Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 796: Drum wheel (4)

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>The seventh chapter of the sixteenth chapter of the wheel (four) directory set bookmarks commentary seventy-sixth chapter of the wheel (four)

Fiction: the son-Author: Angry Banana Word Count: 6682

The long caravan turned to the road ahead, going to the direction of the market, and the Huaxia Army team with them went to the other side. 35xs Zhuo Yongqing is in the middle of the ranks. He is a servant, and he has put a patch on the forehead with gauze. It is obviously coming back from the battlefield outside the mountain. There is a bag in the back of the horse. There is Mao Yishan and Hou in the bag. The fifth class asked him to bring things back from the mountains.

Outside of Liangshan, the Huaxia Army’s offensive was swift and it has easily won six or seven towns on the road to Chengdu. Due to the high degree of discipline, the people's livelihood in these places has not been damaged to a great extent. The materials in the market began to circulate. People in the family bought some items that were not found in the mountains. There are also rare cakes.

In the past few years, although the Hezheng regime has vigorously operated commerce, in fact, it sells weapons and luxury goods. It buys food and many scarce and practical things. It is used for enjoyment, except for internal digestion. In fact, there are not many that come in.

Zhuo Yongqing was born in Yanzhou, northwest China. In order to eat grain, he came to the Huaxia Army as a soldier. Later, he died and killed the Yanyan chamber, becoming one of the most dazzling fighting heroes in the Chinese army.

He made great achievements, and he was promoted and received the face and encouragement of Mr. Ning. After that, his family was also received by Xiao Canghe. Only a short time later, the pseudo-Qixing army came to commit crimes, and then it was a female real attack. His parents first returned to Yanzhou, and later with the refugees going south, on the way to the transfer, they encountered a pseudo-qi squad. Zhuo Yongqing’s father, who loves to brag, took resistance, sheltered everyone from running away, and died in the pseudo-qi soldiers. Under the bow and arrow. In the three years of the Xiao Cang River war, Zhuo Yongqing fought bravely and killed the enemy. Fortunately, he did not die. Less than a year after his arrival and his death, his mother died because of his depression. Zhuo Yongqing became a loner.

He came over this road. If he knew what was **** in the battle to kill Yan Yan, after his father died, he really went into war. After that, he made several battles. When Ning Yi saw him for the second time, he only instructed him to transfer from the martial arts and gradually moved to the core area of ​​the army. Today, Zhuo Yongqing is a staff officer in the Fifth Army Command, although the title is not high, but already Familiar with the core operations of the military.

A few years ago, the Xuanjia’s battle against the shackles, several survivors including Zhuo Yongqing, had always maintained a close relationship. Among them, Luoye entered the military high-level, and this time he followed General Liu Chengzong to Xuzhou; Hou Wu abolished a hand in the war of Xuanjiatun, transferred from the military and entered the civil security work. This time the army attacked, he He also accompanied the mountain and participated in many comforts and arrangements after the war; Mao Yishan is now the second battalion commander of the First Corps of the Fifth Army of China. This is a reinforcement camp that is heavily accommodating. He played the role of attacking the bridge mountain. The role of attacking the strong, this time out of the mountain, naturally follow.

During the Wu Dynasty, Qu Qing was a general. Now he works in the General Staff Department. From the front of the stage to the back of the scene, he is still in peace. After the death of their parents, these people became the relatives of Zhuo Yongqing. From time to time, they will gather together. Every time something happens, everyone will help.

Go back to He Deng and follow the rules to go to the job. After the work was finished, the time was not too late. Zhuo Yongqing took the horse to the family area on the mountainside. Everyone lives unwilling, but now there are not many people at home. Luoye has a big deal in his heart. Now he has not married his wife. When he was in the Wu Dynasty, he was said to have a good life. He was still a soldier, and he was a military. Although he had married his wife, he later took a break and now he is not jealous. 35xs Zhuo Yongqing here, there have been many people who have said that they have been turned around after killing the Yan Yan room. Zhuo Yongqing has not been fixed. After his parents passed away, he even avoided this. Things have been dragged on today.

