Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 797: Drum wheel (5)

The peaks are like a gathering, and the waves are like anger.


Looking out from the walls of the celestial palace, in the distance is a heavy mountain stack, the loess road extends, and the beacon tower is built along the mountain peaks, such as the woven pedestrians and horses, coming from the end of the mountain. The time was in the afternoon, Lou Shu was so tired that she almost fainted. She held the female wall on Miyagi and watched the scenery slowly.

In the past few days, Lou Shuzhen has hardly stopped in the busy schedule, rushing the parties to sort out the situation, strengthen defense, and visit and lobby every important participant in Jin Wang’s forces, or Chen said that it is powerful or It is a threat of knives and guns, especially in the past few days, she has been transferred from the outside, and in a private connection, day and night, almost never sleep, today finally finalized the most crucial things in the hall.

This matter will determine the fate of all. She did not know whether this decision was right or wrong. At this moment, Miyagi continued to discuss the urgent follow-up state. But things that belong to women: private plots, threats, intrigues... come to an end.

Looking back, the celestial palace is solemn, extravagant and extravagant. This is the result of the tiger king's great efforts in the age of the world. Now the tiger king has died in a negligible dark room. It seems to tell her that every character in the wind is actually just an ordinary person. Whenever the world comes together, the heroes are not free. At this time, people who master the Heavenly Palace and master the powers may also be in the next moment. As for overturning.

The Jurchen is coming, and the picture is poor and difficult to turn. The first battle started in Damingfu in the east. Li Xizhi was out in the first time, and then the 300,000 main force of the Jurchen East Road Army arrived at the big name. The Daming House resisted for more than half a month in the blood of the corpse, at the same time. Zhu Xi led the black flag to try to sneak into the Yellow River crossing of the Jurchen, and then fled. To the north of Yanmenguan, the Zonghan army, which is even more difficult to cope with, is slowly pressing.

Wang Juyun has already set a gesture of confrontation - the original Wang Yongshu of the Yongle Dynasty thinks what it is, no one can guess clearly, but the next choice, the turn of Jin Wang to do.

So there are two choices: First, although they cooperated with the power of the Huaxia Army to kill Tian Hu, and later cleaned up a large number of Han Chinese officials who were inclined to female, according to the exposed list, Jin Wang and Jin Guo, in name, did not tear the face. of. Zonghan wants to kill him, he can let him kill, he has to cross the road, he can let him pass, and wait until the army crosses the Yellow River, and the power of the Jinwang on the ground uplift will cut off the road, which is a relatively easy decision.

Second, do not underestimate the wisdom of Yan Zonghan and Wan Yan Xi Yin, who are the founding fathers of the country. They still have the initiative to choose the right words, explain what they should say, cooperate with the allies still existing on the north bank of the Yellow River, clean up their internal thoughts, and rely on their jurisdiction. The rugged terrain of the region is playing the most difficult battle. At least, to create the biggest trouble for the Jurchen, and then if you can't resist it, then go to the mountains, move to the deeper mountains, and even turn to the northwest. As a result, Jin Wang may become the Yellow River because of the current forces. The core and leader of the Northern Rebels. If one day, Wu Chao and Black Flag can really defeat the Jurchen, and the Jin Wang series will create a career of the ages.

She chose the second road. Perhaps because he is used to being cruel and no longer has fantasies. She does not think that the first road is real. First, people like Zonghan and Xiyin will not let Jin Wang survive behind the scenes. Second, Even if the moment and the snake were really let go, when the forces such as Guangwujun, Huaxiajun, Wang Juyun and others were cleared up on the north bank of the Yellow River, the spirits inside Jinwang would also be swept away. The so-called future in the future will always be forever. Will not appear.

The idea of ​​opposing the attitude before the Jurchen statement is too bold and crazy for many people inside the Jinwang system. Therefore, it is too difficult for a family to persuade them. But she still did it.

In the afternoon, the sun was warm and stunned. She felt that she had become a moth. When she could hide, she was always hiding. This time, the light was too blazing, she flew towards the sun...

To die too many people...

