Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 794: Drum wheel (2)

It is already late autumn, the southwest Sichuan Road, the lush green of the wild is still not twilight. The ancient city wall of Chengdu is green and gray. At the rear of it is the Chengdu Plain that extends from the vast expanse. The smoke of the war has already burned.

The main force of the Shouchuan 4th Road was originally the Wuyi Army of Luqiaoshan. After the defeat of Xiaoliangshan, the Huaxia Army’s essays shocked the world. In the Nanwu area, there are countless people who cursed Ning Yi’s "wolf ambitions". However, the central will is not firm. The Chen Fan of the Miaojiang army began to move again. In the case of the forced sand direction, a small number of troops could not block the Huaxia Army. Advance. Liu Shaojing, a celebrity in Chengdu, asked for help. Finally, before the arrival of the Huaxia Army, more than 80,000 people from various localities gathered together and confronted the Chinese army.

During the time when the Huaxia Army was pushed to Chengdu, and the three counties in the county, in the words of Ning Yi, were so busy that they were so busy. In the past few years, the first expansion of the Huaxia Army has begun, and a huge test will follow. For more than a month, the meeting of Hedeng is open every day, with an expanded and rectified wind. Even the public hearing of the conference is waiting in the forefront, Ning Yi has also entered a state of continuous rotation, Huaxia Army has already fought out, occupying the territory, sending people out to manage, how to manage, all these things will become the future Embryo and template.

In a sense, this is the first time that the Huaxia Army has been divided into peaches. Over the years, although the Huaxia Army has also made a lot of achievements, every step forward is actually on a difficult cliff. People know that they are facing the status quo of the whole world, but Ning Yi manages the whole in a modern way. The army, and it has a huge victory, has made everything not collapsed until now.

After the Huaxia Army defeated Luqiaoshan, the essays that were released not only shocked the Wu Dynasty, but also frightened the inside of the party. After the reaction, all the talents began to jump. After a few years of silence, the owner finally has to shoot. Since the owner wants to shoot, there is nothing impossible.

The country of Tianfu, Chuansi Road, built Dujiangyan from the Qin Dynasty, the Chengdu Plain has always been a rich and productive place for grain production. “Water and drought are from people, I don’t know how to be hungry”, compared to the barren northwest, Lv Liang, a place of starvation, this place It is simply a fairyland on earth. Even when the Wu Dynasty did not lose the Central Plains, it has important significance for the whole world. Now that the Central Plains has been lost, the grain production in the Chengdu Plain is even more important for the Wu Dynasty. Huaxia Army has been hiding in the corner of Liangshan since the defeat of the northwestern army. It is too big to take this step.

But to take a step back, after the defeat of Wu Junjun led by Lu Qiaoshan, Ning Yi had to bite such a bite. Who can stop it in the Wu Dynasty?

Suddenly stretched hands and feet, for the interior of the Huaxia Army, there is a feeling of hard work. The internal impetuousness and expression of appeals also appear to be human nature. The relatives, the gift-giving, and the lobbying trend have risen again for a while, and the wind will open every day from top to bottom. In the Huaxia army that fought outside Liangshan, due to successive sieges, the insults against civilians and even the evils of casual killings also appeared several times. Internal pickets and military corps were arrested and ready to kill.

On the one hand, staring at these, on the other hand, Ning Yi stared at the cadre team to be delegated this time - although there have been many courses before, it is still inevitable to strengthen training and repeated embarrassment - busy with rice I didn’t eat properly. At noon this day, Yunzhu took Xiao Ning to come over and gave him some sugar. He also told him to pay attention to his body. Ning Yi’s three mouthfuls of snoring were finished, and Xiao Ning, who was eating slowly, looked at his bowl, then I answered Yunzhu: "When the most troublesome, I finished this battle and took you to Chengdu to play."

"I haven't thought about it in the big city for a few years. You are healthy, I thank you very much." Yunzhu smiled softly. "It was a small smack. They have never seen a big place since childhood. This time, I can finally go out... Xiao Yan drinks slowly."

The six-year-old Xiao Ning is whispering to the mouth to fill the sugar water, listen to them say the big city, opened his mouth, have not waited for the sugar to swallow: "How to tear it?" Then there is sugar flowing down from the corner of the mouth, Ning Yi smiled and wiped her: "It’s getting faster soon."


"Oh... two more months."

"Oh..." The little girl seems to understand the nod, and it is not very clear about the specific concept of two months. Yunzhu wiped off some water stains on her clothes, and Ning Yi said: "Is it a fight with watermelon last night?"

"No, there is a quarrel." Ning Yi frowned, and for a moment, "...had a friendly negotiation. She misunderstood the concept of equality for all, and these years have gone a little faster."

"Guayu beat the beaten up yesterday." Xiaoning said next to him.

"What, the little guys heard the rumors." Ning Yi looked at the child crying and laughing, "Where is Liu Dazhen, my opponent!"