Hou Wu is a family, and the gentlemanliness of Hou Jiazi’s temperament often coincides with Zhuo Yongqing’s arrangement. Mao Yishan also became a relative in the Xiao Cang River, taking the northwestern woman who is full of personality and dare to love and hate. When Zhuo Yongqing appeared on the street, the two women who had been looking at the street early saw that his return was not confidential. The previous report was made, and the news may have been passed over here.

"Two nephews, my brother asked me to bring something to you."

"They always give you some trouble." Hou Jiazi said with a smile, then asked him: "Come, tell me, how long this stay, when is the time, I told you that there is a girl... ..."

After being hospitalized by two women for a while, a young man in military uniform, in his early twenties, tall and tall, came back from the outside. This is Hou Wu’s son, Hou Yuanzhang, who has joined the General Intelligence Department for two years and saw Zhuo Yong. Green laughed: "You are back."

"Yeah yeah, come back and deliver something."

Zhuo Yongqing and Hou Yuanzhang said a moment. For the purpose of Zhuo Yongqing’s return this time, Hou Yuanzhang seemed to be clear. When the others walked away, they whispered a word: "You can’t dare to go up with the top. I am afraid that I have to eat the head." Zhuo Yongqing also smiled and said: "I am coming back to accept the punishment." So chatting for a while, the sunset gradually disappeared, and Qu Qing also came back from the outside.

Among the five survivors of Xuanjiatun, the ages of Quqing and Houwu are relatively large. Among them, Quqing has the highest qualifications. He has been a generalist and has participated in grassroots fights, half-length Hummer, and previously had its own majesty and Murderous, now in the General Staff, is more restrained and steady. Five people had eaten together, two women packed up their housework, and they went out for a walk with Zhuo Yongqing, and Hou Yuanzhang followed.

The purpose of Zhuo Yongqing’s return is not secret. Therefore, it is not necessary to avoid the most prominent crimes and violations in the war. In fact, it involves some heroes of the past. The most troublesome is a company commander. There was a little unpleasantness in a small businessman who had been in the mountains and entered the mountain. This time, he went out and found the other's family after the siege. He lost the hand and killed the other two daughters. This incident was smashed out, and even the president pleaded guilty. Regarding how to deal with it, the military hopes to be broad, and in general, it is still asking for love. Zhuo Yongqing is one of the representatives sent back this time. He is also a fighting hero, killing In the end of the room, occasionally the military will use him as a face project.

"The Huaxia Army has been uprising for ten years. This is the first time it has been played. But the most important thing in the top is actually not outside. Before you go out, you will see Yongqing, the most disciplined, once in a meeting... ..." Qu Qing walked away and said these things with a smile. "But things have not been related to you. You are a messenger. If something goes wrong, you can’t say nothing... you know that you are Just telling the words, the rest, see more and talk less. 35xs"

Zhuo Yongqing nodded: "It’s not me who leads the team. I don’t talk. But the meaning of listening to the big brother, will the treatment be strict?"

"I personally estimate that it will be strict, but there are two kinds of strictness. The deepening of the disposal is strict. The expansion of the strike is also strict. See which ones you can accept... If it is deepening, do you recognize the killing?" After the celebration, patted his shoulder and smiled. "Well, gossip, come here and say something..."

Zhuo Yongqing quickly waved his hand: "Quan brother, you will not need to be in business."

"The business must say that just after entering the door, you will be pulled by your two nephews, and you will be ordered to die... A young man, find a woman. You don’t want to learn Luoye. He is a son in the capital, and he has a heap of fat. Come over. You grew up in the northwest, the woman I have seen has not been touched by him. Your parents are gone. We have to help you with this. Come, let's not play virtual, what conditions, you Draw a picture and see if your brother can catch it."

