Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 791: 烽火金流大河秋厉 (3)

The sky was gray and the 170,000-strong army appeared in the long autumn between the north bank of the Yellow River. The north wind rolled up the white grass, and the dry grass and dust spread along the stretched formations to the far side. The movement of the army and the distant sky have already risen.

Although in a huge square, the soldiers around the scene occasionally voiced, the resulting movements came together, still like a surge. Li Xizhi rode on the horse, watching the front of the army mobilized the dust, the blood on his body has become hot.

Even at the last moment, he still slammed the real purpose of the black flag army to kill, threatening deterrence, so that he did not dare to let go of the big name government, or the sound of the East, there are other purposes behind ... but the other party is finally killed, Responding to it, there is also the fact that Wang Guangyue and other people of the "Light Armed Forces" opened the Daming House and rushed from the south. The other party's strategic intentions are so simple and rude, and they no longer have to be suspicious, but the things revealed behind them are really cold and cold, like a slap in the face.

The 50,000-person attack on the 170,000-strong army has come so firmly. The only thing behind it is that the other side thinks that the combat effectiveness is much higher than that of the other side. It is necessary to first place more than 100,000 troops before the Jinguo army against Zongfu and Zongwang. Sweep out of the battlefield.

After confirming this fact, the sense of anger and humiliation made Li Xizhi tremble, but then he was transformed into a boiling killing and motivation. If Li Xizhi’s heart still had some hesitation in the mind and the snake, it was at this time. The determination to fight the two sides has already dominated his mind. Was despised to this, do not defeat the 50,000 people, he still used to be a man.

More than 100,000 troops were spread out on the battlefield in the dozens of squares. In order to prevent large-scale defeat, Li Xizhi broke up the army into a series of defense lines, and used the dense defense to deal with the black flag. Li Xizhi did not underestimate the enemy. He understood that the black flag's offensive was strong, but after a strong attack, there were only a million people. Even if they dragged, they should be dragged into this wilderness.

This day was August 11 of the 9th year of the founding of the People's Republic of China. When the morning sun rose, the Huaxia Army launched an offensive in two ways and began the operation of the Li Xizhi army. At the same time, in the direction of the southern Da Ming House, The Guangwu Army was divided into three groups and attacked the position of Li Xizhi from different directions.

The daylight gradually rises, north of Damingfu, and the vocals and roaring sounds of more than 200,000 people have boiled the sky. The arrows and the chaotic flying, the rushing and the explosion occasionally crossed the hills of this late autumn, filled with smoke, accompanied by an explosion, floating in the air. This is the first battle that the Central Plains experienced after the Xiao Cang River. The artillery has begun to become popular. Regardless of the quality, the use of this weapon by both sides is still not very skilled. On the battlefield in the south. The troops of the Guangwu Army occasionally crossed the position and killed the other artillery positions, causing a huge explosion, and occasionally the troops collapsed in the other side's artillery.

The Huaxia Army in the north is much better at facing the gunfire. Xiao Canghe three years of war, and finally finally south, some people are Ning Yi deliberately stayed in the Central Plains, and some Chinese soldiers and large forces lost, failed to go south. The lost in the Central Plains and returned to the team, and later mostly gathered in the Liangshan area, joined the team of Zhu Xi. These soldiers have experienced the most brutal battles. In the three years of war, they have long been used to breathing on the battlefield. Later generations often said that veterans are afraid of guns and recruits. These soldiers have already understood the power and response of the artillery. In the two hours, the black flag commander drove straight in, contacted Li Xizhi, Tang Dingyi, Liu Hui, Qi Guoan and other 10,000 teams, and pushed the offensive to the dry grass shop outside Li Zhizhi.

Thanks to the initial sharpness, the attack launched by the Guangwu Army in the south is also constantly advancing. The defense line composed of the 170,000-strong army is constantly operating under the mobilization of Li Xizhi. From time to time, the troops are defeated and fleeing, and new teams are on the top. The troops were re-assembled. When the war situation was carried out for more than one hour, Li Xizhi arranged for the generals of the southern defense line to lead three thousand people to suddenly turn against the water, and they turned a blow, and immediately caused the first tens of thousands of people to collapse. Li Xizhi’s nephew Li The army near the Xuanwu rate struggled to kill, and finally stabilized the situation.

