Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 793: Drum wheel (1)


Huge stones crossed the sky, accompanied by the arrow rain that covered the sky, traversing the distance of several tens of feet and squatting on the wall. The stone collapsed and fell, the wall was also shaking, some stones crossed the wall and fell into the city full of soldiers, causing terrible casualties. On the wall, people launched artillery in the shouts and lit Fuze, the shells fell toward the position outside the city.

In the nine years of Wu Jianyu, in early September, the altar of **** had already absorbed the blood of the sacrifices, and finally officially opened the door to the harvest.

The fourth Nanzheng of Jurchen, in the atmosphere of suffocation and suffocation for everyone, advanced to the moment of the war. The name of the horn is the great name of the Jurchen East Road Army.

Prior to this, all the efforts that could be done have already been done. Wang Shanyue’s Guangwu Army and the black flag led by Zhu Xi killed nearly 200,000 people of Li Xizhi, and made a huge clearance around them. However, the Jurchen’s killing represents a completely different meaning from the previous one. Even though it has already made a ruin in the Daming Mansion, no one can know whether the lonely city of Damingfu can persist in the first hit of the Jurchen. Come down.

At that time, the Liao Dynasty went to Beijing, and it was also a heavy town that could be said to be able to stand for several years. Under the leadership of Agueda, the Jurchens played less and more, and there was a myth of the siege that took only half a day to go to Beijing. Of course, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and the Jurchen is the first. The second Nanzheng, Qin Shaohe led the quality of the Wu Dynasty soldiers who were not as good as the Liao team to defend Taiyuan, and eventually dragged the time over a year. In any case, the Jurchen arrived, and the drama was kicked off. All the members went to the court and waited for the moment of judgment.

On August 17th, the dusk quietly swallowed the sky in the west. The Jurchen "Four Princes" Jin Shushu - that is, the Yan Xianzong's pioneer cavalry arrived at the name, and set up a camp in the north of Daming House. Subsequently, it was the main force of the Jurchen. The artisans and logists came one after another, and then, the pseudo-qi army, which was able to be mobilized near Damingfu, drove the civilians who could not escape within the range, and rushed to the lonely city on the north bank of the Yellow River. .

The big accounts, the flags, the crying people who were driven away, the dense and inexhaustible, in the field of vision merged into a horrible and infiltrating sea tide, in the morning or evening after that, the mourning or crying in the crowd The sound made the people on the head of the city unable to hold their fists and tears.

The war has not yet started, and the most cruel things have already been foreshadowing. Since more than a decade ago, it has been customary for Jurchens to drive civilians to attack the city. After the third South Expedition and the expulsion of the Wu Dynasty from the Central Plains, this land, which was nominally owned by the Qiqi, has been dominated by Jurchen for many years. But this time, southward, facing the obstacles of the famous government, Wan Yanzong was still the first time to classify all the Han people in the vicinity as chaotic people. On the one hand, the people were driven away, and on the other hand, they began to publicize these civilians.

"...Wu Chao lost the world in the world, the land of the Central Plains, this is already a big Qi many years, no longer belongs to the Wu Dynasty! I am Dajin and Daqiben as the brothers of the state, and I am a big Qi people, living here It’s just right, and now there are these martial thieves, who are in trouble with the city! Let’s remember, your good days are messed up by these martial thieves--"

On the one hand, this kind of propaganda, while picking out people to persuade the city to persuade, people who come to the city, or pleading, or jealousy, are just appetizers that were uncomfortable before the war. After their persuasion and pleading were rejected, the people who were sent out of the city were taken together with their families and whipped to death in front of the city. At the same time, in the Jurchen military camp, the construction of siege equipment is still going on at the same time.

On the morning of the fourth day of September, the crowd was driven to the Daming House. The people who cried and begged smashed the first wave of mines that had been rushed out of the city. Some people took the ladder for the Jurchen army and tried to rush forward. The city of the city, to seize the first line of life. The Jurchen’s military squadron was in the rear, and the Han Chinese faced the Han Chinese. Shortly after entering the range, the first wave of arrows rained as soon as...


War has never been a place where the weak can stop. When the war has been going on for more than ten years, people who have been tempered have already understood this.