Zhuo Yongqing just shook his head with a bitter face. He didn’t dare to sneak a sneak peek. He wanted to take a blind date and get married, but Qu Qing didn’t look too much for women. He just played enough and didn’t want to mess up again. The representative is jealous of blind date. If he is to open a condition to go together, this big brother must be pushing the boat, but he is paying attention to this matter.

The meeting between the military and the remaining departments on this matter is scheduled for the afternoon of the following day. As the case said, the top of the head attached great importance to this matter. After several encounters, Mr. Ning and the head of the tyrant who was in charge of the Military Law Department also came over this woman, although on the other hand, Mr. Ning’s wife, but Her temperament is bold and martial arts high, and she has personally participated in several military contests, which is quite popular among the soldiers.

The specific disposal of this series of things is still the work between several departments. Mr. Ning and Liu Dazhao are only attending. Zhuo Yongqing remembered the words of Qu Qing. At the meeting, he only listened carefully and impartially. After all the opinions were stated, Zhuo Yongqing saw Mr. Ning in front of him silent for a long time before he began to speak. .

"Several times... I have even asked you more than a few times. What do you think is the person, Huaxia, what is it? What is the difference between you and the outside?"

"...Wu Dynasties, lost to Jurchens, millions of people were defeated like mowing, we killed the emperor of the Wu Dynasty, and also defeated Jurchen. We said that we are the Huaxia Army, so many years, victory After playing enough, do you think that you are different from the Wu Dynasty people? You are not all the way from start to finish! Right? How did we defeat so many enemies?"

"...because we realize that there is no way out, because we realize that everyone's life is earned by ourselves. We make a living, make efforts to turn ourselves into good people, and a group of excellent people together. An excellent group! What is Huaxia? China has a great etiquette, so it is called summer; there is the beauty of the service, which is called China. Excellent and extraordinary things are called Huaxia! You have done great things, you said us It is the people of China, then China is great. You have done bad things, saying that you are the people of China, do you have this face?

"Wu Dynasties for more than two hundred years, the civil servants have the right, the party and the private party are the same, the military officials ask for money, and the gangs are arbitrarily exploited to eat empty, so that the text can not be defeated by the enemy! The enemy is a dozen, the first look of the soldiers The people around me can't run. The Chinese army is almost ten years old, and finally it is out. The good days are coming, right? What are you doing! You are also the Wu Dynasty people! It’s forced to the extreme, wake up, excellent, only to start. You can win, your good is not aunt's birth! Those outside, they may become the same people! The rabbit is anxious to bite, run Jurchen, you want to become the next Jurchen!? It’s good to be a slave to you all!”

"I have played many times and have done many ideological work. We have earned our lives for ourselves, and we have done our duty. When we get to the top, we feel that we are superior! Many people say that they will drive too much. I don’t think enough! Zhou Wei I used to say that a good world, a literati must have a ruler, a martial artist must have a knife, and today your knife is polished. It seems that the ruler is not enough, and the rules are not enough! The last one will be the meeting of the court, who committed the crime, how to judge How to judge, the next step is to make it clear and give everyone a clear ruler."

"...also pleading for sorrow, from ignorance, to succession... I will give you an emperor in the future. It will take two hundred years. Your children will be killed in the temple of Jin Yu. You have to be poked by the descendants... I don't think there is that chance. The Jurchen is playing the big name now! Wang Shanyue and Zhu Xi took the life to fight in front! Finished Yan Zonghan and finished Yan Xiyin also came down, passed Yanmenguan! We have one with Jurchen The big battle in the field, want to enjoy the happiness? Become the same thing as the Wudai people today? The party is doing the same thing? Do the wrong things and make three pills? I think you are going to die in the hands of the Jurchen!"

