Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 792: 烽火金流大河秋厉(4)

The weather has cooled down, and the Golden State Datong has ushered in a bright night.

The leaves are nearly half, the grass is broken, and the winter in the north is coming soon. However, the coldness in the temperature did not lower the temperature of the prosperity of Datong. Even in these days, the chilling atmosphere of the city’s prevention and control has not reduced the number of lights. Horse-drawn carriages with flags and lanterns traveled on the streets of the city, occasionally passing by the soldiers who lined up. The curtains were revealed when they were swaying, and they were the faces of noble and proud. The veterans who fought in battle were sitting in front of the carriage and waving the whip high. In a shop where the lights are still on, the meat eater gathers here and talks and laughs.

The great things in the country are in harmony. The new round of the Nanzheng has already begun. After the departure of the 300,000-strong army in the east, Xijing Datong has become the focus of attention of the aristocrats of the Golden State. The interest lines of the articles are intertwined here. After the world is on the horseback, some Jinguo nobles have sent their children to a new battlefield, and they want to win another name. Some Jin Guoquan, the children are eyeing the cause. The profit path from the war: the inexhaustible slaves in the future, the wealthy land in the south, the treasures that the soldiers hope to bring back from the Wu Dynasty, or the martial movements that can be drilled in the huge logistics operation. One by one.

Compared with the corrosion experienced by Wu Dynasty in the past two hundred years, the emerging Daikin Empire has shown a different weather in the face of huge interests: Zong Fu and Zong Yi chose to conquer the entire Nanwu to gain the power of deterrence Yan Zonghan. . But beyond that, the prosperity and enjoyment of more than ten years still shows its power. After the rich get rich, they enjoy the goodness of the world with the dividend of war, but such enjoyment has not been sustained. After more than ten years of circulation, when the interests that the nobility can enjoy have begun to fall, people who have experienced the peaks may not be willing to go back to the poor again.

Not to mention the poor, it is a little retrogression, and it is also unwilling to accept.

The old aristocrats who once took the world on horseback have to obtain benefits, and the means must be simple and rough: high-priced military supplies, shoddy, arbitrarily removed military food, and then re-sold into the market circulation... Greed always maximizes people's imagination.

The nobility has been rushing to Datong, and the blow to these things has become fierce at the same time. In the past few days, even the sons of the two national princes have been arrested, and Zong Han’s personal whip has been seriously injured. It also seems to mean that the hard-line old generation’s forces are corrupting the young Jurchen’s generation. Clean up the peak of arrival. In the personal residence of Yan Zonghan and Wan Yanxi Yin, the action of the Datong House in Tuen Mun was fierce. These days, many powerful children were dealt with. After arresting these prisoners and using them, they were put into the army of Nanzheng. In order to serve.

However, such sternness did not prevent the nobles from following the activities of the Datong government. Even because the young people were put into the army, some old honours and even the honoured people came to the city to find a relationship, and also made the situation inside and outside the city. More confusing.

However, such confusion is about to come to an end.

"...a big tree, so it will die, often because it grows locusts, the world is troubled, and the state is often the same." In this bustling night, in the attic of Chen Wangfu, Wan Yanxi Yin is overlooking the night outside. Talking to two young people who are already very tall, this is his two sons with Chen Wenjun, the eldest son is Yande, and the second son is well-formed. As one of the most book-like families in the Jurchen aristocratic circle, Xi Yin’s two children have not lived up to his expectations. Wan Yan’s body is tall and tall, both civil and military, and Yan Yan’s instrument is thin and weak, but Yu Wen’s already I have a lot of experience, even though my father’s surprise is gorgeous, and it’s a great leader in the younger generation.

When he was about to go out and talk to his two sons, Chen Wenjun came to the tea from the room and gave the pair the three closest to her. Although Xi Yin’s family style is strict, he usually gets along with his children on a regular basis, but he is not necessarily the kind of father who is on the shelf. Therefore, even if he is a pre-departure instruction, he is extremely easy-going.

"In the past few years, I have often felt that the world has changed too fast for the father. Since I started the war, I swept the world like nothing, and laid down this foundation. However, in the past 20 years, my gold is still strong, but it is not invincible. Look carefully. My big gold is losing, my opponent is becoming fierce, and the black flag is raging a few years ago. It is a precedent. The saying of the thing makes the firearm rise, but it has to be taken care of. Zuo Qiu has words, peace of mind, thinking There is a reserve. This South levy, or before the change of the firearms, the world, but it should be the last time for the father to accompany the army."