However, although in the first two hours, the offensives in the south and northeast were constantly approaching. At noon on this day, Li Xizhi, who was in the middle of the army, finally sighed with relief, in the dry grass in the northeast. Nearly 40,000 people have finally blocked the attack of the Black Flag Army here, and although the battle in the south is fierce, the advancement at this time has begun to become slower - as long as the opponent's offensive is slowed down, the next situation is right. For yourself, it is an advantage.

He thinks this way, the original is not bad.

It was only at noon, the side of the front of the array, a huge explosion suddenly came, the smoke of the explosion rose, the ground moved to the mountain, Li Xizhi looked back, the explosion actually happened in the side of the rear two hundred feet, some people will be heavy Gunpowder detonated. The horses screamed and the chaos had spread. A team of people rushed to the horse: "The black flag has arrived, killing the fine branches -"

"Lu Jianyun has turned his back -"

"The erect is looking for death!" Li Xizhi's eyebrows sharpened, and the brush pulled up the big knife on the side of the body. "The black flag offensive has been exhausted! These clowns are so desperate to take a trip and take risks! Today's odds are in me, Zhong Erlang, kill me this thief! I I have to cut his head by hand -"

At this time, he will not scrutinize why there are such traitors in the vicinity. It is not surprising that the black flag will arrange the internal rape. He is also a Hummer in his life. He will rush to the other side when he is screaming, but the soldiers in the rear. The impact of the cavalry has been blocked. The rebellious people rushed back, and the nearby army had come from all directions. Li Xizhi was ordering loudly, and the knights who were all blood-stained rushed from the direction of the northeast. The scouts had to get down in the vicinity, and the first sentence made Li Xizhi smashed.

"The dry grass is defeated -"

"...What do you say!" Li Xizhi had a blank moment in his mind. For a moment, he waved his long knife and slashed at the other side. However, the scout said the second sentence with a cry.

"Tang Dingyi turned his back and cut the head of General Liu Hui Liu..."

"Pour... your mother's Ge, Tang Dingyi..."

Li Xizhi trembled and was so angry that he couldn’t speak. However, Wuli Road was not far away. In the northeast, the chaos was beginning to become huge. Some troops were wrapped up and collapsed. In the morning, Li Xizhi immediately ordered 20,000 people to go forward. The military squad pulled out the knife and maintained order. While gathering the squadron and blocking the black flag, the chain reaction has already appeared. Lu Jianyun and others who had previously turned down have not been under siege. Killed, there were two more outbreaks in the army, followed by the appearance of a heavy explosion.

Two thousand people were in front, and the military squad that came into contact with it suddenly began to collapse. The black flag waved in the field of vision and spread. Some people shouted: "The Chinese army came, surrendered to death--" Li Xizhi ordered the military squad to start killing. He wanted to take the elite of the battle, but the front face It is already the trend of rewinding the bead curtain. On the side, a group of about 5,000 people who belonged to Feng Qize’s Majesty’s squadron shouted at any time, and screamed at the side of Li Xizhi’s side. When Lin Hezhen’s battle, Feng Qize’s heart was scared. The tragedy of the traitors in the army, but in the big battle, the black flag should never appear inside. This squad returned to Li Xizhi and was taken up by the team. No one expected to turn down at the moment.

More than 200,000 people killed a morning, and nowadays, they finally boiled into a pot of porridge, and they can’t be messed up again. At this time of noon, Li Xizhi saw the most illusory scene in his life, with the turning point of Tang Dingyi as a turning point. Among the 170,000-strong army, as many as 20,000 troops were attacked by the generals, large-scale The small-scale defection and coup d'état eclips his army into a sieve, and at the same time destroys the army of more than 100,000 troops.

Li Xizhi's eyes were red and bloody, leading the 20,000 underarms to fight hard. Soon after, the nephew Li Xuanwu came with his army. The 30,000 troops collided on the battlefield, and the corresponding ones were the defeat and dispersion of the tens of thousands of troops. The Black Flag Army and the Guangwu Army came from the rear. The entire battlefield spread more than ten miles. From the west side, the Da Ming House was extended. The direct troops of Li Xizhi were pursued all the way to the bank of the Yellow River on the southwest side of Damingfu.

In the evening, more than 15,000 troops were trapped on the banks of the Yellow River, trying to resist. In the subsequent fierce attack, a large number of troops were killed and pushed into the Yellow River. Li Xizhi was guarded by the deaf children, guards and other people in the center. At this time, his spirits were mourning, and he kept shaking his head. He only said in his mouth: "Impossible, impossible..."