"We are not trying to rebuild a Wu dynasty. We have to do better. You... This time, the leadership of the Fifth Army must write a review. If you are involved in this matter, first of all, who will Let you ask for this love..."

Zhuo Yongqing listened to these words, brushed on the hand and recorded these things. Although the language is heavy, the attitude is not negative. Instead, it can be seen that the inclination of the big brother is right. Compared with the outside situation, Mr. Ning pays more attention to the internal rules. He has also experienced a lot of things, participated in a number of important trainings, and finally can see the sound of it.

He is a representative who comes over and is only a messenger, so he does not panic too much. After the meeting was over, at night, Mr. Ning took the time to meet him and smiled and said that he was “pushed again” and asked him about some of the front lines.

The next day, Zhuo Yongqing left the team with the team and was ready to return to the frontline battlefield south of Chengdu. Upon arriving at Jiaji, he left the team a little and arranged to implement one of Ning Yi’s explanations: the surname of the businessman who was killed in Jiading, who left his widow and two orphans after his death. In this case, the family's pension and placement must also be done well. In order to implement this matter, Ning Yi casually mentioned with Zhuo Yongqing to let him pay attention to one or two.

Zhuo Yongqing took some things and personally passed him. He was actually somewhat selfish.

The last time I was in Jiading, he actually saw this family and I also learned about some situations. The family name of the surname is not too good, my character is violent and loves to drink, and it may be that the conflict with the Huaxia Army of the door is finally killed. His widow's temperament is weak. When her husband dies, she does not dare to speak. The long-haired girl He Ying is still somewhat beautiful, and she is somewhat reluctant to insist on her. This time, I am afraid that this matter will not be too big. Probably also a pressure to go down.

And the second daughter of this businessman, He Xiu, is a blind man who is obviously malnourished and has a slim body. He is introverted and almost afraid to speak.

She reminded Zhuo Yongqing of the Xuanjia Temple seven or eight years ago.

At that time, he was seriously injured and was left behind by Xuanjia in his comrade-in-arms. The villagers treated him for the injury and asked his daughter to take care of him. The girl was dumb and sly, dry and thin like the roots. The poverty in the northwest, such a girl can not marry, the old villagers want to let Zhuo Yongqing take the woman away, but ultimately did not say it.

The Jurchen came, and the dumb woman was torn away and then killed in front of him. They never said a word from beginning to end, but for many years, the eyes of the dumb woman have been flashing in front of him. Every time family and friends let him go to blind date, he actually wants to be a relative, then he can see that. Eyes. He remembered that the dumb woman was called Xuan Manniang.

The prostitute named He Xiu reminds Zhuo Yongqing of her.

He went to the family and knocked on the door. When he saw the military uniform, a jar was smashed down. Zhuo Yongqing raised his hand, and the jar was broken into pieces. A piece of debris crossed his forehead. Zhuo Yongqing’s forehead was wounded. At this time, another piece was added and blood was leaking from the wound.

From the inside, the long-haired girl He Ying, the prostitute He Xiu hide behind, the eyes after a long hair fear, Zhuo Yongqing reached out and touched the blood leaking, and then raised his hand: "It doesn't matter, sorry. ......"He paused. "My name is Zhuo Yongqing. I met and told the two girls on behalf of Hua Xiajun. For the matter of the deity, the Chinese military will give you a fair and just explanation. It will not be very long. The people involved in this matter are already investigating... Here are some urgent materials and food, first accept the emergency, don't refuse, I will go first, the injury is irrelevant, don't be afraid."

He picked up the two bags on the carriage and put them in the door. He Ying stretched his foot and kicked it: "Don't be your stinky thing." But where does she have any strength. Zhuo Yongqing put down the things, grabbed the door, and jumped into the carriage and left.

Don't scare people, come see you next time.

He thought like this, holding the wound back, and the next day, he went to Chengdu.

This is their second meeting. He doesn't know what will happen in the future, but he doesn't have to think about it because he is on the battlefield. In this war of war, who can think more about this...

