, and Long Qifei waved his hand: "Don't persuade you! Long's mind has been decided! In fact, Sai Weng lost his horse and knows that he is not a blessing. At the beginning, all the people in Beijing did not want to send troops. Ning Yi's ambition is still illusory, and now Ning Yitu is poor, and the Jingzhong dynasties can no longer accommodate him. As long as he can painstakingly think about it, he will be able to enter the river. This is still a good thing! The useful body of Zhu Jun, Longmou also wants to please When you entered Beijing, you lobbied the Jingzhong Qunxian and the Central Committee, and if the matter could be done, Longmou thanked him under the spring..."

He is generous and tragic, and he is both a dead and a blood book. Everyone is also talking. After Long Qifei finished speaking, he ignored the persuasion of the people and left without saying goodbye. Everyone admired his determination and enthusiasm. He went to persuade the next day and went on the third day. Liu Zhengming, who took the blood book, did not want to do this on his behalf. He advised everyone to help him. The snake has no head. He and the old man of Qin have old things. They are in Beijing, and they are headed by him. It is the easiest thing to do. During this period, some people also sneaked into the name of the dragon, and the whole thing was his layout behind the scenes. At this time, he still wanted to escape from the chapter. Long Qifei refused to be more determined, and the two dialects of Confucianism came and went every day. On the fifth day, the confidante and the red card Lu Guoer from Long Qifei in the "Yannan Building" gave him a Meng Khan medicine, everyone dragged him into the carriage, this profound and righteous, intelligent and courageous Lu Guoer accompanied Long Qifei together to Beijing, the love story of the two soon in the capital was passed down for beauty talks.

Long Qifei and others left Zhangzhou, and Li Xiannong, another person who had stirred up the situation in the southwest, is now in an awkward position. Since the failure of the layout in Xiaoliangshan, Ning Yi has pushed the boat to resolve the situation in the rear. Li Xiannong, who came back when he was re-captured with Lu Qiaoshan, has always appeared decadent. When he arrived at the Huaxia Army, he expressed his gratitude to him and he reacted. The subsequent malicious. In the first few days, some people came to the door frequently. Most of the scholars in Zhangzhou can still see the black flag's heart-felt means. However, after a few days, they were really enchanted. In the middle of the night, they took the stone and threw it in from the hospital. .

Long Qi flew twice and defended Li Xiannong's voice. The public opinion was suppressed for a time. When Long Qifei left, Li Xiannong realized that there were more and more eyes around him. He was so sad that he left for Zhangzhou on this day and was ready to go to Chengdu to die. It was only after he left the city that he was intercepted. Some of these people also had fast-tracking. Some people rebuked him for having to escape. Some people say that he is going to ventilate with the black flag. Li Xiannong argues that there is no problem. According to the argument, the arresters said that although you are reasonable, but after all, the suspect is undecided, how can you leave at this time. Everyone gathered around, beat him up, and returned to the prison in Zhangzhou, waiting for the water to come out and fall.

The subsequent experience of Li Xiannong is difficult to say one by one. On the other hand, the generous running of Long Qifei and others after entering Beijing is another warm story of a **** and talented woman. The overall situation began to be obvious, the individual's running and bumps, just the small waves in the huge waves, southwest, the Chinese army as a chess player crosses the Sichuan 4th Road, and in the east, more than 8,000 black flags are still crossing Xuzhou . After learning about the black flag ambition, the middle of the Yangtze River set off the sound of the southwest of the encirclement. However, Jun Wu resisted such a proposal and pushed many troops such as Yue Fei and Han Shizhong to the Yangtze River defense line. A large number of people have been mobilized ~www.wuxiaspot. The com~ logistics line is so vast that it has an attitude of not winning and dying.

In the chaos of the world, the melting of the iron and iron will cook everyone into a pot.

On the north bank of the Yellow River, Li Xizhi faced the first blow after the dark tide turned into a huge wave.

After Lin Hezhen’s loss, the black flag’s crazy strategic intentions were presented in front of the great warlord who ruled the East of the Central Plains for several years. Under the Damingfu City, Li Xizhi suspended the preparations for the siege, so that the Majesty's army set aside the momentum and prepared for the response. At the same time, it requested the Jurchen general Uda to lead the army to attack the black flag.

However, it was rejected by Uda.

The south of the 300,000-strong army of Zong Fu and Zong Wang, the main force will arrive in a few days. Once this army arrives, what is the Da Ming House and the Black Flag Army? What is really important is the Jurchen army crossing the docks and ships of the Yellow River. As for Li Xizhi, if he leads the 170,000-strong army and is afraid on his own site, what significance does he have for Jurchen?

Li Xizhi did not believe that the other party would fight like this until the outbreak of the war - just as he built a solid levee and then stood in front of the levee, watching the steeply rising waves become higher and higher. , getting higher and higher...

On the morning of August 11th, the war broke out in the wilderness of the north side of Damingfu. With the arrival of the Black Flag Army, the drums were slammed in the Daming House, and the "Guangwu Army" headed by Wang Shanyue, Yan Sanniang, Xue Changgong and others. Nearly 40,000 people chose to take the initiative.

On the one hand, 10,000, one side, 40,000, pinching Li Xizhi, 170,000 troops, if you consider the combat power, even if you underestimate the quality of your own soldiers, it would have been a situation that is evenly matched. Li Xizhi calmly confronted this arrogant battle.

Then, when the battle began to heat up, the most difficult situation finally broke out.

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