If the Black Flag Army had such a lot of spies at the beginning, then the battle could not be carried out until noon.

However, all this happened in front of his eyes.

Before that, he was already a prince of the rule of the Central Plains. In this world, he should have been in the chess game. However, with the outbreak of the war, his 170,000 elite army faced 50,000. The human offense, the rout between the night.

It is hard to imagine how many swinging people in his army before this. With this unresolved battle, the Chinese army should complete the counter-attack work for the swinging people.

The setting sun was falling, and the Huaxia Army began to persuade, and Li Zhizhi, who was covered with blood and dust, picked up the big knife and refused to surrender. The munitions that greeted him were the shells that were fired. Li Xizhi was shot down on the ground by a shell. He climbed up and waved a big knife to the Chinese soldier who was killed. The other side cut him to the ground.

"I told you that adults are fighting - children are rolling away -"

At this moment on the Yellow River, countless bodies rushed with the water, and the smoke outside the Daming House has not stopped. On this day, it was only a few days before the arrival of Yan Zongxi’s Jurchen striker. However, the defeat of the 170,000th army will surely alarm everyone’s attention during these few days.

When the time returned to more than 20 days ago, Wang Shanyue and the Chinese military on the hills gathered together, bringing a dangerous topic.

"I have a plan that I don't want to die, I will bring it to you today."


"Since the Jurchen is south, the Central Plains has been married for thousands of years. I have been trying to win a big name and create some trouble for the Jurchens. But such a small trouble is not enough to inspire people, and I am not sure that the Jurchen will stay in the name... Black Flag There should be countless insides, first help me to make Li Xizhi."

"...The Huaxia Army has the inside, but the inside should not be a god. Li Xizhi is incompetent, and 170,000 people are there. It is very difficult."

"You helped me to make a fine branch, I won't let you help keep the name."

"...you really don't want to die."

"...In the past few years, Li Xizhi and Jurchen have become more and more brutal, but there are fewer and fewer people who resist. This time the woman is really going south, she will not leave room for Wu Dynasty. It is the land of the Central Plains, but not many people dare. Hands-on, even if you arrested Liu Yu, returning the world to the Wu Dynasty... The main snake of the Yellow Snake Village, Dou Mingde, was killed by a Jurchen, and now he has not dared to be a car, the gray mountain is harsh, and his daughter was tortured by Jin Guoren. After killing, I went to ask him for help. He didn't believe me. If we can beat Li Xizhi, we can drag the Jurchen army in Damingfu. Every other day, they can have more confidence... Ning Yi is right, save. It is not enough to rely on the world, relying on us alone."

When I said this, it was the time when the stars were in the sky. Wang Shanyue had a long hair and looks like a woman. In the eyes, it seemed to be a hope of ruthlessness. I wish you a better understanding of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not impossible to defeat Li Xizhi with Huaxia Army in these years. However, he killed Li Xizhi, who came to live in Damingfu, and did not see Li Xizhi in Damingfu. To see the big name, it can only be a female real army.

But the Wang family has always been like this. Twenty years ago, Liao people went south, and Wang Qisong led the whole family to fight against the Jurchen army. All of them were slaughtered, the old man was peeled and dead, and the bones were not complete at the time of burial. Today, the only remaining male in this family is also on this path.

"You help me kill Li Xizhi," he said.

"I put the big name house...to be another Taiyuan!"

On the day of August 11th, Li Xizhi’s army was avalanche-like defeat under the fierce attack. The Guangwu Army collected a small number of troops and took over the heavy burden. But for most people who are not trustworthy, they still let them leave after propaganda. It is. On August 13th, hundreds of people from the Yellow Snake Village arrived at the Daming Mansion. Every day, every day, a group of people came over and was recruited by the Guangwu Army until August 16th. The cavalry advanced to Baili, Damingfu, and there were as many as 6,000 people who had arrived in Damingfu. These people lost their families under the knife of the Jurchen, or they were worried, and these years were suppressed by the Jurchen. The ambitions, most of them understand that they entered the Daming House and it is difficult to go out.

Huaxia Army left from Damingfu.

The fifteenth moon is sixteen rounds. On this night, I wish you to leave at the end of the team. Looking back at the famous palace, Wang Shanyue smiled and waved on the city head, and the clothes were like snow and Wu took the wind. At this moment, the autumn is deep, and the Yellow River in the south is still rushing. The hidden city in the moonlight is a dream of great strength.

I will drag the Jurchen, how long it will take.


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