Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 795: Drum wheel (3)

“I think... because it allows people to find the way to ‘right’.”

"How to say?"

On the mountain road, and on the mountain road, Ning Yi shrugged.

"In this world, everyone wants to find the right path. When everyone is doing something, they all ask right or wrong. It works. If you don't have a problem, right and wrong, it is the most important thing for ordinary people. Concept," he said, slightly stunned. "But right and wrong, it is an inaccurate concept..."

"...the farmers transplanted in the spring, harvested in the fall, there were insects to kill the insects, and they went to the mountains and walked the mountain roads. It seems that right and wrong is simple. But how is right or wrong, people pass Thousands of generations of observations and attempts, seeing the rules clearly, knowing how to achieve the desired goals, farmers asking people with knowledge, when do I intervene, and people with knowledge say spring, and it’s right, because that’s right, because The topic is very simple. But what about the more complicated topic?"

"...A person opens a small shop, how to open it is right, and it takes some effort to sum up some rules. The store opened to the bamboo record so big, how is it right. Huaxia army attacked Chengdu, won the Chengdu Plain Is this correct? You want everyone to be equal, how can you do it right?"

Ning Yi smiled and said: "Call a group of people who are knowledgeable, sit together, discuss according to their own ideas, and then you have to weigh and make a decision. Is this decision right? Who can say the final? Thirty-year-old 90-year-old Bo Xuehong Ru? Looking back at this time, the so-called right or wrong is something that transcends people. Farmers ask the scholars, when to transplant, spring is right, then There is no burden in the minds of the peasants. Is it true that the scholars of the school are right? Everyone makes a relatively accurate judgment based on the experience and the laws they see. After the judgment, they start to do it, and they have to go through a heavenly law. The judgment, there are no good results, are two said."

"When a person in power, whether it is a shop or a country, the right or wrong, it is difficult to find it easily. You look for a group of people with knowledge to discuss, and ultimately you have to take an idea, you do not know whether this idea can pass God's judgment, so you need more urgency, more cautious, you have to rack your brains every day, think countless times. The most important thing is that you have to have a decision, then go to accept the referee of heaven... can afford With this sense of urgency, you can become a person who can take responsibility."

“Many people pin their future on right or wrong, and the peasants pin their trusts in the school. But every responsible person can only place his or her right and wrong on himself, make decisions, and accept trials. Based on this sense of urgency, You have to work harder than others to reduce the risk of trial. You will refer to other people's opinions and opinions, but every responsible person must have a set of his own measurement methods... just like the road of Huaxia Army, I I thought about 10,000 times, and the unreliable literati came to argue with you. When he argued, he asked: 'Can you be sure that you are right? 'Agua, do you know how I treat these people?"

The watermelon walking aside smiled: "You will drive them out."

"I can't wait to blow them out." Ning Yi also laughed. "Ask this question, it proves that this person's thinking ability is in a very low state. I am willing to see different opinions and make reference, but This kind of person’s opinion is mostly wasting my time."

He paused and kicked a stone on the side of the road: "People like to listen to the story of Nayong, but everyone who can do things must have their own side, because the responsibility is to bear the burden. If you don't do well, the result will be very uncomfortable. If you don't want to feel uncomfortable, just do 10,000 times of deduction and thinking before, and try to consider all the factors. After you think about 10,000 times, a guy ran over and said: 'You are sure Are you right? 'Thinking that this problem is brilliant, he certainly only gets a slap."

Watermelon licked his mouth: "So Maitreya can tell people what is right."

Ning Yi did not answer, and after a moment, said a strange word: "The road to wisdom will be narrower and narrower."

"Well?" The watermelon brows up.

Ning Yi looked at the tree in front of the road, remembering the past: "Agua, more than ten years ago, the night we were in Hangzhou, I carried you on the road, there are not many people on the road, I tell you everyone. You can be equal, you are very happy, and you are very happy. You feel that you have found the right path. The road at that time is very wide - people start, the road is wide, the weakness is wrong, so you pick it up for everyone. Knife, inequality is wrong, equality is right..."

"But if you go down again, the road based on wisdom will become narrower and narrower. You will find that giving people a gimmick is only the first step. It can't solve the problem, but it is forced to pick up the knife, at least one step.... Going down, you will find that from the very beginning, it is not necessarily the right way to pick up the knife. The person who picks up the knife may not get a good result... to go to the result of the right, We need to go step by step, all right, even after we come, we don’t know, what step will happen next. People will try every step of the way, take this step and accept the trial...”

The wind on the mountain blew over and screamed. Ning Yi silent for a moment: "Smart people may not be happy. For smart people, the more clearly you look at the world, the more careful the rules are, the narrower the path will be, and eventually become only one, even, even The correct one has begun to become vague. Agua, as you see it now."

"Everyone is equal, everyone can control their own destiny." Ning Yi said, "This is the end of the human society that may not be reached in 10,000 years. It is not a kind of construction that we can build out of thin air." Institutions, there are too many preconditions. First, there must be material development. With material development, a system in which all people can be educated is constructed. The education system must constantly explore and integrate some necessary and basic concepts. Everyone’s spirit, such as the basic social configuration, is almost always wrong today..."