"Girls don't say killing and killing." Yunzhu smiled and picked up the child, and looked up and down Ning Yi. "Dayu is a master in the family. It is no strange that you are beaten."

"What is the home of a big tyrant, Liu Dazhao, is a rumor between your ignorant women, not to mention the red mention, she is not too powerful."

"Little melon is a master in the family, I can't beat him." Ning Yi's voice did not fall, and the red voice came from outside. Yunzhu couldn't help but grin.

Perhaps because it has been separated for too long, Ning Yi has been with his wife and children for more than a year, and his temperament has always been peaceful. He has not given the children too much pressure. After each other’s pace is familiar again, in front of Ning Yi, his wife. Children often make jokes. Ning Yi often showed off his martial arts in front of the children. Once he killed Lu Tuo and scared Lin Zongwu, he was almost asked by Zhou Yu to worship the son... He couldn’t help but naturally would not poke him. Only watermelons have fun from time to time, and compete with him for the reputation of "the first in the world of martial arts." As a woman, she is a heroic and cute temperament. She calls herself "a big family in the family, Liu Dawei". She is quite admired by Jin Erxiao and others, and most of her children are also Think of her as a famous teacher and idol in martial arts.

As for the family, watermelon is committed to the goal of equality for all. It has been carrying out idealized efforts and propaganda. Ning Yi and her often have deductions and debates. The debate here is of course benign, and many times It is Ning Yi’s knowledge of the future in the course of giving watermelon. This time, the Huaxia Army will begin to expand outwards. Of course, watermelon hopes to drop as many ideal impressions as possible in the future political power contours, and Ning Yi’s arguments have become more frequent and sharp. After all, the ideal of watermelon is too much ultimate, and even involves the final form of human society. The actual problems that will be encountered are countless. Ning Yi is only slightly hit, and watermelon is somewhat frustrating.

For the false rumors in his wife and daughter, Ning Yi can only helplessly touch his nose and shake his head and smile.

He had two more meetings in the afternoon. The first was the work promotion report meeting of the Huaxia Army Formation Court, and the second one was related to watermelon. In the process of the Huaxia Army killing the Chengdu Plain, the watermelon team was under the supervision of the military law. task. Many members of the Huaxia Army in Dengsan County were recruited by the Xiao Cang River during the war. Although they have been trained and polished for several years, they have united themselves, but this time there has been a problem in the external war. Some of the problems of chaos and deception of the people have been seriously dealt with by watermelon. Although the outside is still fighting, the three counties have begun to prepare for the public hearing, and they are prepared to suppress these problems.

This incident has led to certain internal differences. The military believes that dealing with too serious a situation at this time will affect the morale of the military. In this aspect, watermelon believes that it must be dealt with more seriously. The girl of that year rejected the injustice of the world and would rather see it. The weak are murderers to protect the hoes, and they are not willing to accept cowardice and unfairness. After more than a decade, when she vaguely saw a great road, she was even more intolerant of bullying.

When she saw a woman whose hair was slightly blown by the wind on the mountainside, Ning Yi remembered the girl she had seen more than ten years ago. Today, the mother-of-pearl watermelon is just like her own. She is in her thirties. Her body is relatively petite. Her long hair is separated in front of her forehead, and she gathers around her head. Her nose is quite strong, her lips are not thick, and she is firm. The wind on the mountain is big ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The hair on the ear is blown up and swayed. When there are no people around, the petite figure is slightly confused.

There was still some time from the next meeting. Ning Yi came over to find her. Watermelon licked her mouth and narrowed her eyes, preparing to argue with Ning Yi about the next meeting. However, Ning Yi did not intend to talk about his work. He did not bring anything on his body. On the robes, people made two strange pockets, and their hands were inserted in their pockets. There was a sneak peek in their eyes.

"Go away?"

"What are you waiting for?"

"In any case, all the preparations are ready. I am standing on your side. Now there is still some time to go shopping."

"Oh." Watermelon was not afraid, and took a step.

Because Ning Yi came to look for watermelons, the guards did not follow, the mountain winds attacked, the road that the two walked was not lively, and the overturned head overlooked the lower county town. Although watermelon often sings against Ning Yi, it is actually not guarded by her husband's side. When she walks, she raises her hand and slightly pulls the bones of her body. Ning Yi remembered the two people who lived together in Hangzhou that night. He planted the emperor's bud into her mind. After more than ten years, he was tempted to become a real trouble.

"Da, Manichean believes in the lifeless mother and Maitreya, do you believe?" He walked and spoke.

"Letter." Watermelon blinked. "When I can't solve things, I often talk to Maitreya." As I said, I walked with my hands together.

Ning Yi smiled: "What do you think is the benefit of religion?"

"It makes people feel at ease."

“Why do you believe in religion?”

"...What do you think of the public?" Watermelon gave him a look.

“I think... because it allows people to find the way to ‘right’.”

"How to say?"

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