Thinking about this, she slowly walked down from Miyagi, and there was also a figure in the distance, but Yu Yulin, who should have been in the middle of the matter, stopped Shulu and saw that he was walking closer, and his eyes were on his eyes. Exudes a serious question of inquiry.

"A noisy day, the proceedings were paused. Jin Wang let everyone eat something, and will continue."

"What are you doing here?"

"Golden king asked me to come see you, you have not slept for two days, first go to the palace to rest?"

"You don't care about me, my things have already been done. How to send troops and how to fight is your man's business. Go, don't let things change."

"...good." Yu Yulin stopped talking, but finally nodded and arched his hand. Lou Shuzhen saw him turn around and said: "I can't sleep... I can't sleep in the palace, I will go outside and rest your business."

"Yeah." Yu Yulin nodded. "You take care of your body." Then, toward the main hall, Lou Shuzhen sat on the steps at the foot of the palace wall for a while, then let the accompanying attendant come to the carriage and leave the celestial palace.

Yu Yulin’s other business is very close to the celestial palace. He is going to the palace in the future. He often comes here to rest for a while. In the age of the tiger king, Lou Shuzhen manages various things, but as a woman, The identity is actually not formal. It is said that she is the mistress of the tiger king, but in addition to the business, Lou Shuzhen’s place of residence is far from Miyagi. After killing Tianhu, Lou Shuzhen became one of the masters of the Jinwang power. Even if he wanted to live in the Tianji Palace, Tianshi would not have any opinions, but Lou Shuzhen lived with the nearly half-mad Lou Shuheng. She did not want to make Lou Shuheng close to the core of Wasion, and she simply moved to the suburbs.

Despite the Weisheng City at this time, Lou Shuzhen wants to live where he wants to do. He wants to do ten of the eight magnificent and unique things. It’s simple, but the customs-ridden her interest in these is almost no, when she enters the city. Occasionally, it only lies on Yulin’s side. She is a woman. Her early rumor was Tian Hu's mistress. Even now, even though she is covering the sky, Lou Shuzhen does not mind that she is misunderstood that she is Yu Yulin's lover. Some people misunderstand this, and it will only make her less trouble.

The carriage entered the back door of this industry. When I got off the bus, I found that the front was quite lively. It was probably Yu Yulin’s cousin Yu Bin who called a group of prominent Daru to gather here. These gatherings, Shu Shu, also participated, did not care, waved the management without having to make a sound, then went to the small private courtyard to rest.

This sleep soon, although the direction of the big event has been fixed, but the next face is more like a Huangquan Avenue. Death may be close at hand. Her brain screams and can see many past pictures. This picture comes from Ning Yi, Yongle Chao, who has entered Hangzhou City and subverted all her past life. Ning Yi is deeply trapped. Among them, a path from a prisoner, the scholar refused to forbear, even if he hoped to be small, and only made the right choice, she always saw him... He walked into the door of the building, reached out and pulled I bowed the bow and then crossed the hall, flipping the table with one hand...

Now she is also taking this narrow road. For many years, sometimes she felt that her heart was already dead, but at this moment, she remembered that figure in her mind, the culprit and the original intention of her decision. This time, she may be dying. When all this is really incomparable, she suddenly found out that she regrets...no possibility to see him again...

The squeaking of the brain, the tiredness of the body just recovered a little, and could not sleep. She let people wash their faces with water, walked in the yard, and then went out to the next yard. The waitress followed, and everything around him was quiet. There were not many people in the backyard of the general. She stopped and stopped in a courtyard. The center of the yard was a huge banyan tree. The autumn leaves were yellow and the leaves were like lanterns. The fruit fell to the ground.

"Floor girl." Someone called her at the gate of the courtyard, and she awakened her under the tree. Lou Shuzhen turned his head and looked at it. It was a young man in his forties who was in his forties. His face was elegant and elegant. It seemed to be serious. Lou Shuyi subconsciously handed his hand: "Zengfuzi, I can't think of meeting here."