He pointed to the mountain: "Everyone today, looking at the world around them, in their imagination, the world is a fixed, unchanging foreign object. 'It has nothing to do with me' 'I don't do bad things, just do it. "Our responsibility", then, in everyone's imagination, bad things are done by bad people, and it is the responsibility of good people to stop bad people, not ordinary people. But in fact, a group of 100 million people, everyone At any time, let this group fall and settle. Even if there are no bad people, based on everyone, the social class will continue to precipitate and widen, and finally to the end of the collapse... The real social configuration is this constant decline. The system, even if you want to keep the system in its original state, everyone must give their strength. If there is less strength, it will slide."

"This kind of cognition makes people feel a sense of urgency. After a sense of urgency, we have to analyze how to do it in order to actually go to the right path. Ordinary people must participate in a society, he must know that this society occurs. What is needed, then a news and information system for ordinary people is needed. In order to get people to get real information, someone has to supervise the system. On the other hand, let the people in this system have dignity and self-esteem. In one step, we also need to have a system that is good enough for ordinary people to properly exert their strength. In the process of social development, mistakes will continue to emerge, and people will continue to revise to maintain the status quo... If you go wrong in one step, you will collapse. The correctness is never half the same as the mistake. The correct one is a road in 10,000 roads, and the rest are wrong."

"Equality, democracy." Ning Yi sighed. "Tell them, all of you are the same. You can't solve the problem. All the things let ordinary people raise their watches and die. Agua, we see There are many fools among the readers. Are the people who are not reading better than them? Actually, they don’t read books at first, they don’t like to think about things, they read books, they think about things, they are all wrong at the beginning, and many of them are reading. On this wrong road, but if you don't read books and don't want things, you can't even touch the right side. Only when you get to the end and touch the right side, you will find how difficult it is to go."

"Agua, you have come here." Ning Yi reached out and touched her head.

The character of watermelon is just soft and soft. On weekdays, I don't like Ning Yi's action of treating her as a child. At this time, she did not resist. After a while, she gave a sigh of relief: "... still Maitreya."

"Yes, religion will always give half the correctness, and it is not responsible." Ning Yi turned his head. "The letter is correct. If you don't believe it, it's wrong. Half and half is a happy world."

"But it can't solve the problem." Watermelon smiled.

Ning Yi shook his head: "From the ultimate proposition, religion actually solves the problem. If a person blindly believes in his childhood, even if he is a slave for a lifetime, he will be safe from beginning to end. The peace of mind, the death of peace of mind, It’s not a perfect one. It’s also an eclectic system that people have built with wisdom... But people will eventually wake up. Beyond religion, more people still have to pursue a better world, hope. Children can be less hungry and cold, hoping that people can die as little as possible, although in the best society, there will be differences in class and wealth accumulation, but hope that efforts and wisdom can make up for this difference as much as possible... Agua, Even if we are exhausted for a lifetime, we can only get out of one or two steps before us and lay the foundation for materiality. It is not easy for everyone to know the concept of equality for all."

The two men walked forward for a while, and Ning Yi whispered: "In fact, those things in Hangzhou are all made by my life to fool you..."

The watermelon kicked over and Ning Yi easily escaped. I saw the woman with her hands on her hips and looked up. "You are only in your thirties. Anyway, I will go further!"

"Traveling." Ning Yi nodded again and again. "You can't beat me, don't take it easy."

"See who is taking his own insult... Ah--" The watermelon is not finished, it is a low-pitched voice. Although her martial arts is high, she is a wife, but in the face of Ning Yi, it is difficult to apply her hands and feet. Before going to school, I moved a few times and yelled "You don't want to face" and turned and ran. Ning Yi laughed with his hands on his hips and watched the watermelon run to the distance and said, "Go to the meeting! Kill you and follow him!" Continue Going away, I just converge the exaggerated smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The smother slowly approaches, seeing the smile of my own lady, and he also smiles with a smile: "The owner is bothered."

"Xiao Xiao said to the artificial cockroach today, I was beaten by Liu Xiaogua, don't give her a look at the color, and the husband is hard to shake." Ning Yi smiled. "Hey, she fled and lost, old." Du You are a witness. When you want to talk, you can't hide."

"There is nothing small to see..."

The two men went all the way, Ning Yi’s response to him was not unexpected, and he sighed: “Hey, the world is going down...”

This side whispered, and the watermelon ran for a while before stopping, recalling the things that happened, laughing, and then sighing complexly.

The road to wisdom will be narrower and narrower...

In addition, after all, there is no way.

She thought this way, the afternoon was just the right day, the mountain wind, the cloud accompanied by the pleasant autumn, this road, and soon arrived near the conference room of the General Political Department, and greeted the deputy, took the file and documents. At the beginning of the meeting, my husband had already come. He looked serious and calm, and said hello to the participants. This meeting discussed several major violations in the war outside the mountains, military, military law, and politics. Many people from the ministry and the staff department came to the scene. After the meeting began, watermelon sneaked into the look of Ning Yi from the side. He sat calmly in his eyes and listened to the speaker's words. His own feelings were majestic. It’s quite different from the casualness of the two people on the mountain.

When everyone said that they had finished their opinions, Ning Yi sat quietly in the position for a long time before he swept his eyes over the crowd and began to pick up people.

Well, he looks so handsome, it’s too handsome, too powerful... At this moment, watermelon thinks like this.

It started in Hangzhou. This is the fifteenth year after they met. The wind of the years is passing from the hill outside the window.

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