The clouds burned red, and the color of the immersive bleeding came. The famous temple on the north bank of the Yellow River has been flooded with blood. On the first day of September, the first day of the Jurchen siege, under the city of Damingfu, the Han people who were driven out were killed and injured. Under the drive of the Jurchen knife, the entire moat was almost filled with corpses.

In the overwhelming arrow rain, throwing stones and explosions, some people set up ladders and tried to climb the city in shouting and crying. And the stone was thrown in the city.

No one knows where the Jurchen soldiers are mixed.

In the fierce attack and defense, the female real army launched a raid on the city defense of Damingfu three times in a row. The defenders on the city wall did not neglect, and each time they responded promptly to the female real raid. At noon, there was even a Jurchen Pioneer who briefly boarded the wall and was then smothered by the nearby San Sanniang and forced the attack.

The Jurchens are not willing to lose too much strength in Damingfu, but the lives of the Han people in the city are not worth the money. In order to trend these people to try their best to climb the city, the Jurchen’s arrow rain and the stone thrown toward the city, so that the high intensity The battle lasted for a day, and when the night was over, the soldiers in the city stopped a little and they felt that they were off. As for the city, there are countless corpses. The wounded are rolling in the body, mourning, crying, and blood. It is a human tragedy that cannot be tolerated.

Wang Shanyue led the reserve soldiers to come up with people to rotate and count the wounded soldiers. Late in the night, the stone of the Jurchen camp was maneuvered, and another round of offensive was launched. The civilians below were driven away, carrying the ladder and continuing to stand up, crying and letting the people in the city let go of a way. People smashed the stone from the city with red eyes.

The next day, the fierce battle continued as usual. The soldiers in the city dropped the flyers and said, “If there is a movement to the east, the paper will be transmitted to the civilians below, and the Jurchen will strengthen the east. On the third day, the cruel siege war was going on. Wang Shanyue launched the soldiers in the city and shouted: "Go west! Go west!" The people who were forced by the pressure of death for three days have changed. When they got up, they rushed to the west. Then, the Jurchen’s cannon in the west rang, the shells passed through the crowd, and the people flew in the body. But in the tens of thousands of people, people couldn’t tell the difference. Even though some people stopped at the forefront, countless people were still running. This disorderly rushed out a relatively weak defense line on the west side of the Jurchen. About 10,000 people rushed out of the mouth and escaped. To the wilderness of the wilderness.

On the fourth day, thousands of the tens of thousands of people were driven back and continued to participate in the siege of the siege.

From the first defensive battle to the present, for more than ten years, the cruelty of war has never changed. Xue Changgong ran on the wall of Damingfu and supervised the defense of every wall of the forty-eight-mile wall. Shoucheng is a difficult and long-lasting task. For the length of forty-eight miles, every place visible to the naked eye must be arranged with sufficient sober general command and response. During the day, at night, in the most intense time, You must also leave a new force to rotate in the gaps that follow. Compared with the emphasis on Wu Yong during the offensive, the defending city has to test the generals' secrets and dripping, and perhaps the same, Taiyuan will finally hold on for Qin Shaohe's command for a year.

As in the general cruelty of the city more than ten years ago, there are also some things that have only appeared in these years. Up and down the city, in the gap before and after each war, the soldiers will sit together and whisper their own things: the life that once was in the Wu Dynasty, the change after the Jin people killed, the humiliation, the dead relatives, Their voices are smiling. At this time, Wang Shanyue came from the rear or just removed from the city wall. He often participated in one or more such discussions, talking about the things that once happened to the Wang family, and talking about the full door. The heroes, the widows of a family, and the feeling that he would rather eat people will never admit defeat.

This change is brought by Wang Shanyue. It originally came from the bamboo record of the demons. Wang Shanyue started from the establishment of the Guangwu Army, and meetings like the memory of sweetness often opened. The culture on this land is often introverted. The husband does not confide too much to the outside world. Xue Changgong is also introverted. When he first saw it, he felt that something was wrong, but Wang Shanyue didn't care. He talked about it. His grandfather said that he couldn't beat others, but the Wang family only had a man. He had to hold the whole house. He only ate people for fear, but for fear, he didn't care to bite the enemy. Death - After a long time, Xue Changgong reacted. This man, like a woman, may not be willing to talk to people at first.