"I don't think the girl in the building is here at the moment." The name of Zengfuzi was Zeng Yuhuai, but it was the famous Confucianism under the influence of the King of Jin. Lou Shuzhen had some contact with him, but he could not talk about familiarity. Zeng Yuhuai was a very serious Confucian. At this time, he greeted him with a hand and no kindness in his eyes. Lou Shu is a high-ranking person. The contact with these scholars on weekdays is relatively soft. At this time, he has not been able to come out of his slow thinking. What is he doing here, what is he doing... I don’t know.

"The girl in the building always lies in the house of the grown-up, and there is a wounded reputation. I thought that I should pay attention to one or two."

That had been arched, and said this sentence seriously, I can't think of the other side's opening is criticism, Lou Shuyi slightly hesitated, then smiled at the corner of his mouth: "The master said that the little girl will pay attention. However, the saint said that the gentleman is frank The things between me and the generals, in fact... are not related to others."

Her sharp teeth are ridiculous and refuted, but she has still been arrogant: "The rumors hurt, the honor, or pay attention to it."

This person is too annoying. On the face of Shu Shuzheng, he still smiles and is about to talk, but he listens to the other party and follows: "The girl in the building has been a country for the past few years, and she has tried her best. It should not be hurt by rumors."

"Oh..." Lou Shu stunned, "Zeng..."

The face that was once still facing is still serious, but the eyes are clear, not fake: "Although the big things are not informal, but some things, the world is not fair. Zeng had misunderstood the girl in the early years, seeing what the girl did in the past few years. I have known that Zeng and the world have been shallow in the past. Over the years, the King of Jin has been able to support the development so far, and it depends on the support of the girl. Now the Weisheng cargo is in the Quartet. These days, the people from the east and the north are going to the mountains. However, it just proves that the story of the girl in the past few years is rare."

Lou Shuzhen thought for a moment: "Actually... the sail boat on the side of Shen Zhou, the front of the sick tree Wan Muchun, Zeng Fuzi saw, what is a good thing?"

"Zengmou already knows the news that Jin Wang is willing to send troops. This is also the thing that Zeng Mou wants to thank the girl." That was a deep sigh of the hand. "With the woman’s body, it’s a great merit, and today’s In the midst of being overwhelmed, between the big and the big, the girl in the building can run away from it and choose the Grand Avenue. No matter what the next encounter, Jin Wang’s tens of millions of Han people owe the girl a thank-you.

"Oh..." The other side spoke in such a serious manner, and Lou Shuzhen had nothing to pick up.

The strange scholar’s ​​words are still going on: "...In fact, in the early years, Zengmou gradually noticed the extraordinaryness of the girl, several times gathered, did not talk deeply, but Zengmou noticed that the girl in the building seemed to be hurt, so informal Even if I do a lot of things, I don’t want to know them. Zeng is deeply involved, and I admire the girl in the building..."


"These things, the girl in the building must not know, Zengmou also knows that at this time, some take the liberty, but since the afternoon, I know that the girl is running all the time, the heart is stirring, it is difficult to suppress... Lou girl, Zengmou knows ... Meng Lang, but the Jurchen is coming, the girl... I don’t know if the girl is willing..."

It used to be a serious face, and in the past it was indeed a self-cultivating Confucianism. At this time, it was more like to calmly state your feelings. Lou Shuzhen did not encounter such a thing. She had water-based Yanghua in her early years. She had many exchanges with many scholars in Hangzhou City. She was calm and self-sufficient, and in private, she seemed to be anxious and scornful. On the side of Tian Hu, Lou Shuzhen’s status is not low. If there is no shortage of face, she has lost interest in these things. The black widow is also like a weekday. Naturally, there are not many peaches.

The middle-aged Confucian students in front of him are not the same. He praised it seriously, and made a serious statement, saying that I have a good impression on you. All this is eccentric, but he is not excited, but he seems solemn. The Jurchen is going to kill, and the expression of this feeling has become solemn. At this moment, the 36-year-old Lou Shuzhen stood under the yellow leaf tree, and all the flowers were lanterns. She folded her hands and gave a slight ritual—this is the etiquette of her long-lost lady.