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The previous chapter has no chapters

The seventy-sixth chapter of the wheel (four), 赘婿 闪 闪 闪 闪 闪

The long caravan turned to the road ahead, going to the direction of the market, and the Huaxia Army team with them went to the other side. 35xs Zhuo Yongqing is in the middle of the ranks. He is a servant, and he has put a patch on the forehead with gauze. It is obviously coming back from the battlefield outside the mountain. There is a bag in the back of the horse. There is Mao Yishan and Hou in the bag. The fifth class asked him to bring things back from the mountains.

Outside of Liangshan, the Huaxia Army’s offensive was swift and it has easily won six or seven towns on the road to Chengdu. Due to the high degree of discipline, the people's livelihood in these places has not been damaged to a great extent. The materials in the market began to circulate. People in the family bought some items that were not found in the mountains. There are also rare cakes.

In the past few years, although the Hezheng regime has vigorously operated commerce, in fact, it sells weapons and luxury goods. It buys food and many scarce and practical things. It is used for enjoyment, except for internal digestion. In fact, there are not many that come in.

Zhuo Yongqing was born in Yanzhou, northwest China. In order to eat grain, he came to the Huaxia Army as a soldier. Later, he died and killed the Yanyan chamber, becoming one of the most dazzling fighting heroes in the Chinese army.

He made great achievements, and he was promoted and received the face and encouragement of Mr. Ning. After that, his family was also received by Xiao Canghe. Only a short time later, the pseudo-Qixing army came to commit crimes, and then it was a female real attack. His parents first returned to Yanzhou, and later with the refugees going south, on the way to the transfer, they encountered a pseudo-qi squad. Zhuo Yongqing’s father, who loves to brag, took resistance, sheltered everyone from running away, and died in the pseudo-qi soldiers. Under the bow and arrow. In the three years of the Xiao Cang River war, Zhuo Yongqing fought bravely and killed the enemy. Fortunately, he did not die. Less than a year after his arrival and his death, his mother died because of his depression. Zhuo Yongqing became a loner.

He came over this road. If he knew what was **** in the battle to kill Yan Yan, after his father died, he really went into war. After that, he made several battles. When Ning Yi saw him for the second time, he only instructed him to transfer from the martial arts and gradually moved to the core area of ​​the army. Today, Zhuo Yongqing is a staff officer in the Fifth Army Command, although the title is not high, but already Familiar with the core operations of the military.

A few years ago, the Xuanjia’s battle against the shackles, several survivors including Zhuo Yongqing, had always maintained a close relationship. Among them, Luoye entered the military high-level, and this time he followed General Liu Chengzong to Xuzhou; Hou Wu abolished a hand in the war of Xuanjiatun, transferred from the military and entered the civil security work. This time the army attacked, he He also accompanied the mountain and participated in many comforts and arrangements after the war; Mao Yishan is now the second battalion commander of the First Corps of the Fifth Army of China. This is a reinforcement camp that is heavily accommodating. He played the role of attacking the bridge mountain. The role of attacking the strong, this time out of the mountain, naturally follow.

During the Wu Dynasty, Qu Qing was a general. Now he works in the General Staff Department. From the front of the stage to the back of the scene, he is still in peace. After the death of their parents, these people became the relatives of Zhuo Yongqing. From time to time, they will gather together. Every time something happens, everyone will help.

Go back to He Deng and follow the rules to go to the job. After the work was finished, the time was not too late. Zhuo Yongqing took the horse to the family area on the mountainside. Everyone lives unwilling, but now there are not many people at home. Luoye has a big deal in his heart. Now he has not married his wife. When he was in the Wu Dynasty, he was said to have a good life. He was still a soldier, and he was a military. Although he had married his wife, he later took a break and now he is not jealous. 35xs Zhuo Yongqing here, there have been many people who have said that they have been turned around after killing the Yan Yan room. Zhuo Yongqing has not been fixed. After his parents passed away, he even avoided this. Things have been dragged on today.