However, it is quite useful for the military. Some men who are swearing may just say: "Revenge for your child." But after talking to people, the spirit is indeed different. Especially in the desperate situation of Damingfu, the newly recruited soldiers talked about these things, and every time they were stunned, but after that, the meaning of death in the eyes was strong.

After Guangwujun and Huaxiajun defeated Li Xizhi together, there were people who were willing to vote in nearby places like Huangxuzhai and Ashshanzhai. Although these foreign soldiers have some ambitions, they always have their own arrogance in terms of allocation and quality. Even if they join in, they always seem to have their own ideas. On the second day after the start of the war, the owner of the Grey Mountain Village was wary of talking about things at home. He was also a rich family in the Central Plains. His daughter was murdered by the Jin people and killed. Later, he was arrested by the government, and he also played 80 boards. He was beaten to death, and most of his family’s products were left with a life. After living, he fell into the grass, until now.

These things were spit out to the crowd, and the old Zhai owners in front of them cried in front of everyone, and then they scattered some of the powerful people into the Guangwu army, and they never stopped. On the third day of the defending of the city, Yan Kan led the team to rush and repelled a raid by the Jurchen. He was lucky enough not to die. After the war, he was half-stained with blood, and he laughed at himself.

In fact, in the past few years, after the Central Plains became a big one, who joined the Guangwu Army, who did not have a trace of sadness? Even if there are no relatives, at least they have seen the death of their comrades-in-arms and friends.

Listening to them talking about this, Xue Changgong occasionally remembers the dead wife He Leier, remembering her timidity, the moment she ran to the wall more than ten years ago, and finally the arrow... In the past few years, he feared For the Jurchen's fighting power, I dare not leave the children in this world. For the wife, I don't feel that I am really affectionate. Why does the husband have no wife? But at the moment I think about it, but I can always see the woman’s voice and smile appear in front of my eyes.

Whether it is worth it.

He thought, woman, I didn’t think about it anyway, I can live forever...

He is a general. These relatively frustrating words can't be said. He only occasionally looks at the fierce scene outside the city and the raging crowd, he can always laugh. In the city, Wang Shanyue also cheers and brainwashes step by step.

"...Yeah, Wuchao is nothing great, but it is better than a Jurchen, where is it going to go... Look at the people outside the city, they are very miserable, but what can we surrender? All the world surrender Are we going to be good? All are slaves - Jurchens are not gods, they used to be...just nothing, now we are holding, knowing why...now we have nothing..."

"...we can't beat them~www.wuxiaspot.com~I can't rely on us...but even if they break their teeth, we have to leave them here...When Yan's bones are dead, Wu Hao buys to die. We are dragging on, they are going to guilty, the Wu dynasty will call back... We dragged it down, the Black Flag Army will fight back... That’s more than 10,000 black flags, that wish, as long as we can hold them, they I can call it later, the brothers... The city is not good, we are not good, I don’t know if I open my eyes tomorrow, who are you, or I am not..."

"...but we have to hold it, I want to live, and people outside the city think too. The Jurchen is not dead, no one wants to live...so I will die if I die, and die together."

"...and die together..."

The permeated smoke was rolled up by the wind, the walls were smashed by huge stones, and the body gradually began to smell, and all the people who had lost all of them stood still in the Jedi...

At the beginning of September, the Jurchen East Road Army went south and destroyed the first battle of Nanwu. Facing the famous temple of more than 40,000 people, Wan Yanzong had made plans to break the city for up to three days, and then three days passed. Three days later, the city was almost inundated with blood in the first round of attacks. Until mid-September, Damingfu still remained in the blood of this corpse. At the beginning of the construction of this city, it was used to defend the Yellow River and resist foreign enemies. Once the soldiers in the city could grit their teeth, it was not easy to kill the city defense from the outside.

At this time, Wu Hao bought a stroke for nearly a year. The change of the times was close at hand. The two brothers of Zongfu Zongxi could not think of it. The first battle in the south was on such a hard bone. What they could not think of was that except black. Flag, the Southern Han people gradually began to have such bones.

In the west, Wan Yan Zhanhan crossed the Yanmen Pass and set foot in the Central Plains.

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