Nanzheng North War, Hummer's life, at this time the end of Yan Yan Yin, is also the face is getting older, half white hair. He talked like this, and the sensible son naturally said that he was a dragon horse spirit. Xi Yin waved his hand and smiled: "It is not bad for the father's body, but it has not been touted. Since you want to go to the battlefield, you must be dead, you It is the son of Gu Shen, and he has to start his own side. He is somewhat envious of the father and wants to leave it to you... Needless to say, there is no need to say anything auspicious... I am really in the land of Baishan Blackwater, your father, young. When the food and clothing are gone, Ru Mao and blood, since the beginning of the battle with the A bones, the battle for many years, defeated countless enemies! Destroy the Liao Kingdom! Swallow the Central Plains! Going to the present, your father is a prince, you are a small jade food... In exchange for blood."

"When I get to this step, what I can best remember for my father is not the pavilions and the pavilions in front of me. Now the Jurchens swept the world, wherever they went, you saw those people arrogant and arrogant. The Jurchen that the father remembers is not like this. Today, what the father remembers is more of a dead person... A friend who grew up from a young age, I don’t know when he died, the brothers in the battle, screaming and dying And fell to the ground, the corpse capital was not cleaned up, and then I couldn't find it when I turned back... De heavy, there is instrument, the days you passed today are made up of dead bodies and blood. Not only the blood of Jurchen, There are also the blood of the Liao people and the Han people, you have to remember."

When he talked about the Han Chinese, he stretched his hand and took Chen Wenjun’s hand.

"As it will be decided today, the last time the expedition, your fathers will sweep the world, and give this rich world to you on the body. You may not need to fight again. What do you want to learn? You must learn, Let it no longer bleed, the blood of the Jurchen does not flow, let the Jurchens not bleed, Han and Liao, it is best not to bleed, because ah, you let them bleed, they will also make you bad. This is... your homework."

In the attic, Wan Yanxi Yintonton paused: "There is the corruption of this person's heart. When the days are better, people will become bad..."

His words continued in the attic, and he said it for a while, and the lights in the outer city were so bright that it was not too late to finish these shackles. The two children left and left, and Xi Yin took the wife's hand and silenced it for a while.

"Your heart... is it bad?" After a while, Xi Yin opened his mouth.

Chen Wenjun bowed his head slightly and did not speak.

"I am a Jurchen." Xi Yin said, "This life can't change. You are a Han Chinese. There is no way for it. The Jurchen is going to live well, huh... I don't want to live a bad life. I think about it all these years." Going, playing for so long, there must always be a head. This head is either a Jurchen defeat, a big gold is gone, I am taking you, going to a place where there is no other person to live, or if the world is beaten, it will be able to It’s calm. Now it seems that the latter is more likely.”

"You are not good, and you can bear it. This is the end of the battle. The only thing I have to do for the husband is to let the Han people live better. Let the Jurchen, the Liao, the Han... get together as soon as possible. This life may look Not enough, but the husband will do his best to do it. The world is in a big way, there are ups and downs, the Han people are doing too well, and they are destined to fall for a while, there is no way..."

Chen Wenjun did not speak.

Tears fell.


On the same night, the same city, Mandu Daruzema flew, anxiously running on the streets of Datong.

"Fast! Fast-"

In the mouth, he shouted, he was still struggling to swing the whip, and the cavalry team behind him was also chasing all the way. The roar of the horseshoe was like a torrent of street crossing.

After a while, the team rushed to the front door of a large mansion in the east of the city at the fastest speed, before and after the blockade, broke into the door.

There was a horrible sound in the mansion, and the guards came up to block it. He was turned over to the ground by Mandu Daru. He walked through the corridor and the horrified person, and drove straight into the courtyard, and saw a middle-aged man. When you are a man, you just let out loudly: "Jiang Daren, your thing has been made - you will be awkward..."

The name of the surnamed Jiang in the Jurchen Hall is not low. It is a big member of Shili’s love. This time he held a key position in the logistics system of the grain and mobilization. When he heard this, when the Mandu Daru came in, the other party was already The state of sweating, white face, and holding a steel knife, had not had time to rush to the person, the other hand turned his hand and inserted the blade into his stomach.

"The kill!" Mandudaru rushed over, the other side is already in the state of steel knife wearing abdomen, he gritted his teeth, slammed the other side, and stabilized the wound. "Gu Shen Da Ren ordered me to handle this matter completely, you thought it was dead. It’s okay! Tell me who is behind the scenes! Tell me a name – otherwise I will make it worse for the whole family to die than to die.”

Mandudaru was originally recalled to Datong in order to smash the murderer who killed Zhanhan. Later, he participated in the rebellion of Hannu. When the army gathered and logistics operations, he intervened in these matters. In the past few months, Mandudaru has solved a lot of crimes in Datong. After all, the cases that have been turned out in this clue are the biggest. Some of the Jurchens and the logistics officials have misappropriated and transported the air force and sneaked into the column. Jiang’s official is one of the key figures.