Hou Wu is a family, and the gentlemanliness of Hou Jiazi’s temperament often coincides with Zhuo Yongqing’s arrangement. Mao Yishan also became a relative in the Xiao Cang River, taking the northwestern woman who is full of personality and dare to love and hate. When Zhuo Yongqing appeared on the street, the two women who had been looking at the street early saw that his return was not confidential. The previous report was made, and the news may have been passed over here.

"Two nephews, my brother asked me to bring something to you."

"They always give you some trouble." Hou Jiazi said with a smile, then asked him: "Come, tell me, how long this stay, when is the time, I told you that there is a girl... ..."

After being hospitalized by two women for a while, a young man in military uniform, in his early twenties, tall and tall, came back from the outside. This is Hou Wu’s son, Hou Yuanzhang, who has joined the General Intelligence Department for two years and saw Zhuo Yong. Green laughed: "You are back."

"Yeah yeah, come back and deliver something."

Zhuo Yongqing and Hou Yuanzhang said a moment. For the purpose of Zhuo Yongqing’s return this time, Hou Yuanzhang seemed to be clear. When the others walked away, they whispered a word: "You can’t dare to go up with the top. I am afraid that I have to eat the head." Zhuo Yongqing also smiled and said: "I am coming back to accept the punishment." So chatting for a while, the sunset gradually disappeared, and Qu Qing also came back from the outside.

Among the five survivors of Xuanjiatun, the ages of Quqing and Houwu are relatively large. Among them, Quqing has the highest qualifications. He has been a generalist and has participated in grassroots fights, half-length Hummer, and previously had its own majesty and Murderous, now in the General Staff, is more restrained and steady. Five people had eaten together, two women packed up their housework, and they went out for a walk with Zhuo Yongqing, and Hou Yuanzhang followed.

The purpose of Zhuo Yongqing’s return is not secret. Therefore, it is not necessary to avoid the most prominent crimes and violations in the war. In fact, it involves some heroes of the past. The most troublesome is a company commander. There was a little unpleasantness in a small businessman who had been in the mountains and entered the mountain. This time, he went out and found the other's family after the siege. He lost the hand and killed the other two daughters. This incident was smashed out, and even the president pleaded guilty. Regarding how to deal with it, the military hopes to be broad, and in general, it is still asking for love. Zhuo Yongqing is one of the representatives sent back this time. He is also a fighting hero, killing In the end of the room, occasionally the military will use him as a face project.

"The Huaxia Army has been uprising for ten years. This is the first time it has been played. But the most important thing in the top is actually not outside. Before you go out, you will see Yongqing, the most disciplined, once in a meeting... ..." Qu Qing walked away and said these things with a smile. "But things have not been related to you. You are a messenger. If something goes wrong, you can’t say nothing... you know that you are Just telling the words, the rest, see more and talk less. 35xs"

Zhuo Yongqing nodded: "It’s not me who leads the team. I don’t talk. But the meaning of listening to the big brother, will the treatment be strict?"

"I personally estimate that it will be strict, but there are two kinds of strictness. The deepening of the disposal is strict. The expansion of the strike is also strict. See which ones you can accept... If it is deepening, do you recognize the killing?" After the celebration, patted his shoulder and smiled. "Well, gossip, come here and say something..."

Zhuo Yongqing quickly waved his hand: "Quan brother, you will not need to be in business."

"The business must say that just after entering the door, you will be pulled by your two nephews, and you will be ordered to die... A young man, find a woman. You don’t want to learn Luoye. He is a son in the capital, and he has a heap of fat. Come over. You grew up in the northwest, the woman I have seen has not been touched by him. Your parents are gone. We have to help you with this. Come, let's not play virtual, what conditions, you Draw a picture and see if your brother can catch it."