"Zengfuzi, can't help... Shu Wei..." She thought for a moment, "I am in a state of Xu, I can't make a decision again..." She said in her heart: I am telling lies.

Zeng Yuhuai’s words stopped: “Well, Zengmou Menglang... Zengmou has decided that he will go to the army tomorrow, hope that it is possible, with the army going north, the Jurchen is coming, coming to Japan... If you are lucky, don’t die... Lou girl, I hope to see each other again."

Lou Shuzhen stood there silently, watching the other's eyes become clear, but there is nothing to say, Zeng Yuhuai finished, turned and left, Lou Shuzhen stood under the tree, the sunset will be extremely magnificent The whole sky. She didn't like to be pregnant, of course, she couldn't talk about love, but at this moment, her voice stopped in her mind.

She got into the carriage, slowly passed through the market, through the crowded city, and went back to the home in the suburbs. It was night, the evening breeze blew, and it went through the fields outside to the yard. . Lou Shuzhen walked through the courtyard, with all the things around him in his eyes, blue slate, red-walled gray tiles, carvings and scrolls on the walls, and weeds under the courtyard. She went to the garden to stop, only a few flowers were still open in the late autumn, all kinds of plants were lush, and the garden was also taken care of every day - she didn't need these, she wouldn't look at it in the past, but these Things have always existed.

Lou Shuzhen sat quietly watching this while sitting at the flower bed. The next person lit a lantern in the surrounding Yuyuan House, and the light of the moon sprinkled down, reflecting the pool water in the center of the garden, shining in the night breeze. After a while, Dousin Heng, who was drunk and drunk, walked from the other side. He walked to the pavilion above the pool and saw the building Shu Shu, was scared to fall to the ground, and some cringed.

"I have to fight." After a while, Lou Shuheng opened this way. Lou Shuzhen always looked at him, but there was not much reaction. Lou Shuheng said, "The Jurchen is coming, I have to fight... Neuropathy. ——"



The courtyard was silent for a long time, and Lou Shuheng fell in the pavilion, then sat up against the pillar and muttered in his mouth. Since the arrival of the Tiger King’s site, the Central Plains has not been peaceful, but because Lou Shuyu has climbed very fast, the only wars that the two brothers and sisters have experienced are actually the uprising of the Yongle Dynasty and the subsequent migration. Lou Shuheng’s At the bottom of my heart, I still fear it.

I don't know when, Lou Shuzhen got up and walked over. She sat down in the seat in the pavilion, very close to Lou Shuheng, and looked at him like that. The family now only has their brothers and sisters. Lou Shuheng has nothing to do. Lou Shuzhen originally expected him to play with a woman, at least to leave a little blood to the family, but it turns out that long-term indulgence has made him lose this ability~ Www.wuxiaspot.com~ For a while, this is the only time they have stayed so calmly together.

"Brother, how many years?"


"Do you want Hangzhou? I always thought, but I can't think of it, until today..." Lou Shuyu whispered. Under the moonlight, her eyes looked a little red, but it might also be the illusion of moonlight.


"...Yes, the Jurchen is coming... Something happened, brother, we suddenly felt..." Her voice paused. "...we have a good time, it’s too frivolous..."

"Ah?" Lou Shuheng’s voice came out of his throat, and he couldn’t understand it.

"...you, me, big brother, I think of the past... We are all too scornful... too sloppy--" She closed her eyes and cried in a low voice, remembering everything that was happy in the past, they were sloppy All that is right, happy or happy, she lingers in all kinds of desires, until she is 36 years old, the Confucian seriously bowed to her, he said, you are doing I like you for the country and the people... I made a decision, I have to go to the north... She doesn't like him. However, those things that have been ringing in my mind have stopped...

If the self and the elder brother at that time can treat the world more solemnly, should there be a different ending?

She sat in the gazebo and looked at the other building in the world. The moonlight is shining down, illuminating the mountains, and the rivers of thousands of miles are filled with smoke.

Time flies with the unspeakable power to push the memory of the mountain to her face, crushing her past. However, opening your eyes, the road has already gone.

She thinks of Ning Yi.

I have not retaliated against you...

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