When he found this clue, he was already noticed by the people behind him. He quickly came over to arrest, but it seems that someone has taken a step forward. The Jiang Daren knew that he was unfortunate, hesitated for a long time, and finally inserted himself. Mandudaru shouted threats and tried to make the other person awake. The Jiang Daren consciousness was already vomiting blood, but he finally raised his hand and pointed his finger at a place.

"What! What! Tell me clearly! Speak!" Mandudaru waved his hand and slapped his hand and slapped a slap in the face.

But the other party finally has no breath.

"What...what!" Mandu Daru stood up and turned around, watching the direction of the Jiang Daren, and spent a moment, stunned.

Among the piles of tables and chairs there is a black tablecloth.

"Black flag..." Mandu Daru understood, "Clown..."

In a few months, the Mandu Daru parties solved the case and had earlier dealt with the name. Later, Hannu rebelled, this black flag spoiled the opportunity to steal the robbery of a list on the Valley of God, causing the whole Xijing to boil, it is said that this book was later difficult to pass all the way, I do not know how many people involved, Gu Shen adults, etc. He played against this list, which made some swinging southerners stand up their positions, but the other side also let more southerners who surrendered the big money be exposed in advance. In a sense, this opponent, or Gu Shen adults suffered a loss.

Mandudaru wanted to catch each other, but for a while, the other party disappeared and he was responsible for other things. In this clue, there is also a faint mention of a Han Chinese needle-punching, it seems to be the clown, but Mandu Daru was not sure before, until today, breaking the fog and understanding the situation, from the reach of the great man, he It determines the identity of the other party.

This surnamed Jiang is already dead, and many people will get out of it, but even if it is now surfaced, it will involve a total of nearly 30,000 stone food deficits. If all are pulled out, I am afraid there will be more.

"Must catch you..."

Mandudaru stood up and opened the table in front of him. The black flag member of the nickname clown returned to Datong and wanted to catch it, but once again, because it was not enough, or because there was Other things are busy, and the other party disappears into his field of vision again and again, and once and for all, makes him feel tricky. But at the moment, he still has more things to do.

The West Road Army will swear to leave tomorrow.

There are still many people dying tonight...


Datong City, South Ten Miles, West Road Army Camp, the long light and tents, filled the entire field of vision, no far-reaching extension.

The heavy team is still busy and gathering all night - from a long time ago, it has not stopped, it seems that it will continue to operate forever.

The two figures climbed up the hills in the darkness, looking far away at this suffocating thing. The huge war machine was already in operation and was about to be rolled south.

"The head of the surname Jiang has been stared for a long time and may have been exposed..."

"It doesn't matter, the benefits are already finished... you say..."


"You said, have we done these things, does it play any role?"

"Everyone does a little bit. The teacher said, it doesn't necessarily have a result, and it doesn't have to be done."

Lu Mingfang and Tang Minjie stood in the darkness, watching this mighty thing, and after a while, Lu Mingfang looked at the deep-eyed Tang Minjie and patted him on the shoulder. Tang Minjie suddenly turned his head and heard Lu Ming. Fangdao said: "You are too tight."

"Have it?"

"The thing here...not you and I can finish it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He smiled. "I heard the news, the east side has already started playing, I wish to marry the city of Zengtou, Wangshan’s famous palace, Later, on the bank of the Yellow River, he broke the 200,000 troops of Li Xizhi... Wang Shanyue is planning to stay in Damingfu..."

Although they are separated by thousands of miles, the military sentiment from the south is not slow. Lu Mingfang has the channel to know the message transmitted by the Jurchen army. He whispered these thousands of miles away, Tang Minjie closed his eyes, quietly feeling the flood of the whole world, quietly understanding the next horrible thing.

On August 19th, Nine-year-old, the Jurchen West Road Army began a journey of the fourth South Expedition under the leadership of the generals Yan Zonghan.

To the south of Yanmen Pass, the forces led by Wang Juyun, Tian Shi, Yu Yulin, Lou Shuzhen and others have already defended themselves and set aside an attitude of waiting. Datong, Xi Yin said goodbye to Chen Wenjun and two children: "We will bring this world back to Jurchen."

In the south, after a slap in the temple of Jin Yu, and refused the plan of the ministers to dispatch heavy troops to attack Sichuan IV, Zhou Junwu rushed to the front of the north. He said to the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty: "I can’t return Jurchen, I am not coming back. ""

Wang Shanyue on the north bank of the Yellow River: "I will be a famous palace and be kept in another Taiyuan."

That night, looking at the Jurchen army waiting for the pillow, Tang Minjie wiped his nose and mouth and turned to go in the direction of Datong: "What do you always want to do... always do something more..."

After that, the autumn rain stretched, and the soldiers and the bonfire pushed down. Under the autumn rain, every part of the earth, the river ran, the muddy water roared, accompanied by the sound of thunder, the sound of killing, the voice of rebellion, squatting in the place. On every boulder in the place. Blasting open - mobile users please browse m.. reading, a better reading experience.

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