Zhuo Yongqing just shook his head with a bitter face. He didn’t dare to sneak a sneak peek. He wanted to take a blind date and get married, but Qu Qing didn’t look too much for women. He just played enough and didn’t want to mess up again. The representative is jealous of blind date. If he is to open a condition to go together, this big brother must be pushing the boat, but he is paying attention to this matter.

The meeting between the military and the remaining departments on this matter is scheduled for the afternoon of the following day. As the case said, the top of the head attached great importance to this matter. After several encounters, Mr. Ning and the head of the tyrant who was in charge of the Military Law Department also came over this woman, although on the other hand, Mr. Ning’s wife, but Her temperament is bold and martial arts high, and she has personally participated in several military contests, which is quite popular among the soldiers.

The specific disposal of this series of things is still the work between several departments. Mr. Ning and Liu Dazhao are only attending. Zhuo Yongqing remembered the words of Qu Qing. At the meeting, he only listened carefully and impartially. After all the opinions were stated, Zhuo Yongqing saw Mr. Ning in front of him silent for a long time before he began to speak. .

"Several times... I have even asked you more than a few times. What do you think is the person, Huaxia, what is it? What is the difference between you and the outside?"

"...Wu Dynasties, lost to Jurchens, millions of people were defeated like mowing, we killed the emperor of the Wu Dynasty, and also defeated Jurchen. We said that we are the Huaxia Army, so many years, victory After playing enough, do you think that you are different from the Wu Dynasty people? You are not all the way from start to finish! Right? How did we defeat so many enemies?"

"...because we realize that there is no way out, because we realize that everyone's life is earned by ourselves. We make a living, make efforts to turn ourselves into good people, and a group of excellent people together. An excellent group! What is Huaxia? China has a great etiquette, so it is called summer; there is the beauty of the service, which is called China. Excellent and extraordinary things are called Huaxia! You have done great things, you said us It is the people of China, then China is great. You have done bad things, saying that you are the people of China, do you have this face?

"Wu Dynasties for more than two hundred years, the civil servants have the right, the party and the private party are the same, the military officials ask for money, and the gangs are arbitrarily exploited to eat empty, so that the text can not be defeated by the enemy! The enemy is a dozen, the first look of the soldiers The people around me can't run. The Chinese army is almost ten years old, and finally it is out. The good days are coming, right? What are you doing! You are also the Wu Dynasty people! It’s forced to the extreme, wake up, excellent, only to start. You can win, your good is not aunt's birth! Those outside, they may become the same people! The rabbit is anxious to bite, run Jurchen, you want to become the next Jurchen!? It’s good to be a slave to you all!”

"I have played many times and have done many ideological work. We have earned our lives for ourselves, and we have done our duty. When we get to the top, we feel that we are superior! Many people say that they will drive too much. I don’t think enough! Zhou Wei I used to say that a good world, a literati must have a ruler, a martial artist must have a knife, and today your knife is polished. It seems that the ruler is not enough, and the rules are not enough! The last one will be the meeting of the court, who committed the crime, how to judge How to judge, the next step is to make it clear and give everyone a clear ruler."

"...also pleading for sorrow, from ignorance, to succession... I will give you an emperor in the future. It will take two hundred years. Your children will be killed in the temple of Jin Yu. You have to be poked by the descendants... I don't think there is that chance. The Jurchen is playing the big name now! Wang Shanyue and Zhu Xi took the life to fight in front! Finished Yan Zonghan and finished Yan Xiyin also came down, passed Yanmenguan! We have one with Jurchen The big battle in the field, want to enjoy the happiness? Become the same thing as the Wudai people today? The party is doing the same thing? Do the wrong things and make three pills? I think you are going to die in the hands of the Jurchen!"

"We are not trying to rebuild a Wu dynasty. We have to do better. You... This time, the leadership of the Fifth Army must write a review. If you are involved in this matter, first of all, who will Let you ask for this love..."

Zhuo Yongqing listened to these words, brushed on the hand and recorded these things. Although the language is heavy, the attitude is not negative. Instead, it can be seen that the inclination of the big brother is right. Compared with the outside situation, Mr. Ning pays more attention to the internal rules. He has also experienced a lot of things, participated in a number of important trainings, and finally can see the sound of it.

He is a representative who comes over and is only a messenger, so he does not panic too much. After the meeting was over, at night, Mr. Ning took the time to meet him and smiled and said that he was “pushed again” and asked him about some of the front lines.

The next day, Zhuo Yongqing left the team with the team and was ready to return to the frontline battlefield south of Chengdu. Upon arriving at Jiaji, he left the team a little and arranged to implement one of Ning Yi’s explanations: the surname of the businessman who was killed in Jiading, who left his widow and two orphans after his death. In this case, the family's pension and placement must also be done well. In order to implement this matter, Ning Yi casually mentioned with Zhuo Yongqing to let him pay attention to one or two.

Zhuo Yongqing took some things and personally passed him. He was actually somewhat selfish.

The last time I was in Jiading, he actually saw this family and I also learned about some situations. The family name of the surname is not too good, my character is violent and loves to drink, and it may be that the conflict with the Huaxia Army of the door is finally killed. His widow's temperament is weak. When her husband dies, she does not dare to speak. The long-haired girl He Ying is still somewhat beautiful, and she is somewhat reluctant to insist on her. This time, I am afraid that this matter will not be too big. Probably also a pressure to go down.

And the second daughter of this businessman, He Xiu, is a blind man who is obviously malnourished and has a slim body. He is introverted and almost afraid to speak.

She reminded Zhuo Yongqing of the Xuanjia Temple seven or eight years ago.

At that time, he was seriously injured and was left behind by Xuanjia in his comrade-in-arms. The villagers treated him for the injury and asked his daughter to take care of him. The girl was dumb and sly, dry and thin like the roots. The northwest is poor, such a girl can not marry, and the old villagers want some Zhuo Yongqing to take the woman away, but in the end they can’t say it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Jurchen is coming, dumb The woman was torn away and then killed in front of him. They never said a word from beginning to end, but for many years, the eyes of the dumb woman have been flashing in front of him. Every time family and friends let him go to blind date, he actually wants to be a relative, then he can see that. Eyes. He remembered that the dumb woman was called Xuan Manniang.

The prostitute named He Xiu reminds Zhuo Yongqing of her.

He went to the family and knocked on the door. When he saw the military uniform, a jar was smashed down. Zhuo Yongqing raised his hand, and the jar was broken into pieces. A piece of debris crossed his forehead. Zhuo Yongqing’s forehead was wounded. At this time, another piece was added and blood was leaking from the wound.

From the inside, the long-haired girl He Ying, the prostitute He Xiu hide behind, the eyes after a long hair fear, Zhuo Yongqing reached out and touched the blood leaking, and then raised his hand: "It doesn't matter, sorry. ......"He paused. "My name is Zhuo Yongqing. I met and told the two girls on behalf of Hua Xiajun. For the matter of the deity, the Chinese military will give you a fair and just explanation. It will not be very long. The people involved in this matter are already investigating... Here are some urgent materials and food, first accept the emergency, don't refuse, I will go first, the injury is irrelevant, don't be afraid."

He picked up the two bags on the carriage and put them in the door. He Ying stretched his foot and kicked it: "Don't be your stinky thing." But where does she have any strength. Zhuo Yongqing put down the things, grabbed the door, and jumped into the carriage and left.

Don't scare people, come see you next time.

He thought like this, holding the wound back, and the next day, he went to Chengdu.

This is their second meeting. He doesn't know what will happen in the future, but he doesn't have to think about it because he is on the battlefield. In this war of war, who can think more about this...

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